I don't

Connected by Arms




Jimin actually adhered to his words and continued to exert our newly attained communication method. Occasionally during the lessons we would exchange messages written in black, while having to be careful that our hawk like teachers won't get scent of our prohibited activity. We could doom ourselves fortunate that we were seated int the far back of the classrooms where heads and students unintentionally hide our forms as that must have been the biggest advantage which rendered our new routine as possible.

Since we started exercising this strange act, we always made sure to carry a vest around with ourselves, so that the moment the bell rang to indicate our break time, we were able to hide the information strewn arms from curious peers.


Over the time I had the opportunity to write with Jimin, I came to realize that we shared some interests like for example we both liked the same bands. Hence that one day our arms were covered with messages containing zealous information about our preferred groups.

Another thing that we had in common was our addiction to sweets which varied from baking goods to frozen sweets and bonbons. It was funny how only the moment we discussed that topic, were we aware of the fact that our middle names could be sweet tooth. Going over our consume of food that majorly contained sugar, made us note that we definitely ate too many goodies for our own good.


Even though we got closer due to the fresh information we gathered about each other daily, our outer relationship didn't really change. Sure I might be able to reply to his habitual 'Good morning' now and since then was I able to truly appreciate them, without being forced to develop regrets due to my inaction. But beside that nothing altered as our commonly day still proceeded the same way.




Right now we were tortured by one of the amazing math lesson our teacher never failed to present us. It was really impressive how some teachers always got the feeling that whatever they were trying to convey to us, would be one of the most interesting thing we could ever encounter. It was like they were blind to the fact that plenty of the pupil's minds long went somewhere far away and that their voices would never be able to infiltrate their private bubble.


I love cupcakes”


Unfortunately Jimin and me weren't outcasts who shared our teacher's interest and due to that disadvantage we once again commenced communicating with each other. We were talking about what baking goods we preferred and it came to light that Jimin loved the famous sugar overdose pastries. I was about to write a reply when the old teacher suspected something.


“Jimin and Hyorin would you both please stop getting immerged in your little world and pay attention to me?”


At once the everyone's attention was solely directed at us and because of that I felt myself blushing out of discomfort. Feeling the desire to fight of the unwanted attention I turned my head to the front, to sincerely apologize so he would continue the lesson and take the accumulated concentration off me. Moreover I wanted to avoid the risk of having Jimin see my rosy cheeks.


“I am sorry Mr. Kwon.”


Surprised that we announced our apology at the same time, we flipped our heads into the direction where the voice came from. At first we looked at each other astonished, but shortly after we started to laugh quietly due to the fact that we didn't want to offend the teacher again.




I was lying on my comfortable bed and starring into space. Having nothing to do I allowed my mind to wander back to the events that occurred today and I noted that one happening prevented me from continuing rummaging through my memories. It was the message “I love cupcakes” that was situated on Jimin's muscular arm.


Recalling that sentence made me play with the thought of baking him some of his favorite sweets. However I was reluctant to actually do such a bold action what included me giving him something without a important occasion. Wouldn't that be awkward if a nobody like me would just give him a gift out of the blue? Moreover I would die out of embarrassment if he were to reject it. Feeling insecure, I kept making up worst case scenarios where either the whole class would laugh at my failure or where Jimin would ignore me forever. However after an undefined time of fabricating bizarre cases, the solution to my dilemma came crashing in my brain. 

I would just make sure that he and obviously the whole class, won't get wind of who it is from. This way even if he were supposed to reject it, no severe consequences will follow. Due to the fact that I tend to appear earlier than the whole class, the solution won't be virtually impossible and something even I could handel. I would just place it on his desk and pretend to have seen nothing.


Now that I made up my mind, I flung my legs over the edge of the bed before making my way into the kitchen. Once inside I started to gather the needed ingredients and after placing them on the counter I commenced the activity.

While folding the egg whites in the batter, I heard someone tread into the kitchen and being the curious person I always was, I caught the form of that person with my eyes.


“Oh Hyorin. Why would you suddenly bake?”


The person turned out to be none other but my lovely mother who visited the kitchen to get something to drink. Having satisfied my curiosity I looked back to the bowl where the batter was lying in.


“Just felt like it. By the way please say Hansol to spare two. That brother of mine has a black hole in his stomach after all.”



Being aware that I unintentionally gave myself away, I scanned my brain for a clean get out.


“Ah yes. I always get the feeling of wanting another one and it has been bugging me to never have two. So this time I will just avoid another carving.”

“Sure~ just make sure to introduce your boyfriend to your amazing mother~”


Before I could argue, she was already out of eyesight. Feeling embarrassed that my mum now knew about my crush, the process of making the cupcakes went by awkwardly...


The next day I was relieved that Hansol did refrain himself from eating everything up. Through the kindness of his consideration was I able to stand infront of Jimin's desk at the second with one neatly wrapped cupcake. Scarred that someone might catch me in the act, I hurriedly placed the small cake on the hard surface before taking my seat infront of my own desk.


Finally after approximately 7 minutes the before deserted room filled itself with loud chattering pupils. Like usual I didn't deem the deafening students worthy of observing and instead I followed the events that took place behind the see through window.


I waited for Jimin to arrive so I could witness his reaction but strangely there was still no sight of him even after everyone had long arrived. Even when the teacher decided to dissolve the habitual chaos in the morning, Jimin was still not in range of vision. 


However before I could truly worry about his absence, my ears picked up a light knock coming from the classroom's door and not long after I witnessed how it slid open and Jimin entering.


“I am sorry. The train had a delay.”


For the simple reason that Jimin was always punctual the teacher let it slip by without any objections. Hurriedly because he didn't want to hold up the lesson any longer than needed, he walked to his seat. The moment he detected the cupcake I could behold how his eyes were clouded with confusion. However not long after he carefully placed it to the side before taking out his utensils and rummaged through his pencil case for a marker. Swiftly and with a neat writing he painted some letters on his arm.


Thanks =)”


I only smiled at him because I was to lazy to disrobe my vest for the simple reason that it was slightly chilly.




I was standing by my locker when I suddenly heard a few persons stopping to my left. At first I ignored them because I thought they were only halting shortly, but the second I heard one of them voicing out my name, I knew that they had some business with me that I was surely not looking forward to.


“Don't you think you are getting to chummy with Jimin?”


Not wanting to seem rude and maybe vex them even more I closed my locker before twisting around to face them.


“We aren't that close.”

“Stop pretending. I can see that you like him more than you are allowed. How else can you explain the fact that you gave him a cupcake? That is not something you just do without a occasion.”


One of the beautiful from the outside, but ugly in the inside girls bended down to glare me straight in the eyes. I would be lying if her cat eyes didn't scare me senseless as they were truly the embodiment of iciness and malignity.


“I am just being nice and trying to protect you from a heartbreak. After all there is no way he would like someone as plain as you.”


I saw how a mocking smile adored her make up covered face and how the other, mostly minions of her started snickering in amusement. Wanting to escape the unpleasant situation and seriously starting to panic, I yelled out the first sentence that came to my mind.


“I don't like Jimin!”


I don't know what made me feel the need to look behind the girls that moment. But the second I did, I froze along with time. A few meters away stood Jimin with his friends. However what was able to freeze my blood stone-cold was the hurt expression which scarred across his face for a few seconds.





Hope you guys haven't left me yet. Here is the next chapter.

I hope you guys think it is alright (^_^ )



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Chapter 3: It's so simple and sweet. I love it!
Winnerikonab #2
Chapter 3: Such wow. (Sorry 9gagger here lmao)
Chapter 3: Sorry, its me again haha!! a lovely story <333 urhh how i wish i had a boyfriend like jimin now haha. You probably think i'm some stalker, but trust me im not, i just love all your stories !!!
AA18072410 #4
Chapter 3: Jimin!!!!! You cutie pie!!! It's so cute~~~ Finally confessing your love~~ ♥.♥
Chapter 3: Now I get why this story is called connected by arms! Because they write on them!!!! O3O
Chapter 3: Your choice of words are awesome, they made this story amaziiiing. Jimiiiin.
Banging_bangtan #8
Chapter 3: Your amazing author seriously!!!! Can I hug you just kidding but really I like your story........