
Connected by Arms


Like everyday I sat by my desk, which was situated in the far back of the normal sized classroom. Merely observing my classmates who were chatting with their friends about fashion or other private things that had occurred in their lives – things that I didn't want to hear. And like everyday I got ignored by almost everyone.


“Good morning Hyorin.”


Like everyday I was broken out of my trance by the angelic but manly voice that never failed to greet me. And like everyday I missed the chance to return his affability due to his friends who the moment detected his presence, forced his attention to be directed at them.


Being aware that I once again uncontested let the opportunity slip away, I sighed out loudly before my eyes longingly fell on his being.

How I hated the fact that I was never able to greet him back and was daily left with regrets, which gnawed on my conscious for the whole day. Always only mustering up the two words but never announcing them to the person they were directed at. Solely being able to look at him while he was being surrounded by his friends, which were by the way the whole class, and keeping the expressions bottled up in my heart.


Park Jimin was one of the most popular guys in our grade and therefore always seen in a sea of people. A sea were I wished I could dive in to get closer to him, even when it meant to be drown by the mass.

Jimin wasn't like the usual popular guys who were notorious for their bad image and acting like they were higher beings. He was actually the complete opposite. Always greeting people and trying to help out wherever he could. Just down to earth and reachable.


Even with a loner, which by the way was me, did he never hesitate to share the unlimited kindness, that he possessed in his slighter shorter figure than the average height.

Every day I was able to experience the warmth through his two or three words, that shaped a common salutation which at times was directed at me. Even though to other human beings it might be nothing special and belongs to the standard since hundreds of years ago, for me it was actually the only event I was always looking forward to whenever I went to school. It was the upside of my normally dull everyday life and the energy that kept me going. 

Jimin was in my eyes a glowing virtue ball that bathed everyone in light and an artist who made coloring everyone's day with bright paint, his task. 

Thus he was the only one who acknowledged my existence and the only one who was able to increase my heart-rate to the extend that it can be considered as life-threatening.


Yes you didn't misheard me. I was just like many other females who involuntarily fell for his charms and just like them I was enamored irrevocably. At first I was sceptical if someone like me was even able to get tangled in the complicated web of the famous expression love, that was prominent for being inexplicable. Since I was able to think on my own there was never a boy who was able to intrigue me to the extent it could be labeled as a crush. Therefore I came to terms with the fact that love couldn't be brought in connection with me. All the more was I overchallenged when I realized that my first crush was someone who was unequivocally out of my league. 

I wasn't a nerd, but at the same time I wasn't really a queenka. I was just a normal average girl, that in some way ended up chained to the term “loner”. However I can't truly complain about being ostracized because it was much better than being identified with the stereotypical nerd. As getting trampled on and abused wasn't such a pretty thing and surely not something I wanted to go through daily. 


I can't really remember when I exactly started developing these forbidden feelings for him and when accurately the petty crush bloomed into a fully grown love. All I knew was, that it has been far to long for my comfort. 


I was still caught up in my cogitations when suddenly our teacher entered the noisy classroom and successfully broke me out of my thoughts. It always amazed me how the moment a teacher tread in, the before deafening voices instantly died down and everyone shattered of to their represented seats. 

The second I picked up the sound of a chair being pulled out to my right, I immediately glanced into the mentioned direction. Just like the other students Jimin returned to his desk and just like the regulation directs, he started to take out the needed utensils.


Now you can call me pathetic if you haven't done it earlier. That is right. Jimin's desk was situated almost right next to my own and only a very small space separated us. What better circumstance can god possibly give me? However even though he was in immediate proximity, until date I was still not able to give him a proper greeting. So please don't force me to explain as I was clueless as well...


During the whole lesson I wasn't able to prevent myself from acting like a love-sick teenager as I kept thinking about the boy who was sitting beside me and giving his full attention to the teacher. Moreover I caught myself occasionally stealing some glances at him and taking advantage of the opportunity to admire him secretly. 

I was sure if I saw another person acting the same way as I was at the moment, I would definitely mark him as creepy and maybe even report him. But even thought I knew my actions could haul me in jail, I wasn't able to stop my heart from forcing me to continue such an embarrassing activity. I was smitten by this guy and there was no way I would be able to win against my heart, that was being way to active whenever I laid my eyes on his figure.


Seeing how close he was but at the same time so far away, I felt myself growing frustrated at my hopeless and idle self. How come I wasn't even able to open my mouth to greet him, when he was like right beside me? It couldn't be that difficult to in the worst case just spat the greeting out. Just spurting them out and all things are well. Easy right? And definitely a task every person was able to manage. However I proved myself to be one of the most pathetic being as that assignment was a too big challenge for me and I wasn't able to stutter them out...

Feeling irritated at my cowardly self and the two expressions which refused to fly over to him, I started to write them on my right arm with a black marker. The second I pulled the last line, I glared hatefully at them. Why can't I just say these primitive words?


Noting that glaring them down won't make them just dispatch from my arm and turn into acoustic ones, I placed my right hand on my cheek before steering my eyes back to the front, where our teacher was trying to teach us some math. However I realized that his voice didn't get through my thick skull to enter my brain and my mind was once again somewhere it shouldn't be. 


I heard a noise coming from beside me and being curious, I obviously looked in that direction. Jimin had his left hand placed on his cheek and thus his underarm, which skin was exposed due to the fact that he wore a T-Shirt, was displayed for me to see. However there was something off with the color. The moment I decoded what was out of place my eyes widened remarkably.


You finally returned my greeting


Right there on his left arm, written in black, stood a message. I was astonished and confusion threw a tantrum in my already messed up brain. Is this a coincidence or is it really directed at me?

It was like Jimin felt my bewilderment as he turned his head around to look me dead on in the eyes. I sensed a blush forming on my cheeks due to the fact that Jimin's attention was now solely placed on me and the smile, that followed shortly didn't make things better. Seeing that my eyes locked with his own, he stopped propping his cheek on his left hand. I witnessed him lying his underarm down before he picked up a marker to commence an action. Quickly with a neat writing, he scribbled something on his arm before presenting it to me.


Do you dislike me?”


Taken aback by the fact that Jimin thought I hated him, I remained frozen for a few seconds. Despising the idea that he had the wrong image of my inaction, that included me never returning his kindness, I hurriedly broke free from my trance before writing an answer to his question. Not minding that I was ruining my skin by coloring it with black.


No! I don't hate you. It is only because you are always surrounded.”


The second I lifted my arm for Jimin to see, he immediately started decoding the words and not long after a relieved expression adored his face. Once again grasping his marker he started painting on his skin.


Well we can talk this way now =)”


Reading his message and being aware that he wanted to continue talking to me conjured a true smile to form on my face. I was about to answer him in our newly attained method when the bell rang to indicate us the end of the lesson. At once students sprang up and started to sprint towards the cafeteria like their lives depended on it. And like usual Jimin's friend already called for him to hurry up because their merciless stomachs were complaining. 


It was nice writing with you Hyorin.”


I strained my neck upwards only to see Jimin giving me one of his warm smiles, that were able to swathe me in utmost cosiness.


Jimin come on!”


Not wanting to let his friends wait any longer he ran over to them, while my eyes followed his retreating form just like many times before. However this once I didn't feel the emotion hollowness sitting down beside me to bath me with comfort. This time I felt the sensation delight swirling around my accelerated heart. Finally I was able to communicate with the boy I was yearning for. Even when it was in a slightly unique way.




I always end up writing much more than I planned <(。_。)>

The first part is up. Please tell me if it is alright >.<



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Chapter 3: It's so simple and sweet. I love it!
Winnerikonab #2
Chapter 3: Such wow. (Sorry 9gagger here lmao)
Chapter 3: Sorry, its me again haha!! a lovely story <333 urhh how i wish i had a boyfriend like jimin now haha. You probably think i'm some stalker, but trust me im not, i just love all your stories !!!
AA18072410 #4
Chapter 3: Jimin!!!!! You cutie pie!!! It's so cute~~~ Finally confessing your love~~ ♥.♥
Chapter 3: Now I get why this story is called connected by arms! Because they write on them!!!! O3O
Chapter 3: Your choice of words are awesome, they made this story amaziiiing. Jimiiiin.
Banging_bangtan #8
Chapter 3: Your amazing author seriously!!!! Can I hug you just kidding but really I like your story........