
Connected by Arms


Since that incident our strange communication method seemed to have died out and slowly but surely I got the sensation that maybe I had been dreaming and in reality nothing of that sort happened. Maybe me liking him for too long finally made me go insane and my malfunctioning brain misled me into thinking that my imagination had materialized. Hence me being convinced by my theory for a little while.
However what woke me up wasn't Jimin but rather the clique of girls who scarred me a few days ago. Seeing them smirking wickedly at me whenever they saw me, made me perceive that I wasn't dreaming.


I don't know how many times I tried commencing a writing conversation with Jimin and therefore I won't be able to tell you how many times my attempts were marked as failures. The impression of us getting closer shattered like a dropped piece of glass and if that wasn't bad enough, ever since then Jimin ignored me completely. Hence that the habitual “Good morning” were removed from the routine as well. Moreover he didn't even doom me as worthy enough to spare a glance at anymore and only then did I truly feel invisible for the first time.
If I was living in a dream earlier then I can surely tell you that right now I was caught in a authentic nightmare.


Not having my potion of light any longer, the back of the classroom suddenly became unbearable dark and lonely. For the simple reason that Jimin didn't share a little bit of his attention with me anymore made the average day of mine turn into a painful hellish one, that seemingly went by with a snail pace.


I don't know how many days have passed since then, but I can assure that for me even one day was gruesome. Being ignored by everyone now I could get wind of how day by day the bleeding holes in my heart kept increasing. As having to much time on hand made me experience the genesis at first hand and feeling the anguish so realistic, made me evolve the ability to force back unwanted tears.


The worst part was that I actually didn't know why he was suddenly acting that way. It was so abrupt. I tried browsing through all the event that occurred before the start of his ignoring, but I never came to a solution. Thus all I could do was scrabble through my memory daily in hope of finally finding the source and putting an end to my dilemma.But even now my mind disappointed me as it refused to point out the shard of memory I was searching for.


If only I was more brave then I would be able to confront him and lure the reason out of him. Then I would be able to apologize for the deeds I supposedly did without knowing and everything would be normal again.
Moreover if I was courageous enough I would be able to confess my undying love for him instead of
merely letting it accumulate in my heart...




Like usual we were seated in our classroom and forced to listen to one of the many talkative teachers that were employed by our average school. The only thing I was aware of was that right now he was trying to convey us where plants derived their essential nutrients. However that was all I knew as since the start I was aware of the fact that even if I tried my best to absorb the subject matter, I knew that such a task was impossible. My mind was filled with Jimin related problems and I could sense how my heart was trying to jump out of my rip cage to attain his proximately. Evaluating the indication I could feel how desperate I was getting and therefore the desire to confess to him grew rapidly as well.


With a red marker in my hand and right arm laid out I remained stiff like a statue. Only staring at the blemish-free skin that I yearningly wished to color with the three words which the moment you combine, composed a meaningful love declaration.


I didn't know what came over me when I suddenly broke free from the immutability and started to paint a bold “I” on my hand. But the second I did I lost all control over my zealous hand and before I realized it, I had already attached the other two expressions.


I like you”


Staring at the words which obviously were mute and would never be heard by the person they were directed to, I could sense how sadness clouded my whole being. I can't explain why it got me so emotional but without my permission, my eyes became glossy and before a tear could slide down my cold cheek I hurriedly raised up my right hand to eradicate the symptom.


“Do you mean it?”


Surprised to have heard the voice which I craved to listen to, I turned my head to the left while my hand was still rooted on my face. The second I noted that Jimin truly was talking to me as he was intensively staring at me, I grew nervous. However for the simple reason I yearned for his attention for a painful long time span, I couldn't break free from the eye contact.


The minute Jimin dissolved the quasi staring contest, I followed his movements like a hawk would do with his prey. I saw how he grasped for a marker before starting to write a few sentences on his arm. After he halted his motions, he instantly lifted it up for me to see.


I like you too.”

I have always liked you.”

That is why I was hurt

when you said that you

didn't feel the same”


While reading them and decoding them flawlessly, I felt a flood of emotions swapping over me. Relief and mostly happiness surrounded me and shamelessly drew tears out of my system. Jimin liked me and I was dead sure that I was wide awake.


Wanting to convey him that I reciprocated his confession, I whispered them. Yes this time I won't rely on a marker and my arm who had helped me out for far too many times. This time I will open my mouth to tell the boy I have loved for a while, that I liked him.


“I like you Jimin.”


I didn't care that the confession came out weakly due to the fact that I was tearing slightly. And I didn't care that we were in the middle of a lesson where everyone could have heard me. All I cared about was Jimin who right now looked astonished by my bold declaration.


“Mr Nam. Hyorin isn't feeling well. I will take her to the infirmary.”


Without waiting for our teacher to authorize our leaving, Jimin had already grabbed my hand to drag me out of the classroom that was by now filled with curious students who wondered what was going on.


Still trying to dry my face from the unwelcome tears, I didn't pay attention where Jimin was exactly dragging me to. However I could feel fresh wind whirling around ourselves and judging from that freshness I could guess that we were outside of the constricting building. It didn't take long until he came to a halt and the second he did I removed my hand from my eyes to behold my environment. Looking around I saw that he had lead me into the big garden of the school that was deserted at this hour.


“You really mean it right? That you like me.”


Finally catching up with the new situation and understanding what he had just asked, I blushed furiously. Not wanting and truly not being able to look him in the eyes, I lowered my head to stare at the green field below us.


However due to the fact that I was afraid of creating another unpleasant misunderstanding, I swiftly nodded to confirm his question. Soon afterwards I felt my body being pulled forward only to crash into a warm firm chest.


“Thank god.”


Feeling Jimin's strong arm circling me, that were immediately able to cradle me in pure contentment, I didn't procrastinate long and swiftly lifted up my two dangling ones to embrace him as well.


“Hyorin. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”


It was like I was dreaming once again as it was too good to be true. I only ever envisioned this scenario to take place but never in a million years did I think that I would find myself in one of my imagination.




I felt Jimin slightly pushing me away and being curious I looked up to face him. However before I knew it I found myself in a kiss that was indicated by Jimin. Being surprised by his brave action I obviously, felt lost and was not able to return it at once. But after a few seconds I started to shyly respond.


Being in his arms after have liking, no scratch that loved him for years made me feel that my whole world eventually fell into the right place. Finally I was living my dream. The dream of sharing my days with the boy who never failed to notice me.


You might think dreams are supposed to remain a fraction.

However if you realize that the gap between

reality and imagination is inconspicuous.

Then dreams can come true.




Hello my dear readers.

Thank you all for paying attention to this short fic and subscribing, commenting.

I really appreciate it all.

Hope you guys enjoy the last part of 'Connected by Arms'  (`・ω・´)”



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Chapter 3: It's so simple and sweet. I love it!
Winnerikonab #2
Chapter 3: Such wow. (Sorry 9gagger here lmao)
Chapter 3: Sorry, its me again haha!! a lovely story <333 urhh how i wish i had a boyfriend like jimin now haha. You probably think i'm some stalker, but trust me im not, i just love all your stories !!!
AA18072410 #4
Chapter 3: Jimin!!!!! You cutie pie!!! It's so cute~~~ Finally confessing your love~~ ♥.♥
Chapter 3: Now I get why this story is called connected by arms! Because they write on them!!!! O3O
Chapter 3: Your choice of words are awesome, they made this story amaziiiing. Jimiiiin.
Banging_bangtan #8
Chapter 3: Your amazing author seriously!!!! Can I hug you just kidding but really I like your story........