Push Processing


Push Processing [/po͝oSH ˈpräˌses,ˈpräsəs,ˈprō-/] verb:
1. refers to the increasing of development time of film. 

The bathroom was steamy, the mirror fogged with water racing down it now and then. It only felt like moments, but in reality Hae Ri had been sitting in the bath tub for over fourty-five minutes without realizing. Her knees were pulled to her chest, her chin resting on top of them and the ends of her hair floating in the steaming water. On the counter a small dock for her phone rested, pumping out quiet music as her thoughts and mind drifted with misty air. Her voice mumbled along to the english lyrics that echoed in the bathroom, her eyes fixed on the picture she held cautiously over the water.

Of course, it was YoonGi's picture she was holding. Who else's picture would the girl be holding? Her eyes scanned every detail of his face slowly and throughly, admiring his beauty. A sigh came from , he was really real? He actually existed? He was really...Stephanie's boyfriend? Hae Ri swallowed the lump that was now forming in the middle of . This wasn't love, this was a strong admiration that she herself didn't understand... Right? She leaned back, her back pressing against the tub and her arm dangling out over the dry floor. Every muscle in her body told her to let it go, let this go, but her fingers grip tightly onto the picture. He was just a stranger she saw in the park... Why was he so hard to forget? Her eyes had laid upon countless people, girls and boys. She passed them in the halls everyday, during class, and yet the only one that ever stood out was this boy... 

Maybe because it was the only thing she saw for a split second that she could remember for the first time in years...?

"Yah! Hae Ri!" Stephanie's voice screeched suddenly, her fist pounding roughly on the bathroom door. The sound startled Hae Ri, causing her to sit up quickly and press the picture into her chest for safety as water sloshed over the tubs edge. When she peeled the picture from her collar bone she let out a sigh of relief, nothing had touched her precious treasure. "Hwang Hae Ri! You've been in there forever! Get out and get ready to leave!" Stephanie whined, her fist pounding on the door again. 

Hae Ri began getting out of the tub, the wet parts of her hair sticking to her body like glue. Wait, leaving...? She never planned to go anywhere this night, especially with Stephanie. "L-Leave...?" Hae Ri called back, she still pressed the picture to her chest protecting it in case Stephanie managed to crash through the door. Why would Stephanie of all people ask Hae Ri to go somewhere with her...? It made Hae Ri feel nervous and uneasy before she even knew where she was going...

"Oppa invited us to his dorm room..." She spoke through the door before mumbling something Hae Ri couldn't understand, "Whatever, just hurry up and get ready so I can see him!" 

Hae Ri tripped on the floor mat, nearly falling face first onto the tile floor. YoonGi had invited both of them to his dorm room? Why would he do such a thing? Immediately Hae Ri's heart skipped into a fast pace and her face became red, "I-I can't go!" She suddenly blurted, "I don't feel good! I think I have the flu...!" She gasped, pacing around the bathroom stark . On any other circumstance she would be excited to see the boy she thought of as a myth but like this it made her stomach queazy, the thought of going their terrified her. Hae Ri had never before been to any one else's dorm but her own, and to add insult to injury it was YoonGi's dorm that was the first one she'd ever go to. 

"Bull, stop making up excuses and get ready." Stephanie complained back, Hae Ri could hear the impatient tap of her foot outside the door. She knew she was lying, and that wasn't good. Hae Ri bit down on her finger nails, trying to come up with any other excuses. She actually was racking her brain quite hard for anything she could think of.

"I have to go out and take pictures, I have an assignment due tomorrow...!" Her fingers nervously combed through her wet strands, attempting to finger comb them nicely. 

"Yah, if you want to use excuses, you should have used that one first then the sick act. It's more believable." Stephanie scoffed, "YoonGi oppa said I'm not allowed to come over unless I drag you along. So get moving."

Hae Ri's eyes widened till they nearly popped out of her head. Not because of Stephanie's personal torment but she was being forced to bring her along? Butterflies bloomed in her stomach but where instantly washed out by doubt. Something wasn't right, Hae Ri was an invisible girl. No one ever wanted her around for a reason, she was just too... plain to be noticed. Her shocked mood left just as quickly as it came, and she suddenly found herself exhausted and tired. "I'm tired Stephanie... I don't want to go..." She spoke truthfully for once, her hand dropped to her side and the picture in it grazing her leg softly.

"I've heard enough excuses, idiot! Get out of there in five minutes ready, or else I'll really be ticked." Stephanie growled. Hae Ri's face dropped, she really had no say or choice in this. But if it meant Stephanie would stay level headed, then she'd put up with the uncomfortable night she was faced with. She liked it when Stephanie was happy, because most of the time it was her fault that Stephanie was in bad moods...

Not moments later Hae Ri was out of the bathroom, dressed and ready. She wore what she usually did, skinny jeans and a few layers with a larger black and white flannel over it. Comfy clothes were her favorite clothes after all, something Stephanie always disagreed with. Rule number one of Stephanie's style was if you're comfortable, then you probably look like trash. Her eye's looked Hae Ri up and down a few times before she let out a long sigh, rolling her eyes and walking off.

"Wh...What is it...?" Hae Ri asked, looking down at her outfit... It was a little bit better put together than she usually wore. Suddenly a thick beanie hat was pulled over Hae Ri's head, surprising her.

"If you're not even going to dry your hair properly in this weather, at least wear a hat..." Stephanie sighed, shaking her head as she fussed around making sure Hae Ri's hair looked good and framed her glases well. It was very rare that she was this nice to Hae Ri, and a large grin quickly spread across her face, her fingers reaching up to touch the soft wool. 

"Get your jacket and lets go." Stephanie stepped back and walked towards the door, already dressed to leave. Hae Ri's eyes looked to her, her skinny legs that fit into her black tights so nicely and the light pink high heels that made them look so much longer and slender. Her eyes looked down to her own legs, Hae Ri wasn't necessarily a bigger girl but next to Stephanie she felt like she weighed tons more. Why couldn't Hae Ri wear pretty clothes like that? Walk in heels that made her look cute and feminine... Another block was added to the weight on top of her shoulders. "Let's go already!" Stephanie yelled, snapping Hae Ri out of her self-pity. 

Each step that she took towards the boys dorm was like walking on hot coals to Hae Ri, it was painful. Each level that went up in the elevator to his floor level was like acending into an oven, and each foot step that echoed as they made their way down the hallway was like walking on an isle of needles. This whole experience was making Hae Ri more nervous than she needed to be, and her fingers began to twitch and fidget as a result. And now here the were, in front of the unholy grey door. A white board hung on it lazily with random doodles on it and the names 'Min YoonGi' and 'Jung Hoseok' scribbled messily on it as well. Her stomach was twisting in knots and she could feel the uncomfortable slosh of her stomach acid, she was so nervous she was making herself nearly sick. 

Next to Hae Ri, Stephanie fixed her skirt quickly and pulled out a compact, running her finger over her lips to smooth her lipstick out. She cleared before she knocked on the door softly, nearly jumping up and down with excitement, "Oppa! Oppa, open up it's me!" She giggled, Hae Ri's eyes widened. She's never seen Stephanie act like this before, she's had other boyfriends before but she had never seen them so this was all a first for Hae Ri. On the other side Hae Ri heard the locks being worked and she froze, her eyes locked on her feet and her cheeks burning her skin. The door opened and all she could see was black socks with matching black jeans.

"Oppa!" Stephanie squealed, throwing her arms around YoonGi's neck and pecking him on the lips quickly. The shocked YoonGi smiled as his cheeks turned a light pink. Hae Ri was stuck, she didn't want to move. Well, she did, but in the opposite direction. Her eyes squeezed shut tight before she managed to look up at YoonGi, he was already looking at her.

"H-Hello, Sunbae..." She mumbled, bowing to him quickly. Her heart was hammering against her rib cage and she bit down on her lip, keeping her gaze on the floor of the hallway. 

"Hey Hae Ri." YoonGi smiled, bowing lazily to her with Stephanie still around his neck. He backed up, stumbling a little since Stephanie was stuck to him like glue. Hae Ri could actually see the discomfort in his face that he tried to mask but Hae Ri ignored it, "Sorry if it's messy, but you can sit where ever you think is comfortable." Hae Ri nodded but froze when she was suppose to make the step into the room. She had to move or else he would make a comment, making things even more uncomfortable for her. Her teeth clamped down on the inside of her bottom lip, trying to get pain to jolt her joints into movement.

Her foot stepped forward and she actually entered the room, she really, truely just entered his dorm room. Tonight was definitely full of shocking things to Hae Ri... She kicked her loosely tied kicks off and placed them near the others, watching Stephanie take off her heels was weird. She bent over funny, looking back at YoonGi every so often and even her lips once. Hae Ri's face flared up again as she realized what she was doing at it made Hae RI want to cry out of pure embarrassment. Her eyes drifted to YoonGi who actually looked tired and uninterested in Stephanie's games. 

The dorm was similar to her own, the layout was the exact same just the desks and other furniture was arranged slightly differently and they even had a TV in their room! Hae Ri was never one for TV but it still made her slightly jealous... A large pile of dirty laundry was heeping over near the bathroom door and the floor was decorated with crumbled up pieces of paper and magazines. her foot accidently kicked one as she walked by, making her jump. Stephanie ran over to the futon in front of the TV and sprawled out cutely on it, waiting for YoonGi to take a seat next to her, but instead he walked over to the bottom bed.

Hae Ri's eyes followed him to see that there was another boy seated on it, his head lowered and legs pulled up where a tablet resting against them. 

"Yah, get up and greet our guests." YoonGi whined, slapping the other boy on the back of his head. The noise made Hae Ri flinch and cringe, it sounded painful and the boy lurched forward, rubbing the back of his head and rambling gibberish and hissing in pain. The boy looked up and froze, his jaw nearly dropping. 

"H-Hyung..." He whispered, grabbing onto YoonGi's shirt and pulling him down to eye level. They quickly whispered something to each other, making Hae Ri curious. It was obviously about her, as soon as the boy laid eyes on her he started acting funny... Once more she looked down at herself, was there something wrong with her...? Another brick was slapped onto her shoulders, making her start picking at her fingers nervously. She didn't belong here, maybe she should try to use an excuse again...? Stephanie had made it alright, so she would be in a good mood. 

When the conversation ended between them, YoonGi walked back over to the futon and plopped down letting out a sigh. "Ah, there isn't much room on the futon. Why don't you go sit over with the rude kid?" He smiled, turning on the TV as Stephanie nuzzled under the comfort of his arm. Hae Ri's heart started pounding and the color drained from her face, her eyes flicked over to the boy who was looking around nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "Don't worry, he won't bite." YoonGi rolled his eyes and motioned over to his roommate on his bed. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, there was no choice. This was something she had to do. 

Slowly Hae Ri made her way over to the boys bed behind the futon that YoonGi and Stephanie relaxed on, she her lips before quickly bowing to the stranger on the bed, "My name... My name is Hwang Hae Ri..." She whispered, her arms felt itchy. Her neck felt itchy, every inch of skin on her body felt itchy and uncomfortable. 

"My name is Jung Hoseok...!" He smiled widely and bowed to the best of his ability, "Um... You look scared again... B-But we've met before, twice actually." He smiled, disappointed that once more Hae Ri didn't remember him... 

Hae Ri thought for a moment before she raised her eye brows slightly in surprise, "Loud mouth...?" She muttered, pointing at him.

Hoseok scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks got red, "Ahhh... You still call me that?" He giggled, looking back up at her with warm eyes, "Sit down, you look so nervous." He patted the bed lightly, trying to help her calm down a little. To be honest, the moment that Hae Ri remembered who he was, she did calm down. The fact that he wasn't a true stranger comforted her slightly, smoothing out her nerves. Hae Ri nodded and look a seat on his bed, shyly looking away from him, "From what I know, you, me, and Stephanie are all the same age. So we're friends, okay?" He grinned again, making Hae Ri blush but she smiled slightly before her hand immediately came up to stop herself. 

A long while passed in silence, making Hoseok uncomfortable but Hae Ri didn't mind it at all... She had always felt comfortable in silence, this was nothing to her. But to Hoseok, he felt like he was doing something wrong, like he needed to talk or she'd run away. It was just the opposite, talking actually made her run for the hills. His eyes drifted over to the gross couple on the futon watching a movie on the TV. Stephanie's lips were pressed to YoonGi's neck as he tried to pull away as nonchalantly as he could. It made Hoseok's stomach act up.

"Hey... Why don't we go for a walk or something? You like going outside since you like photography right?" He smiled, Hae Ri looked to him and blinked a few times. He actually remembered that about her...? "And I don't want to watch what they're going to do soon..." He joked and giggling quietly. Usually talking about such things would make Hae Ri's mood worse, and her nerves act up but watching Hoseok smile and joke around actually made her smile a little agian. But once more her hand shot up, her fingers pressing on her bottom lip lightly before she nodded faintly. 

"Yah, hyung. We're going for a walk." Hoseok said and he crawled off the bed, holding his hand out for Hae Ri to help her up. She shook her head in protest, geting up on her own and taking a step away from him. Although she was comfortable with Hoseok, he was still somehow intimidating to her. And with her mind already going haywire because of all this, she wasn't about to let her guard down easily... Hoseok would have to work harder for this girl, he just didn't know how yet...

"Wh-Why don't you stay here...? It's cold outside and it's getting dark." YoonGi looked over his shoulder at Hae Ri and Hoseok. Hae Ri heard it, the stutter in his voice. Anyone else would have missed it easily, but Hae Ri didn't. It was the slip of the tongue that was filled with worry, a stutter filled with anxiety. Her eyes lifted from the floor and looked to him, his eyes were on Hoseok and staring intensely. Like he was trying to send him some kind of message. Hae Ri's eyes darted to Hoseok who looked clueless to YoonGi's small gestures. This was something no one else but Hae Ri would notice, these were things she had been doing for years herself. 

"Because we don't want to watch you have on the futon." Hoseok snapped back, "Let's go." He smiled, making a bold move and grabbing Hae Ri's wrist and rushing out the door. The door clicked shut softly and YoonGi and Stephanie were left on their own, the sound of the TV filling the room. 

"Yeah, I don't want others watching anyways..." Stephanie giggled, "You're so y." She whispered in flawless english, running her finger down his chest. YoonGi removed his arm from around Stephanie and shook his head, "What's wrong? They left." She cooed, scooting closering to him and wrapped her arms around his. 

"I don't want to right now." He sighed, leaning forward onto his knees and resting his chin in his hands. Something hadn't felt right about Stephanie these days, he just couldn't put his finger on it. She wasn't as crabby as she usually was, she was actually in better moods lately. When he'd skip class to visit her, she'd be happier than usual. When he'd laugh at her for her mess ups in her routines she'd only grumble instead of scream at him. To test her, he even questioned her about Hae Ri and she answered pretty easily...

"What? Why?" Stephanie whined, pouting and sticking out her bottom lip.

"I just don't want to..." YoonGi spoke flatly. It was true when he said he didn't want to, but for certain reasons. He looked to Stephanie from the corner of his eyes as she flopped against the back of the futon with her arms crossed and mumbling to herself. This wasn't like Stephanie, she would have screamed, demanded an answer why he never wanted to fulfill her needs. "Yah... How long have we been dating...?" He asked out of the blue. An uneasy feeling swirling in his gut and a dark cloud casting over his thoughts. 

"I dunno... a few weeks? Like two? Why?" She responded, picking at her pink nails.

YoonGi let out an unconvinced chuckled, "No reason..." He sighed, laying back into the futon. They had been dating for a month now, his own girlfriend didn't even know. And YoonGi was always the lazy one with dates, yet he remembered something he'd forgotten in his other relationships... Not only did he have his own problems to worry about, but now he had that idiot Hoseok to worry about as well. 

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Chapter 17: This story took my breath away, l can hardly believe l only discover it now. Your writing is honestly incredible. I have no words to let you know how talented you are and this story is. I know it hasn't been updated for years but l still have a bit of hope it will be. Thank you for sharing it ♡
j970804 #2
I really like it omg. Author-nim plz continue dis story:(
Chapter 17: Please continue this story I'm begging youuu. Just when yoongi almost admitted it...WHYY :'((( but please I really enjoy this story, I'm intrigued by haeri's character, not that I'm like her but I'm kinda able to relate to that type of character :)
YamanSmith #4
Chapter 17: i actually kind of teared up seeing the update... thank you!
AnanasDongsaeng #5
Chapter 17: Author-nim plsss update soon I cant wait anymore T-T
Chapter 17: I really hate how Stephanie, a graceful ballet dancer could have such a bad temper, honestly. Ballet is all about self control and beauty but her personality says otherwise :( However, I really adore this story author-nim. This entire story sets me into a mood where I just want to sit by a window while drinking hot coco. What's even more perfect is that it's snowing outside so I could really picture every moment. My favorite part was when Hae Ri started to speak fluently about her knowledge on photography. Even though it was short and bittersweet, I flipped my laptop in joy xD. She just needs to get comfortable you know? I'm anticipating the moment when the characters manage pry out her secrets. This was truly heartwarming<3 It's been a while since I've commented on a story that got to my feels.
Chapter 17: omona omona omona OMONAAAAAA~ why did I only see it now. I've been waiting for this! Thankyou author-nim! Sorry I am so late ㅠㅠ
j970804 #8
Chapter 17: Ya know i was screaming when i saw its updated XD /lol/
j970804 #9
AnanasDongsaeng #10
Chapter 17: I really ship her with Hoseok, it's so cute!! ^^
Pls update soon, I'm getting addicted to this!!!!! >.< Waaaaah~~~