His Undivided

It was nearing midnight. The silent hushing of the wind give chills to the few souls lurking in the dark. The once busy street is now closed for everyone to rest, to let the strained muscles and exhausted mind take a few hours of much needed sleep. It's abandoned until the sun crept up again for a new day.

"What should we do now?" there was uncertainty in those words. They don't know what to do or where to go. They know nothing but them left together. They like to think that this empty darkness is their only escape to the reality that they're broken now. Much more broken now than before their parents died. How can they call each other a family if they both crossed the line of being mere brothers?

The short distance between them was crossed as the older of the two turned to take the younger's hand. "We will continue living, we still have each other and that's what matters most right?" a forced smile and light squeezed on the other's cold hand.

"But.." Donghae sighed and searches for his brother's eyes. There was no light but Sungmin's orbs were easily founded. "What will happen to us? Will we stay like what we are now?"

Sungmin's gaze falter, grip tightened. "Yes, we will stay as what we are, nothing will change". The younger leaned in and brushed his lips to the older. It's a light touch but it sent both of them to a short feeling of safety and contentment.

Everything Changes.

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i'll be updating the fic later or tomorrow, and do you know anyone who can make the poster?


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 3: this is great...
please update more..
257471 #2
Chapter 3: oh my, what happen to hyuk?? why did he kidnap hyuk, sounds that hyuk doesn't know what this guy mean. this is interesting, please continue soon :)
Chapter 3: I'm giving this story a try because I kind of like the twinobsessivepossessive thingy. And I'm trying to over come my dislike for . I didn't quite understand when a murderer appear and all. The évolution is a bit... Weird or much complicités to adapt. But well, the story seems nice so I'll continue.
I didn't get the cut of the story in the end too xD i would have if Min had moaned "hello Donghae" , letting the readers hanging~ anyway. I'll wait for the update ~
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh...hae is soo possesive over his cute brother, isn't he? He even do some crazy things just to get min's attention all for him, while min still don't know the killer/kidnapper is hae...poor kyu, he still needs to share his bunny...fight a little more kyu...then the bunny will be all yours :) kekeke nice opening for a smexy scene for kyumin, right?
elmokyu #5
Chapter 2: OMG it's time for what? Don't hurt Kyu please...
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 2: Wow so intense...what will hae do to kyu? Will minnie has to choose between hae & kyu?
Chapter 2: oh i like this because it has haemin on it then kyumin!! i love the flow of the story^^ please continue to update this teehee~ and this one is haemin ryt? not minhae!! ahhahha because it would be better of it's haemin neyeheheheheh~