Spies That Go Way Too Close
Narration of EXO's actions.

*=Ha Na's inturupted thoughts.


"Noona didn't even say goodbye, She's pretty right?" Sehun asked Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Kai. All of them nodded and smiled. "Sehun, we don't even know her. How could you let her in?" Asked Kai, "I know her...Can't you guys at least try to be nice to her?" Sehun stated.


            Kai groaned "TRYING IS WAY TOO HARD.”, "Stop complaining, you three need to know more about her." Sehun giggled. "What? You expect us to be spies now??" Baekhyun questioned. "That's going to be so much fun!!" Happy Virus strikes again. Kai kept the most blank and meaningless face throughout the conversation. 


           Baekhyun, Kai, and Chanyeol headed to the streets of Seoul in a very horrible disguise. They figured people won't notice them much; but the exact opposite happened. Everyone was staring at them; they were now in an awkward situation. They tried walking in a faster pace but soon became into running. Now they looked like they were shooting an action movie.


        "Can we stop running now??" Chanyeol complained, they stopped and began to talk. "We need to know, who this girl really is. Well Everything about her." Kai stated, "Especially when she reacts to when we (EXO) are around." Baekhyun added.


         Chanyeol stood there dumbfounded on what he was supposed to do; he thought to himself "Am I really a part of this plan? Why do they need me?" Chanyeol shook his head. After he shook his head, he immediately saw Ha Na coming from the opposite direction, "Um Guys...I think I spotted Ha Na...” He quickly told Baekhyun and Kai.


            "WHERE!?" they both responded, Chanyeol pointed to a girl wearing sweatpants and a big fluffy jacket with a cute hat just like Chanyeol's. All three of them started running away, they were afraid of being caught. It would be so embarrassing if we were caught they thought.


*What the heck? Why are the 3 guys wearing so weird costumes?? They look retarded. WHY THE HELL ARE THEY RUNNING!? People these days.*


        They went to look for a public washroom, and hopefully talk in there. "That was so close." Baekhyun signed in relief and so did the other 2 members. They took off the weird disguise and all stuck with a hat, sunglasses, and a face mask. They continued to spot Lee Ha Na and they kept following her to know more information.

Lee Ha Na's Narration.


        I headed to the mall wearing sweatpants, a cute fluffy jacket, and a cute hat I bought at Oppa Jin Wook's favourite hat shop. I really didn't care, as long as I got my 50 bucks. First destination was at the hair salon, "Get Umma's Special Shampoo" it said on the list.

*Umma has really stiff and dry hair, so she needs this weird shampoo that I've never seen before. I think it's from Eu-Europe or Something...*

     I checked off the first thing on the list. But something strange caught my eye, 3 guys wearing masks like the masks that the dude from City Hunter wears when he goes on missions.

*Yes, I watch K-dramas. Don't judge*

        I ignored it thinking it was one of the sasaengs that roam around the Seoul Streets looking for someone to bother and invade their personal space. Next thing on the list: Beef or known as sogogi in Korea. As soon as I buy some meat...I headed to a popular restaurant to eat some beef because I was hungry as hell. I haven't even eaten my breakfast yet and it was already lunch time.

*Damn, I'm so hungry. Eating some food would help. I'm sure mom won't mind.*

     I gobbled up a huge bowl of ramen in lightning speed and return to doing my errands for my mom.


"Buy 2 Bubbletea's and gain more weight."

*What the hell!? What kind of errands are these?*

I didn't want my mom to get angry so I did what was listed.

*GOD. If EXO was here; they’d think I'm even worse than a Sasaeng...More of a FAT pig.*

          I chuckled to yourself. The same 3 dudes appeared right before me; I awkwardly tried not to notice them. I put your headphones in and started walking around like I've never been to the place. As I got to the very last thing on the list, I felt weird and queasy.

*I have a feeling someone's following me...Could It Be? NO. I'm hallucinating again.*

      I couldn't find the place my mom asked me to go to. It's wierd because I am very familiar with Seoul. I tried asking a guy in a suit but he just ignored me.

*Rude much...*

I bumped into another guy with a mask on

*Is it international mask day?*

     I asked him; His voice was familiar. The place was near the park and the forest. To be honest I were scared of going alone. I was scared of chainsaw massacres or ghosts basically anything can frighten me. As I entered the forest I heard strange noises. Then the sound of someone following me.

*! Get me out of here! I have a feeling someone or SOMETHING has been following me for the entire day.*

       As I took a few more steps, I stopped and turned around. No one was there. I came up with a plan to know if I was being followed or not. I hid behind a tree


There, I saw the same dudes with the same masks earlier today. "Where did she go?" One said, "Can we get out of here?? I'm scared." another one said. 

"Geurae wolf naega wolf awoooo!-
A saranghaeyo Nan neukdaego neon minyeo!"

                  They began to sing this repeatedly over and over again. *What the hell is this!? A musical!?* They all took their masks off because they were in the forest.

* Crap. Isn't that EXO's BaekHyun, Chanyeol, and Kai!? What the are they doing!? Why the hell are they spying on me!? Gosh. Now Who's the SASAENG!?*


I bit your lip. 

          The 3 of them got closer and I jumped out. "HA! I CAUGHT YOU!" I said with such expression. All of their eyes widen in embarrassment, their cheeks also turned strawberry red. "Why the hell are you following me!?" I started to move towards them, while the three of them started to move back. "What are you talking about?? Why are YOU following us??" BaekHyun countered my question. "How dare you accuse me when you guys are the ones actually doing it?"


*Really!? You're really going that far!?*


       My decent smile turned into a not-so-pretty-face. To get revenge I got Chanyeol's hat and threw it. Chanyeol ran to get his hat. Kai smirked at me, but I assumed he was checking me out.

*What the heck is this guy doing!? Is he a ert!?*

        I give him an ice-cold glare. After Chanyeol came back I start to ask questions again. "If you are truly innocent, you won't mind if I look through your pockets." I smirked. All of them smiled nervously.


*Don't mind If I Do.*


    Chanyeol had nothing in his pocket but his cellphone. Kai however wouldn't let you search through his jacket; so I had to pressure point him. I was very good at karate, hapkido, and all that stuff. Ever since I was 8, I was taught self-defence. BaekHyun was impressed on my skills; he was staring at me the whole time.


*Um. Why are you staring at me?? You’re creeping me out. Like SERIOUSLY.*


Kai had a pen, an old picture of his dogs, his cellphone, and another picture. As I looked at the other picture, I saw a girl's face that was similar to mine.


*This girl looks like me when I was 15. IS THIS DUDE STALKING ME!? OH MY FREAKING GOD.*

     The girl from in the picture was me. Kai finally was conscious. "WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FROM!?" I questioned. "You dropped it when you were walking near the restaurant-" Kai stopped.




      "Whoops. Said too much." Kai said. The other 2 boys looked at him with a glare. "YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME." I stated in an angry tone. Kai walked up to you, "So? Why do you care?" While he was walking towards me, I got cornered by a tree. Kai put his temple so close to mine.


*Damn. TOO CLOSE. TOO CLOSE. GET OFF OF ME. Personal Space.*

             I bit your lip. He soon stuck his face in front of mine and smirked. "Um. Eww." I stated. Baekhyun and Chanyeol just watched this like a kdrama. "What? No girl has ever said Eww. When I'm this close. In fact you should kiss me right now." Kai insisted.


Kai's lips were 1 inch away from mine.


      I smirked and pushed him as hard as you can. He fell on the ground and I was tempted to kick him but I thought I might get into legal trouble so I decided not to. "WAE!? Ouch! My hurts." Kai yelled at me.

*You deserve It.*

           "I don't need anything from this "EXO" idol group so just LEAVE ME ALONE." I told them. I kneeled down to whisper some words to Kai, "You better not touch what isn't yours." I snort at him. He gave me a cold stare. As I stood up, I thumped all 3 of their heads. "Better not follow me again." I reminded them. I stuck my tongue out playfully. All 3 of them left me..

*Finally some peace.*

         I finished all my errands and night came. I entered my bedroom and jumped on myfluffy, soft bed. "What a Day." I signed.


Flashbacks appear:


         Kai's face; his lips. People wearing masks like in Kdramas, 3 EXO members following me. Kai's devilish face. His cold hard stare, He was that close from getting a kiss from a girl that's not even had her first kiss yet. He's a ert. Wait...He's an . Chanyeol and his hats. BaekHyun just staring at me. "What the hell!?" I asked yourself. I bury myself in my blankets and pillows and went to sleep. Hoping not to have What-so-ever dreams about what happened that day.


BaekHyun's Notepad

          BaekHyun took out his notepad and began to write the information he found out about Ha Na that day.

Full Name: Lee Ha Na
Age: 20 years old. 
-Wears sweatpants and big jackets.
-likes hats
-Doesn't like Kai. <-----LOOOL
-have a lot of charms.
-Eats like a pig.
-hasn't had first kiss
-Goes to school
-Bubbletea shop employee
-Eats like a monkey and a pig.
- Clever

"This girl really is different." BaekHyun stared at the bedroom ceiling and fell asleep

N/A: Hehehe. Kai just got sassed by a girl

*snaps* I have school tomorrow!

I'm going to be busy with schoolwork and especially finals.

Either I or my co-author will write the next part.


Edited: July 2014


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FujiMina #1
Chapter 42: Update real soon~
Chapter 42: Omg this story is so cute and sad ( in a good way~ )
It's sad that this story is coming to an end.
I can't wait for the ending though!
Hwaiting Author-nim~
milkainah #3
Chapter 26: chp25: THX AUTHORNIM FOR THE SHOUTOUT ^^ loving the ff so far ^^
exotic_xoxo #4
Chapter 42: They broke up. No !!!! T.T
Chapter 42: THEY BROKE UP!!! ;_____; AND WHAT?!!!! ENDING SO SOON! ㅠ_ㅠ
ILoveMyWIFI #6
Chapter 42: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they broke upppppp but on the other hand i think its for the best hana needs to sort out her feelings toward both kai and baek but i still feel bad but am glad baekhyun came back to exo and i hope they forgive him and hana too and i hope everything gets better for all of them anyways loved this chapter and i dont want this story to enddd TT~TT i love it anyhow author-nim thx for updateing and plz update soon!!!!!
kpop_angel44 #7
Chapter 42: what no!!!!!!!!!!!! (i love your story!!) but kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! ):
Chapter 33: (Read this in tone like you just been turned down or bummed out)I'm kind of sad that she chose Kai instead of Baek.I guess I'll have to live with it . But I love your story - That's why I hate lovetriangles though because you want the girl to be with this guy but ends up choosing the other guy.That's how frustration starts- but it's your decision on who Hana will be with.I still love your story though ~ Update soon .
JannaMin_ #10
Chapter 33: holy she freak she dreamt all that? anyway just glad that the confusing part is done and kai is with hana ooh how will they tell exo or preferably baekhyun