Chapter 3

Get Well Soon

"Hyung...hyung!" Mir gently shook Seungho's slumped body. Groaning, he slowly opened his eyes, quickly becoming aware of his surroundings. He rubbed his eyes, and realised the van had already stopped and was parked outside their dorm.


"Ah, thanks Mir-ah."


Mir smiled and backed out of the car to give his hyungs room to get out. Seungho took a look at Thunder, whose face was crumpled in a frown but still showed he was in a fairly deep sleep. Deciding it was better not to stir the boy, the leader unbuckled their seatbelts and slipped his arms under him. Carefully, he got out of the van, still cradling the younger, and nodded his thanks to Mir who was already closing the door.


Together, the three walked into the house, and Mir's exhaustion took over him and he plonked himself on the big couch in the living room. Seungho took the sick dongsaeng upstairs where he found GO already pulling back the covers of the bed.


Now that Thunder was already in bed, with GO tucking him in and whispering comforts, Seungho went down to take care of the other members. Knowing s, he knew Mir would still be lounging on the couch, GO would only be worrying over Thunder, and Joon would already be changing into warmer clothes. The leader walked into the bathroom and grabbed a few towels, draping one over his own shoulders.


He went into their bedroom and tossed two at GO, who took them gratefully. When the leader had walked out, he put one over himself and then put his attention back on their sick donsaeng's still wet hair. Seungho went down to find Mir, and sure enough, he was still sitting, or rather, lying on the couch.


Mir knew he should change into something drier and cleaner, or at least something to dry himself off. But his whole body ached, and his head wasn’t feeling much better. Though the manager had already the heaters, Mir was still cold. I'm so cold, is it because I'm getting sick? Nah, it must be cause I've just taken a shower in the rain… He dismissed it again, but right on cue, he sneezed out loud.


"You'll get sick if you don't dry yourself off."


Mir looked up in time to see a towel being draped over his head, and two hands started rubbing it through his hair. When the leader was happy that it was dry enough, Seungho ruffled his hair affectionately.


"Mir-ah, you're a little warm. Are you feeling sick anywhere?"


A little crease formed between the leader's eyebrows, and Mir found him to be adorable with a concerned face. He pushed his hyung's hand off his forehead and tried not to shiver.


"Ani, I'm fine. Perfectly young and healthy."


To make it seem a little more convincing, he stood up and tried to do some sort of energetic dance, but only ended up giving himself a wicked headache. Trying to sound demanding, but failing and lacing his voice with worry, he tried to get Mir to bed.


"Thunder's already sick. I don't want our dear maknae to get sick too. Let's get you to bed, yeah?"


But Mir stubbornly refused, even though he was tired. The leader knew it was going to take another hour before he could convince the youngest to sleep, and was worried that by then, Mir would really be sick.


"Fine, at least take a shower. Ok? Take a nice hot shower and change into comfier clothes. You'll probably get sleepy after." He pulled Mir up by the arms, and nudged him in the direction of the bathroom. To make sure he would listen, the leader gave his famous Yang glare, and that sealed the deal.


Meanwhile, GO had dried off Thunder's hair, and although he had stirred quite a few times, he was now truly in a deep sleep. Seungho knocked softly on the door, and crept into the room.


"How is he?"


A shake of the head confirmed Thunder's fever was still raging. Another knock was heard on the door, and in came Joon with a bowl of water and a towel floating in it. He placed it on the bedside table, and watched as his hyungs rinsed the cloth and placed it on the burning forehead.


A grumble broke the silence and Seungho looked up with a hand over his stomach and a guilty face.


GO got up from his place on the bed and was going to make dinner for everyone, but at that moment, the manager came back to the dorm. He was carrying bowls of hot porridge he had bought from the restaurant nearby.


Grateful for the food, Seungho ran off, and Joon sauntered off to join. GO, with his motherly instincts, tucked the covers around Thunder again for the fourth time, before finally going off to fill his empty stomach.


GO had only just sat down at the table and Seungho was already on his second bowl. He was handed one too, when the manager realised the time displaying on his digital watch. He muttered something under his breath, and ran off to get something.


"Seungho-ah, I have to leave now otherwise I'll be late for my schedule. Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?"


"Hyung, don't worry. I'll take care of them, plus, we have GO. And you know what he's like when one of us is sick."


Hearing the leader's words, the manager nodded and bid them goodbye before leaving the house. The click of the door closing rang through the living room, and the three members sat there eating in the silence. They made small talk, but it was often connected back to their worries about the sick Thunder, and so it would die off quickly and everyone would be absorbed by their own thoughts.


The awkward silence was only disturbed when a clean and fresh Mir stepped into the living room, water dripping off the ends of his soaked hair. Quickly grabbing a clean towel off the couch, GO threw it across at Mir, tsking him as it flew.


"You're gonna leave wet puddles all over the floor!"


Joon sat and watched with an amused look on his face, and the leader scolded him further about not wiping down properly and catching a cold. Mir rolled his eyes at his hyungs, and dried his hair until it wasn't dripping like a fountain. He saw the bowls of porridge the rest of the members were eating, and rummaged through the plastic bags on the table to see if there was another choice of food. He was disappointed to find that there was only the runny rice stuff, and at that moment, he didn't really have an appetite for it.


As he turned around to leave the room, Joon grabbed him by the wrist.


"Hey, aren’t you gonna eat anything? We've had a big day today, and you need to get something into your body."


Mir shook his head and rubbed his eyes sleepily. His hyung was right - the warm shower had made him sleepy.


"I'm not really hungry right now. Just save a bowl for me to eat later or something. I'm going to sleep now, and you guys should soon too."


He stumbled his way upstairs and literally dived into his bed, not even bothering to drag the covers over himself, and soon fell asleep.



Sorry for the super long chapter. I was going to chop it into two, but I couldn't find a paragraph that seemed to cut the story off cleanly.

I wrote up to here and it sounded end-ish enough for me, so I updated before I wrote any more.

This chapter was pretty rambly, cause I'm still trying to get to the main point… OTL


I might do a double update today. I had a sudden spark of inspiration to keep writing, and it all kinda poured out.


And, @kakashilover, I will try to put in some 87 line moments later in the story. ^ ^ Thanks!

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Chapter 14: This is amazing
Nice story
kakashilover #2
oh waw,waw ,and another waw, am sorry ididn't comment lately,cuz i was super busy,and i return to find agreat chapters, u realy did amazing job on this fic,u are great author,and afcouse iwould love read another fic for u,and if u make it about the 87line,then iwill propably die from happieness,but iwill read it from sky hehehXP.u made them so well in this fic,and iwish if u make afic for them,any way ,u did anice story,thank u so much for sharing it with us ^_^
Reader2 #3
Chapter 14: Good story
Karenkitty1092 #4
Chapter 14: Awww this was great story and it`s cute how there all gonna watch over Joon.
Chapter 14: AWWWW I like it so much... AHAHAH they are all going to watch over Joon XD
Congrats on your first fic... and I do believe we have already discussed you thinking of a 87 line one... at some point... when you can think of an idea right?

WEll I do hope you an 87 line fic, as that is what I am really into XD So I Was happy about the second to the last chapter, with all the fluffiness in it XD

WEll cant wait for the next one, and I hope it comes soon FIGHING!!

Till next time bye now. XD
Chapter 14: Oooh i like it! I super duper like it *big hug* please write another mblaq fanfic~~~
Chapter 14: Hey... Looks like I'm the first one to read the final chapter! =))
A JooMir fanfic! =))
Congratulations for finishing your first fanfic!
To be honest, it's an awesome one! :) Hope you would write more :)
Chapter 12: Oww Joon is sick >.<
My Mireu's still sick...
I hope SeungHo appa doesn't get sick too :) I just want appa to take care of his youngest son...
Thanks for the great update author... Update soon ^^
JaeYong_TY #9
Chapter 12: awesome
but 2 more chapters
hmm ok but im glad the other members are alright and just to make sure is mir still sick of is he ok
and is joon sick cuz i dont get it

great story tho
i recomend u to make more
I like your 87 line... I always want to read more of that from you. it's so fluffy XD

Hey Chingu ah, can you write a 87line fic? That would be awesome, but if you don't want to that is totally up to you. XD no pressure... I just would like to read more from you, but 87 line (seungho on top)...

Well anyway... only two more chapters? awe I liked this story. but it has been a great stories... Thank you XD

Till next time, bye now. :D