Final (Part II)

Get Well Soon

"Thunder, are you all better now?" The manager looked at the said person.


"Neh, hyung! Oh and, thank you so much for remembering to buy medicine! Otherwise, I'd probably still be really sick."




Seungho nodded. "Yeah, if it wasn't for that, the others would still be sick too."


"The others?" The manager and Thunder said in unison.


Crap! I wasn't meant to let them know.


"Other members were sick too? What?"


I don't see the point in lying since they've found out already. Stupid mouth. Seungho sighed and opened his mouth, but Mir beat him to it.


The maknae looked up sheepishly from his syrup smeared plate. "I was sick too…"


Along with the other two, GO was also shocked. He thought he was the only one who was sick besides Thunder.


"'s probably not the best time to say this was sick too."


Everyone looked at GO, except for Seungho, who winced at everyone's reaction.


"Then were you sick too?" The manager half joked and looked at the leader, who shook his head to everyone's relief.


"Well at least the good thing is that everyone is all better now, right? So regardless, thank you for the medicine hyung." Thunder looked at the manager.


The latter cocked his head.


"I didn't buy it. It was actually the only thing I forgot about."


"But then the medicine."


"It was Joon…" The manager said softly, but loud enough for everyone to catch it. "He kind of went to buy it at night."


"At night. When exactly?" Seungho raised an eyebrow, not satisfied with the vague answer.


"3 am?"


"HE DID WHAT?" GO exclaimed. The same question that had run through his mind came back again. He turned to face Seungho, whose face reflected disbelief.


"Hyung, you were at a schedule yesterday right? So, who took care of me, all day? And Thunder? And Mir?"


Seungho winced for the second time within minutes.


"It was Joon...again." There were a few seconds of silence, before he spoke up. "And from the morning of our performance to a few hours ago, I don't think he's even gotten a decent 4 hours of sleep yet…" His voice dropped off as he realised how much Joon must've gone through the last two days.


"Speaking of which, where is he?"


Everyone looked at the maknae. Joon was normally an early riser, and would always be one of the first at the kitchen table despite his morning jogs. Even if he was super tired, he never slept past breakfast time. The same thought rippled through everyone's minds. Uh oh.


At the same time, they raced towards his bedroom, nearly knocking the door of its hinges in their hurry. They composed themselves, before GO knocked. When he heard a groan of a response, he opened the door, and everyone filed in quietly.


Joon was huddled under his blanket, and was nothing more than a shivering, sick figure. The manager sighed, and left to get the medicine and thermometer, leaving the standing members to huddle around the bed.


Sensing their presence, Joon slowly uncovered his sweaty head.


"Y-you all better now?" His voice was hoarse and barely audible.


When everyone nodded, Joon gave a weak smile, before his dry lips.


Thunder looked at his hyung. "Don’t worry, we'll take care of you!"


Everyone nodded eagerly, babying their sick member.


"Yeah, don't worry." Mir said with a knowing look and the same eye smile he had when he joked with Joon two nights ago while he was still sick. Joon caught on to where the maknae was getting to, but everyone else was completely oblivious.


"It's my turn to take care of you forever."



And that's the end of my very first fanfiction!


The story started of a little funny, cause for some reason, I wasn't writing with my own writing style. But then it eventually adapted, and became a little more consistent…the ending sounds like it was a JooMir fanfiction though. XD


And again, although it may not seem like much, I am sooooo thankful for all my subscribers, commenters (the suggestions and opinions were REALLY helpful), and viewers. They made my day. ^ ^


So...yeaup! That's that!

Goodbye until I get another idea for a story! (or requests if I get any, though I'm not promising anything :P)

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Chapter 14: This is amazing
Nice story
kakashilover #2
oh waw,waw ,and another waw, am sorry ididn't comment lately,cuz i was super busy,and i return to find agreat chapters, u realy did amazing job on this fic,u are great author,and afcouse iwould love read another fic for u,and if u make it about the 87line,then iwill propably die from happieness,but iwill read it from sky hehehXP.u made them so well in this fic,and iwish if u make afic for them,any way ,u did anice story,thank u so much for sharing it with us ^_^
Reader2 #3
Chapter 14: Good story
Karenkitty1092 #4
Chapter 14: Awww this was great story and it`s cute how there all gonna watch over Joon.
Chapter 14: AWWWW I like it so much... AHAHAH they are all going to watch over Joon XD
Congrats on your first fic... and I do believe we have already discussed you thinking of a 87 line one... at some point... when you can think of an idea right?

WEll I do hope you an 87 line fic, as that is what I am really into XD So I Was happy about the second to the last chapter, with all the fluffiness in it XD

WEll cant wait for the next one, and I hope it comes soon FIGHING!!

Till next time bye now. XD
Chapter 14: Oooh i like it! I super duper like it *big hug* please write another mblaq fanfic~~~
Chapter 14: Hey... Looks like I'm the first one to read the final chapter! =))
A JooMir fanfic! =))
Congratulations for finishing your first fanfic!
To be honest, it's an awesome one! :) Hope you would write more :)
Chapter 12: Oww Joon is sick >.<
My Mireu's still sick...
I hope SeungHo appa doesn't get sick too :) I just want appa to take care of his youngest son...
Thanks for the great update author... Update soon ^^
JaeYong_TY #9
Chapter 12: awesome
but 2 more chapters
hmm ok but im glad the other members are alright and just to make sure is mir still sick of is he ok
and is joon sick cuz i dont get it

great story tho
i recomend u to make more
I like your 87 line... I always want to read more of that from you. it's so fluffy XD

Hey Chingu ah, can you write a 87line fic? That would be awesome, but if you don't want to that is totally up to you. XD no pressure... I just would like to read more from you, but 87 line (seungho on top)...

Well anyway... only two more chapters? awe I liked this story. but it has been a great stories... Thank you XD

Till next time, bye now. :D