XOXO and Exes

The Demon's Sister

"Do you know him?" Kris seemed deep in thought before ruffling Sora's hair, "It's nothing", Kris replied simply before giving her a warm smile. He really was a different person when they were alone.

Sora nudged Kris gently, "So who was that girl you were with?"

He nudged Sora back, "You should know idiot, that's Jessica's sister."

"Eh! She looks so.. grown up and I thought she was at art school?" 

Kris shrugged in reply, "Guess not. I should probably go now though."

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face first", Sora told him in a way only a sister could. Kris chuckled and murmured "brat" under his breath as he headed back to wherever-Kris-goes.

The rest of the day continued until it was time for the class Sora dreaded most. Last period French.

'Why? Why did I take this class?', she thought every time it came. Math sure, chemistry fine, even gym she was ok with but languages... oh god. 

Worst of all, the class wasn't separated into specific grades and she was stuck with a bunch of strangers. She continued to sulk at her seat in the back, sitting at the back took a lot of unwanted attention off her, until Sora heard someone sit in the empty seat beside her.

She peeked at the brave soul that dared to sit in the graffiti covered seat and realized there would be yet another reason to hate french.

"Ugh. I swear you're following me."

Tao turned in his seat to face her, with a smirk plastered on his face. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that? You should just admit it, we're practically married."

Sora turned to glare at him. "You're stupider than I thought", was the best she came up with, cursing herself on the inside at how un-intimidating that sounded. 

Unexpectedly, Tao burst out laughing. "What's so funny?", Sora snapped, feeling annoyed at potentially being the of a joke.

"Zi Tao quiet down!", the teacher yelled.


He continued to whisper as soon as the teacher continued the lesson.

"For a girl that's supposed to be intimidating, you're really cu- uh, funny", he covered while his laughter died down.

Sora rolled her eyes and continued to try to understand the gibberish coming out of the teacher's mouth, ignoring her how her heart flipped at the compliment.

The class was now half-way over and as if to torment Sora even more, the teacher began to hand out the results of the test they had last day.

30%. Great.

Tao peeked at her test and snickered, "And you call me the idiot?"

Sora whacked him with the paper, "Shut up. I just at french, that's all."

He raised an eyebrow, "Mmm if you say so."

This earned Tao another whack. "By the way, I'm sorry about my brother. He usually goes too far but in your case it wasn't far enough", she added jokingly at the end.

It took him a while to respond, "Don't apologize for him. It wasn't your fault." Tao responded with a smile on his face, but it seemed too forced to be natural.

The bell rang finally signaling the end of class. Sora walked home alone, as Sica was busy with another one of her convoluted plans involving her ex.

'Crap I forgot to ask. How does Tao know my brother?'


A/N: Is the length of each chapter ok or should I make them longer/shorter? Give me your feedback ^-^  (Is the plot moving too slowly?) Leave a comment ♥

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Chapter 11: Update update update
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 11: The story is really good so far. I wonder what happened to Tao and Sora before with that scar!
allkpop4ever #3
Chapter 11: Yes!! You're back!!! So happy^•^ Please keep updating!!^•^
atiqahrafi #4
Chapter 4: it a really good story
syaveda #5
The Demon's Sister is back! Feel free to yell at me for taking so long. I felt bored with the story and updates might not be as frequent but I'll try to get this finished and get back on AFF. ^-^
allkpop4ever #7
Chapter 10: Yep it is def past Sept.!! Please update I miss this story!!
exoisawesome13 #8
Chapter 10: Please please PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Chapter 10: Update please ;p
Chapter 10: Wow- love it!