What is Love

The Demon's Sister

Sora rolled her eyes and headed out the door, ignoring the burning stares on her back. As she turned the corner she ran into something or someone hard and landed on her . "Ahh sorry about that", a husky voice said.

The notebook and binders she was holding were all over the luckily empty hallway, along with the papers the guy she ran into had. Sora glanced at the guy who was now trying to help collect her things.

"Watch where you're going next time", she snapped, cringing internally at her natural instinct to yell at the guy.

He glanced at Sora surprised, "I'll keep that in mind", he said, even managing a small smile.

Sora could feel a faint blush grow on her cheeks from either her embarrassment, the guy's smile, or maybe it was the fact that he didn't seem intimidated by her. Instead she felt rather intimidated by him, he was about the same height as her brother and had dark eyes that seemed to pierce right through her.

Quickly gathering what she assumed was her stuff, Sora left the guy with black hair and multiple ear piercings behind before she embarrassed herself further.

Sora made her way to her next class but the door was locked. She sighed and decided to wander the halls until class started, flipping through her book.

Pulling a lock of her hair behind her ear as she flipped to the next page, a white sheet of paper fell to the ground. She reached to pick it up and froze after reading it.

'Huang Zi Tao. Homeroom 4C.' 

She continued skimming the page, realizing she must have picked up Tao's schedule by mistake.

'Huh he doesn't seem like the type that would get a scholarship', she thought to herself. 'I suppose I have to give this back to that airhead.' 

Sora returned to the hallway and was just in time to see a tall figure exit the door.

"Tao?", she called, desperately hoping it wasn't him and could just return it to the office instead. Sadly, luck wasn't on Sora's side as Tao glanced back and happily walked over, recognizing the girl.   

"I knew it. You just couldn't get enough of me huh? I'm handsome enough for girls to know me right away", he teased.

Sora felt herself getting flustered, out of what she thought was anger. "W-wha? No, ugh, you left your schedule!", she said handing him the paper.

"Oh thanks! So...Uhh... what's that mark on your wrist?", Tao asked cautiously, unable to not see the long gash that ran from her wrist to her elbow. Strangely enough, Sora detected some guilt in his voice.

Sora quickly pulled her right arm away, "Just an old scar", she replied hastily. Before he could reply a loud voice could be heard.

"Yah you! Get away from Sora!", a voice bellowed down the hall. It was Kris and a girl Sora assumed was his current girlfriend.

Kris came closer to Tao and pulled his shoulder back, "What do you thin-" Kris' eyes narrowed into slits as he saw Tao's face.

"What the hell are you doing here Zi Tao", he said practically spitting the name out.

Tao stopped smiling, his eyes now clearly piercing through Kris. The tension was so thick Sora felt she was about to suffocate. She shuffled her feet awkwardly, willing the atmosphere to lighten up.

"I go here, Duizhang. Scholarship and everything", Tao replied snarkily, crossing his arms.

Kris seemed to be restraining himself, trying to at least, before roughly pushing Tao against the lockers. He growled something to him so low that neither Sora or his girlfriend could hear.

Giving him one last shove, Kris put his arm protectively around Sora and walked away with her calling, "Krystal, meet me after school!", as he left.

He ducked into another empty hall and hugged Sora tightly. "What did that guy say to you?"

Sora glanced at him in confusion, "Nothing really, he dropped his schedule", she said choosing to leave out the details. Kris could get carried away sometimes... or every time.

 "Do you know him?"

Kris seemed deep in thought before ruffling Sora's hair.

"It's nothing", Kris replied simply, giving her a warm smile. He really was a different person when they were alone.

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Chapter 11: Update update update
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 11: The story is really good so far. I wonder what happened to Tao and Sora before with that scar!
allkpop4ever #3
Chapter 11: Yes!! You're back!!! So happy^•^ Please keep updating!!^•^
atiqahrafi #4
Chapter 4: it a really good story
syaveda #5
The Demon's Sister is back! Feel free to yell at me for taking so long. I felt bored with the story and updates might not be as frequent but I'll try to get this finished and get back on AFF. ^-^
allkpop4ever #7
Chapter 10: Yep it is def past Sept.!! Please update I miss this story!!
exoisawesome13 #8
Chapter 10: Please please PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
Chapter 10: Update please ;p
Chapter 10: Wow- love it!