
The perfect date
Junmyeon was nervous. It would be his first date Kris, and he wanted everything to be perfect. He looked again at the mirror, wondering if he really looked good enough dressed like that. "Oh, my hair is a mess... What do I do?! Kris will be here at any moment!"
The man froze when he heard footsteps coming to his room. He recovered as soon as he saw it wasn't his lover, but a 10-years-old boy.
-- Old man, where are you going? -- The kid, named Jongin, asked.
-- Dad is going on a date, Jongin. -- Junmyeon answered.
-- With that guy you talk about all the time? Are you leaving us because of him?
-- Of course I'm not leaving you, Jongin! I would never do that. I will only be out for some hours. You and your brothers are going to be fine. I will call Chanyeol to...
-- No! I don't like him! He's crazy! -- Jongin complained.
-- But...
-- I'm a big boy now, Dad! I don't need a baby sitter!
Junmyeon sighed.
-- Alright. But you guys will have to behave. -- Jongin nodded. -- As you are the oldest, you have to take care of the little ones. No touching Dad's things, no drawing on the walls.... And don't go to bed too late.
-- I can do this! -- Jongin smiled.
-- There's food on the fridge... Do you know how to use the microwave?
-- Of course I do, old man! Don't worry, we will be fine!
-- Okay. If anything happens, you call me.
-- Yes, sir! -- Jongin ran to tell his brothers the news.
Junmyeon smiled. He has been living with those kids for 3 years now, since their mother, his younger sister, ran away with her new boyfriend, leaving her 3 sons behind. Jongin was 7 then, Kyungsoo was 3 and Sehun was only a baby. Each from a different father they've never meet. Even being still single, Junmyeon didn't hesitate to adopt the three, because they had no one else in the world. 
The door bell rang. Junmyeon panicked. It became even worse when little Kyungsoo appeared on his room saying:
-- Jongin said your boyfriend is here, Daddy.
-- Alright, it's time... -- the man said to himself, taking deep breathes. He went with the kid to the living room, where Jongin was sitting on the couch watching cartoons, and Sehun was on the floor playing with a noisy toy piano.
-- Jongin, Kyungsoo, Sehun. Daddy will leave now. Behave well. Call me if anything happens. Love you all. -- He gave a hug to each one, and then went to the door. 
Kris pressed the door bell again. After some time, Junmyeon appeared.
-- H-hi, Kris. -- he said, shyly. "He is so cute", Kris thought.
-- Let's go, honey. 
-- Yes. -- Junmyeon looked back with a worried face. Kris could hear the sound of a TV and a off-key melody.
-- I thought you lived by yourself... -- he commented.
-- I do! He he, it's just... a cousin that lives in another town that came to visit.
-- I see... Isn't it a problem to leave them alone? We could do this another day...
-- No, no, it's alright! They're adults, so there's no problem at all!
Kris had already noticed that Junmyeon didn't know how to lie, but he said nothing. "He must have a reason to be hiding it..."
-- So, where are we going? -- Junmyeon asked, closing the door behind him.
-- It's a surprise.
Junmyeon haven't told Kris about his children. He was afraid of the other's reaction. He decided to hide it, at least for now.
Kris took Junmyeon to a really fancy restaurant.
-- T-this place is... wow!
-- Well, I wanted our first date to be special. -- Kris explained. He got out of the car and opened the door for Junmyeon. The two entered the place holding hands.
Kris reserved a table, and a good one. Junmyeon was impressed.
-- You can order anything you want, babe.
Junmyeon looked at the menu, and saw a lot of expensive food. He knew Kris wasn't exactly rich. He probably saved a lot for that date.
Kris wasn't any good in expressing his feelings with words. So, he prefered showing them with actions. With that date, he wanted to show Junmyeon how much he meant to him. 
The two first meet when they were kids. They lived in the same street, and their mothers soon became friends. Most of kids laughed at Kris because he "spoke in a funny way". Junmyeon was the only one that didn't. He was the first friend he made there.
They went to the same school. The label "funny foreign boy" always followed Kris, but even so, he could make other friends. But Junmyeon was always the one he was the closest to.
Years after that, when Kris went to high school, he had to leave the country, and finished his studies in Canada. At first, he tried to keep in touch with Junmyeon, but high school was really busy for both of them, so they lost contact. Now that Kris was back, they could finally meet again. And Kris could finally confess his feelings.
Kris couldn't be happier. But, if only Junmyeon stopped looking at that cell phone...
Junmyeon received the first message not too long after getting in the restaurant.
From: Jongin
Daddy, we were going to eat, but the food in the fridge looks a little weird
Kris was busy looking at the menu. Junmyeon took the chance to quickly reply:
From: Daddy
Food is food. It will look better after you put it on the microwave
From: Jongin
But Daddy... it's green! And it smells horrible! It made Sehunnie cry >.< Can't we order pizza?
Junmyeon sighed.
From: Daddy
Okay. But you can only order one! And don't open the door to anyone besides the pizza guy. There's a key in my room. Use the emergency money
-- Is there something wrong? -- Kris asked.
-- No, no. I'm sorry. What will we order?
The couple made the order and them waited.
-- I'm really happy for being here with you. -- Junmyeon said, his hand on the table. -- I missed you a lot.
-- I missed you too. -- Kris said, putting his hand on the top of Junmyeon's. -- There wasn't a day I didn't think about you.
-- Sorry for not contacting you. I thought you would... forget about me. I never imagined you felt the same way...
-- The important thing is that we can be together now.
*Beep* Another text message. Junmyeon apologized and quickly read it.
From: Jongin
Daddy! Jongin don't let us choose the pizza. I stole his phone - Kyungsoo
From: Daddy
Kyungsoo! Give the phone back to your brother now!
From: Daddy
Jongin, ask for a half their flavour half yours.
The food arrived. Junmyeon thought the kids' problems were over. How wrong he was...
Kris was starting to get bothered. Or better, jeaulous.
-- Who are you texting so much? Your "cousin"?
-- K-kind of. -- Junmyeon replied.
Kris got up and went to his side.
-- Don't lie to me, Junmyeon. There is no cousin, is there?
-- I'm not lying, Kris. Trust me, please.
From: Jongin
Daddy, can we order coca cola too?
From: Daddy
Today is not weekend. Drink juice.
From: Jongin
Daddy, where are the dishes?
From: Daddy
In the kitchen, of course
From: Jongin
We can't find them >.<
From: Daddy
Then, just eat with your hands
From: Jongin
Daddy, Sehunnie dropped his slice on the floor
From: Daddy
If you take it within 5 secs, it's okay
From: Jongin
Daddy, Kyungsoo and Sehun don't want to shower
From: Daddy
Kyungsoo!Sehun! Obey your brother!
From: Jongin
Daddy, Sehun's face looks a little weird...
-- If you are not lying, then let me see your phone. -- Kris said.
-- You don't trust me.
-- Please, let me see it, so I can get rid of this stupid doubt.
Junmyeon's phone started ringing. Kris took a look at the caller's ID: "Jongin❤"
-- I see... -- he said, with a sad voice. -- So, it's like this...
-- I can explain, Kris!
-- Answer the phone. You don't want to let dear Jongin waiting.
Junmyeon knew he couldn't just ignore the call. It was probably important. He answered it, to Kris's shock.
-- Daddy, Sehun started vomiting! I don't know what to do!
-- Keep calm, sweetie. I will be there soon.
Junmyeon gave Kris a worried look.
-- I really have to go... -- he started. He wanted to explain to his lover what was going on, but first he had to go back to his house to make sure Sehun was alright.
-- I will drive you home. -- Kris said, not looking at his eyes.
-- You don't need to...
-- At least let me do this!
The two didn't say a word in the way to Junmyeon's house. Kris was feeling really down, hurt because of all that happened. "It seems I was too late..."
When they finally arrived, Junmyeon took his hand and said:
-- Come with me.
-- Why? Don't worry, I already understood...
-- Please. I need you to see something.
As soon as Junmyeon opened the door, they could see the mess: toys everywhere, the TV still on, pillows on the floor, and bits of pizza here and there.
-- Did a tornado pass here? -- Kris asked.
-- Almost. -- Junmyeon replied, a small smile forming in his lips.
Then, a 6-years-old boy appeared from the corridor.
-- Daddy! Jongin, Daddy is here!
Kris looked at Junmyeon puzzled.
-- Daddy?
An older boy appeared too. He quickly ran to Junmyeon.
-- Daddy, help! Sehun's face is yellow!
Junmyeon followed the boy. Kris stood on the same place, trying to process the information.
-- Hi, uncle! -- the boy that came first greeted him. -- I'm Kyungsoo, nice to meet you.
-- H-hi. That boy just now was...
-- My brother, Jongin.
-- Jongin... is a child... -- Kris felt guilty for doubting Junmyeon. He hated himself for that.
He decided to sit on the couch while waiting for Junmyeon coming back to apologize. In the moment he did it, a funny sound was heard. Kyungsoo laughed. Junmyeon came back in time to see the scene. 
-- It seems they left a little trap there... -- he said, holding his laugh.
Kris took the source of the sound, the toy he at on - a weird looking teddy bear.
-- How is... Sehun?
-- Still a little nauseous. But I gave him a medicine, and he will probably feel better tomorrow. 
-- I see...
Junmyeon sat beside Kris, taking care not to sit on any noisy toy. An awkward silence was formed.
-- Your boyfriend is handsome, Daddy! -- Kyungsoo said.
Both adults blushed.
-- W-why don't you go see your brothers, Kyungsoo?
Kyungsoo went. A new silence. 
-- Soo... Daddy? I would never guess... -- Kris commented.
-- Well, actually they are my sister's children. Do you remember her? She used to get in trouble all the time.
-- I have some memories of this...
-- She ran away three years ago, leaving those little angels behind. So, I started taking care of them.
-- So, you didn't marry any girl while I was away?
-- Of course not! -- Junmyeon said. -- You know I don't even like girls.
-- It's just...
-- Sorry for lying. -- he interrupted. -- I was... afraid of your reaction...
Kris noticed his eyes getting teary.
-- I'm the one to apologize. -- he said. -- Sorry for not trusting you. -- he hugged Junmyeon, that hugged him back. They brought their faces together and kissed.
-- Also, I love kids. Aren't you going to introduce me properly to them? -- Kris asked.
-- Ah, of course! But they already know the most important thing about you.
-- What?
-- You are my boyfriend.
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Thank you everyone who read this! I love you all!! People that subscribed, commented and the one that upvoted have a special place in my heart!*throws cupcakes*


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2439 streak #1
Chapter 1: reading again in 2021!!!
and i still love it very much!!!
"if you take it within 5 secs, it's okay" HAHAHAHAHA

Jun, it was very irresponsible to live kids on their own, pls make sure there's a babysitter next time you're out on a date! HAHA
Chapter 1: I love this!! :)
2439 streak #3
i just LOVE this, i have no words for how adorable this one is
Chapter 1: Awww ~~ I also know that Kris is your boyfriend Junmyeon daddy !! Hiihihh ^^
nowie1017 #5
Chapter 1: Aww!! Seriously, your fic is just too cute for words!!
Chapter 1: Hehe this is a cute story :3
Chapter 1: Its so freaking cute xD
junmyeonwu #8
Chapter 1: LOL i really wanna see sehun's face when it turns yellow. xD
this is cute! i love it. <3
KpopKhan #9
Chapter 1: Nawwwww! That was cute. When Kris was getting jealous <3 Hehe thank you author nim for this cute story ^^