Boy's Bathroom

Boyfriend's Dongsaeng

I couldn't believe I was going to be late for the first day of school. How cliche!? It sounds like I'm in some sappy love story and I'm the main girl! I mean, only main girls would be late for their first day of class. After that, they bump into the main guy and somehow they fall in love. No! That's not how it's going to be!

I hurried across the campus and entered the double doors of the main building. I quietly scampered through the halls until I felt the ground shake. Is it an earthquake? I thought. From afar, I could see dust gather and come nearer. I tried to get a better look of what was going on, but the shaking just got worst. It was so bad that I fell to my knees and couldn't gather enough strength to get up. A roaring sound of a hord of people came running towards me. It wasn't clear if they were chasing anyone or they were doin excercise. But again, does the second choice even make sense?

"What the hell?" I shuffled across the hallway and into the bathroom. It was the only choice I had to avoid becoming a flat piece of pancake. I worked so hard on my hair too!

"I'm finally safe," I assured myself as I neared the mirrors. I checked if my uniform was prim and propper and if my hair was still full of volume. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a black shadow flash by.

"This is the boy's bathroom..." I heard from behind. I spun around to catch the culprit. What kind of ert sneaks into the girl's bathroom.

"U-um, who's here?" I asked, trying to muster up enough courage.

The voice repeated, "This is the boy's bathroom..."

"Boy's bathroom?" I questioned. It's impossible, this is the girl's bathroom.

Out of no where, a boy rushed to my side and gripped my wrist with a firm grasp. It stung and I felt it was going to bruise. The boy had red hair and such a pretty face. He could be mistaken for a girl!

"What are you doing here, are you stupid??!" The boy yelled in my face. Well there goes my first impression.

I pulled away from him and I replied his anger with my irritated expression. "This is the girl's bathroom! My question is, what are YOU doing here?"

He ran his long hands through his hair and grunted. I had to admit it, it was pretty damn y. If he was my kidnapper, would it be bad if I wasn't as scared...?

"Look around, pabo!" I followed his instructions and the situation just got a bit more awkward. All around me was a couple of urinals.

"Oh...." My face burned of a bright pink color. "U-urinals...."

The boy looked at me with such annoyance and pushed me against a wall. He leaned over me with his face just mere centimeters from mine. "So why are you here?"

His cologne was addicting, I just wanted to grab his shirt and sniff more. I couldn't resist looking away from his mesmerizing eyes and his pink lips.

"Mianhaeyo, I though this was the girl's bathroom," I apologized. "It's my first day here..."

He slightly chuckled in a low tone, it was just too y. Our position, his looks, his cologne, his laugh, I could just explode.

The boy pushed off against the wall and took a few steps back. He looked me up and down and smirked. "My name is Lee Taemin."

"I'm Kim Yumi..." I introduced myself.

"Now, before you embarass yourself even more," Taemin started. "I suggest you get out of here."

I nodded my head frantically and dashed out of there. I kept my speed constant before I entered my class. The teacher scolded me for my tardiness and told me to sit next to Suzy. I quickly took my seat before the teacher would bite my head off. Suzy gave me a questionable gaze and asked me why my face was so beat red. I didn't want to remember what happened, I just wanted the day to already be over.

"Lee Taemin..." I whispered as I wrote down some notes. I carefully wrote his name and then drew a huge question mark over the name. "Lee Taemin..."

The door of the classroom open and every student turned their attention to whom ever it was. "Jogiyo?"

"Ah! Taemin haksaeng!" My head shot up and I was just so amazed by the coincidence.

He shot me a smile and I just blushed. Oh... this is too much.

"Taemin haksaeng, I'm glad you're here!" My teacher exclaimed. "I was wondering if you could give our new student a tour around the school."

I didn't need to. This school was practically an exact duplicate of the one in Japan. But if it was to get of class, I was gladly to leave. Taemin and I bowed to our teacher before closing the door on the class. We kept our gaze on the door as I sighed heavily. Taemin just began to laugh and I shot him a questionable look.

"About what happened in the bathroom," He laughed in between. "I'm sorry for acting so serious, I always love to play around with my hoobaes."

His smiling face was much better that his I'm-a-y-guy-all-up-in-you-face look.  Although, maybe I wanted just another glimpse of it again. We walked in the same pace and he talked very clearly. He pointed to the art room, the lunch room, the gymnasium, and more. We stopped by a vending machine after my stomach roared of hunger. I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning. He leaned against the vending machine next to it. He watched every move I made from taking the money out of my pocket to grabbing my snack out of the machine. I wanted to believe he was checking me out, but how hilarious does that sound?!

"So, you satisfied yet?" He asked as I stuffed my mouth with a cookie. I nodded in reply as I savored every bite of it.

"Hoobae!" He called in a stern voice. It shocked me and I stuffed the whole cookie in my mouth.

"DEH!!!??" I yelled in reply in a muffled voice. Crumbs of the cookied spilled out of my stuffed mouth.

Taemin began laughing again and I pouted. Aigoo, how embarassing.

"Mianhaeyo!" He chuckled before regaining his composure. "We should head back to your class."

I smiled and followed him. We passed by the boy's bathroom and the memory of what happened haunted me again. Taemin just laughed at me and hooked an arm around me. I couldn't help but laugh along with his addictive laughter. Such a sunbae-hoobae relationship should be like this! I know have someone to look up to. Poop! Now I can't let me fall in love with his y side, hold it in YUMI-YA!

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RicePony #1
New reader here! ^_^ I like the fan fic so far!
Update soon!
PeanutButterOreos #3
New reader! Gawd!! This is tooooooo cute!
Jeongmin and the twins rolling like ninjas. Cute! ^_^
sendohime #6
New reader! I love Minwoo and Taemin so much! I can't wait for future chapters!
Update soon ^^
hannah-chanxox #8
this is sooo awsome!! :)<br />
hope you upload soon <3<br />
and i think it's suzy (not suji) if your talking about the one in miss a