I Leave And I Arrive

Boyfriend's Dongsaeng

"Sayonara, Rin-chan, Nana-chan, Kei-nii," I gave my farewells to my closest friends. I have known them since I first enrolled into Nikishima Boarding School.

"Ne... Yumi-chan!! I'll miss you!!!" Rin cried as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"R-Rin-chan...!!" I choked. "C-can't b-breathe!!"

"Ah!" She finally let me free to breathe. For a minute there, I almost saw the light. "Gomen..."

I just laughed and turned to Nana. She dug for something in her jacket pocket and quickly handed it to me. I opened my hands and saw that she wrapped a pink and white cloth around the small gift inside. She was always giving me the wierdest gifts. I mean yesterday, she gave me her lucky bra.... in front of the whole student body. Now that I think about it, the pattern of the bra matched the cloth.

"Thanks Nana-chan!" I unwrapped the cloth and a look of disgust and shock was plastered onto my face. "W-why the h-heck did you g-give me a c-c-!!!???"

Nana pulled me closer and whispered into my ear. "You're already in the stage where you need to give and recieve really good pleasure... If 'ya know what I mean."

"N-Nana-chan!!" My face turned a bright pink as I tried stuffing the 'gift' into my backpack's front pocket. But before I could, the cloth fell from my hands. In actuality, the familiar pink and white patterned cloth was a thong.

"It's my lucky thong," She claimed. "Just make sure that you wear the matching lucky bra then your 'special' night will go perfect!"

I scrambled to stuff the thong and into my backpack. How and why did I ever become friends with such a erted person? That is something I will never really understand...

Finally I walked to Kei-nii-chan. I gave him an enormous bear hug. "I'll miss you the most nii-chan..."

Kei was two years older than me and acted like an older brother. Since he was half-Korean, he learned and speaks the language fluently. It was easier for me to communicate with him and it was as if he was a blood relative. I knew I could always rely on him, he really was the best.

"I'll miss you too, Yumi-chan." Kei my hair and we stayed in that position for the longest time ever. I was really going to miss him, he was like my second brother.

I pulled away from the hug and stepped back. I looked at all three of them and tried to embed their faces into my brain. I never ever wanted to forget them. I looked at Rin and began to admire her beautiful brown hair and awesome fashion sense. She had long brown curly hair and was the shortest of our group. She was the fashionista of the group and always filled us in on the new trends. I then looked at Nana, the quiet yet erted bookworm. She always had a book in hand, and this time it was the One Missed Call novel. She always kept her hair above shoulder length and had black thick rimmed glasses. Lastly, I looked at my handsome Kei-nii-chan. He was very tall and had broad shoulders. It would be a lie if I said I didn't think if he was hot. He had gentle eyes and a smile that would brighten anyone's day. I was going to miss them all.

"I guess I'll get going now..." I announced. I felt my eyes begin to water and a tear traveled down my cheek.

"Yumi-chan! You said you weren't going to cry!" Rin reminded me. She also began to cry and about to start a fit.

I looked up at her and I started to cry a river. She was crying so much that we could fill the Sahara Desert. I ran to her and pulled her into a sad embrace. The other two also enveloped us into their arms. I think I even heard Nana crying a little bit too.

"I need to go now." I sobbed and slowly walked backwards. "I'll miss you guys..."

I smiled at all of them one last time before turning away. I could hear the wheels of my suitcase squeak as it rolled against the floor. My heels clicked while taking quick paces towards the gates. I even heard my friend's voices lessen as I walked further away from them. I maybe leaving, but I will finally get to see my oppa...


An hour and a half later....

"Wow! I'm finally back in Korea!!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my luggage from the baggage claim area.

I then walked outside to the pick-up/drop-off lane. Oppa told me that he would be here as soon as I touched down, but I don't see him anywhere. The look of disappointment masked my usual happy expressions. It's been six year since I last saw him and he was late... good job oppa!

To the left of me, I saw a little girl and her mother being reunited with her father. Her father scooped her up in a hug and spun around. He and her mother were both crying as they embraced each other in a loving hug. It was easy to guess that it must have been froever since they had last seen each other. It was like a scene from a movie. I would also have a moment like that... if only oppa wasn't late.

"Excuse me..." I heard a man's voice from behind. "I think you're a bit early, you weren't supposed to arrive until another more hour."

My eyes widened and spun around. The guy I was facing was my brother, but he looked totally different. I remember he used to look very awkward looking and short. Wow, he grew a lot! He also had red hair now.

"Oppa?!" I was in complete utter shock.

He smiled. "What? I know I changed a lot, but you don't  have to stare at my beauty."

My eyes began to water, dropped my bags, and jumped into his arms. I hugged him as tight and as long as I could. It felt to good to see him again, it was as if I was dreaming!

"Whoa!" He breathed as he my hair. "I missed you, Yumi-ya."

"O-oppa, I-I can't b-believe I g-get to see y-you a-again!" I wailed as my snot began dripping onto his striped cardigan.

"Me too, it feels like a dream!" He agreed and kissed my forehead. "But this is my stage outfit and I don't want to pay for it if it gets ruined."

I wiped my runny nose and laughed. "Ah, mianhe oppa."

"Donghyun!! We need to get going now!!" His manager yelled at him.

Yes, my older brother is Kim Donghyun, leader of Boyfriend. Six years ago, he was scouted by Starship Entertainment and took this oppurtunity as a chance to help support himself and I. That's why we seperated so long ago. During that time, he took on part time jobs and sent the money for my tuition at Nikishima Boarding School. I felt bad because he was just able to scrape up enough money to pay for his rent.

We hurried into the van and his manager drove off. we talked during the whole entire drive, not realizing the hour had passed so quickly. We talked about school, his debut and promotions, and what we were going to do later on. It felt good to be with my oppa again after all these years!

"We're here!" Donghyun 's manager announced as he parked in front of the apartment building.

Donghyun helped carry some of my luggage, including my backpack. When he grabbed it, the bottom tore and everything in my bag poured out... especially the condoms and the lucky thong Nana had given me.

"Wh-what is this?" Donghyun gave me a stern look after picking up Nana's 'gift'.

"What? How the heck did it get in there?" I acted as if I had no clue about it.

Donghyun didn't look a bit convinced... I wouldn't be either.

"Well you see..." I paused and began to chuckle nervously. "It's actually a funny story."

"Can't wait to hear it." He said sarcastically as he walked towards the apartment building while holding my bags.

"Thanks Nana..." I whispered. "You're lucky thong is no where near lucky!"


Yay! I finally updated! I'm so sorry that I took so long to post the first chapter, it's just I never could find the time to type this up. I already had written it in my notebook, it's just my dad kept hogging the computer! Well I hope you like it! Subsribe and comment please!

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RicePony #1
New reader here! ^_^ I like the fan fic so far!
Update soon!
PeanutButterOreos #3
New reader! Gawd!! This is tooooooo cute!
Jeongmin and the twins rolling like ninjas. Cute! ^_^
sendohime #6
New reader! I love Minwoo and Taemin so much! I can't wait for future chapters!
Update soon ^^
hannah-chanxox #8
this is sooo awsome!! :)<br />
hope you upload soon <3<br />
and i think it's suzy (not suji) if your talking about the one in miss a