
A Fateful Encounter


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My doorbell. Who is here so early in the morning? Or is it still nighttime? I really can't get used to the time difference. I reach over to grab my phone. Oh yea, I don't have it. I shuffle out of bed and answer the door.

"GOOOD MORNING!" Oh, it's Luna. I don't understand how she's always so happy in the mornings. I am definitely not a morning person, even more so since I got to Korea. 

"What do you want?" I groan. This better be worthwhile. I was having a nice dream, too.

"Well, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," she huffs, then adds, "Sorry, but there's a change in plans. I'm going to need you to get up right now. I got my schedule mixed up." 

"Why do I have to go with you?! I'm perfectly fine just having lunch with you." I rub my eyes and glare at her.

"My schedule is packed today. I'll only have time to introduce you before lunch. Don't you want to meet your employer for the next 2 weeks? And you'll get your phone back."

"I have no idea how you plan to do that. But I'm going back to bed-" I proceed to shut the door in her face, but she grabs my arm.

"Come on, you promised. " She pleaded and pouts at me. "I don't have time later. Please? You do want your phone right? I have connections. I promise you that you won't regret it." Sounds reasonable. Why am I such a pain in the mornings?

"Ugh, fine. But give me 20 minutes to get ready, okay?" I gesture toward the couch. "Help yourself."

"Thank you!" She squeals, like the way she does. "I'll make you breakfeast! How 'bout that? An American breakfeast, just like back at home." Humming as she makes her way into the kitchen, she gets the ingredients. 

At least I have something to look forward to. I walk toward the bathroom and get ready.

An hour later

We finished eatng up the delicious pancakes and the omelet made my Luna and got onto the bus. We arrived at the CJ E&M studio where M Countdown is broadcasted. I've never been here before. I've always wanted to see a live performance.

Luna gives me a knowing smile as we get off the bus and go inside. " I see you're impressed, then?"

"You work here?!" The place was bustling with people.

"Of course. How will we be able to get backstage then?" I continue to look around as Luna shows her I.D. and pass to a security guard. She ushers me away into a make up room, already filled with who I assume to be other make up artists and costume designers prepping.

"Ok, plase behave yourself and try not to scream when they come in." She looks at her watch. "They should be here any minute now."

"OMG. WHO ARE THEY? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?" I was dying to know. She had never mentioned who she worked for and was just intent on keeping it a secret.

Just then, the door opens. 






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Our manager hyungs open the door and we all pile in. 

"Hello." We all bow and sit down. We're having an early interview today before M Countdown tomorrow. I look around and see Luna going through the make up brushes. I walk up to her and take the phone out of my pocket. 

"Good morning," I greet her as I hand her the phone. She doesn't even look up. Was I too quiet? "Ahem." I look around awkwardly. I start to place it near her bag when she stops me.

"You can give it to her yourself." She smiles like she knows soething I don't and points behind her. Is she here? Shifting on my feet, I lean over and see her. It's the girl from yesterday. Is she ok? She looks really pale right now.

Nonetheless, I walk over to her. "I believe this is your phone?" I hold it out to her.

Slowly, she takes it back. "Thank you."

"So, what's your name? I didn't get it yesterday. I know mines-not that I'm being conceited but-"

"I'm Jaemi." She gapes at me.

"Are... you ok?" She stares ahead of her for a bit. "Do you want water or something?" She still stays silent. 

Finally, she looks at me. "Can I have your autographs?"

A few minutes later

"You really got me scared for a second! You looked like you were going to pass out." Suga smiles at her as he handed her the signed album.

She blushes and takes it. "Thank you so much! Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No problem, especially for a pretty girl like you." She blushes even harder when Jhope winkes at her. I nudge him in the ribs to stop.

"Hey, no flirting. Don't take advantage of her innocence!" Luna comes over and pretends to whack Jhope, which was fine by me.

"It's ok, Unnie." I watch as she walks over to the make up supplies to keep herself occupied. She must be mortified. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did you know that she hasn't dated anyone, yet?" Luna teases her. I see her glare at Luna from the corner of her eye as she turned red. 

"So aren't you going to introduce me to 'my employer'?" Is she going to start working here? 

"Oh yeah." Luna turned to face the managers and the rest of BTS. "Everyone, this is Lee Jaemi and she will be covering for me when I'm gone for the next 2 weeks." Her eyes widened. 

So I'll still get to see her. For some reason, that thought made me feel giddy.


 So that's her name. Lee Jaemi.






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I just finished reading some of the tweets we got from our fans. Things really have gotten a lot busier since our debut, as expected. Even though it can be hard, I'll get used to it. I'm doing what I love the most. I shake my head as I take a seat. No time to get emotional now. I take out my notebook and a pen as the stylist  gets our clothes ready for the interview. Lately, I've been having what they call a "writer's block." I just haven't gotten any inspiration in the past week or so. The members are always teasing me that I need a muse. Whatever. The new make up artist, Lee Jaemi puts her bag next to me and takes out a book. I can't help but notice that the title is in English. The Fault in our Stars.

"Do you speak English?"

"Oh yeah, I just moved here from the U.S. I'm attending Ehwa's Women's University," she replies. She smiles at me as she takes a seat. 

"Oh, really? That's good. I speak English pretty well." She chuckles. 

"Yeah, I know." We share a smile. 

"Jaemi! I need to introduce you to the staff!" Luna calls her from across the room.

"Ok!" She puts her book down on the table as she gets up. Her hair cascades down her shoulders. The light catches her face and her innocent eyes gleam under the lights. She turns to me. "So, I guess I'll talk to you another time?" 

"Uh- Of course." 

She waves and walks toward the group of people gathered around Luna. 

I think I may have just found my muse.

After the interview

I went back to grab my belongings before heading out to a pre-recording. Jaemi was sitting in the same seat as before, reading her book.

"So how's the book?" I tried to make some conversation to lighten the mood. I hope I didn't annoy her. She seemed to have been really absorbed in that book.

"Oh, this?" she held up the book. "It's amazing. I really recommend it. It really makes you think and it's seriously hilarious. You should read it sometime."

"It sounds good. But, I'm afraid my English isn't good enough to really understand the book." 

"We should read it together. I can try to explain it to you, but keep in mind that I'm better at speaking English." 

"It's a deal." I some forward and shake her hand.

"Hyung, it's time to go." I turn around to see our maknae.

"Ok, I'm going. Thanks," I wave to Jaemi and make my way out the door to lunch.






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I look back as Rap Mon hyung exits the door. They've gotten awfully close today. 
"Come on, Jaemi. I'll treat you to lunch today." Luna beckons to Jaemi She grabs her bag and hurries after her. This girl. She left her book behind. Is she coming back later? I decide to take it and give it back to her later. I put it inside my backpack. 
"What do you have there, Jungkook? A book? I didn't know you were reading. Or is it one of the noonas here?" Our manager appears behind me. 
"It's nothing." I pull my backpack onto my back and head out. I'll give it back to her myself.
Hi! Sorry this took a little longer than expected to update. 
I know this chapter is still very short.
We're working on making longer chapters.
I hope you all enjoyed it.
Please feel free to give feedback




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Sorry for the wait, but chapter 3 will be up tomorrow! Currently editing ^^


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Chapter 3: Oh, oh, oh, both have taken an interest.
that sounds really cool! and OMG BTS! YAAY! I think that's one of the first fanfics with bts...coool! HWAITING!