By Chance

A Fateful Encounter
~ ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥  ~
I'm on my way to university. It's really crowded here, just like back in California. I guess that's something they have in common. I have to catch up on so much work. How am I going to manage? I'll have to stay up late again. My phone starts ringing, breaking my trail of thought.
"Hello?" I answer my phone as I stop at a red light. 
"Jaemi, I need you to do me a huge favor." It's Luna, my childhood friend. She's about two years older than me. Luna had decided to move to Korea to become an art major. For now, she's a part time makeup artist. That way, she can earn some money and get hands-on training. Out of all the people I know, she is one of the most dedicated and hardworking. However, she's just as playful and unpredictable. 
"What is it? Make it quick; I'm about to go to class." I adjust my messenger bag as the light turns green and begin to cross the street.
"Ok. My grandfather passed away and I'll need to be in New York for about 2 weeks to attend his funeral. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I NEED you to cover for me at work while I'm gone. They can't find a replacement soon enough and I don't want to lose it." 
"But what about school? I can't just miss 2 weeks. I really do want to help, but I'm sorry I can't-" 
"I CAN GET MY FRIEND TO LEND YOU HER NOTES. PLEASE JAEMI. SHE HAS THE SAME CLASSES AS YOU. She can even tutor you. Remember Minnie? You can even record the classes! AND I have night shift. You're always complaining that you can't get used to the time zone anyway."
"Well I wouldn't know what to do. What if I just end up getting you fired?" I entere the gate and make my way into Ewha Women's University. 
"Come on, it's just makeup. I've taught you a few things, remember? Just make them look good. Besides, the other noonas there can help you."
I sigh. I was already starting to see how this conversation would end. "It's only for 2 weeks? And you've never told me who you work for."
"Yeah, so you'll do it? You'll finally get to know." I can just picture the smile on her face. 
"... When do I start?"
"NEXT WEEK. OHMYGOD THANK YOU SO MUCH." She squeals and I have to hold the phone away from my ear. 
"Yeah, I'll call you later." I hang up and took my seat in the grand lecture hall. What have I just done?
A few hours later
I walk out of the classroom. I am so tired. I should go home and take a nice long nap... A gush of wind hits me. Wait. I have work to do. I should finish it all up in the next week or so if I'm going to be able to help Luna out. I decide to go to a nearby coffee shop, since I'm going to need a burst of energy if I'm going to get all of my work completed on time. I walk as fast as possible. About five minutes later, I hear someone yeling at me. 
"Hey! Excuse me!" I turn around. A guy with a gray hoodie was running up to me. His hat was pulled over his face, but I could still tell that he was handsome. He looks very familiar. "You dropped your phone." He holds it out and I take it back. His hand brushes up against mine and I feel a shock of electricity. His hands are warm.
"Thank you so much! I'll have to repay you somehow... Why don't you let me buy you some coffee?" I look up at him expectantly.
"Oh, no thank-"
"Come on. Please? My treat." 
~ ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥  ~
"Come on. Please? My treat." She smiles at me. Her eyes gleamed and I swear I could feel them drawing me in... "Ok, let's go." She grabs my arm and pulls me along with her. Well, she certainly isn't shy. What is she doing? What if I was a e? Not that I am, but it's dangerous taking off with a stranger.
We walk into a coffee shop. The alluring scent calms my nerves, especially after being dragged off by some random girl off the street. Even if she is a little cute. 
"What do you want?" 
"No, it's really ok." I shake my head.
"It's just coffee. Don't worry, just let me, ok?" She gives me another smile. That smile.
Finally, I give in. "...A caramel macchiato?"
"Sure, that's my favorite, too." She goes to order our drinks and I take a seat near the windows. A few minutes later, she comes back.
"Thanks." I take my drink and keep my head held down.
"No worries, we're even now." She continues to stare at me. Do I have something on my face? I look away. "Oh, I'm so sorry. It's just that you look really familiar...  She looks at me expectantly. I look up. "OH MY GOD. You're Jungkook from BTS," she whispers.
So she's a fan. I awkwardly clear my throat. "Yeah. Thank you."
"Wow, I'm a big fan of your music. " 
"Thank you very much." I bow politely. 
She looks down at her watch. "Oh, I have to go now! Sorry for the trouble. It was nice meeting you!" Waving, she rushes away. I feel a little dissapointed. I wanted to her to stay a little more, but she looked like she was in a rush. I sigh and look down at the table and realize that she forgot her phone. I grab it and run outside, but she is nowhere to be seen. 
What should I do with it? Should I bring it with me? All of a sudden, the phone starts ringing. I panic a little.
I answer it and put the phone to my ear, wondering if I'm trespassing her privacy. "Hello, Jaemi? Can you talk right now?" 
"Uh....Sorry, I-I no speak English." My pronounciation is so off. This is embarassing.
"What? Who are you? How do you have my friend's phone?" 
"I don't know. No English. I speak...Korean."
"...Jungkook?" What. How does she know who I am?
"She left it here... Wait, are you Luna?" My makeup artist? 
"Yeah. Ok. Keep the phone and I'll pick it up tomorrow at work." There was a pause. "I have someone to introduce to you guys anyway. I trust  that you can take care of it?"
"Umm...Ok, sure. Bye then."
"Bye." I hung up. Well that was convenient. So I guess that girl earlier was her friend. Then, I realized that...
I didn't even get her name.
~ ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥    ❤    ❥  ~
I can't find my phone anywhere! I guess I left it back at the coffee shop. I wonder if Jungkook has seen it, but it's not like I'll ever see him again anytime soon. He probably won't even remember me. I can't believe I actually met him. I wish I could've stayed longer, though. 
I finally stop looking and start to finish my assignments. I turn on my laptop to do some research. By habit, I visit Facebook. I see that Luna is online and start to message her.
Me: Hi c; So I've just lost my phone. And you wouldn't believe me, but I got coffee with JUNGKOOK. THE JUNGKOOK FROM BTS.
Luna: Yea, I know.
Me: 0-o How do you know? Were you stalking me?
Luna: I know many things >;D But it'll stay a secret until tomorrow. I have some people I want to introduce to you. So be ready at 12. I'll pick you up for lunch.
Me: ...Sure. But are you really not going to tell me? .-.
Luna: Just dress up nice, ok? 
Me: Ok?
Luna: Well, I have to go now~ bye, love ;* muah
I logg off. Ugh, Luna is giving me so much stress rght now. I can't concentrate. I should go to sleep. I'm starting to feel tired, since I guess the caffeine is wearing off. 
It's a good thing tomorrow is a Saturday.
 ★   ☆     ☆   ★  
So it's my coauthor's birthday today~ ^^ I'm so excited!
Sorry this update took a little long, but we''l have another chapter up by the end of the week.
I hope you'll be patient with us.
Have you guys watched BTS on Rookie King? It's so hilarious. 
I just love this cut from the latest episode.
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Sorry for the wait, but chapter 3 will be up tomorrow! Currently editing ^^


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Chapter 3: Oh, oh, oh, both have taken an interest.
that sounds really cool! and OMG BTS! YAAY! I think that's one of the first fanfics with bts...coool! HWAITING!