A Fateful Encounter

A Fateful Encounter

(A/N: Dialogue in English will be in italics)




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A year later

It's about 10 at night and we've finally finished our dance practice. Since it's been such a long time since we last had a break, so our manager hyungs agreed to let us out. Now here we are, walking to this cafe that I've heard good reviews from. We pass by Ewha Woman's University.  A lot of people walk by me and I adjust my hood to conceal my face. We need to be careful not to get recognized or we're in trouble, so I keep my head down. I walk quickly ahead of my hyungs. I want to get to the cafe as soon as possible. Somene bumps into me and drops her textbooks. It's a girl, probably going home from the university.

"I'm so sorry." She bends down to pick up her things and I help her. I brush my hand against hers as I hand back her books. Most of the titles are in English. Is she a foreigner? "Thanks." She gives a quick bow and fumbles with her books as she gets up. Cute. As she stands up, I catch a glimpse of her face. The wind blows her silky brown hair back. The cold air flushes her cheeks. Her eyes are big and bright. She looks like an angel. I continue to stare as she walks away. The rest of the group catches up with me.

"Something wrong, Jungkookie?" Suga puts his arm around me. I snap out of my daze.

"Oh, he was looking at that girl back there. Our maknae has a crush." Rap Monster singsongs. "You have a good eye, she's cute. C'mon, let's get going. It's cold out here." He pats me on the back and pushes me forward. I walk ahead again and hope they didn't see the blush creeping on my cheeks



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A week later
Ugh, I feaking hate the weather here in Korea. I check my watch. Six thirty?! I'll never make it in time to videochat with my friends back in the U.S. I text them and tell them I won't be able to make it. I miss California already. Longing for the warm weather back home, I run to the protection of the nearest bus rest stop and take a seat while the heavy rain attacked everything in its reach. Should I call a cab? But I don't remember my address. It would be pointless taking the subway or the bus. My apartment is just a few blocks from here. I guess I'll just wait here until it stops.
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"Woooo!" Everyone cheered.  We were done with practice for the day and decided to head off to a sashimi resturaunt nearby. 
Jimin wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me down.
"You're so short, hyung. If you continue to hug me like this, I'll become short like you." I tease.
"You should be more respectful! I'm two years older than you! Bow!" He pulls my head even lower and messes up my hair. I laugh. I love teasing him. "So what do you want to eat today, Kookie?" 
"Food." He sticks his tongue out at me. I snake out of his arm, grab my hoodie, and slip it on.
Rap Monster was the first to step outside."Oh, it's raining. The broadcast didn't say anything about this." 
"Aish, I told you guys to bring umbrellas just in case. You'll never know with Korean wea-" Jhope continued to nag. 
"Ok, calm down boys. We'll just drive you." Our manager hung pats Jhope on the back and ushers us into the van. 
We all pile in and Suga starts to talk about some new song ideas. I stare outside as the raindrops raced each other down the window. Some people might not apprecitae it, but I love the spontaneous weather. My eyelids feel heavy and Ii' just about to doze off when I notice a girl huddled up at a bus stop. She's innappropriately dressed for the weather, in a thin cardigan and blue shorts. Had she not known it was going to rain? Well, it wasn't in the broadcast, so maybe she'd just assumed it wasn't going to. I chuckle. Ridiculous. It is the "rainy season," after all. 
"Yah, Jeon Jungkook. Listen to your hyng when he talks." Suga taps my head. 
"Sorry, just dozing off." I yawn and get up as the van pulls up to a parking spot. 
An hour later
"Man, that was a good meal!" Rap Monster sat back in contentment.
"Yeah, we should totally get the recipe so that we can make it back at our dorm. We're always eating so unhealthy-" Everyone ignores Jhope as he continues to complain about how we should all learn how to cook traditional Korean dishes and how poor our table manners are, etc. Oh lo and behold: the mother figure of the group. 
"It's still raining really hard outside. Should we go get umbrellas?" JImin wipes his mouth and sits up.
"I saw a convenience store right across the street." Jin says as he eats the last remnants of the sashimi.
Suga nods. "Ok, who should we send out?" They all turn and look at me. I stop midway with a piece of fish still dangling between my mouth and the chopsticks. Ugh, being the maknae .
"What? Quick looking at me." I pretend not to have heard the converstation and resume with finishing the food.
"Maknae~ maknae~ maknae~ " They chant. 
Beng the youngest, they always make me do stuff for them. Something about respecting your elders, which I find to be complete B.S. They aren't even that much older than me. But, of course, it does have some advantages. 
"Aish, fine I'll go." I relunctantly get out of my seat. 
"Good luck," V gives me an apolegetic smile as I leave. As I exit the door, I ssee him take the last bit of my sashimi. I glare at him through the glass window. I'll get you later, and you'll regret it. 
A gush of wind forces my hood down. I pull it back up and walk to the end of the street. I pass by the bus stop and notice that the girl I saw earlier is still there. What is she still doing there? Is she waiting for someone? She's probably waiting for the rain to stop. I shake my head. She could just take the bus. I walk closer to get a better look. She looks cold. Is she asleep?! It's dangerous for her to be out here all alone, especially during the night. Do I just leave her here? The light turns green and I cross. I should go and get her an umbrella, too. That way, she can get home. I smile to myself.
How do I do this? I crouch down in front of her and look at her sleeping face. She has such delicate soft features, like an angel. I feel like I've seen her somewhere before... Snap out of it, Jungkook. Just wake her up. 
"Hey, wake up." She doesn't move. "Yah!" I prod her arm with the umbrella. This is so awkward. "Miss?" I start poking her face with the handle of the umbrella. Her eyes flutter open. Wow, she has such long eyelashes...
"AHHHHHHHH GET AWAY FROM ME." English? I'm assuming she's from America. She grabs her bag and starts to hit me with it. I protect myself with the umbrella. Oh god, people are starting to stare. I try to grab her arms to calm her down. 
"Wait! Hold on, I was just tryng to give you this umbrella." I struggle to hold her wrists so she would stop tryng to kill me. Does she not understand me?
"Yeah right! You psycho!" Psycho? I'm not a psycho. This is what I get for being nice. I drop the umbrella I was holding for her and grabbed the plastic bag with the other umbrellas and run away, momentairly slipping on the wet pavement. I hope the crazy girl doesn't run after me in the rain. 
Oh my way back to the resturaunt, I hear her yell back. "Thank you! I'm so sorry!" So she knows Korean after all. I try to bite back a smile. 
HI GUYS. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter~ ^^


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Sorry for the wait, but chapter 3 will be up tomorrow! Currently editing ^^


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Chapter 3: Oh, oh, oh, both have taken an interest.
that sounds really cool! and OMG BTS! YAAY! I think that's one of the first fanfics with bts...coool! HWAITING!