The Jo House

30 days to live...

-Your POV-

The flight took hours.But eventually I arrived,I was actually dazed until I heard a voice call my name.

"Park ____!Over here,PARK _______!!!!!" My head whipped around until I found my aunty waving uncontrollably at me.I silently made my way towards her.

"Omo...look how tall you have grown my baby girl.Uwahhh....perfectly the ideal type for Youngmin or Kwangmin."she softly nudged me while she said this,but took my luggage bag at the same time.I could feel my cheeks heat up,but The twins were my would be just plain wrong if they were to be my boyfriend.I shuddered...don't get me wrong,they're hot but....they are my cousins.That is just gross.

"Eww...aunty can you just stop it?It's impossible to fall in love with your sons.Besides,they're my cousins...why would I date my own cousin?Have you lost your mind?"I said absentmindedly.She frowned at my response,by this time we were at her car.

The whole drive was silent.That is...until the mansion was open.It smelt like...

-end of POV-

-Youngmin POV-

I played around with my fingers,staring at it intently.Until Kwangmin broke my concentration.

" have any idea what omma planned for us?The surprise I mean." He looked at me before drinking his water in one shot...until he started coughing seconds later.Haha...EPIC FAIL.But I shrugged in response.

"Who knows?She might as well bring a pet or something...anyway,after this we need to get back to the dorms huh?Donghyun hyung will be pissed if we are not there in time."

Kwangmin looked at me sadly." that I recall,she said something about a girl...." he mumbled.My head snapped up instantly.

"Chincha?!Who?!?!?!"Were my eyes sparkling like in those animes?

"Errr....I don't know.Just some girl."

Right at that very moment,omma opened the door with a girl beside her.She was the prettiest girl I've seen!Wow...I guessed Kwangmin noticed as well.I gave him that 'Let's-act-innocent' look.Let me explain,we called this....'Twin telepathy'.We dashed towards the door and came to a halt.We gave that childish aura off,acting like good eachother nudges and all.

The girl looked at us bewildered.Omma sighed and looked at us.

"Boys...stop the act alright?Now help me with this."Our mother held up a luggage bag.

"Annyeong...I'm Park ____,ummm....your cousin.I'll be staying here for a month.Please treat me well!" ____ bowed 90 degrees twice.Somehow it broke my heart when she said she was our cousin.Like in those cartoons,a light bulb flashed on top of my head and I hid a smirk.

"Well cousin,I'll show you your room.Follow me." with that I took her luggage and dragged her to her room.When we were inside,I closed the door and locked it.Merely pinning ____-ah to the wall.Her eyes bugged out,I couldn't help but reveal my smirk.

"You're lying right?You must be lying ____-sshi.You're some hooker or something right?"I whispered seductively.Her breathing turned uneven.My hands went up her smooth,slim,milky white arms which made her shiver at my touch.I was enjoying this.

But eventually,she pushed me off and slapped me with force across my face.It left a red mark on my cheek.

"For your information,I'm 15.I don't even know if that is legal to be a hooker at this age!I'm not a hooker,but your cousin.YOUR REAL COUSIN,I MIGHT HAVE BEEN RAISED IN THE STATES...BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M UNAWARE OF WHAT YOU WERE DOING!GET OUT!"she pointed to the door.I made my way out with my shoulders slumped,my head down low.

Why did I do that?Aish....what a good first impression to give your cousin Youngmin...JUST GREAT! My mind congratulated me sarcastically.I just ignored it and went down to meet Kwangmin.

"Let's go Kwangmin,Donghyun is waiting.Annyeong omma!" we called our limo and went back to the dorms.

-end of POV-

-Kwangmin POV-

How can hyung act like we heard nothing?And act like nothing happened?I glanced at him,he was staring out the window with sad eyes.Wait a he crying?Yes...he's crying.I can see the tear stains on his cheeks.

Anyhow...welcome to the Jo mansion ____-sshi...or,COUSIN.

-end of POV-


P.S Did I scare you a little bit at that part where Youngmin tested if you were a hooker?XD I couldn't help myself LOL.

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