Moving to Korea

30 days to live...

-Your POV-

"____-ah!Honey,come down please!" I heard my father call from downstairs.You see...we lived in the states,but we are pure korean.I was raised in the states...but it's cool to be bilingual right?

"Coming!"I ran down carefully,as I could trigger something."Yes appa?"

My mum popped out of nowhere."Sweety,we need to talk to you."she signalled me to sit down on the leather couch.

"You know that we care for you right?Well...your father and I have been thinking....if you would like to spend some time with your cousins.It would be best to enjoy yourself before....before leaving us all."My mother said glumly.I could tell she wasn't willing to tell me this.Appa...

"I'll go and pack your luggage.You are leaving tomorrow."Appa said before going to my room.I immediately grabbed my mobile and dialled up my best friend;Alexander(U-KISS XD)


"Hey Alex,'s it going?"

"-Sigh-Stop it ___-ah....I know that's not the actual reason you called me"

"humph!Okay fine...fine...I'm moving to Korea."


"It's only me who is moving okay?"

"OMO!That's even worse!What about your condition?!?"

"That's the reason why I'm enjoy my last few moments living before I pass away."

"....Oh.Well then,bye.See you ahead of time..."




Then the line went dead.Oh dear....


So this is just the intro...please omment!;)

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