What are you?

An unrequited love.

We were on a school trip for two nights and three days. Our teachers let us divide our rooms and I agreed to sleep with two of my friends in one room. She was one of the two. I didn't hate her. In fact, I loved her, like dear friend. She was fun, joyful and at times, a very comforting person. However, the way how she acts at times, irritates me. 

'Urghh, my feet feels like they have gone through a battle,' she said and rubbed her feet with a frown on her face. I sat next to her and looked down. I didn't have any problems with my feet at all, even when we had walked almost the whole day. Does this make me abnormal?

She grabbed her first-aid kit and started tearing off plasters from her feet. 'You don't even work,' she scoffed at her sticky plasters, before throwing it on the ground. I smiled and grabbed my suitcase. 'I have better ones, if you want them,' I said, swinging a box full of plasters in front of her face. She smiled faintly and shook her head. 'No need, I'm sure I have enough that can help the pain.' And she emptied her box upside, to search on the bedsheets, as if she was making a puzzle. Placing every single plaster next to each other, as if they were ranged according to their size.

Not long after, her phone vibrated, making me wonder who it was. Pulling her phone out, she smiled and read the text on her own.

'Is it your boyfriend?' I asked. She recently had a boyfriend, who was older than her by one year. It was quite new to see her with someone older, as she had dated younger boys in the past. She shook her head and pushed her glasses up. 'It's Kwangmin,' she said, while texting. Kwangmin. My heart jumped by that name, making me surprised. I wasn't in love with him, but those dreams that I kept having with him. He was a frequent guest in my dreams. Sometimes serving as my lover, and sometimes the person who breaks my heart, waking me with a heavy heart. I do wonder at times if I did fall in love with him.

There were times that I observe his motions, the way he speaks and how he handles things smoothly. He had an appearance of a cold prince, sometimes looking cute as he laughs, and also the ex-boyfriend of the girl in front of me. They had dated for one and a half year, and suddenly broke up, stating that they 'drifted apart'. After that, he still keeps texting her every day. Why is that?

'What is he asking?' I asked, curiously, inching closer. She quickly put away her phone and sighed. 'Oh, it was nothing. He asked if I wanted to join them in their room to play cards, tonight,'

I made an 'oh' and smiled fakely. 'Is that all?' I thought. Then she went back to her plasters, leaving me wondering if this was normal.

I reminisced about the moments that they had spent together from the moment we left school for this school trip. We've been on a bus, for almost 5 hours and a uneasy feeling shot through me as I thought about how she acted back then.


Back then in the bus,

'So which role do you want to play in 'The Scottish Play?'' I asked, twirling my pencil between my fingers. She lifted her shoulders and looked at my paper. 'Why are you asking?'

'Just so,' I smiled, leaving the fact behind that I could help her get the role. She had a blank face and lifted her shoulder. 'Do you want to play Julia?' I asked.

'Well... I would like to play Julia, but I don't want to kiss,' She said, knowing that Kwangmin was Romeo. I agreed that it would be awkward, but I could see that she was lying. She would kiss him, but she couldn't because of her boyfriend. That made me realize if she was playing with their feelings.

A friend of mine, nudged me for my attention. I turned to him and asked what he was reading. An English book for literature. I couldn't help but to about his funny accent when he said the lines. In the meanwhile, she sat still and looked bored. I turn back and looked, as she motioned with her finger.

'I'm going to Kwangmin and others, do you mind?' She asked. Of course, I couldn't say no, since it would be rude, but I still had a lot to talk to her about the play. But seeing her face, she really didn't want to continue our conversation and left shortly.

I looked after her and sighed, feeling a little bit down, about the fact that Kwangmin was still her central person.


'Don't take this to heart what I'm about to say. Are you really going to Kwangmin's room?' I asked, carefully. She nodded and smiled. 'Why, it's not like we have a lot to do here, going by wouldn't hurt,' she smiled, happy about their next meeting. This really irritated me. I pursed my lips and sighed. 'Hey, aren't you spending a lot of time with Kwangmin lately?' I asked, bluntly. She wanted to shake her head but after reflecting for a second, she slowly nodded. 'It's not that I can help it, I find it annoying, too'

'But you are constantly going to him, this might give him a wrong signal that you are still into him,' I told her, but she shook her head again. 'Even if I break up with my boyfriend, I still won't go back to Kwangmin,'

'But Kwangmin is still following you like a lost puppy, whenever you are, it's really awful to see. You should rather tell him straight that he is bothering you, or start a relationship again, but I doubt you would chose that last one,' I told her. I was harsh, but I get more annoyed of it, the longer I watch Kwangmin keep going back to her. That face whenever he sees her, or she talks to him. Why couldn't he look at me that way whenever I talk to him. The longest sentence that I have ever had with him was, maximum 2 sentences long. All his attention goes to her right after.

She didn't deny the fact that she should tell him to stop, but I didn't either hear an answer she would do it. I felt like she enjoyed this kind of attention. The kind of attention of giving Kwangmin false hope and using him.

I thought by myself if she was smart or destined to live such a good life. Getting everything she wants without consequences. Having two boys who love her. I felt like in a Korean drama, but having a minor role. Like those girls, who are friends with the main character and having a crush on the guy, who eventually would pick the main girl, and that we should just give up that we would never have a happy ending. I really didn't want that to happen.


She suddenly laid down on her belly and hugged her pillow, looking a little down. 'Whats wrong?' I asked. She sighed and sulked a bit. I didn't know if this was pretending or if I'm just too jealous to acknowledge it was real.

'What you said, hurt me badly,' she sulked,

'I told you before, don't take this to heart, I could be wrong,' I doubt that I would be wrong, from the long time that I have observed them.

'But still, it hurts,' she whined. She began to exagerate. 'It's hurting me really badly,'

To be honest, I wasn't the first one who told her this, and yet she acted like she heard it for the first time. Annoying.

For the night, she still looked a little down and I let her be. I didn't bother her with any questions related to Kwangmin and went to sleep with a heavy heart. Was I too harsh? Am I really this jealous that I'm trying to rip them apart? It was really not my intention to break their friendship, but I could no longer see Kwangmin like this.

The next morning, she was being a little absent, but that may be possible from lack of sleep, as we had walked like zombies through the hall. Once we were down, she directly walked to Kwangmin who stood there, waiting for her. She smiled weakly to me when I passed by and turned to Kwangmin who smiled cheerfully. 'Had a good sleep?' I heard him ask her.

When I turn my head back to watch them, she looked spaced out and made Kwangmin worry. From yesterday on, I told myself not to bother it to much, as it caused me useless emotions. It was their lifes, and I shouln't interfere too  much. I told her what I wanted to say and it was time for me to stand back, until a week after our school trip, I heard another friend of me talking about it.

'Is it just me or is she really down lately?' my friend asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and guessed that it may be because of me. I told my friend my story, but to my surprise, he already knew about it.

'Huh, how did you know?'

'I don't know everything, but I overheard Kwangmin talking about that you said something to her making her down, when I was in my room with Kwangmin.'


She told him. She freaking told Kwangmin, with the intention making me look like I was tearing them apart. No wonder that Kwangmin looked dirty at me these past days.

Did I really do something wrong?

Was I becoming the bad character in this story?






This story is based on true facts. Their names are being replaced.

The reason why I wrote this one shot is because I'm sick of everything lately.

I wanted to write down my feelings to feel a little bit more relieved.

I'm still not fully feeling well, as I struggle with other things too.



Thank you for reading. Hoping to see you, again! 



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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 1: its really good authornimmm, you gotta be strong!!! Life will eventually get better :) hwaiting!!!
khaniaNYN #2
Chapter 1: Well u just gotta be Patient and be strong,what u did was right u want the best for her;) so are u guys okay now?:) just asking-_-v
Chapter 1: It is a very nice story you know. well wrote!
IamJoey #4
Cheer up~ okay? :) HAVE A NICE DAAAAY!!~