My One and Only You


A story of love,jealousy, friendship and healing a broken heart. The main character is Hwangbo Hye Jung and Kim Hyun Joong. This is a fan fiction created for Joongbo/ Ssangchu couple of Korean Show We Got Married. Other known personalities are also included such as U-know Yunho, Seungho of MBLQ, Shihnwa ( Junjin, Eric, Andy, Dong Wan, Hye Sung ), Muhan/Infinity Girls hosts, Christian Bautista ( Filipino singer famous in Malaysia and Indonesia), Bi Rain, 2NE1,Lee Hyori and other minor characters. 


She was smiling from ear to ear, still trying to absorb what exactly transpired right in front of her very eyes. All she knows for sure is that this handsome well- mannered man is staring straight into her eyes as he smiles back at her in the most genuine manner. As the last few lines of the song faded in the background, she began to realize that he was also securely holding her right hand in his left....


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lizzybridget #1
Chapter 3: Hola, me encanto tu historia.... lastima que se quedo ahi... ojala puedas continuarla.... me encanta poder creer que aunque sea solo en la ficcion ellos pueden estar juntos... ella es una mujer grandiosa, y el es un muchacho muy lindo y noble... sino fuera por terceros seguro que seria mas facil para ellos.... esperemos a que el tiempo sea su mejor aliado, la esperanza es lo unico que te queda..
Update Update ^^,
I wanna know who made the sound near her??
xxSweet #3
Thank you for writing such a wonderful story for Hwangbo! I cannot wait for your following chapters. If you would ever consider co-writing a story for Hwangbo. Contact me.