Chapter 2

Young Love Can it Be Forever


_____ was rushing out of the studio because she was late for her job. She had lost track of time while practicing. She was now running down the hall without looking where she was going and she ended up colliding with someone and she ended up on the floor. ______ got up and bowed “sorry” Ren was laughing “what has you running so fast?” ______ looked at him “I was practicing and i lost track of time and now i am late for my job” Ren had not moved since she looked at him because he felt his heart racing like he just ran a marathon.


Next Day

______ and the rest of her class were stretching while waiting for their teacher and when she came in she had a group of boys with her and _______ thought they were hot but she ignored them and continued to stretch. Meanwhile, Ren was looking around the room when he saw a familiar person stretching by themselves and he realized it was the person from yesterday. He tried to walk towards her but he couldn't move because they were surrounded by girls than they heard the teacher clear “okay students these are idols who are willing to help you but only 5 of you get to work with them and the rest of you will pair off with each other.” As soon as she said that all the girls crowded around them and the guys were talking to _____. Ren was looking around for the girl and when he found her she was surrounded by guys and then he saw JR Hyung walking towards her and he started to panic because he wanted her as his partner. JR was talking to her and they were about to shake hands when Ren shouted “no hyung!” Which startled everyone but he ignored them and ran over to them and grabbed _____ and hugged her, which surprised her and JR asked “what's wrong Ren?” “I want her as my partner hyung” JR was surprised when he said that because he doesn't usually work with girls so he was confused until he saw the way he looked at her and he knew immediately that Ren i liked her. So he nodded his head his head and left to find a different partner. Ren turns towards her smiling “what's your name?” _____ looked at Ren weirdly because of all the skinny, pretty girls he chose her but she still answered him “_____” Ren was curious so he asked “where are you from?” “America” Ren was getting aggravated with her short answers so he grabbed her hand and dragged her away so that he could talk to her “do you hate me?” ______ shook her head “no, i don't hate you. i just find it weird how you chose me over all the other girls” Ren smiled “i just wanted to get to know you.”


2 Weeks Later

Ren and _____ have gotten really close and he wanted to confess but he was scared she was gonna reject him and ignore him. He was at Pledis walking down the hall when he walked past a dance studio and he saw JR and he was gonna enter when he saw that _____ was also in there. He didn't like the way JR was touching _____ but he was able to keep his rage down until they started to grind. Ren stormed into the studio and grabbed ______’s arm and dragged her away. He took her to a different room and Ren shoved _____ against the wall and _____ looked at Ren with a little bit of fear in her eyes “what's wrong?” Ren made a growling noise “do you not notice me?” _____ looks at Ren confused so Ren kissed her and ____ gasped a little but there was enough room for Ren to shove his tongue in . And when he finally pulled back both of them were panting “_____ will you be my girlfriend?” _____ shyly nodded her head making Ren shout “yes!”


End of Flashback

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Maddie_Leigh #1
Chapter 1: That picture looks bad. NAUGHTY ME. am I the only one who though so.
ilovejunhong #2
You made a spelling error in the title.

Just wanted to point that out