Chapter 1

Young Love Can it Be Forever

3rd Pov

Kids at Bay Port High School were in their first hour classes when a loud roar because most teachers had their windows open. Students went to the windows curious on who it was. What they saw was two people on a crotch rocket and they were parked and they both got off the bike and the guy took off his helmet and all the girls were drooling at him. He was wearing black jeans, white tank top with a black leather jacket, pink shoes and pink gloves with spikes on them. After the guy took off his helmet the girl did the exact same thing and the sophomores all thought she looked like _____ but _______ was fat and while people were lost in their thoughts the guy had wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they entered the school.


15 MInutes Later

In Mr. Beattie's class the students were looking over the expectations for the class when the door opened and two people came in and Mr. Beattie asked “why are you guys so late?” The girl answered “we overslept because we are still jet lagged” he nodded his head “introduce yourselves.” The girl whispered into the guys ear and he nodded “hello, my name is Minki but you can call me Ren. I am an exchange student from south korea so my english isn't good so take good care of me” next the girl talked “well you should all know me considering i have been going to school with all you guys for 11 years” A blonde girl with glasses stood up “______ is that you?” ______ nodded her head “where have you been all summer?” ______ smiled “i was in korea where i met my boyfriend Minki” Alexis looked at her confused “since when did you have a boyfriend?” Alexis sighed “we will talk later” Alexis nodded her head and went back to her seat. _____ and Ren looked around for a seat and the only one left was next to Alexis.


End of Class

At the end of class Alexis turned towards the couple and ______ introduced them to each other “Alexis is is my boyfriend Minki but you can call him Ren and Minki this is my friend Alexis” they promised to talk more at lunch



When MInki and _______ got to the commons everyone was offering them a seat at their tables but they were looking for Alexis ad when they found her they went to her table. Alexis looked at them “how did you guys meet?” ______ smiles and laughs “It was about 3 weeks into vacation”

I saw this picture and i just had to post it
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Maddie_Leigh #1
Chapter 1: That picture looks bad. NAUGHTY ME. am I the only one who though so.
ilovejunhong #2
You made a spelling error in the title.

Just wanted to point that out