
Artificial Intelligence

「Turn on the Artificial Intelligence Android with code name Kim Sunggyu A280489?」


There’s a figure working on the computer.




There are some more figure around them, with hoping face like turning on the android will save their lives.




Their faces becoming more worried since it really take a long time to turn the android on.


「Successfully Artificial Intelligence Android, code name Kim Sunggyu A280489」



Sunggyu wakes up, and when he opens his eyes, he sees unfamiliar figure around him.

He wonders what time is it now. How long he has been sleeping.

He doesn’t have to wonder for too long, since the figure around him explains about the situation now.

The figures around him introduces themselves as an A.I. too. Just like Sunggyu. And they’re perfect just like Sunggyu, they can feel emotions.

The thing is, humans extinct already, and the A.I.s who knows about humans, are all dead too. And they begin to search for A.I.s who knows human, to rebuild human nations again. They happen to find Sunggyu, locked up deep in the military old lab.

But the only thing that Sunggyu register is the human extinction and A.I.s who knows human is dead. That means there’s no more Jang Dongwoo. No more Lee Sungyeol. No more Kim Myungsoo and No more Lee Howon. He thinks that Lee Sungjong is no more too, since Lee Sungjong knows human and the figures explain earlier that the A.I.s who know human is all dead. But most importantly, he thinks that there’s no more Nam Woohyun, and he cries.

The A.I.s bring him outside, and some part of Sunggyu happy that he is outside.

The other part of him is still crying.

The A.Is introduced themselves, he could only remember someone named L.joe and the other one named Chunji.

They ask what happened, and Sunggyu tells his story.

Back in the past when he was born—or created. The way his father loves him so much, but he can’t return the love, since he can’t feel any emotions back then. Then when he feels like he’s the odd one out everywhere, because he can’t feel any emotions. And when he starts living with Jang family, meeting his forever brother Jang Dongwoo, and the time that Jang Dongwoo told him about the stars. The time when he met Lee Sungyeol, and his first time startled because of Lee Sungyeol’s dolphin screams. The time when Lee Howon and Kim Myungsoo makes his Jang Dongwo and Lee Sungyeol smiles. Lee Sungjong, the second A.I. invented who confused with his feelings, who always help him even until his last times.  And Nam Woohyun. How they met for the first time, and the last thing he hears from Nam Woohyun. The sentence ‘I love you’ that still replaying in his mind until now.

The A.I.s, L.joe and Chunji become silent. They have no idea that an android as gorgeous as Sunggyu—red hair, pale skin, brown eyes, have such a sad story.

They want Sunggyu knowledge of humans by importing his memory, and Sunggyu have no problems with that. But still, the A.I.s feel bad. So they decided to give Sunggyu a present.

Once they’re done importing Sunggyu’s memory, Sunggyu is brought to a place, L.joe tells him to sit at the chair, and Sunggyu sits. And then Chunji tells him to close his eyes. Sunggyu starts to be confused when he hears the door closing. And put of curiosity, he opens his eyes, and froze.

He sees everyone he loves, his father, Jang Dongwoo, Lee Sungyeol, Lee Sungjong, even Lee Howon and Kim Myungsoo. All smiling to him. But He sees one person whose smile is the brightest, Nam Woohyun. Sunggyu cries, and Nam Woohyun embraces Sunggyu in a hug. Sunggyu closes his eyes for the last time.

It turns out that Chunji and L.joe knows that Sunggyu’s battery is not going to last any longer, since in the past they can’t invent battery that can be charged.

And the last present for Sunggyu  is, them. The people he loves projected from his memory so it seems so real.

Sunggyu is now turned off, forever.

But this time, there’s no tears, and he’s smiling.

It's finally done, please tell me what do you think about this, and oh yeah if you wanna know about the real A.I. you can read it here

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Chapter 2: is it happy or sad ending ??
you make me cried o hard author-nim. my eyes are swollen sob sob
Chapter 2: Omgash why am i crying?! This is bittersweet but i think its more bitter than sweet..... huhuhu....
Chapter 2: Amazing!!! Perfect ending.. Not too sad, not too happy either..just the ways it should be. Realistic!!
Good job authornim
Chapter 2: Its so hurt...
Chapter 2: What a sad story. I cried. Very beautiful, but heartbreaking :(
Chapter 2: it was so heartwarming... I melted a little while reading this *^^*
albinski #8
Chapter 1: Omg this is too sad i can't even.. I really love this but whyyyyy did you stupid s have to turn him off /ugly sobs
green-tea123 #9
Chapter 2: OHMAGOSH!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME AUTHORNIM!! HUHUHU! TT.TT i was crying like a pig here did you know that! OHMAGOSH! all i could say to your story is PERFECTION and beautiful! Actually i really hate reading fics with someone dying at the end but this totally got me! TT.TT Ireallyreally love it! Author nim GOOD JOB HUHUU