In the Still of the Night

Kiss Me

The chirping birds woke Jessica up and she snuggled closer to the body beside her, seeking for warmth, as the cold breeze hit her uncovered arms. Short arms instantly wrapped around her body, giving her warmth. Jessica smiled and fell back to sleep.

“Sica?” Her sleep was once again interrupted by Taeyeon’s voice.

“A minute, please,” she groggily answered, not opening her eyes.

“Baby wake up..” Taeyeon sweetly said and kissed her forehead.

“Baby one minute,” she answered again and pulled Taeyeon closer to her, their bodies pressed against each other.

“Baby it’s already nine in the morning.” Taeyeon rubbed Jessica’s back.

“And it’s a really nice day to be sleeping inside,” she added.

“Taengoo~” knowing that her girlfriend won’t stop bugging her, Jessica dejectedly opened her eyes.

“Good morning,” Taeyeon greeted with a full smile, showing her dimples.

“You’re so cute,” Jessica said and kissed Taeyeon on the lips.

“Go wash up now, we have to go somewhere.” Taeyeon instructed and squeezed her , making Jessica yelp in surprise.

Taeyeon’s ahjumma laugh filled the room.

“Taengoo, what the hell?” Jessica playfully smacked Taeyeon’s arm, slightly pushing the girl away.

“Okay, okay. Hurry up already.” Taeyeon said and stood up from the mattress. She extended an arm to Jessica, pulling the girl to get up.

“Where are the others?” Jessica asked when her eyes landed on the empty mattresses.

“Beach.” Taeyeon answered and gave Jessica a towel and clean clothes.

“You went through my luggage?” Jessica’s eyes widened when she saw her things.

“Yeah, why?”

“Did you—oh never mind.”


After washing up and eating breakfast, Jessica found herself being dragged by her girlfriend to God knows where. She was too lazy to protest so she just let Taeyeon drag her around. They went into the back of the house and into the woods until a hill came into view. Taeyeon happily grinned at her as she told Jessica how she came across the hill this morning.

“Let’s go..” Taeyeon again pulled her towards the foot of the hill.

“Baby, I’m tired. Can we go back now please?” Jessica complained as she fanned herself with her free hand.

“I’m sorry, just a little bit more, please?” Taeyeon stopped and faced her then fixed her fringe that had been sticking out because of her sweat.

“Fine,” Jessica said as they started walking again.

They climbed the hill with Taeyeon dragging Jessica, not letting go of her hand as they struggled to climb the top.

After fifteen minutes of struggle, a plane on top of the hill came into view with a lone tree and the coasts of the nearby places as its backdrop. Taeyeon smiled contentedly and looked beside her. Jessica, however, doesn’t seem to mind the beautiful view the hill offered as she closed her eyes and leaned her head onto Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Tired?” Taeyeon asked and wrapped her arm around Jessica’s waist reflexively.

Jessica nodded against Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“Let’s sit under the tree so we won’t get sunburns.” Taeyeon continued walking, pulling Jessica with her.

She took off her backpack and took a blanket from it as soon as they reached the tree. She spread it below the shade of the tree, facing the coast, and then beckoned Jessica to lie down as soon as she was finished.

She sat beside Jessica with her back against the tree trunk while Jessica lay on her back beside her. Taeyeon’s hand Jessica’s hair as her gaze lingered on Jessica’s face. Taeyeon then hummed a song.



“Can you hold me? I want to sleep.” Jessica said without opening her eyes. Taeyeon smiled and scooted closer to Jessica.

“I don’t want to lie down, can you sit up instead?”

“Taengoo I’m so tired..”

“I know, I know. Just sit on my lap and I’ll hold you.”

Jessica did as told and Taeyeon nestled her in her arms as she hummed another song. She looked at Jessica’s face that was buried in the crook of her neck as she listened to the girl’s steady breathing. It was Taeyeon’s favorite melody.

Taeyeon smiled as the wind brushed past Jessica’s hair, sending strawberry scents in her nose. Oh how she loves holding Jessica in her arms, making the girl comfortable and safe.

They stayed like that for a while before Jessica stirred in her arms.

“Are you hungry?” Taeyeon immediately asked as soon as Jessica’s eyes opened.

Jessica shook her head and held tighter onto Taeyeon’s neck.

“Someone’s being clingy today,” she joke and kissed Jessica’s temple.

“You know, I like sleeping in your arms.” Jessica mumbled in Taeyeon’s neck.

Jessica’s warm breath against her skin sent a wave of tingles throughout Taeyeon’s body.

“Sica, I love you,” she said sincerely.

Jessica brought her head up to meet Taeyeon’s gaze.

“And you know I love you too, baby.”

Jessica buried her face in Taeyeon’s neck again as Taeyeon’s humming voice filled the air.

“Taengoo, it’s really beautiful here.” Jessica then mumbled as her gaze landed on the picturesque view before them.

“Hmmm,” was Taeyeon’s answer before she cuddled Jessica closer to her, suffocating the girl, but Jessica didn’t mind at all. She loves being close to Taeyeon.

“Do you think we’ll still be like this in college?”

Taeyeon’s brow furrowed at the question as she looked down at Jessica.

“I mean this.. in love..” Jessica cleared.

A smile then graced Taeyeon’s lips before speaking.

“I don’t know where we’d go from here, Sica.. what I do know is that I’ve fallen deep into you, and that I don’t want to recover from that fall.”

Jessica kissed Taeyeon’s lips.

“Oh Taengoo, when did you become so charming?”

“Just telling the truth.” Taeyeon grinned.

The next hour was spent talking about random things, sharing secrets and laughing at Jessica’s silly jokes.

It was already noon when the couple decided to return back to the house.

“Where were you?! I was looking all over the place for you! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! You could have at least left a note!” Krystal fired her questions like a mother interrogating her child as soon as Jessica and Taeyeon came back.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry okay? We lost track of time. We’re fine, I’m here now. Jeez, will you calm down, Krys?” Jessica answered, trying to pacify Krystal.

“You are so buying me ice cream for kidnapping my sister!” Krystal then turned to face Taeyeon who just smiled dorkily at her.

“Whatever you say, princess.” Taeyeon answered and winked at Krystal.

“Yah! Kim Taeyeon! Why the hell are you calling my sister princes?!” Jessica smacked Taeyeon’s arm and Taeyeon yelp in pain.

“Baby I was kidding alright?” Taeyeon then wrapped an arm around Jessica’s waist as she ushered the fuming girl to the dining table.

They all chatted over lunch, discussing their prom plans and what not. Krystal was hyper when Taeyeon mentioned that she’ll be coming to the prom with them.

After lunch, Sooyoung’s cousins came over and they were introduced to the group.

“Oppa! I missed you! Oh my God look at you!” Jessica exclaimed happily when she came face to face with Choi Siwon, Sooyoung’s eldest cousin.

Taeyeon looked at the guy. A Daniel Henney rip off. Damn. It didn’t help that she recently learned about Jessica’s obsession with the actor when she was younger.

“Wow, Sica you grew up well. And that body!” The guy then laughed.

“You grew taller oppa.” Yoona commented as she munched on a bag of potato chips.

Another tall guy then came inside the house. He was slimmer than Siwon but his body was obviously well built too.

“Seunghyun oppa!” Yoona greeted as Jessica continued talking to Siwon. Yuri, Taeyeon and Sunny kept mum the whole while.

“Wow, this family’s height is no joke.” Yuri whispered to Sunny and Taeyeon. Sunny nodded while Taeyeon watched Jessica’s interaction with Siwon intently. The guy was being touchy and Taeyeon didn’t like it one bit.

“Where’s Jinri and Minho?” Sooyoung asked, bringing her cousins' attentions to her.

“Hi, Soo I missed you!” Siwon grinned while he came closer to Sooyoung.

“Wow, I’m flattered that you noticed me.” Sooyoung answered sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

Senghyun came closer to Sooyoung too. He nodded at Siwon before a mischievous grin broke from the two guys’ lips.

“Yah! Stop it! I can’t breathe!! Ahhh!!” Sooyoung complained as the two guys enveloped her in a tight bear hug. She struggled to push them away but they were stronger than her.

The group laughed, except for Taeyeon who was looking elsewhere.

“Jinri’s here too? Where is she?” Krystal asked as soon as the laughter died down. Siwon then yelled at someone outside the house before two teens came inside. The girl looked like she was the same age as Krystal while the boy could be a high school student.

Krystal immediately hugged the girl and the girl hugged her back happily.

“H-hi, Kry—s..” The boy shyly said as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“Hi, Minho.” Krystal answered and linked her arm with Jinri.

“You—re looking.. go-good.”

“Aw, thanks Minho!” Krystal smiled sweetly at the boy before winking at him. The boy looked like he was about to faint, making Jinri and Krystal laugh.

“Come on, I have so many things to tell you.” Krystal tugged on Jinri’s arm, beckoning the girl to follow her upstairs, leaving a flustered Minho.

“Your sister’s a charmer just like you. I think our poor Minho won’t be able to eat for a week.” Siwon whispered to Jessica, causing the latter to chuckle and slap him on the arm.

“I remember how Jessica did the same thing to Siwon before. He wasn’t able to sleep for three days!” Seunghyun laughed and put and arm over Minho’s shoulder who was still blushing.

“Seriously, these Jungs are gonna be the death of us Chois,” he added and everyone laughed at his comment. Except, of course, Taeyeon.

Jessica looked over Taeyeon who wasn’t meeting her gaze. Her brow quirked before a realization dawned on her.

“Hey, guys it’s really nice to see the both of you and you too, Minho..” Jessica started and linked an arm with Taeyeon’s, making the girl flinch in surprise.

“But I have plans with my girlfriend, so..” she smiled brightly at Siwon who was slightly taken aback.

“Bye for now!” Jessica said and started dragging Taeyeon along with her.

“Ha! I knew she was gay!” Seunghyun said with a fist pump.


Jessica still had her arm linked with Taeyeon’s as they walked by the beach. Taeyeon had been silent the whole time.

“Baby, are you mad?” Jessica spoke, deciding to break the silence.

A sigh.

“Baby talk to me please?” She tugged on Taeyeon’s arm, turning the girl to face her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked but Taeyeon refused to look at her.

Jessica cupped Taeyeon’s cheeks and brought the girl’s attention to hers. The glimpse of sadness and hurt in Taeyeon’s eyes broke Jessica’s heart. She leaned closer and kissed Taeyeon’s lips tenderly.

“Taengoo, talk to me please.”

Taeyeon sighed again before speaking.

“He was being too touchy and you let him,” she confessed.

Jessica smiled at her jealous girlfriend.

“You’re jealous.”

“Jessica, I’m being serious. That Daniel Henney rip off obviously likes you. And what do I have to compete? I’m short and he’s tall, I’m a girl and he’s a guy, and—“

“And I’m gay, remember? And I only have eyes for you, Kim Taeyeon.” Jessica’s smile was warm and comforting. Taeyeon hugged her girlfriend tight.

“I don’t know what I’d do if somebody steals you from me,” she mumbled through Jessica’s dark caramel tresses.

“And that won’t happen, okay? You’re not gonna lose me unless you don’t want me anymore.”

“What? No, no! That will never happen, baby.”

“Do you promise?”

“I do, I do promise. I swear.” Taeyeon frantically answered.

“Oh, Taengoo~”

The couple decided to get back to the house because Jessica insisted that they should take a nap. Of course, Taeyeon knew her girlfriend just wanted to cuddle so she agreed. There was nothing much to do outdoors anyway.

They spent the afternoon cuddling, Jessica sleeping, Taeyeon looking at Jessica’s sleeping face, cuddling again when Jessica woke up from her nap, making out and well.. more making out.

It was thirty minutes past five in the afternoon when Sooyoung walked in on the room announcing that the group had gathered near the beach for a barbecue party. Jessica and Taeyeon then changed in comfortable clothes before following Sooyoung to the group.

Siwon had greeted Taeyeon brightly as soon as they walked to the group. Taeyeon smiled brightly at the guy as he apologized for his behavior that afternoon. She assured him that it was okay and he needed not to worry.

The sun was setting when the group started devouring on the foods. The group was laughing their heads off at Seunghyun’s stories. The guy was hilarious behind the cold façade. The same goes for Siwon. Minho, on the other hand, gawked at Krystal the whole time as the girl giggled with Jinri at whatever they were talking about.

Jessica was comfortably nestled in Taeyeon’s arms by the time they finished their meals. Sooyoung and Yoona were still eating, saying that they shouldn’t waste food. Of course being the resident shikshins, the group just rolled their eyes at the statement. Yuri and Sunny were engaged in a serious conversation with Siwon and Seunghyun as they talked about college life and how stressful it could get.

“Taengoo I’m sleepy.” Jessica whined cutely.

“But you just woke up.. and don’t you think the atmosphere’s too nice to just sleep?”


“We could do something nice tonight, you know try some new things..” Taeyeon’s brows wiggled teasingly.

“Taengoo! Oh my God~” Jessica slapped Taeyeon’s lap as she tried to hide her blush.

“Let’s go swim, I haven’t had the chance since we came here.” Taeyeon suggested with a chuckle.

“It’s going to get dark soon and the water will be cold..”

“Perfect, let’s go..” Taeyeon rose up from her sitting position, bringing Jessica with her.

“Taengoo~ it’s dangerous to be swimming at night..”

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Taeyeon answered with a grin before kissing Jessica’s lips, her stubby fingers intertwining with Jessica’s thin ones.

They excused their selves from the group and Siwon reminded them to be back in a while.

Jessica flinched when the cold water touched her feet. Taeyeon had laughed and commented on how cute Jessica looked.

“Taengoo? Did you hear about skinny dipping?” Jessica asked seductively. Taeyeon gulped as Jessica’s warm breath hits her ear.

“Y-yeah. I-I saw in m-movies..” she stuttered, trying to act cool but failed.

“I think I want to try.” Jessica then pulled her shirt up, revealing her bra.

“Sica, they might see you!” Taeyeon immediately hugged Jessica’s body, trying to hide her girlfriend’s glorious body from anyone else.

“It’s dark Taengoo and they’re far from us.” Jessica freed herself from Taeyeon as she tugged on her shorts down.

“Sica! S-stop i-it!” Taeyeon’s throat was starting to get dry as she saw her girlfriend clad only in her undergarments.

Jessica turned her back at Taeyeon and faced the waters as proceeded to unhook her bra before slipping it off her.

One last garment left and Taeyeon’s throat was not getting better. She looked at the clothes that were lying on the sand and back to Jessica’s upper back again.

She gulped, trying to take her eyes off her girlfriend’s body but Jessica’s glorious curves were making it hard for her.

Jessica bent down, slipping off the last undergarment, before diving into the water.

“Sica? Where are you?” Taeyeon worriedly asked in the dark water when she lost sight of her girlfriend.

“Baby come out now, it’s not funny.” Her voice was becoming panicky by the time. Still the water was still and no sign of Jessica on the surface.

“Baby—“ A hand shoot up from the water, yanking Taeyeon down towards it. She stumbled before her body hit the cold water. Arms wrapped around her neck and legs wrapped around her waist as soon as she was on the water.

“Baby you scared me,” she said with a sigh when she came face to face with a smiling Jessica.

“Taengoo I’m cold..”

“Of course you are. Nobody told you to s-strip a-and dip in the w-water..” Taeyeon stuttered when she felt Jessica adjusting her legs, brushing her lower region against Taeyeon’s clothed stomach. Her arms wrapped Jessica’s hips reflexively.

“Baby what are you doing.. this is so unhygienic. We don’t know what could be swimming in these waters. The bacterias, the—“ Jessica’s lips captured Taeyeon’s, shutting the girl off.

“Shut up and kiss me,” she mumbled in Taeyeon’s lips.

Taeyeon did, obediently. Taeyeon’s hands caressed Jessica’s as her tongue was caught in a heated battle with Jessica’s. She grazed Jessica’s skin with her glorious tongue as her girlfriend moaned her name in the still night. She assaulted every sensitive part her girlfriend had, earning louder moans. Her lips then traveled down to Jessica’s bosom making the girl shiver in her arms.

Her shirt was being lifted and Taeyeon was too stuck in the moment to even protest. Then her shorts went off and her undergarments. Jessica had skillfully stripped her .

Taeyeon felt Jessica grinding in her bare stomach, fueling all the lust that had build up inside of her. She felt like a time-bomb waiting to explode. Even the cold water didn’t help much to cool her off. Her hands instinctively went to Jessica’s thighs, her stubby fingers brushing against the skin of her girlfriend.

“Taengoo~” Jessica’s voice was weak with pleasure, urging Taeyeon to continue what she was doing.

Jessica yanked a handful of Taeyeon’s hair lightly, tilting the girl’s head to look at her.

“I love you,” she said with eyes full of lust.

“I love you too, baby.” Taeyeon smiled and kissed Jessica on the lips, with love, want and lust.

In the still of the night, with trembling lips and inexperienced hands, Taeyeon and Jesica made love. In the still of the night, Taeyeon let herself loose. In the still of the night, their moans echoed with the small waves.

In the still of the night, Jessica lost her ity to Taeyeon.





I didn't rate it M because it wasn't that.. bold? Lol anyway allow me to apologize for the crappy ...ish. I swear it was so hot and all when I imagined my TaengSic skinny dipping. But it was meh when I wrote it. Lol I suggest you guys use your own imagination at the skinny dipping scene.

P.S. Did you like TaengSic getting their freak on? Was it too early? Heeeh.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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