Driving Lesson

Kiss Me

Jessica woke up with a smile on her face as soon as Taeyeon’s brown orbs filled her vision.

“Morning,” she awkwardly smiled when she realized that her arm is still resting on Taeyeon’s waist. She slowly slid her arm from Taeyeon but the latter pulled her closer.

“My head hurts.” Taeyeon said with a pout.

“Hangover. Let me get you painkillers.” Jessica said and tried to get out of the bed again but Taeyeon didn’t budge.

“Five minutes.” Taeyeon said and Jessica’s brow quirked.

Jessica was about to say something but the smile on Taeyeon’s face shut her off. So she just let Taeyeon snuggle closer to her.

After a while, the sound of Taeyeon’s light snores filled the warm room as Jessica fought the urge to fall back to sleep. Her eyes were about to give up when a loud voice came barging in.

“Gooooood moooooor—“ Krystal’s eyes widened as she saw Taeyeon comfortably snuggled close to Jessica.

“Ops. Sorry, Jess!” she said and instantly turned around to walk out of the room.

“Krys!” Jessica called out in a low voice so she won’t wake Taeyeon.

Krystal stopped walking, but didn’t turn around. Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Can you please get Taeyeon some painkillers and water?” Jessica asked politely, causing Krystal to turn towards her.

“Are you sick? Why are you so polite?” Krystal asked sarcastically.

“Jung Soojung!” Jessica hissed.

“Alright, alright. Jeez, your mood swings are really something.” Krystal mumbled as she went out of the room.

Krystal went back inside the room after a while with a glass of water and painkillers in hand.

“Is she awake yet?” She asked in a low voice as she approached the bed where Taeyeon and Jessica are still lying.

“Nope. I think her head really hurts. Why did you let her drink too much last night?” Jessica said as she slowly sat up on the bed with Taeyeon’s arm clinging tightly to her waist.

“Wow, she’s super clingy.” Krystal said and pointed Taeyeon’s arm.

“Anyway, are the others awake yet?” Jessica asked Krystal, her gaze never leaving Taeyeon’s face.

“I think Soo and Yuri are. They’re making breakfast.”

“Now I feel hungry.”

“Shouldn’t we wake her up?” Krystal asked and pointed at Taeyeon.

“Yeah, maybe.” Jessica said, nodding her head to her sister’s suggestion.

“Taeyeon?” Jessica nudged the sleeping girl lightly.

Getting no reaction from Taeyeon, she tried again.


“Mmm.. five min.. nutes.” Taeyeon mumbled as she snuggled closer to Jessica, tightening her grip on the latter’s waist.

Jessica’s cheeks heat up at the action.

“I never thought you could blush like that.” Krystal said and smiled mischievously at Jessica.

“Taeyeon..” Jessica continued nudging Taeyeon, as if her sister never uttered a word.

“Morning..” Taeyeon groggily said as she slowly opened her eyes.

“Ow. Ow.” She said as she held her head.

“Does it hurt that much?” Jessica asked worriedly and Taeyeon nodded.

“Here, take this. It’ll help.” Jessica said, giving Taeyeon the painkillers and the glass of water.

“Thanks.” Taeyeon smiled and took the medicine.


“Finally, you’re up!” Sooyoung happily exclaimed as soon as Jessica, Krystal and Taeyeon went inside the kitchen.

“Morning..” Yuri weakly said as she massaged her temple.

“Hangover?” Jessica asked and Yuri nodded her head.

“Here,” she offered the remaining painkillers to Yuri.

“Are you sure?” Yuri hesitantly took the painkillers from Jessica’s hand.

“Yeah. Want me to feed you those?” Jessica teased Yuri, causing the latter to freeze in her spot as her cheeks heat up.

Taeyeon’s brows knitted, not understanding the irritation that had abruptly built inside of her. She brushed it off and went to sit far away from Yuri.

“Ugh. My head hurts,” she complained loudly, making sure Jessica will hear as she massaged her temple.

“The pills didn’t work?” Jessica asked worriedly as she made her way towards Taeyeon.

Sooyoung, who caught Taeyeon’s reaction from before, snickered and stopped Jessica.

“I’ll take care of her, go take care of Yuri and give her breakfast,” she said as she hurriedly went to Taeyeon.

“Sneaky midget,” she whispered to Taeyeon as she knelt beside the short pouting girl.

“What?” Taeyeon whispered back.

“I know your head doesn’t hurt. You just want Sica’s attention too.” Sooyoung said matter-of-factly as she pretended to get busy beside Taeyeon.

“How—no! ‘course not!” Taeyeon hissed and averted her gaze back to Jessica, who was currently serving Yuri.

“Why did that nerd drink too much last night!” Taeyeon hissed again, displeasure evident on her face.

“You’re one to talk.” Sooyoung commented and stood up to get the food that she had cooked.

“Anyway, do you guys have any plan today?” Sooyoung asked loudly, bringing all the attention to her.

“Uhm, no, why?” Yoona, who just arrived in the kitchen, said groggily.

“Want to go picnic?” Sooyoung asked loudly again.

“Sure!” Sunny said cheerfully as she sat down beside Taeyeon.

“What’s with the face?” Sunny asked Taeyeon and followed her line of sight.

“Oh wow the dork’s living her dreams,” she snickered at the blushing Yuri, who was being served by Jessica.

“Pfff.” Taeyeon snorted and started eating her food. “Why is the omelet so bitter?!” Taeyeon’s annoyed voice made all the girls turn towards her.

“Wha—no it’s not!” Sooyoung countered as she stuffed a spoonful of omelet in .

“Yes it is! Here, try it!” Taeyeon said, pushing her plate towards Sooyoung, who sat across her.

Sooyoung scooped a spoonful again and stuffed it in . She deliberately chewed the food before making a face.

“No, it’s not. It tastes really good.” Sooyoung said boastfully as a grin appeared on her face.

“Taeyeon, is something wrong?” Jessica spoke up after a while.

“No, maybe it’s just the headache. I’ll j-just lay d-down for a w-while.” Taeyeon answered as she excused herself and stood up.

Jessica’s gaze followed the sulking girl until she was out of sight.

“She’s acting weird.” Yoona commented nonchalantly and Yuri nodded her head.

“Well, she’s been acting weird since last night. She’d been ogling at Jess last night and not to mention the comments about her lips and sleeping with ‘Jeshka’. Like, what was that for?” Krystal said as she scooped another spoonful of food before shoving it in .

Jessica pretended not to hear anything but her cheeks gave her away as she blushed madly at the memory of Taeyeon kissing her on the dance floor, the restroom and the peck before sleeping.

“Oh my God! Did she really?! Ha! I knew that midget swings that way!” Sunny exclaimed, and laughed, causing Sooyoung and Yoona to laugh too.

“But, isn’t she, like, super into Baekhyun? I mean, she agreed to the ‘lessons’ because of him, right?” Yuri’s comment made all the people on the table fell silent.

“Can we just all eat up so we can go home already? Our mom’s going to kill us.” Jessica spoke up, trying to chase the awkward atmosphere away.

“Nerd just have to ruin everything.” Yoona hissed, casting Yuri a glare. The tanned girl just stuck her tongue out at Yoona.


Taeyeon rolled to her side, her back facing the door, as she heard the door cracked open and light footsteps made its way towards the bed.

“Taeyeon?” Taeyeon closed her eyes as Jessica’s voice sounded close. “I brought you breakfast,” she added when Taeyeon didn’t seem to budge.

Taeyeon heard Jessica sigh before the sound of metal against wood echoed through the room.

“I’ll just leave it here. We need to go home now,” Jessica hesitated before continuing. “I’ll see you at school.”

Taeyeon’s eyes shot open as she heard Jessica’s footsteps again.

“Sica,” she called out and immediately turned towards the leaving girl. “I’ll send you home.”

Jessica smiled and made her way back to the bed. “No need. Just rest, okay?” she said as she sat on the edge of the bed, reaching for the food tray once again. “And please eat something.”

Taeyeon took the food tray from Jessica and said, “Okay, but at least let me send you home as my thank you for taking care of me last night.”


“No buts, remember?” Taeyeon grinned as she took the spoon and fork from the tray.

“Fine,” Jessica answered and smiled, laying her body back on the bed.

There was silence for a while as Taeyeon ate her food. She looked over Jessica, whose eyes were closed. She let her gaze linger on the beautiful face before her. Her heart beats rapidly again, like it always does when she intently stares at Jessica Jung. There was something about Jessica that she can’t quite put a word onto. Something inviting and scary. Something foreign yet familiar. Something complicated and simple at the same time. Something new.

A crush? But she’s a girl.. a really beautiful one at that though. Taeyeon’s mind went blank and she didn’t notice Jessica staring back at her.

“Are you okay? You’re spacing out.” Jessica’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

“Oh—I.. uh..” Taeyeon trailed off as she struggled to find the right words to say. She was used to speaking as part of being the President of the student government, so it felt weird being so out of words when it comes to Jessica. So unlike her.

“Anyway, have you talked to Baekhyun yet? He’s the guy you’re going to the prom, right?” Jessica asked as she sat up on the bed too, facing Taeyeon.

“I—I have—en’t y-yet.” Taeyeon shyly said as she brought her attention to her food once again.

“Well you should.”

“Really? W-why?”

“To.. err.. make things.. clear?”

“H-how? I-I don’t t-think I c-could.”

“Just tell him you like him.”

“W-what?! No! What i-if he d-doesn’t like me that.. way?”

“What? Are you insane?! Who wouldn’t like you? You’re cute and smart and really really pretty and amazing and kind and fun to be with and smart, oh I already said smart right? Well, you get what I mean. And you’re really cute, I just want to adopt you. Heeeh.” Jessica said and chuckled. “I’m rambling right now, I’m sorry,” she shyly said and snickered.

Taeyeon chuckled as she tried to hide the blush that had formed on her cheeks.

“You’re cute when you ramble,” she said and continued chuckling, joining Jessica.

“But seriously Taeyeon, just confess to him. I know things will turn out well for the both of you.” Jessica’s voice became serious and Taeyeon had to look at her to find any emotion but to no avail for the girl wore a rather bored expression.

“Let’s.. just not.. talk about.. him.”

They both fell silent again. Jessica fiddled with the bed sheets while Taeyeon scooped the remaining food on her plate.

“Do you.. uhm.. l-like.. Y-Yuri?” Taeyeon hesitantly asked, making Jessica’s brow quirk at the question.

“What? Why?”

Taeyeon just shrugged.

“I like Yuri..” Taeyeon’s head automatically went up as she stared at Jessica. “As a friend,” she added, making Taeyeon’s eyes light up.

“Really? You don’t like her like that?” Taeyeon probed as her mood suddenly changed.

Jessica shook her head in amusement as she took notice of Taeyeon’s change of mood.

Could it be? She smiled inwardly as thoughts came rushing in her head.


Jessica stood in front of their house as she waited for a black Honda City. Taeyeon had insisted on sending them home after breakfast and she could do nothing but to agree. Sooyoung’s picnic plans, however, didn’t push through as the girls supposedly had other appointments, which Jessica found odd since Sooyoung and Yoona stays at home on weekends. When Taeyeon had dropped them home an hour ago, the girl had instructed her to wait for her after an hour. Jessica questioned why, but Taeyeon just grinned and bid them goodbye. And so here she was, standing in front of their house as she looked through the street for any sign of Taeyeon’s car.

The black car pulled up in front of Jessica and she found herself smiling as the door to the front seat opened.

“Get in,” Taeyeon smiled widely at her.

The car moved forward as soon as Jessica settled in Taeyeon’s car.

“I hope you’re not kidnapping me ‘coz my parents won’t be able to give you the ransom money.” Jessica joked.

“I’ll have to keep you then.” Taeyeon grinned as she played along.

Jessica laughed and smacked Taeyeon’s thigh playfully.

“Seriously though, where are we going?” she asked when she noticed that they were driving away from the city.

“Driving lessons.” Taeyeon coolly answered.

“Are you being serious right now?” Jessica’s eyes widened.

“Of course. Nerds are serious, no?” Taeyeon said and the grin reappeared on her face.


“No buts, Sica.” Jessica’s cheeks blushed at the nickname.

“Okay, Taengoo,” she retorted, remembering what Mrs. Kim had called Taeyeon.

Taeyeon’s grin widened at the nickname that rolled out perfectly from Jessica’s tongue.

“My crappy nickname sounds perfect coming from you,” she mumbled and Jessica pretended not to hear anything as she hides her smile.


Taeyeon stepped on the brake lightly as they reached a deserted road. There were trees aligned beside the road and a lake was visible few meters from the paved road. She stepped out of the driver’s seat after turning the engine off and jogged her way towards the front seat door, opening it.

“Get in the driver’s seat,” she said as she offered a hand to Jessica.

“Taengoo, I’m not sure about this.” Jessica said as she stepped out of the car too, her hand on Taeyeon’s.

“Don’t worry, I’m here. I won’t let us crash.” Taeyeon said and grinned with dimples and all.

Taeyeon and Jessica settled in the  front seat and driver’s seat respectively.

Jessica listened attentively to Taeyeon as the girl introduced her to the essential parts of the car. Ignition, shifter, accelerator, brake, steering wheel, hand brake, rearview mirror, side mirrors. Jessica mentally took note of how those works.

“Ready?” Taeyeon said as she looked at Jessica, who had her fingers curled on the steering wheel.

Jessica just nodded briefly.

“So, where’s the accelerator?” Taeyeon questioned and Jessica automatically pointed at the pedal below her right foot. “Very good,” she said with a nod.

“And the break?” Jessica rolled her eyes and pointed at the pedal beside the accelerator, earning giggles from Taeyeon.

“Now, turn the ignition on. And don’t forget to step on the brake as you do.” Taeyeon instructed and Jessica did as told. The engine roared into life.

“Now, keep your foot on the brake pedal and put the gear on D, or drive.” Taeyeon instructed again. Jessica nodded and followed her instructions.

“Then release the hand brake by pressing the release lever here,” Taeyeon said, pointing at the lever.

“Wow, you’re a fast learner,” she commented when Jessica did skillfully all the instructions. “Are you sure you don’t know how to drive?” she joked, Jessica just rolled her eyes.

“Okay, moment of truth.. let go of the brake pedal slowly.. then step on the accelerator slowly.” Taeyeon said as she checked the empty road.

The car moved slowly as Jessica stepped on the accelerator.

“Control the car with the steering wheel and just relax, okay?” Taeyeon said as she leaned back in her seat.

Jessica kept mum as she focused on the road. Her nervous hands clumsily turned the steering wheel as they came into a small curve.

“You’re doing great,” Taeyeon praised with her gaze fixed on the road ahead of them.

After an hour of driving around, the duo found their selves lying side by side on a grass covered ground a few feet away from the trees.

“Are you tired? You learn fast.” Taeyeon said and turned to her side towards Jessica.

Jessica shook her head.

“Thank you, Taeyeon.” Jessica said with closed eyes.

“What happened to Taengoo?” Taeyeon said, pouting.

Jessica opened her eyes and turned her head towards Taeyeon’s direction.

“Is it okay if I call you that? I mean, it sounds like an intimate nickname since I only heard your mother calling you that.”

“Of course, silly.” Taeyeon answered and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Jessica’s ear, causing the latter to blush as Taeyeon’s knuckles brushed against her ear.

Their eyes met and Taeyeon fought the urge to lean closer, but Jessica was making it hard for her as she found herself unconsciously leaning in. As their lips were about to touch, Taeyeon moved on top of Jessica, hovering over her. There was a slight shock in Jessica’s eyes as Taeyeon’s nose brushed against hers.

“Eskimo kiss,” Taeyeon softly said before moving to Jessica’s earlobes. “Earlobe kiss,” she added and brought her lips back to Jessica’s inviting ones.

Taeyeon captured Jessica’s lips and it took a second for Jessica to respond as she tried to comprehend Taeyeon’s actions. The girl never initiated kisses, well, except for when she was drunk and decided to abuse Jessica’s lips. Not that she mind, though.

There was a new sensation in Taeyeon’s kisses that Jessica couldn’t quite comprehend. There was need and want and.... love? No, that can’t be. She’s not gay. Jessica kissed back, and this time she didn’t hold back. Her hands going from Taeyeon’s back to her hips.

Taeyeon slid her tongue across Jessica’s lower lip, like how Jessica did that day at school. Jessica obediently opened to accommodate Taeyeon’s tongue as it wandered inside before their tongues engaged in a heated battle.

Taeyeon took Jessica’s hands and intertwined their fingers before bringing it above Jessica’s head, locking it in place, as her lips trailed sloppy kisses down Jessica’s jaw line and down to her neck. She on the skin of Jessica’s neck, hoping to leave a mark there. Louder moans escaped Jessica’s lips as Taeyeon trailed another sloppy kiss beneath Jessica’s ears. Taeyeon smirked as she found the girl’s sensitive spot.

“Tae.. Tae.. yeon..” Jessica moaned as Taeyeon continued her assault on the sensitive part.

“Sica..” Taeyeon groaned in Jessica’s skin, sending shivers all over the girl’s body.

Taeyeon’s lips travelled back to Jessica’s as their lips were once again engaged in a heated lip locking, with tongues and all.

They were both panting when their lips parted, their lungs demanding of oxygen. Taeyeon pulled them both in a sitting position as her hands caressed Jessica’s blushing cheeks.

“Best.. kiss.. ever..” Jessica managed to say in between breaths before her head fell on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

Taeyeon’s hands transferred to Jessica’s back as her thumb created random patterns. A smile plastered on her face.


Jessica hummed her answer with a ’hmm’.

“I don’t know how or when..” Taeyeon held Jessica by the arms and pushed the girl slightly away from her just so she could look Jessica in the eye.

“But I think I’m starting to fall for you,” she admitted shyly, not breaking their eye contact.

Jessica’s eyes widened for a moment.

“It’s kind of complicated, you see.. I used to tell you I’m not gay.. at least I never knew.. until, well, my heart,” she shyly said as she held Jessica by the hand and brought it close to her left chest where her heart beat could be felt.

“You feel that?” she asked and Jessica nodded. Her heart was pounding loudly against her chest, she could swear it’ll explode anytime soon.

“You’re the only one who could make it go crazy. Not Baekhyun, not any other guy,” Taeyeon added as a sincere smile graced her lips. “Only you,” she confessed as she held Jessica’s hand tighter against her chest, her free thumb wiped a lone tear that rolled down Jessica’s cheek.

“Sica? What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly while her thumb continued caressing Jessica’s cheek.

Jessica shook her head and Taeyeon sighed in relief.

“It’s just so sudden.. and unexpected.. I never.. thought.. this.. you..” Jessica said incoherently as she stared at her hand that was on Taeyeon’s chest.

“I know.. and really, I don’t know what happened. All I know is I got jealous over Yuri this morning..” Taeyeon trailed off, bringing Jessica’s hand to her lips and kissed it tenderly.

“B-but.. Yuri and I.. we’re not.. I don’t..”

“I know, I know. I just don’t like seeing you being close to someone else.”

“I—is that selfish of me?” Taeyeon looked Jessica in the eye as she seeks for answers.

Jessica shook her head again.

“I think I like possessive Taengoo,” she answered with a shy smile.

“So, you like me like that too?” Taeyeon asked with eagerness in her voice.

“Kim Taeyeon, did you really have to ask?”

“I don’t know, I sometimes am dense when it comes to things like this. I mean, I’ve never.. you.. it’s something.. new..”

“Can you feel this then?” Jessica said as she brought Taeyeon’s hands close to her chest, letting her feel her heartbeat.

“Wow, s.” A dorky grin showed on Taeyeon’s face.


“Oh, right. Heartbeat. Heeeh.”

“I know it doesn’t really seem like it, but this never really beat like this for anyone before. I’ve had relationships, yes, but I never felt like this before. I think..” Jessica trailed off as another blush occupied her cheeks. “I think I fell for you the first time I kissed you on lunch break,” she finished with a shy smile.

Taeyeon moved to Jessica’s back as she pulled the girl closer for a tight back hug, her chin rested on Jessica’s shoulder.

“I don’t think I could ever let you go now.” Jessica spoke in a low voice.

“Then don’t. I would be more than happy.”

“Oh, Taeyeon. What if this is just a phase? What if it’s really Baekhyun and not me. What if—“

“Sica, I told you already, you’re the only one who could make me feel this way. Not him.”

“But you like him so much.”

“I don’t even know if I ever liked him. I mean, yeah, sure he’s good looking and all but that’s just it. I think I just liked him for the sake of having a crush, to fit in, to not be the odd one in high school. And he happened to be the ‘convenient one’ since many girls like him too.”

“But you’re really different, Sica. You’re like the unexpected but perfect one.” Taeyeon added as she cuddled closer to Jessica.

“Guess my spells worked on you, huh?” Jessica joked and giggled.

“I don’t really care if I fall under your spell, princess, as long as I get to be with you.” Taeyeon mumbled as her lips brushed against the sensitive spot below Jessica's ear. She smirked when moans erupted from Jessica’s mouth.

That day, Jessica lost count of how many times they kissed, all she could remember are Taeyeon’s soft lips against her neck and the shivers it sent down her spine as she fell for the dorky girl all over again, head first.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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