Chocolate Cupcakes

Kiss Me

Jessica fidgeted on her seat when she felt Mrs. Kim’s eyes on her. As if the older woman was examining every strand of hair her scalp managed to grow, making her unconsciously comb her hair with her fingers. She looked over Taeyeon who sat motionless and expressionless beside her, hands laid on her lap, eyes fixed on the television screen. She wanted to hold Taeyeon’s hand so badly for some support, but did otherwise. She let her sight fall back to the movie that was playing on the television screen, not really understanding what the film was about.

She flinched when she felt Mrs. Kim’s hand on hers. She looked up to see the woman smiling at her, offering her a cup of tea.

“You seem uneasy, Jessica. Why don’t you take a sip at this?” Mrs. Kim brought the cup closer to Jessica.

She bowed and smiled awkwardly at the woman before taking the cup of tea. Her nose caught an earthy smell and Jessica feared for the worst since she isn’t a fan of healthy things. She brought the cup up to without breathing and took a sip at the liquid while Mrs. Kim looked at her expectantly. Jessica swallowed a good amount of the earthly tea but contrary to what she had expected, the tea’s taste was a combination of flower and honey. She smiled before turning to Taeyeon.

“This is really good! Taengoo~ you should try it too!” She chirped happily before taking another sip from her cup, muscles relaxing instantly.

“Wow, Mrs. Kim this is really good.” She complimented, turning back to face Taeyeon’s mother, forgetting all the uneasiness she felt earlier.

Taeyeon smiled and commented on how Jessica hated teas before taking her own cup from the coffee table.

“So, what are you girls up to today?” Mrs. Kim asked while she watched the two girls.

“Err,” Jessica looked over Taeyeon before continuing, “I think I would just have to go home after this movie since Taeyeon needs to finish her valedictory address for next week.”

“Home? Why? It’s too early. Why don’t you help me with my speech instead?” Taeyeon asked with furrowed brows.

“You can do it without me. You know I’m not good with words. And besides, I’ll just distract you.” Jessica grinned cheekily at Taeyeon who blushed in return.

“Or help me bake Taeyeon’s favorite cupcakes instead. What do you say, Jessica?” Taeyeon and Jessica turned to face Mrs. Kim as she spoke. Taeyeon smiled while Jessica hesitated.

“I’d—I’d love that.. Mrs.. Kim.” She spoke in a low, shy voice. Taeyeon sniggered at how unlikely it was for Jessica to act like that.

“Umma, I don’t think that would be a great idea.” Taeyeon chuckled at the memory of Jessica covered with flour in Sunny’s kitchen the morning after prom, screaming those high pitched dolphin-like screams out of frustration, when she tried making cupcakes because Yuri hinted how Taeyeon loves chocolate cupcakes over breakfast. It was cute and sweet though.

“Taengoo~!” Jessica cutely pouted, knowing what was going through her girlfriend’s mind at the moment.

“I am not taking no for an answer, okay? I will just prepare the kitchen. Follow me after a while Jessica, you’ll enjoy this. And Taeyeon, finish that speech of yours.” Mrs. Kim instructed as she rose from the leather covered sofa.

“And please turn that horrible movie off. I don’t even know why you kids would want to watch that.” She added, making the girls laugh because she was the one who chose the movie.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon scooted closer to Jessica as soon as Mrs. Kim disappeared to the kitchen.

Jessica leaned her head against Taeyeon’s shoulder and nodded. “I want to cuddle,” she whispered cutely.

“Later, maybe?” Taeyeon answered as she intertwined their fingers and kissed the top of Jessica’s head.

“Okay, I’m off now. Let’s see how magical my cupcakes turn out.” Jessica said and straightened up on her seat. Taeyeon snickered again.

“I’m pretty sure they’ll be edible enough.” Taeyeon answered as she rose from the couch, pulling Jessica with her.

“Now, go before I pull you upstairs,” she whispered cheekily at Jessica with a grin.

“Byuntae,” Jessica commented and stuck her tongue out at the shorter girl.

Jessica looked around first and when no one was in sight, she quickly placed a peck on Taeyeon’s lips.

“I love you, Taengoo.”

“I love you too.”


When Jessica arrived inside the kitchen, Mrs. Kim was already preheating the oven.

“Oh, sweetie you’re here.” Mrs. Kim cheerfully said and beckoned Jessica to come closer.

Jessica did as told and Mrs. Kim handed her an apron before she started giving Jessica instructions on what ingredients to mix and how to mix it. Jessica nodded her head to Mrs. Kim’s instruction as she diligently did what was told. Taeyeon’s mother watched her with content smile as Jessica transferred the chocolate cake mixture to the cupcake papers on the tray.

Jessica looked up to Taeyeon’s mom nervously as she waited for confirmation from the woman.

“Now, there’s only one thing that’s missing,” Mrs. Kim said, waltzing her way to the cupboards, rummaging it for a moment. She came back with a box of small chocolate chips.

“Don’t ever forget to put chocolate chips before baking the cupcakes. Taeyeon loves them,” she said while sprinkling the chocolate chips to each cupcake.

Silence fell between the two of them as they waited for the cupcake to bake. Jessica leaned her back on the island counter with Mrs. Kim beside her.

“Jessica?” Mrs. Kim spoke without looking at the girl.

“Ye-yes, Mrs. Kim?”

“Will you be honest with me?”

“O-of course.. Mrs.. Kim.”

“Are you and Taeyeon..” Jessica gulped as Mrs. Kim let her sentence hang in the air.

“Ye-yes..” She shyly answered, hanging her head low.

“You sound ashamed. Why?” Mrs. Kim’s words caused Jessica to bolt her head up to the woman beside her.

“You.. you’re not.. ang—angry?”

“Shocked. But not angry.” The woman smiled at Jessica; her cheeks puffing, reminding Jessica of Taeyeon’s cheeks when the girl smiles sincerely at her.

Mrs. Kim was kind behind the intimidating eyes. Her skin as smooth as Taeyeon’s; hiding all the evidence of aging. Her moves looked number but graceful nonetheless. She looked like one of those movie stars from the eighties. Everything about the woman screams elegance; from her dress to her perfectly waved shoulder-length hair. But elegance could never hide the sadness in those chocolate brown orbs, and Jessica wondered what could have caused those. She remembered her own mother’s eyes; they were so lively, opposite to Mrs. Kim’s.

“I’m s-sorry.” Jessica said and bowed at her girlfriend’s mother.

“Why? Loving was never wrong before, it shouldn’t be now.” Taeyeon’s mother said comfortingly.

“I may not know much about you, Jessica but I like you. As Taeyeon’s friend or girlfriend. I like you.” She added, making Jessica smile unconsciously.

“But I’m sorry I can’t say the same for his father.” The woman’s smile dropped, and Jessica finds herself reciprocating the action while she nodded her head in understanding.

She hasn’t met Mr. Kim yet but from what she heard from Sunny and Yuri, the head of the household is strict when it comes to his children. A protective father that would do anything just to protect his children from what he thinks isn’t right for them or their future, thus earning two overachiever children. But Jessica believes that Mr. Kim just wanted the best for his children. She doesn’t really know much about the man since Taeyeon doesn’t really talk about him. Jessica assumed that Taeyeon doesn’t spend much time with her father since he’s a busy man, as what to be expected from the owner of South Korea’s biggest mirror manufacturer.

Jessica was lost in her thoughts when the oven rang, making her jump a little. Mrs. Kim was the first to move and got the cupcakes out of the oven. Jessica smiled widely when she saw the cupcakes perfectly baked. The cupcake tray was then laid on top of the island. They then decorated the cupcakes as soon as it cooled down, not forgetting the marshmallows Taeyeon loved ever so dearly. Jessica and her mother’s girlfriend smiled at the result of their hard work.

“Can you bring this up to Taeyeon, sweetie? While I make the both of you orange juice.” Mrs. Kim said as she extended a plate of cupcakes to Jessica. The latter nodded obediently.

“And Jessica?” The woman called after her as she started to make her way out of the kitchen. Stopping in her tracks, Jessica turned back to see Mrs. Kim munching on a cupcake.

“You did really great at this. Taeyeon will love them.” The woman smiled, making Jessica blush at the compliment.


Middle knuckle rapped against the white wooden door as Jessica waited for the shorter girl to answer. After a while, feet shuffled on the other side of the door before it opened, revealing a sleepy Taeyeon.

“Hi,” Jessica greeted as she stepped inside the room. “Were you sleeping?” She added and laid the plate of cupcakes on Taeyeon’s study desk.

Taeyeon just shook her head and pointed at the papers that were scattered untidily on the desk. Jessica shook her head with a smile while stacking the papers in a pile and putting it aside.

“You did help umma with these, right?” Taeyeon teased and took a cupcake from the plate.

“I.. actually.. made them.” Jessica shyly admitted and sat on the bed while Taeyeon sat on her desk chair.

With a quirk of the brow and a smirk on her lips, Taeyeon said, “I’m surprised you’re not covered with flour this time.”

Jessica just rolled her eyes at her girlfriend before urging her to take a bite. She waited as Taeyeon took her sweet time, chewing on the sweet delight.

“So?” Jessica asked when Taeyeon swallowed what she was chewing.

“You sure you made this?” Taeyeon asked skeptically.

“Taengoo~!” Jessica pouted and crossed her arms. “I can bake you know!”

Taeyeon snickered and moved closer to the bed, rolling the wheels of her desk chair. She leaned in, face inches away from Jessica as she spoke, “Why are you so perfect? You make the perfect cupcakes even more perfect.”

Jessica blushed but brushed the shorter girl away and said, “You’re not making sense.”

Taeyeon then laughed heartily before retorting, “But baby, love doesn’t make sense.”

“Ew cheese!” Jessica playfully made a vomiting sound, making Taeyeon laugh harder.

“So, was it good?” Jessica eagerly asked.

“I just said they were perfect. Good doesn’t even compare.” Taeyeon answered as she finished her cupcake.

“You’re exaggerating, Taengoo~”

“Am not. I’m being honest.”

Jessica smiled as her girlfriend munched on another cupcake.


A smile curved in the woman’s lips as her daughter’s loud laughter emitted from the room. She stayed for a while, listening to her daughter’s laughter that she missed the most. Growing up, Taeyeon surrounded herself with books, confining herself inside her room, with the exception of when Yuri and Sunkyo would drop by. And when Taeyeon had been spending more time outside her room, Mrs. Kim can’t help but notice the changes. She was worried at first, but when Taeyeon would come home with a smile, she knew that there was really nothing to worry about. A smile graced her lips as she thought about her daughter finally finding something to be happy about. Or rather, someone.

The laughter died down and Mrs. Kim took it as her cue to knock. The door immediately opened after three knocks, revealing Jessica with a shy smile.

“I just thought you girls would need something to drink,” she said and laid two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice beside the plate of cupcakes.

Taeyeon smiled at her and said, “Thank you, umma” while Jessica bowed in gratitude.

“I will be downstairs if you ever need anything,” she added and made her way out of the room.


“Your mom is so sweet.” Jessica commented as soon as the sounds of Mrs. Kim’s footsteps disappeared down the hall. Taeyeon just nodded while drinking from her orange juice.

“So, have you finished the speech yet?” Jessica asked and returned to her spot on the bed while Taeyeon finished her glass of juice.

Taeyeon merely shrugged at the question.

“Can I sleep while I wait for you? So tired.” Jessica cutely whined and let her body fall on the soft bed.

Wiping her lips with a tissue, Taeyeon smiled at the sight of her girlfriend who was lying motionless on her bed. Taeyeon stood up from her desk chair and went to the bed, hovered over Jessica, kissed her lips then collapsed beside the sleeping girl. Her arm instantly wrapped around Jessica’s waist before closing her eyes too.


Jessica woke up to her girlfriend’s arm around her body while she was cuddled close to the latter. Her eyes remained closed as she listened to her girlfriend sing in a hushed voice, her warm breath brushing against the space between Jessica’s nose and lips.

“y love.. girl the things you do,” came Taeyeon’s little voice. “Keep me sprung, keep me running back to you,” she continued while she Jessica’s back with her feather-like touch.

“Oh I love making love to you,” she continued with a smile, oblivious to the blush that had tinted Jessica’s cheeks. Jessica peeked under her lashes as Taeyeon continued her mini-performance, thinking that her girlfriend was still sleeping.

“Baby girl you know you’re my..” Taeyeon leaned in and leveled her lips to Jessica’s lips. “y love,” she finished and kissed Jessica’s lips tenderly and slowly.

Jessica’s lips broke into a grin and her eyes opened before saying, “You know it’s not good stealing kisses. You must return it.”

Taeyeon chuckled and leaned in again, placing a peck on Jessica’s lips before saying, “There, I returned it already. Happy?”

Jessica shook her head. “That wasn’t how you stole it. It was like this,” she said and leaned in to kiss Taeyeon’s lips tenderly and slowly, just like how the shorter girl had done earlier.

“Aw, now you’re the one who’s stealing kisses. Give it back! Give it back~” Taeyeon playfully whined and pulled Jessica closer to her. Jessica rolled her eyes before placing a peck on her girlfriend’s lips. They ended up giggling at their antics.

“Move in with me.” Taeyeon abruptly said as she looked deep in Jessica’s eyes. The latter furrowed her brows at the question. No wait, that wasn’t a question. That was a statement.


“I mean for college. We can live together in a dorm or apartment or something, you know?” Taeyeon said, still holding Jessica close to her.

“I’ll ask dad first.” Jessica said and lowered her head, nuzzling it in Taeyeon’s neck.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, just holding each other tight before Jessica’s warm breath brushed against the skin of Taeyeon’s neck.

“Oh baby what we do it makes the sun come up,” she started singing, continuing where Taeyeon had left off.

“Keep on lovin' 'til it goes back down,” her nasally but sweet voice was sending shivers down Taeyeon’s spine as Jessica glided her fingertips down to Taeyeon’s hips in a slow and agonizing manner.

“And I don't know what I'd do if I would lose your touch,” her fingertips settled on the exposed skin of Taeyeon’s thigh because of her short shorts.

“That's why I'm always keepin' you around...” Jessica added in a whisper, still singing, as her fingers drew small circles in Taeyeon’s thigh. Taeyeon moaned in anticipation.

“My y love,” she added and moved on top of Taeyeon. Hovering, knees bended on either side of Taeyeon’s hips, hands pinning Taeyeon on the bed by the wrist, she moved her lips closer to the flustered girl’s lips, merely touching. Jessica leaned in closer and slowly, much to Taeyeon’s distaste as she closed the remaining gap, capturing Jessica’s lips in a greedy kiss, their tongues fighting before dancing to the melody of their fast heartbeat that seemed to be in sync with each other.

Their lips parted and Taeyeon tried catching her breath as Jessica moved down to her jaw line, placed a peck there and continued teasing the skin of her neck. Jessica’s lips hovered near it, not touching the skin at all, just breathing warm air on it as her right hand teasingly crept inside Taeyeon’s shirt. A peck was placed on the skin and Taeyeon felt Jessica’s weight disappearing on top of her. She then opened her eyes only to see a grinning Jessica standing at the foot of the bed.

“I have to go now, Taengoo~” Jessica said casually and offered a hand to help Taeyeon up. The latter groaned in frustration before putting her hand in Jessica’s, allowing the girl to pull her up to her feet.

“Such a tease,” Taeyeon said with a pout as she enveloped Jessica in a tight hug.

“Byuntae,” Jessica snorted with laughter.

“Byuntae for you.” Taeyeon whispered in Jessica’s ear, purposely blowing warm air.

Jessica playfully pushed Taeyeon away from her and pretended to gather her things to hide her blush. Taeyeon smirked before laughing.

“I love you, Sica-ah~” Taeyeon pulled Jessica again, hugging the girl tighter than she did earlier.

“I love you, Taengoo-ah.” Jessica answered in a whisper but with clarity and sincerity.


Mrs. Kim was on her way to the master’s bedroom when she heard laughter emitting from Taeyeon’s room. She momentarily stopped to appreciate the lively laughter.

Smiling, she started to walk away from the door when a deep, male voice spoke. Her steps came to a stop.

“Who’s in there?” The man asked with a raised brow.

“Oh, Taeyeon’s friend.” She answered calmly, stepping closer to the man and kissed him on the cheek.

“Friend? Yuri? Sunkyo?” The man asked again, taking his tie off.

“New friend.” Mrs. Kim answered, taking the man’s attaché case.

The man’s hand curled up into a ball and his knuckles were ready to knock on the wooden door but Mrs. Kim stopped him.

“You should wash up now, I cooked your favorite food.” She said, taking the man’s hand with hers.

The man looked over the wooden door once more before letting his wife pull him to their room, mind still lingering on the hearty laughter of his beloved daughter.

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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
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Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
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discovered this todaayy
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