Prom Night

Kiss Me

Two ethereally beautiful girls walked side by side inside the dimly lit banquet hall. The shorter of the two brunettes wore a laced white tube dress that hugged her figure perfectly, stopping just above her knee. Her makeup complimented her fair skin, completing her goddess looks. The other brunette wore a baby pink dress that molded perfectly with her curves, the hemline stopping above her knee. She was beautiful, as always, but tonight she shined brighter. Her smile complementing the light makeup she wore, almost natural.

The shorter one fiddled with her dress while the other brunette walked with ease. Eyes turned towards the shorter brunette, boys gawking at the beauty that was exposed before their eyes. She had always been beautiful despite the nerdy look she comfortably sported at a day by day basis. But tonight, it was like another Kim Taeyeon had emerged, enchanting and captivating. A little shy, but beautiful nonetheless.

Behind them walked another beauty that none of the students know of. She was somewhat identical to the other brunette, Jessica Jung, though. She was all smiles, and boys can’t help but stare at the lively girl. Her dress was similar to Jessica’s, only it came in white. Her high heels made her taller than the two brunettes who wore identical black Keds. It was Jessica’s idea though, saying that shoes are more comfortable than stilettos and Taeyeon couldn’t agree more. So here they were, pairing their dresses with their black Keds. Unexpectedly, the shoes went well with their dresses, giving off an elegant and comfy look.

They sat in a table where four beautiful girls waited for them. There were no guys on the table, contrary to their schoolmates who were already exchanging cheesy banters with their dates. Krystal had rolled her eyes, commenting how those girls have low standards for a date. The group laughed before a tall, pale guy approached their table. He wore a black suit jacket with white dress shirt inside, a silky vest and a black and white striped bowtie. A single white rose boutonniere was pinned inside his suit pocket while he held an identical corsage.

He smiled shyly at the group before speaking, “Hello, Taeyeon. You look beautiful tonight.”

The short brunette smiled at the compliment before answering, “Hello, Baekhyun. Mind joining us?” She pointed at an empty chair beside Krystal.

The boy shyly bowed at the rest of the girls before sitting down at the empty chair. Jessica intertwined her fingers with Taeyeon’s fingers instantly in a protective manner, palms pressed tightly against the other. Taeyeon chuckled as she pats Jessica’s hand. Baekhyun’s eyes accidentally landed on the intertwined hands and a realization dawned on him.

“He-hello, Jessica,” he shyly smiled at the brunette. Jessica returned the smile and nodded. Taeyeon didn’t need to introduce Baekhyun to the rest of the girls since they all go to the same school. Well, except for one.

“That corsage looks pretty,” she commented, nodding at Baekhyun’s hand that fiddled with the ribbon of the flower.

“Err,” Baekhyun scratched the back of his head, disheveling his hair a little.

“By the way, this is Krystal, Jessica’s sister.” Taeyeon pointed at the girl beside Baekhyun. Krystal stopped sipping from her juice as her eyes widened in surprise. Taeyeon’s smirk telling her something was up.

She was about to speak when the guy cut her off.

“Hi, I-I’m Baekhyun,” he turned towards Krystal’s direction, flashing the girl his million-dollar smile. Time stopped ticking; Krystal’s breathe hitching as Baekhyun’s black orbs caught hers in a hypnotizing gaze, her heart pounding like a demolition team had started working inside her chest. The boy is a charmer; that much Krystal could tell.

“Krys?” Jessica’s voice brought her back to reality. The smirk on Taeyeon’s lips grew.

“Oh, oh, hi, I a—I’m Krys—tal,” her fumbling fingers were engaged in a hand shake with Baekhyun’s.

Clearing , Taeyeon spoke, “Uhm, you might want to put that thing on your date now?” Then she pointed at the corsage in Baekhyun’s hand.

Both Krystal and Baekhyun turned to look at Taeyeon with surprised eyes.

“You.. you brought me here to be his date?!” Krystal hissed.

“Well..” Taeyeon started explaining with a nervous chuckle, trying to brush off Krystal’s piercing glares.

“Told yah,” her girlfriend commented, sticking her tongue out at Taeyeon.

“I.. I’m sorry..” Baekhyun then spoke, making Krystal turn her attention back to the boy.

“What? No, it’s not your fault. She’s the one who planned this!” Krystal pointed a finger at Taeyeon.

“Jung Soojung! Put that finger down now or I’ll cut that! I told you, no pointing of fingers!” Jessica reprimanded and Krystal brought the finger down immediately.

“Uhm, guys? I’ll just go to the.. buffet first. It’s getting hot in here.” Sooyoung butted in as she stood up from her seat.

“I’ll go with you,” Sunny too, immediately stood up and walked after Sooyoung.

“It’s not actually Taeyeon’s fault.. I kind of agreed to her idea too, so.. it’s kind of my plan too.. sort of?” Baekhyun shyly said as he scratched the back of his head with the hand that was holding the corsage.

“And you might want to let go of my sister’s hand now?” Jessica then spoke, raising her brow at Baekhyun’s hand that was still holding Krystal’s. The boy immediately let go of Krystal’s hand with a shy ‘sorry’.

Silence fell for a moment before someone spoke.

“Si-since you’re al—ready here.. do you.. uhm.. do you wa-want to.. you know?” Baekhyun stuttered as Krystal’s eyes widened at the last words.

“Wha-whaat?! What do you mean by you know?!”

“Uh, dance?” Baekhyun answered with a confused look.

Krystal’s mouth formed an ‘o’.

“What were you thinking just now?” Taeyeon asked Krystal.

“What? No! Nothing! I wasn’t thinking of anything!” Krystal’s cheeks blushed but it was hidden under her makeup.

“Oh really?” Taeyeon teased with a smirk.

“Yes, really!” Krystal countered.

“Uh, so do you want to? I mean, dance with me.” Baekhyun spoke and Krystal nodded. The boy smiled brightly again before putting the corsage to Krystal’s wrist. They stood up, leaving Taeyeon, Jessica, Yoona and Yuri on the table.

“I like this song!” Jessica smiled as she listened to the intro of the song.

“It’s not even beginning yet, and you know the song already?” Yuri asked incredulously at Jessica.

“Shut up nerd.” Yoona commented nonchalantly, not looking at Yuri.

Taeyeon pretended not to listen to the conversation at the table. She was scanning the hall when a head landed on her shoulder, the familiar strawberry scent filling her sense of smell.

“Taengoo~?” Jessica’s nasally sweet voice filled her ear, overpowering the background music. She patted Jessica’s hand, signaling for the girl to continue.

“Can we dance? Please?” Jessica cooed. Taeyeon panicked for a moment.

“Just this song, please? I really want to dance with you. Don’t worry I won’t be too close,” she added when Taeyeon didn’t answer.

“Please, Taengoo?”

“Taeng, just dance with Sica and forget about these people. Or do you want me to dance with her instead?” Yuri joined in, threatening Taeyeon. The short girl just snarled at her bestfriend while Yoona choked on her drink, making Jessica look at her questioningly.

“Let’s go.” Taeyeon whispered to Jessica before kissing her tepmle. Jessica beamed in delight and immediately stood up from her seat.

They made their way to the dance floor amidst all the bodies that had crowded it. Jessica smiled sweetly at Taeyeon as they stood face to face, nobody moving for a moment.

“Can I have this dance?” Jessica said, offering her hand to Taeyeon.

As if on cue, the song changed into a slower one. Taeyeon smiled shyly and nodded before putting her hand on top of Jessica’s.

Jessica moved closer to Taeyeon, leaving a little gap between them, just in case the girl feels uncomfortable later.

Take my hand, take a breath,
pull me close and take one step.
Keep your eyes locked on mine,
and let the music be your guide.

The song was hypnotizing, like the singer was actually talking to Taeyeon as she finds herself moving closer to Jessica, closing what little gap was left. Jessica’s hands were on Taeyeon’s waist as hers were on Jessica’s shoulders. Their eyes locked, their bodies moving in-sync with the music.

Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next

A smiled crept its way to Jessica’s face while saying, “You’re really beautiful, Taeyeon. I’m the luckiest person alive.”

Taeyeon’s cheeks automatically heats up at the compliment, her heart skipping a beat or two. It wasn’t Jessica’s words that made Taeyeon’s heart pound louder inside her ribcage but how the words rolled out sweetly from her girlfriend’s tongue and the look in Jessica’s eyes that was filled with love and content.

“If I could, I would kiss you right here, right now,” she continued, melting Taeyeon’s heart with each word she spoke.

It's like catching lightning the chances is finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances is feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

“Can I keep you forever, Taengoo?” Jessica continued, looking deep into Taeyeon’s eyes.

“I would love that, Jung Sooyeon.” Taeyeon answered with much clarity.

Jessica’s smile widened as she continued swaying them to the music, forgetting the world around them.

Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn we'll be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all

Jessica sang along with the male singer, her nasally sweet voice filling Taeyeon’s ears once again. She smiled in amusement at her new discovery; Jessica is a good singer, which reminds her to ask her girlfriend to sing her to sleep some time.

It was as if Jessica was performing exclusively for Taeyeon as she continued her heartfelt singing without taking her eyes off of Taeyeon’s.

And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart)
'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

With all her might, Taeyeon fought the urge to kiss Jessica on that dance floor. There were people around them, and a scandal was the last thing they needed. But Jessica didn’t mind, she understood Taeyeon. She understood that it wasn’t everyday people get to see two girls kissing publicly.

Taeyeon’s loving gaze was enough for Jessica, it had always been enough. It was actually better than kissing; to be able to look in each other’s eyes without wavering or being bored. They did not necessarily need words to express how they feel for each other, much to Jessica’s delight since she wasn’t too fond of speaking. A girl of few words; Taeyeon had dubbed her that.

Taeyeon, on the other hand, could really get cheesy at times but often times she’s just too out of words that they just end up staring at each other’s eyes and smiling like love sick puppies. She claimed one time while cuddling that Jessica makes her speechless at times, like the perfect words for her feelings were yet to be discovered. Jessica had blushed and Taeyeon laughed at how cute her girlfriend looked.

Oh no mountains too high and no, oceans too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop
Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe, that we were meant to be

“Taengoo-ah..” Jessica spoke as her voice went down to a whisper.

“I think I want to keep you forever, like seriously,” she added with much sincerity. Taeyeon’s heart once again fluttered.

“Baby, you stole my first kiss and well, my innocence too.. in a way. But I’m not complaining okay? So all I’m trying to say is that I, Kim Taeyeon, am yours for as long as you like.” Taeyeon leaned her forehead against Jessica’s and continued, “And know that I wouldn’t want anyone but you. And you alone.” A quick peck on the lips sealed Taeyeon’s promise.

Jessica felt all her insides flipping for a good couple of seconds as Taeyeon kissed her. Okay, it was just a peck but it was Kim Taeyeon kissing her! Not that it was their first. B-but.. b-but.. On the dance floor. With a lot of students that, most likely than not, had seen it. Public display of affection isn’t really her thing, but if it would be Taeyeon then she’s all out.

The song was coming to its end and the intro of an upbeat song is faintly starting. Jessica smiled at Taeyeon before dragging the girl back to their table. Fingers intertwined, palms kissing.

Jessica’s brow quirked when there was only Sooyoung in their table. She was eating, of course.

“Where are the others?” She asked when she and Taeyeon settled on their previous seats.

“Dancing? Dunno,” the girl answered with a shrug as she munched on a cake.

“Seriously, how much food can fit in that stomach of yours?” Taeyeon asked incredulously at the thin girl.

Sooyoung shrugged again before answering, “Can’t help it,” then grinned.

“Wait, so Yuri and Yoona.. danced? Or Sunny and Yuri? Or.. what? And Krystal! Where’s Krystal?! Oh my God! I’m going to kill that Baekhyun guy!” Jessica was starting to panic at the realization that her sister haven’t returned yet.

“Relax, Sica.. they’re at the buffet. Baekhyun insisted on getting Krystal’s food but your sister was so stubborn saying that she’s allergic to this and that so there,” Sooyoung pointed at the backs of Krystal and Baekhyun at the buffet table. “They ended up getting food together,” she added and returned to her cake.

“He’s really harmless, don’t worry.” Taeyeon said with an assuring smile.

“And Yoong is dancing with the dork, by the way.” Sooyoung pointed at the two tall girls on the dance floor.

Jessica’s eyes widened for a second.

“Am I really seeing this?” She asked while her eyes watched the two girls dancing rather closely at the dance floor.

“Aren’t they like super enemies?” Taeyeon then asked. Jessica nodded.

Sooyoung shrugged, not really knowing what to say since when she and Sunny came back from the buffet, they just saw Yuri and Yoona walking to the dance floor.

“And Sunny is with the other officers right there,” she nodded at Sunny’s direction.

“Sorry Soo~” Jessica cutely pouted as she brought her attention back to the tall girl.

“For what?” Sooyoung’s brow quirked.

“For leaving you?” Jessica answered.

A hearty laughter escaped from Sooyoung’s mouth before answering, “You know me, Sica, as long as there is food, I’m good. Don’t worry, okay?”

Taeyeon laughed before commenting, “Such a shikshin. I think you’re the one who suggested that we put a buffet in here. Because seriously, who puts buffet in a prom?”

“Yah! You’re not even guilty Sica left me to dance with you?” Sooyoung retorted.

“Aw, Soo.. Sorry not sorry.” Taeyeon answered, sticking her tongue out at the tall girl.

A few seconds later, Krystal and Baekhyun returned from the buffet table with their plates filled with food. They were followed by Yoona and Yuri who were giggling, their hands locked together with Yuri guiding the way.

Jessica was itching to ask Yoona what miracle had occurred between her and Yuri but decided against it as she let the girl enjoy her prom.

Sunny then rejoined the group, announcing that the Prom King and Queen will be chosen in a few. The group had shrugged it off since they weren’t really interested.

The music abruptly stopped, making all the students turn their attention towards the platform where a spotlight was pointed. Their principal then stood at the center of the platform with a microphone on his left hand and a piece of paper on the right. The students cleared the dance floor as he cleared his throat to speak.

“Good evening everyone!” He started and the students greeted him back.

“As you all know, in every promenade ball there is always that one person that shines the brighest amongst the rest. Or rather two. But know that, all of you here tonight look exceptionally beautiful and handsome. But I am afraid we, teachers, have to choose someone who shined brighter than anyone here.” He smiles before nodding to another teacher who walked to the platform too, bringing with her two sashes and a bouquet of red roses.

“Are you all excited?” The female teacher questioned cheerfully as the principal held the microphone for her. The students roared in response.

“Okay, so I’m going to announce the Prom King first.” She said and looked at the piece of paper the principal was showing her.

“Prom King is none other than,” the DJ playfully made a drum roll, making the students chuckle. “Ok Taecyeon!”

A grinning boy with big ears approached the platform smugly. Another teacher came to put the blue sash with the words Prom King at him.

Jessica rolled her eyes. She never liked the boy.

Their table was silent. Taeyeon and Sooyoung were devouring on a plate of cake while Yoona and Yuri were whispering to each other’s eyes, not really giving the coronation any attention. Krystal and Baekhyun were on their own world too, probably getting to know each other. Sunny once again disappeared to the other table, leaving Jessica the only one to listen to the coronation.

“And now, for the charming princess who left us all in awe tonight with her transformation.” The female teacher’s smile widened, so did the principal’s.

“I’m pretty sure you guys now have an idea of who she is,” the female teacher continued.

Jessica held her breath as she turned to look at Taeyeon momentarily. Her girlfriend was happily devouring on the cake with Sooyoung, giggling along with the tall girl to whatever they were talking about.

“Our Prom Queen is none other than.. our students’ government president, Kim Taeyeon!” The crowd roared in agreement once again.

Jessica looked back to her girlfriend who was oblivious to the coronation as she continued laughing with Sooyoung.

“Taengoo?” Jessica called.

“Yes, baby?” Taeyeon turned to her with a smile.

“Uh, I think you need to go up there now.” Jessica answered, pointing at the platform where three teachers stood and the boy Taecyeon.

“Huh? Why?” Taeyeon’s brows furrowed.

“Baby, you were just announced as Prom Queen. You really need to get up there now.” Jessica urged.

Taeyeon opened to speak but no words came out, thus leaving it agape.

Taeyeon was still flustered when she finds herself being dragged by Jessica and Sunny to the platform, leaving her there with a spotlight pointing at her, her teacher putting a pink sash around her neck and a bouquet being handed to her.

The boy Taecyeon spoke first, saying he was confident that he will bag the title since he had prepared for the event for three months. Some girls cheered for him while Jessica and Sooyoung laughed at how “humble” the speech had been. Of course with all the sarcasm.

The microphone then was handed to Taeyeon. She looked at the principal with questioning looks for a moment before accepting the microphone with the female teacher ushering her to say something.

“Errr, thanks?” Taeyeon said shyly, blushing like mad and the crowd broke into a roar of laughter. Jessica smiled at the cute sight.

“I don’t really know what to say since this was the last thing that I’ve expected tonight,” she started again, making the students fall silent.

“But there is someone I’d like to thank though,” a sweet smile then appeared on her lips, easing all her nervousness as her eyes locked with the one person she sees amidst the crowd.

“I’d like to thank you for being my date tonight. And well, for the dance a while ago. And for all the days spent with you. I know that it’s not every day that I’m able to express my gratitude for your existence, but know that every night before I go to sleep, I never ever forget to thank whoever is up there for giving me to you.. errr, you to me.” She smiled sheepishly.

“This speech might not make sense to the rest of the people here but I would just like to say that you made me shine brighter. My smiles are brighter because of you. And so maybe that’s the reason why I was chosen as the,” Taeyeon looked at the words on her sash before continuing, “Prom Queen. Err, right. Prom Queen.” The crowd chuckled at the action.

Jessica, on the other hand, was fighting her tears as Taeyeon delivered her impromptu speech. She isn’t really one to tear up easily but hearing her girlfriend declare her love for her with a crowd this big was the last thing Jessica expected. But then again, this is Kim Taeyeon. Her spontaneous girlfriend. Although her name wasn’t uttered, Jessica knew Taeyeon was talking to her. She better be.

“So, all I’m saying is, you’re a better price than all these.” Taeyeon finished her speech with a lingering smile.

The crowd broke into d’awww before whispering, speculating who the “you” Taeyeon had talked about.

Taecyeon then asked Taeyeon if they could dance but she politely declined the boy, saying she’s tired and needs water. The boy nodded dejectedly and Taeyeon smiled apologetically.

Jessica hid her face away from Taeyeon when she came back to their table, wiping little tears away.

“Baby? Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked worriedly when Jessica refused to look at her.

“Sica, what’s wrong?” She added but Jessica continued ignoring her, hiding her face further away from Taeyeon.

“I think she just cried.” Krystal commented, making Jessica turn her attention to her sister.

“Wha—no I didn’t!” Jessica countered as she regained her composure, smiling brightly at Taeyeon.

“You were so beautiful up there I just wanted to dive into you,” she said and winked at Taeyeon, making the shorter girl blush once again. Krystal made a face before rolling her eyes.

“Your speech was really great, Taeyeon.” Baekhyun complimented and Taeyeon nodded with a thanks.

“So, who’s this ‘you’ you were talking about, huh? Are you cheating on my bestfriend now?” Sooyoung joked, nudging Taeyeon’s arm.

Jessica rolled her eyes before locking her hand with Taeyeon’s.

“You are so going to pay for making me cry,” she whispered to Taeyeon with a smirk.


The party ended on midnight and the group decided to sleep over Sunny’s place yet again. The aegyo queen was more than happy at the idea.

Like the last time, Taeyeon and Jessica occupied the room while Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona, Sunny and Krystal occupied the living room. They all washed up and rummaged Sunny’s closet for comfortable clothes.

Jessica chose an oversized grey shirt while Taeyeon was clad in pajama pants and white shirt. Taeyeon lied on the bed while she waited for Jessica to dry her hair. Chattering could be heard from the kitchen with utensils clinking against the plate.

“Taengoo, are you tired?” Jessica asked through the vanity mirror.

Taeyeon shook her head with a smile.

“Hungry?” Jessica asked again.

Another shake of the head.

Jessica decided to stop what she was doing and approached the bed. She sat beside Taeyeon and the girl looked up to her lovingly.

“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Taeyeon said, bringing her hands up to caress Jessica’s cheeks.

“And so are you.” Jessica countered with a smile.

They fell silent for a moment, just staring at each other’s eyes.

“You make me shine brighter too,” Jessica then spoke. “You make me smile this wide,” she put her left and right index fingers at the corners of her lips before stretching it as wide as she could.

Taeyeon laughed before she took Jessica’s hands away.

“You’re going to hurt yourself,” she said as she kissed the back of Jessica’s hands.

“Thank you, Taengoo.” Jessica leaned in to kiss Taeyeon on the forehead.

“You left me speechless out there. But in a good way,” she added.

“I really didn’t plan on doing that,” Taeyeon admitted honestly.

“But I ended up doing so, and I don’t regret doing it.”

Taeyeon’s hands found its way to Jessica’s neck before pulling the girl down for a kiss. The kiss deepened and Jessica ended up straddling Taeyeon by the hips.

“I love you, you nerdy kid.” Jessica said while she hovered above Taeyeon, pinning the girl down by the hands.

“I love you more, you sleepy girl.” Taeyeon grinned sheepishly.

Jessica rolled her eyes before leaning in, capturing Taeyeon’s lips again. She on Taeyeon’s upper lip, then the lower before her tongue darted out of and straight into Taeyeon’s slightly opened one as the girl moaned. Jessica’s tongue gracefully danced with Taeyeon’s before her lips totally left Taeyeon’s, making the girl groan. But Jessica’s lips traveled down Taeyeon’s jaw line before the girl could protest, sloppy kisses trailed down to Taeyeon’s neck. Jessica’s tongue teased the girl’s skin before on a skin. Her hands roamed freely on Taeyeon’s body before frustration got the best of her as she hastily pulled Taeyeon’s shirt which she successfully did. She pulled her own shirt too, throwing the piece of fabric somewhere in the room. Lips met lips once again as kisses turned heated, not minding the lungs that were about to explode for the lack of oxygen.

Their lips parted for a moment, catching their breath and Jessica took the opportunity to pull Taeyeon’s pajama pants off her. Taeyeon tried to protest but was shut up by a pair of lips that had her locked in another round of tonsil hockey, their bodies molding perfectly with each other.

“” Taeyeon moaned as Jessica assaulted her neck once again.

Jessica’s lips then trailed sloppy kisses across Taeyeon’s chest before on Taeyeon’s bosom. The girl gasped and soon moans erupted from . She moaned Jessica’s name followed by I love yous. Jessica’s hands found the waistband of Taeyeon’s underwear and immediately tugged it down, leaving Taeyeon to only gasp at the abrupt action. Taeyeon shivered as the cold air from the aircon hits her lower region. Jessica’s lips then travelled to Taeyeon’s stomach before going further down. She looked up to Taeyeon first, her eyes asking for permission. Taeyeon nodded, her eyes clouding with lust. Jessica placed a peck on Taeyeon’s lips before going down again, her head placed in between Taeyeon’s thighs.

Taeyeon arched her back as Jessica hits all the right spots, her eyes rolling back at the sensation. It had been more than two months that they’ve been down to this again, the last time being at the beach. She moaned Jessica’s name over and over followed by I love yous as she lost herself in the frenzy Jessica had put her in.

At prom night, Taeyeon reached the heights of ecstasy twice, thrice, four times too many.

At prom night, Taeyeon held Jessica’s bare body closer to hers than she ever did as the girl sprawled on top of her tiredly with closed eyes and steady breathing.

At prom night, Taeyeon was unable to sleep despite the tiredness and soreness of her body as the image of Jessica pleasuring her clouded her vision.

At prom night, Kim Taeyeon lost her ity to Jessica Jung.





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Btw I didn't update Kiss Me, I was just re-arranging the chapters I'm sorry if it notified you for an update


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It's 2024, nearing Valentine's, and I'm rereading this. This book has become my annual Valentine read for the past few years.

EDIT 1: I should drop my silent reading habit and leave a comment so there's a timestamp.
Hello, Pyan! Happy belated birthday! I was talking about Taengsic, when suddenly I remember about this amazing work of yours! Gotta re-read this for the thirty-something-th times!
Youshoo #3
Chapter 1: Re -reading ♡♡♡
here again mwehehe missing taengsic so just re-reading some stories
Chapter 32: Re-reading this just bcos I miss my taengsic ❤️
Chapter 32: will never get tired reading this! ^^
owlstract #7
Chapter 32: here again
discovered this todaayy
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