Kwangmin's a jerk!

Falling For The Wrong Twin...

He just stares at you...


"Kw-kwangmin, are you alright?", you ask.

He blinks. "Yes I'm alright, why the hell wouldn't I be?"

You blink.  " Well I just thought you were hurt,", you say while stuttering, "since you weren't saying a-anything and it's my fault---" 

"Yes it is your fault! Next time watch where you are going !", he walks away from you, leaving you to stare at where his feet use to be.

"~`~`~.......", Youngmin says as sees you run away as everyone who witness the incident stares. Despite hearing Youngmin calling your name, You continue to run away. You run away from Kwangmin, Youngmin, anyone who saw what just happen, and yourself. You run away from yourself. You run into the girls bathroom, thankfully that no one is in there, and lock yourself in one of the stalls.

How could I be such a fool! No wonder he never looked at me, he hated me.

As your crying your heart out and mentally beating yourself up, Youngmin comes into the girls bathroom.

"~`~`~......., I'm so sorry. I never thought.... I never knew Kwangmin would be like that towards you. Or like that towards anyone for that matter."

You continue to cry.

"Please ~`~`~, open the door, I don't like you being hurt like this. the door....please."

You continue to cry.

Not waiting for you to open the stall door anymore, Youngmin slides under the stall, picks you up, and places you on his lap while sitting on the bathroom floor. Through your tears, all he could hear was, "Why? Why? Why?", and he knew something had to be done. When he got home he would deal with Kwangmin but for now....

Suddenly Youngmin removes your hands from your face, grabs your face and gives a passionate kiss. You knew this wasn't right but you didn't care. You never really thought of Youngmin in that way but you could make yourself fall in love with him.  You would have to worry about that later for now, you were enjoying something that only a true friend could give you.  Youngmin was the one, he had to be the one......

Fast Forward to Youngmin and Kwangmin after school at home--

"Ugghh", Kwangmin moans as his head connects to the wall. "What. The. Hell. Was. That. For?!?!?", he says as he gets up and charges toward his brother. They fall down and Youngmin pins Kwangmin to the ground.

"You know what the hell that was for, that was for what you did to ~`~`~.", Youngmin says as he glares at his brother.

"what? ~`~`~? What does anything have do to with her?"

Youngmin says, "Everything, you broke her heart today and you deserve to feel as she feels!"

Kwangmin manages to pin Youngmin to the floor. "OH, you mean your little girlfriend? Well she deserved it!

Youngmin stares at him in shock, "Deserved it? What The Hell did she deserve that for, you don't even know her?"

Kwangmin sighs in exhaustion and lays on the floor next to Youngmin. "That's the point, I don't know her."

"Wait, you mean you actually noticed her? Then was that stunt you pulled off in the cafeteria?", Youngmin says as he tries to pull himself together so he could understand what Kwangmin was saying.

"I don't like her because I don't know her. I can't know her because of you. It's obvious that I would never have a chance so what's the point in trying to be her friend?.......", Kwangmin looks at Youngmin.

In kwangmin's mind,"She's falling for the wrong twin..."





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keyforu #1

wrong twin!! really??
chap4: OMG! WHAT A SHOCK!!! update soon~ ;)
Update sooooooooon !! :) super love this fic!!
chap 3: very fascinating!!<br />
the beginning, the letter was kinda a creepy.. the middle where kwangmin confessed, i loved it! you have your ways with words! hehe & the ending.... OMG! SHOCKING! lol x)
OMG!!! I LOVE THIS!!! TWIN LOVE <3!!! please update SOON!! x3