I want Kwangmin, not Youngmin. Or do I?

Falling For The Wrong Twin...

How does someone manage to come to school looking y every single day? His gorgeous Black hair is always layered perfectly with his fringe set to the right, his skin is amazingly flawless, his sense of style is always on point, and he has the brain to fit with is to do for looks. (Sigh) I want him so bad, if only I could get him to look at me, maybe, just maybe, I could----

"Miss Young!"

Ohh Hell..


"If your through drooling over Kwangmin, I would like for you to answer this question."

As your face turned cherry red and you sat in silence, Youngmin who is sitting beside you whispered the answer. After getting the answer correct, you smiled at Youngmin and tweeked his nose. He is the only friend you have and lets just say that he is not that bad of a friend either. ;)


"Why don't you just confess to Kwangmin already? After all, you practically know him already being that he is my twin brother and all..." , Youngmin says to you with a wink as you both head to lunch.

"You are so annoying!", you say as you plafully push him into the lockers. "And besides, you two are completelly different. I feel as if I'm about to pee my pants whenever I'm in walking distance with him, how in the hell am I suppose to confess if I can't even meet his eyes hmm?"

"You see...that's where I come in,", he says as he casually slides his arm aroung your shoulders and moves his face closer to yours. There is a slight pink undertone to your cheeks from his closeness. "being that I have to see his face/my face 24/7, I could casually bring you up every once in a while and see if there might be an interest. If there is, then I'll throw you in for the kill."

Giggling from joy and excitement, you squel and throw your arms around his neck and squeeze him to near death.

"Alright, if the Shawols attack you after school, I won't shed a single tear.", Youngmin says as he fights to remove your arms and avoids the death glares of passing individuals.

You laugh and quickly walk towards the lunch line as you realize that Kwangmin was the last person in the line, giving you a chance be near him. but as you are walking towards Kwangmin, Youngmin trips you and you fall dragging Kwangmin with you and yet managing to not make the other people in line fall with you. Kwangmin and you get up quickly as you mutter an endless apology but he says nothing. He just stares at you. you apologize again, waiting for him to react in some way but he doesn't. He says nothing, he does move, he doesn't even blink.

He just stares at you...


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keyforu #1

wrong twin!! really??
chap4: OMG! WHAT A SHOCK!!! update soon~ ;)
Update sooooooooon !! :) super love this fic!!
chap 3: very fascinating!!<br />
the beginning, the letter was kinda a creepy.. the middle where kwangmin confessed, i loved it! you have your ways with words! hehe & the ending.... OMG! SHOCKING! lol x)
OMG!!! I LOVE THIS!!! TWIN LOVE <3!!! please update SOON!! x3