You're awake

Falling For The Wrong Twin...



All Youngmin could do to keep from going insane is to listen to you EKG Monitor.




It gives him hope that you will eventually wake up.




Wake up from your coma.




You've been asleep for two years...





"Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up,,,", Kwangmin says as he takes his turn to watch over you for the night. That's what he did all night, he whispered in your ear for you to wake up.

"Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up,,,", he continues, not knowing that it was his very voice that woke you up,


He practically jumped on top of you. "You're awake!"




The next day Kwangmin calls his brother and tells him the news and Youngmin comes to your room. Unfortunally he's not alone.

"OHMYGOSH, I can't believe your awake. It's been two years too long and i don't know what to say to you or how to begin--", You cover Youngmin's motor mouth as you continue to stare at the mysterious girl.

" Not to be rude or anything but you can start by explaining to me who is that girl and why she is my room?"

The room became dead silent. Realizing that no one was going to introduce her, she stepped up to your bed and held out her hand.

"I'm Jasmine, Youngmin really wanted me to meet you and the way he talked about you made it seem like we will be really good friends so--"

"So wait,", you say as you interuppt her,"what are you to Youngmin? Are you two really good friends or cousins, or stepsiblings...?"

There is a slight giggle in her voice, "Oh, no, no, I'm his girlfriend."




What the hell??

"What the hell??"

"uh..erm..maybe we should go.", Youngmin says as he grabs Jasmine's hand and ran out of the room.

"No! You wait just a damn second! GET BACK HERE!", but it was too late, there gone in a milisecond.

"Where the hell do they get off coming in here like that to only run away after dropping that sort of news on me........", as you continue to mumble and search for your shoes as you plan to go after them, you don't realize that you are giving Kwangmin a full moon. As his is beet red, he hands you your large black coat as a signal that he saw your little booty.

A few days later, you are discharged from the hospital and Youngmin is still avoiding you.

"Youngmin and I no longer live togther now so I have my own place. You are going to stay with me and there are no 'but's'.

You stare at Kwanmin in utter shock but Kwangmin doesn't pay attention to you.  He's too busy thinking about that later he found taped to your back the night that you were attacked.


The Letter:

If you don't want this to happen to her or any other girl who dare try and get close to you

then I suggest you watch who hangs around you.

  Let this be your warning and your final warning because the next time she might night wake up........










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keyforu #1

wrong twin!! really??
chap4: OMG! WHAT A SHOCK!!! update soon~ ;)
Update sooooooooon !! :) super love this fic!!
chap 3: very fascinating!!<br />
the beginning, the letter was kinda a creepy.. the middle where kwangmin confessed, i loved it! you have your ways with words! hehe & the ending.... OMG! SHOCKING! lol x)
OMG!!! I LOVE THIS!!! TWIN LOVE <3!!! please update SOON!! x3