Love on a String



It was one of those days; days filled up with a grey sky making you wait for the snow to start falling. Streets filled up with piles of snow from the day before, December had finally arrived and just in one week turned everything into a frozen cube. The roads were terribly slippery and the cars tried to keep the speed at a low pace, some more lucky than others. Waiting at the traffic light with my hands buried in my pockets it was hard to predict the next few seconds ahead of me. The green signal revealed itself and an accident of two cars colliding was loud enough for anyone to get jumpy. Since it was on the other corner of the traffic light I headed over on the safe side, only a few steps away from the sidewalk I was hit by a scooter that was trying to avoid the accident and suddenly everything became dark in an instant...

Hey guys sorry for MIA but I'm preparing to leave for Korea as we speak. I will be staying in Seoul from the 22nd of August 2014 and forth for about 3-4 months.


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Chapter 6: Yay, new chapter!
I actually really enjoyed that one. :) I think that the bed-scene was depicted in a good way: it wasn't out of place, or unlike the characters... It was very fitting to how they had reacted up until now, and it was very sweet. The lack of description only made it more fitting to the general flow of the story. All in all, it was a really good scene!
Also, the fact that Baekhyun is still unsure about going to a romantic date, despite the events that occured the day before, really add something to the realistic aspect of the story: I think that, after what we've seen of him, this is how he should react: still unsure, slowly opening up to Chanyeol, but still very careful of progressing faster.
Now, about movies... I think that either style should work. If it's a thriller, someone will probably be scared, which would be perfect for skinship or something. On the other side, a romantic movie will set a very nice and cozy mood for the characters.
If you go for a romantic movie, it just crossed my mind... Maybe it could be a movie related to their situation? For example "The Vow", which talks about a woman having amnesia and her boyfriend trying to remind her that they were together.It might be interesting, seeing them react to a movie of that sort...
But anyway, in the end, it's really up to you! XD
Chapter 5: Ooh, so now I see! ^^ The truth is finally out!
I wasn't expecting that, to be honest. At the beginning I thought that Soojin was in love with Chanyeol, then that she was dating Baekhyun and that Chanyeol was lying about their relationship, and then, I understood. I feel so bad for her now...
It was really nice seeing more of the characters thoughts; I could really understand why Soojin was acting that way, and I could feel sorry for her, and I could see why Chanyeol, while being there for Baekhyun, was kind of... distant. I also loved how Baekhyun reacted through every piece of information until he found out the truth. And of course, most of all, I enjoyed how he was distressed in the ending, when he realized that Chanyeol was trying to let him go. It's about time that he realizes that he's important to him :)
Once again, I really liked the new chapter! Thumbs up!
Chapter 4: Wait, what? She doesn't know that they are together?? What is happening? :P This was a major plot-twist and a cliff-hanger as well, and it turned out well! i really really really am curious now! And I don't really know how to feel about Soojin >.< Is she a good person or not? I guess we'll find out!
On a more serious note though, I love how confused Baekhyun slowly melts, and how he falls for Chanyeol slowly but steadily -it's not rushed, and yet, it has the exact pace it should have, thus making it realistic. How he realizes some of his feelings thanks to the danger Chanyeol is facing is also logical, since people seem to notice stuff like that when the person they care for is in danger.
In general, we get to see more of Baekyung's feelings, which I really like, since it's one of the strongest points of the story.
Oh, and before I forget: At the end of every chapter I find myself saying: "Oh, that's the best one yet!", which means that every chapter surpasses the one from before! :)
Keep up the amazing work, and update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Woahh! I really liked this chapter! We could see the relationship of the leads building, their feelings growing, and it was nice seeing Baekhyun giving in a bit (he's a bit jealous of Soojin, right?)! But... why is Chanyeol hurt in the end, when Baekhyun leaves? Did something happen? Will something happen after he leaves? I'm really curious, so, please, update soon! :)
Chapter 2: Hello! Just dropped by to tell you that I really like your story!
I love the relationship between the main characters; how it is obvious that they are close, but there is still the barrier of the memory loss between them; how Baekyung slowly gets used to Chanyeol presence, but still doesn't trust him completely; how he suddenly understands that Chanyeol must be hurting too from the situation they are in. It really leaves ground for plenty of awesome character developpement.
I also find your writing style very enjoyable: I love the way you describe the surroundings, with enough information but never too much, and how the fanfic almost seems like story-telling.
Keep it up, I am waiting for the next update! ^^