Chapter 3

Team Xoxo First Year!

Chanyeol was in a bright and happy place. A place decorated with pretty flowers of all types and flying rainbow ponies. Everything was blindingly bright and soft music was playing somewhere.

Instead of questioning where he was or even how he got there, Chanyeol was happily humming to himself while examining the variety of flowers.

The childish boy looked down, and realized he was standing on something white and fluffy. That's funny, Chanyeol thought and started laughing. He kicked the white stuff and much to his wonder, a small white puff detached itself from the ground, floated up a little, before evaporating.

Chanyeol beamed, laughing hysterically as he ran around in circles, kicking small puffs, and watching them all vanish into thin air.


Chanyeol paused mid-kick and glanced up. He didn't see anyone though, he was pretty sure he was all alone. But he was also pretty sure he heard a voice calling his name.

"Hello? Who's there?"

Then he realized that very far in the distance, a figure was walking towards him. The figure, who was also blindingly bright like everything else, was barely noticeable.

"Hello," the voice answered back. The voice sounded oddly familiar, Chanyeol noted, like he had known this voice his entire life.

Chanyeol squinted, trying make out the slowly approaching figure.

"W-who are you?" Chanyeol stepped back, a little afraid now.

"Who am I?" the voice laughed heartily. "Did my grandson forget me already?"

Chanyeol hestitated, "Wait..."

Closer now, Chanyeol was able to make out a slim body, blanketed by a radiate white dress, gray hair, and then lastly, her soft featured face.

Chanyeol blinked, processing the elderly lady. Is that, grandma?

Chanyeol gasped.

"Grandma!" Chanyeol ran forward, no longer afraid, throwing his arms around the glowing figure.

The lady laughed, "So you didn't forget me, I'm glad." She returned his bear hug, patting her grandson gently on the back.

Chanyeol squeezed a little tighter. It is grandma, it really is.

Chanyeol closed his eyes and breathing in the comforting warmth and the familiar scent of his grandmother, a mixture of tea leaves, flowers, the cherished perfume his grandma would only wears for special occasions, and herbs.

"I miss you so much grandma, so so much."

"I know sweetie. I miss you too."

Chanyeol pulled back, examining the face he had seen almost every weekend as a child, the face he had grew up with, the face that would sneak him candies and sweets when his mother refused, the face that would tell him silly stories and take him to the park every weekend. The face Chanyeol had never forgotten, the face embellished deep in Chanyeol's heart, the face Chanyeol associates warmth and love with, his loving grandmother.

But then Chanyeol realized something and froze.


"Yes, Chanyeol?"

"I thought," Chanyeol looked down hesitantly at his shoes, "I thought you passed away a few years ago."

"I did."

It took a second to piece everything together, and when it did, Chanyeol's mind went reeling.

"Wait, I'm dead then? Wait, no that can't be," Chanyeol panicked. It didn't make sense, how could he die? What happened?

And then everything came rushing back to Chanyeol. He's part of Exo, he's the main rapper, he has many friends, his sister, his parents, and, and..



They had just arrived at New York City, there was a huge crowd, and then they left Baekhyun. Chanyeol gasped in shock, his heart ached at the memory. Baekhyun could be anywhere right now, he could be hurt, he could be in trouble, maybe he's scared and freaking out.

"Grandma, I can't be here. I have someone important that I need to save, I can't-"

"I know sweetie," she cupped Chanyeol's face in her hands, looking into those worried brown eyes, "I came to tell you that you can't stay here. Your friends needs you, everyone needs you. You need to stay alive, okay? It's not your time yet."

Chanyeol nodded, but then he realizes something else.

"Grandma, if I leave here, I won't be able to see you again right?"

Chanyeol's grandma smiled sadly. She took his hands in her, caressing them. "Chanyeol, it's okay sweetie. I'm always watch over you and our family. Everything will be okay, it will be."

Before Chanyeol could reply, a blinding light filled Chanyeol's vision and he felt himself being pulled back.


It sure was an odd scene, as cars that whooshed by at 70mph, and saw what looked like a dead Asian boy in the middle of the freeway.

One rude New Yorker went as far as throwing a opened soda bottle with still some soda in it, at Chanyeol's rear behind. The soda immediately spilled out, soaking into Chanyeol's blue jeans, leaving what looked like a really bad and very obvious pee stain. Chanyeol continued to lie dead.

Zoom. Zoom. Zoooooom! Gradually, Chanyeol woke up.


Everything was blurry, the scary kind of blurry where all Chanyeol could only see big blobs of colors. There was a weird metallic taste in his mouth and his body felt numb. Chanyeol swallowed, only to realize how dry his mouth was.

Frowning, Chanyeol tried to push himself up on one elbow. But then a sharp pain shoot through his entire body, causing his elbow to give out out, and Chanyeol fell face first into the pavement again.

"What's happening? What's going on?" Chanyeol weakly mumbled to himself. His surroundings was surprisingly loud, and there was a ringing in his ear that was seriously bothering him. Chanyeol decided to try to get up again. This time he was more careful, moving his fingers first to make sure the pain wouldn't come shooting back.

"Ow!" Okay, that still hurt. But the pain wasn't as bad as Chanyeol had first expected, he was pretty sure he was still able to move and get up.

And a one, and a two, and a three! Chanyeol carefully pushed himself upright. His vision was starting to clear now, he could make out what looked like …cars?

The poor confused giant, scanning his surroundings, a little taken back by where he was. Okay, he was on a highway of some sorts. But he wasn't in a car, which made him wonder how on Earth he got there. Which part of Korea was this? Maybe he should check his phone.

Except he couldn't find it. It wasn't in his front pocket, so is it in the back pocket?

"Ewwwww! What is that?" Chanyeol screeched, completely mortified when he brought up his hand and it was covered with something wet. Not sure what to do, Chanyeol tired to figure out whether or not he should actually smell the substance. Yes it was nasty and dirty …but should he? There's no other way to figure out what it is.

Taking a courageous deep breath, Chanyeol stared bugged eye at the hand, slowly moving closer and closer to his precious face. "What is this?!?" he freaked. "Okay, you can do this Park Chanyeol, do it. Just do it already."

Then he laughed, "That's what she said!" Chanyeol looked around for laughters, but there was no one there and the cars paid him no attention. Chanyeol put on his serious face again, and stared back at his hand unsmilingly.

He leaned in, took a quick whiff, and leaned away. That was odd, it didn't smell, bad per say. It was like, like, almost like something sweet. Is it, soda? Without thinking, Chanyeol leaned back in, and the substance on his hand. The same substance that contained rude stranger's probably diseased filled saliva and the same substance that touched the never cleaned before pavement when Chanyeol sat up.

"Oh it is soda! Chanyeol score one!" He raised hims hand to high five Baekhyun.


Chanyeol's eyes almost popped out of his socket when everything, once again, came flooding back. New York City and leaving Baekhyun behind. Chanyeol's eyes starts to tear up, he sniffs and looks around. Baekhyun was not there with him, he could be anywhere. Baekhyun must be so scared, all along.

And with that, the giant took off running, (yes he ran in the middle of a New York City freeway). The cars were all going the same direction, so the airport must be in the opposite direction, so Chanyeol ran the opposite way.

Unfortunately for him, there were quite a few police cars on the freeway that moment.

All Employees Must Wash Their Hands.

Baekhyun stood staring blankly at the foreign words before him, trying to analyze what it meant. It's not that Baekhyun cared much, it was just that Baekhyun was really bored and there was nothing else to do. In the last hour, Baekhyun had used the urinal four times already. He really didn't need to go again.

Other men who came in and out, paid no attention to Baekhyun, except one.

"Oh Baekhyun. You were hungry too?"

Surprised, Baekhyun turned his attention away from the sign he was staring at, and saw Lay.

"Uh? Oh, hey Lay. Those fangirls still out there?" Baekhyun questioned and skipped over to Lay.

Lay was eating a really big sandwich, and he took anther bite. "What? Oh those fangirls, no they're gone. Why?"

"Really? Since when? Because I've been here for like an hour! It's so boring."

Lay laughed and took another bite, "Eh, they weren't so bad." Another bite. Baekhyun's mouth started watering, that sandwich looked really good. Lay noticed, "Want one?"

Baekhyun shook his head, and explained, "Things are pretty expensive here, you probably don't have a lot of US dollars left."

Lay smirked.

"Unless…" Baekhyun started. "Unless that's not your money?"

Lay's smirk turned into a grin, "Smart boy."

Baekhyun smiled approvingly, "'Who was it?"

"Who else? Mr. I-carry-forty-currencies-with-me-where-ever-I-go."


"Oh yeah, I got his wallet and all." Lay took another bite, at the halfway mark with his sandwich, before taking out a wallet. He waved it in the air playfully before handing it to the other boy. Baekhyun took it in awe, opening it to find a picture of Kris' parents, and two pictures of Kris himself.

Baekhyun laughed, "Of course he would love himself that much." He continued going through the wallet, there definitely were many currencies stuffed in his wallet. He took a bill out, a green with an old man's face on it. "Is this US dollar?"

Lay, was pretty much done with his sandwich, nodded.

"Fifty dollars, is that a lot of money?"

"Enough to get us about seven more sandwiches," Lay smirked mischievously. "He also has a credit card, it works here."

Baekhyun's mouth dropped open.


~ Le author who likes to ramble: Helloo there. So Lay's birthday was very recent! Happy birthday our unicorn! I'm pretty happy with the image I decided to use for this chapter, I'm sure Kris is too after what Lay just did to him because Lay looks like he's in a lot of pain, but in a funny way. I don't know, maybe I'm just a sadist? Anyways thanks for reading again! I really appreiciate all the views, subscribers, and my one precious comment! Peace out~

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xiumille #1
Chapter 8: aww is it really the end? i really loved it if it was longer and more things could've happend.. but anyways i looooovvveeee the craziness that encovers it all :)
Chapter 8: I really have no idea on how I stumbled upon this but it was really random!! lol cool crack fic!!^^ I liked it!!
SilverblueWinter #3
Chapter 8: what the heck!!! XD I really love this story this is so random... goshhhh!!! XDDDD
WuThiDao #4
Chapter 1: Hello, i'm EXO's fan in Vietnam and i very like your story. Can I translate it to Vietnamese? I will write all cre. Thank you .

Chapter 6: What the heck? xDDD
"And that kids , is how I met your mother."

hahahahahaha omygosh, i'm cracking up! This fic is sooo UGH! XDDD
K43124 #7
Chapter 8: It's....unexpected. Really dude! Well done. the story is awesome I'm telling ya. Daebak!
Chapter 6: LOLOLOLOL "and that kids is how i met your mother" lmaoooo! Please make a kaisoo centered chapter! And what happened to lu han's group?
SaRixoxo2PM #9
Chapter 5: Will everyone be alright? They're got to reunite soon right? *sigh* my poor babies.....
Chapter 5: The thought luhan was a girl. Lolz, okay. Update soon!