Psychic Detective Im

The streak of lights that managed to sneak in the aperture of window blinds awakened the sleeping brunette. She opened her eyes to notice that she was in an unfamiliar place. The room was dark, but the light rays coming from the blinds woke her up. She pulled herself to sit up and remenisced what happen to her last night.

"I thought I died." Lizzy said with a sigh of relief.

Lizzy moved out of her bed and she then pushed the door of the room to be greeted by a dark hallway. She took a little walk and she hoped to find someone, so she could at least thanked him for saving her life. She turned to her right and someone suddenly spoke behind her.

"So you are awake." A man said. Lizzy jumped and she turned around to find a man around his fifties wearing a white coat while his hands tucked in his coat. To Lizzy the man looked like a doctor. "Sorry, if I scared you I didn't mean it." He apologized to her while displaying an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, no worries, I'm kind of easy to scare at. Anyways, thank you ah - Sunggi ssi." Lizzy read the nametag that was attached on his coat. Lizzy bowed a little while waving his hand telling her that it was nothing.

"Anyways, sorry for not turning the lights on yet, because it is still early and my clinic won't be open until nine. What's your name?"

"I'm Lizzy." 

The doctor guided her to his little longue around his clinic. He left to the kitchen and made her a hot cup of coffee along with the sweets. 

"I hope you wouldn't mind sweets early in the morning?" He asked with a worried smile. 

"Not at all," She returned a weak smile. She brought the cup to her lips blowing it before taking a sip.

"The worker at the floodgate saw you last night by the riverbank and I was told you suddenly fell. He was there that night checking the floodgate. What were you doing there?" He asked. I'm not gonna tell him that I was looking for that ghost, she thought as she frowned a little.

"Oh, I was just killing time, but I unfortunately lost my balance." Lizzy laughed awkwardly. The brunette didn't notice the change on the doctor's expression and when she looked at him again. He smiled to cover up his sudden change of face.

"Ya, know it's so dangerous lingering near by the river and especially the one you fell into was pretty deep." The older man explained.

"Sorry," They heard the door open at the entrance of the clinic and the doctor stood, to check his morning visitor or trespasser.

"Don't worry, what is important now that you're safe." He hummed. "It's so strange that my nurse is early today. I'll be back just to check." She nodded and left the brunnete by herself sipping her drink it leisurely.


"Hello? Anyone here?" Chief Lee called out and they noticed the clinic had the lights off.

"I don't know why do you have to wake me up so early." Nana yawned brushing those little tears from her eyes. "You could've knocked first when the signboard says closed, before entering this place that's tresspassing, Chief." Nana fixed her loose tie as she reminded him some simple laws.

"We need to do it as soon as possible, you're just wasting every seconds of your life lying around, so at least we can rest in a while after this case, lazy ."

"Whatever, Chief." Nana rubbed her hand on her face to erase her sleepiness off. Both of them wandered around the clinic and hoping to find someone on their way.

"Why you didn't tell me earlier that your friend's friend is possessed? And you told me that it was Minsoon possessing that radio announcer? We could've made action about it and probably solved  this case. You only met me that night at the station more likely a last call." Chief Lee shook his head while Nana was only smirking at the back. "Geez, so have you talked to him?"

"I forgot, I was occupied by my wet outfit yesterday." Nana yawned again. "I haven't gone there for almost two weeks now. Bet I need to visit more often."

"Well, you should, he's still one of your relatives."

"Yeah, right."

"Hello yaaaahahahahhhhh!!! Ghost appeared!!!" Suddenly someone just greeted the two detectives. As soon as he the flashlight under his chin. Chief jumped and fell on his behind while holding his chest.

"May I help you, guys?" Sunggi asked with an amused look. Nana only stood there showing that she didn't fall on that little prank. Sunggi's eyes noticed the police badge tucked on Chief Lee's belt, so he didn't need to ask who were they.

"Good morning, doctor." Nana greeted and Sunggi nodded as his response to Nana.

"Yah! I thought my heart was gonna jumped out of my chest." The doctor only laughed.

"Sorry, for scaring you, my nurse hasn't come yet, so I haven't the lights since it's early. What I can help to the cops?" He the lights and motioned them to follow him.

"We aren't here for a friendly visit though. We need to ask regarding to your daughter's death." Chief Lee said. The doctor's face went to a gloomy one.

"I see, I will let you know if found anything." He led them to his office and brought two cups of coffee to them. Chief Lee sat on the chair while Nana prefered to stand instead as she crossed her arms sleepily. "Sorry, for the poor hospitality." The doctor smiled weakly.

"It's fine Sunggi ssi. I think we better introduce ourselves. I'm Lee Byunghun."

"How that young lady over there?" Sunggi asked.

"Im Jinah I'm working in Criminal Investigation Unit." The doctor's eyes became bigger as soon as he heard her name.

"You are the daughter of Im Soojung?" Nana arched a brow at him.

"How did y-"

"I was right you are Im Jinah." He clasped his hand in glee. Chief Lee only wisphered to her.

"Do you know him?" Nana shook her sleepy head.

"Not at all."

"I must be getting old, you've grown up to a fine beautiful woman." Nana cracked her neck to her right and gulped.

"Are you sure you got the right person?"

"I'm sure, you wouldn't remember it since you were little. Let me explain. I was the one who delivered you." Nana took a deep breathe.

"So it was you." She uttered.

"Please don't be upset. I thought you wouldn't survive since your body was weak. Not only that people can be extremely harsh to those who're not them." Sunggi was pleased to see Nana all grown up so normally. "Let me ask you this are you wearing contact in your left eye?"


"I can't believe you have a clear memory of it till now." Chief raised a brow and said.

"I guess, you received a lot of support from your family." Nana's face became dark as she lowered her head.

"No," She paused. "My mother wanted to kill me." Her voice sounded hurt which she didn't manage to hide. Chief Lee noticed it. 

"Wh-What? Kill you? That's impossible. No parent would want to kill their own child." Sunggi was shocked to hear that from her. Chief Lee didn't like where was this conversation going.

"It's true," Chief Lee confirmed it.

"It's probably because she couldn't accept the fact that my left eye is so different from the others."

"I loss my daughter, and clearly couldn't accept that she was gone." 

"I'm sorry, but can we talk about this next time or another time?" Chief Lee interrupted the obvious atmosphere that was around them.

"I apologize, I understand."

"So, we came here today to show you something." Chief Lee took the picture out from his suit. "Here," A tear fell on the doctor's eyes as soon as he saw glimpse of the picture.


"Do you remember when this photo is taken?"

"Yes," He pointed at the bandage behind her ear. "She had her ear's pierced even though I was so against it, but she still stubbornly insisted to get one." Chief Lee nodded.

"And have you seen this picture before?" He was shaking his head.

"No, this is my first time seeing it. May I know where did you get this photo?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you yet since we're still in the middle of the investigation." Nana took out the key that she'd been holding inside her black jeans pocket.

"How bout this Sunnggi ssi? This key?" The doctor shook his head again.

"I'm sorry I don't."

"I think that's it for now. We will come back when everything has been solved." Nana said.


Lizzy took her clothes from yesterday which was already cleaned now at the table beside her bed. She quickly dressed up and she was looking for doctor Sunggi. She noticed the light that was coming from one of the rooms around the clinic and she headed there to thank him.

"Hi, doctor Sunggi ssi, thank you?!" Lizzy said and her eyes quickly darted to Nana. The blonde looked back to see the DJ at the clinic displaying a scowl already when she saw her.

Inside Chief Lee's car.

"What were you doing there?" Nana asked.

"Err, I-I." Lizzy didn't know what to tell her while fidgeting the hem of her shirt.

"So the friend who asked you to help her then told you to jump in the river to find your answers?" Nana asked while leaning her head on the window. They sat next to each other at the back seat while Lizzy was all feeling awkward next to the blonde. 

"No, of course!"

"So you tried to negotiate with the ghost but it turned out by drowning yourself again?" Lizzy's face flushed.

Chief Lee was grinning from ear to ear. He had never seen Nana so talkative like that and he was happy to see her that Nana was gradually changing. He could see the ice melting because of that friend of hers.

"Well, actually I never thought you would actually do it when I told you about it. I was only joking around." Nana answered. Lizzy hid her reddened face away from her sight. How stupid can she be to believe her hypnotizing words. On how the way she said she knew that she would fall for it. She didn't know it herself either why Nana had strong impact on her. "Now, I feel that I'm always responsible to every single action of yours." Nana sighed. "If you know it's dangerous, you better think before you act." Nana said.


"And I don't want you to bother me after life. It would be so bothersome." Nana was triggering her anger again which it always worked. The two of them didn't stop exchanging their funny arguments until he meddled.

"Well, sorry to interrupt your lovely conversation." Chief Lee laughed. Nana glared at him and Chief Lee looked up to his rear mirror with an amused expression. "You're Lizzy on 99.1 FM happy beagle, right?"

"Yes," Lizzy answered.

"I was right I always tuned in to your station whenever you are on-air and I have never thought you are pretty. I'm Lee Byunghun by the way and who always work with this Ice Princess next to you." He complimented her and Nana didn't say a thing.

"Thank you."

"So I hope you learned from this one. If this problem is left alone it would become a big mess. Anyways, if your brain is working, that is."

"What do you mean by that?!" Lizzy was already fuming in anger to all those insults Nana threw at her.

"Exactly, what is sounds."

"Don't worry, Lizzy ssi, it sounded harsh, but Nana is only worried about you. She's not good at expressing herself, right Nana?" Nana countered what Chief Lee stated.

"You should worry about your wife who ran away again. I think you should stop exchanging love letters with those heart shape letters to your wife." Nana smirked. Chief Lee hit the brake and looked back angrily at the blonde with an amused expression.

"How did you know?!!"

"Your wife ran away?" Lizzy asked like a little kid and Chief Lee was so red at that moment.

"Chief Lee, you better look on the road. We wouldn't wanna wake up in the hospital with our limbs broken." Nana said.

After their little funny conversation. Chief Lee dropped them off in front of the temple. Lizzy was even curious about what they were doing there. Nana took the never ending stairs without saying anything.

"Hey! Why are we here?"

"You decided come with me, so if you get bored it's not my fault." Nana answered while Lizzy pouted. "I'm visiting someone." She added.

Lizzy followed silently while looking around. On each side Lizzy saw the water was on its way down to the main ground. She saw at the back of the temple that there were falls on each side. She thought how beautiful this temple was and how come she didn't know this place? Lizzy was adoring the place too much until Nana called her. She didn't notice she stop on her way up.

"What are you doing there, gazing?" Nana said and Lizzy saw the blonde was already at the top. She ran after her and they knocked on someone's door.

"Oh, Jinah glad to see you back and you brought a friend with you." Nana only sighed when he saw him. Lizzy was kinda of surprised to the man with a red eye on his left eye too. She assumed that he was her father and he wore a monk's robe. "Come in." They left their shoes outside and entered the place.

"Uncle, you don't have to wear that contact in your left eye." Nana pointed out. The older man laughed.

"Don't worry about it, Jinah it's fine." He turned his attention to the brunette. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself to your friend. I'm Im Seulong Jinah's uncle."

"I'm Park Sooyoung,"

"Wait! I can recognize that voice, are you the DJ on 99.1?"

"Yes, Seulong ssi, I am."

"Oh glad to meet a known person like you. Aren't you lucky Jinah?"

"Not at all," Nana smirked and as she shook her head disapprovingly. Lizzy raised a brow at her, but the blonde paid no attention to it.

"You know what? You two look cute." Lizzy kinda panicked when she heard that and almost over reacting to what her uncle stated. Nana on the other hand was sighing and regretted that she brought her there.


"You two really are." He chuckled. Nana cleared to get her uncle's attention.

"Anyways, yesterday, I wanna know if you are prepared to do what I have asked you? We really need your help, I can't do it without a hand coming from you. Chief Lee and I aren't able to drive him away. Well, hope you could come."

"Oh, that request? I am, when is it?"

"On friday, this week, so it Tuesday now, you still have two days to decide what you will bring." Lizzy was listening to them so silently and wondered what they were talking about. 

They stayed there for almost an hour until Nana decided to leave and Lizzy followed. They both left the temple and they were now waiting for a cab.

"What were you talking about with your uncle? Is it about the case?"

"That's for me to keep, I'll let you watch it when that day comes." Nana said confidently. "I think you have already forgotten your job. Isn't that you have a work at ten or eleven?"

"Ho shoot! I totally forgot it! What time is it?" Lizzy looked at her wrist watch which it says nine-thirty already. Nana slowly shook her head and when she saw a cab. The blonde hailed it and let the brunette go to her work. She hailed another one to meet Chief Lee at Minsoon's apartment. She dialed the coroner's number and waited for him to pick it up.


"Hello, Yang ssi, did you prepare too what I have asked you on the other day?"

"Yes, I just need it to polish it a bit, so it wouldn't look like a draft work. It's already done anyways."

"Ok, thank you, bye." 

Nana smiled to herself and she thought that everything would hopefully end that day. All she needed to do was wait for that day comes.


Chief Lee was standing near the entrance of the building. A cab stopped and there he saw Nana coming out of the cab. Nana read the building's name 'Riverside Mansion'.

"Finally, I can't believe he lives in this fancy apartment. It's bigger than my own apartment."

"Oh, you have a house? I thought bears lives in the woods along with their honey in their hands."

"Shut up! How bout you? You live in your office? Homeless!"

"For your info I have a house, much bigger than yours I think you have forgotten it." Nana smirked.

"But it's useless since no one is living there and the owner rarely goes to her own flat. You better have sold it."

"Na, I wanna show my hard work if I ever marry someone."

"I can't imagine you with your future husband. I'll bet you two will bicker everytime." Nana only shrugged.

They lazily walked on their way to the eleventh floor. He crossed his arms on his chest while tapping his shoe on the ground and looking so impatient. 

"I thought you weren't gonna come. Did you talk to him?"


"I just don't get your uncle sometimes why he is so lazy to charge his phone, so it's troublesome to go there just to talk about a little of something."

"Ask him, because I'm lazy to know what his reasons are." Nana unlocked Minsoon's apartment and opened the door. "I just don't know why we have to come here when the place is already empty. His family must have gotten some stuff and sell it." Both of them entered the apartment.

"I'm not looking for any physical evidence, I mean beyond physical." Chief Lee grinned.

"Anyways, whatever it is, I don't care. I just don't get something on this case." She said as they looked around as they talked. 

"What is it?"

"Why Minsoon only has Kyungri's photo when if it's a chain kidnapping and murder. Isn't he supposed to have the other two?" Chief laughed.

"Maybe, those other middle schoolers weren't his type." Chief Lee saw her staring at the balcony. "So Nana do you see anything?".

"No, it's exactly what you see." Nana slid the door open and checked the porch when her eyes darted across the river. She took out the key with E3 carved on the metal. "I think I found it."

"Found what?"

"Come here instead of asking me a lot of questions." Chief Lee followed her and Nana pointed the old floodgate with E3 written in black paint.

Both of the two detectives headed to that place. They took the rusted stairs and Nana brought out the key then inserting it to the key hole. It wasn't a surprise that the door got unlocked. The place was pretty dark and the old metals were redolent. Making Chief Lee scrunched his nose.

"What would Minsoon hide here?" He asked and they heard a muffle cry. "What was that?"

"Here Chief use this." He looked back to see Nana holding a metal in hand and he thought where did she get that? Without more questions he grabbed the slender metal as they walked further inside the floodgate. The sobs were getting louder. Chief Lee was about to the metal down when he stopped.



Jooyeon was running as she headed at the coroner's place. She was hoping to see Chief Lee or Nana there. She hurriedly opened the door and forgetting her manners once more.

"Hello! Yang ssi! Are you there?"

"Jooyeon ssi?!" He went out to one of the rooms while holding a scalprl. "As usual I don't know if you forget that there is a door bell next to the door. You could be forgetting that I'm doing something like dissecting people and of course you wouldn't like it." Yang the coroner said. Jooyeon bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry, ah, eerr, do you know where is Chief Lee or Jinah ssi?" She asked.

"Yeah, I bet they found the body already. I heard that there is a corpse near to Minsoon's apartment. You can come with me if you want to."

"I will, definitely, I just want to give some add up for the case."


"W-What? This person is still alive!" Chief Lee exclaimed.

"You don't have to shout, Chief. I can clearly hear you especially in this kind of place and it is making your voice much louder."

Nana and he untied the ropes on her wrist and feet. Nana took the cloth out from and she could see the tears falling from her eyes. She recognized the girl.

"Chief this is the third girl missing, Jihyun."


Jooyeon and Yang arrived near to the floodgate to see Chief Lee and Nana were leaning on the railroad. Chief Lee was smoking and he heard Jooyeon's voice calling him.

"Chief Lee!"


"I have the picture of the girl in the sub way. It does really look like Kyungri. She was on a ponytail and the same features like Kyungri."

"I think the case is closed." Chief Lee said. "We found the body and the third girl missing is alive, so it's no doubt that it was Minsoon, the primary suspect."

"Guess, I just wasted my time coming here." The coroner shook his head.

"erted old man." Chief Lee said.

"You said that Minsoon attacked the girl in the sub way and his sister when he heard the word die? Right Jooyeon ssi?"

"Yes," She nodded. "He does get violent whenever that word is spoken as far as I have collected during my investigation."

"I think Minsoon is necrophobic."

"What necrop? What?" Chief Lee asked.

"People who have abnormal fear of death or dead things." Nana explained.

"Like this old freak?"

"Why? Corpse are beautiful." He said with a smile.

"God, you're so gross, man." Chief Lee cringed.

"It's totally the opposite." Nana answered.

"I don't get it." Chief Lee scratched the back of his head. The blonde only sighed.

"Since he saw how his mother died. He began to think of things about death. He was afraid of thinking how we would die and such."

"I heard some people have symptoms like the feeling or terror or shortness of breath." Jooyeon added.

"This one is included to one of the phobias out there." The blonde continued. "As Jooyeon ssi reported that he witnessed his mother died. Maybe at that time, it damaged him psychologically. After he was adopted by his new family he lived constantly in the fear of death. He must've lived a hard life try to gain his recognition from his new family. He was afraid of abandonment like what his mother did and abandonment is equal to death for him. And the word die is a big taboo to Minsoon. As what Jooyeon told us his angry outburst was triggered when he heard the word die. The fear started again. He was held back when the police officer stopped him right?" Nana looked at Jooyeon.


"Later by the river Kyungri was probably walking home. Minsoon just passed her by, but it did occur to him that girl was familiar."

"So he identified the wrong person? Instead it was Kyungri?" Chief Lee asked.

"Yes, he kidnapped Kyungri and must've questioned her regarding the sub way incident, but of course Kyungri didn't know anything about the incident in the subwway."

"Because the ponytail isn't it?" Jooyeon took out the picture and showed it to them. 

"It really resembles Kyungri." Nana answered. "And yes it is. She probably said something you should die. Then it triggered his fear again. Then killed Kyungri. I just apparition by the river before we got here me and Chief Lee got here. She did show me a little bit of what happened to her, but not all of it."

"But if that's the case? Isn't suppose to be Kyungri was his target and the killing should stop?" Chief Lee questioned her.

"It could be after killing Kyungri he began to lose his fear of death and he came back for more. He wanted to overcome it, so his motive must've changed."

"Damn! What a sick bastard." He said grabbing his hand.

"I feel the same way." Nana said. "I have an idea and I have been thinking about this after Jooyeon's report to us yesterday. I wanna manipulate his fear."

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Chief Lee patted her shoulder with a silly grin on his face.

"I haven't said anything." The blonde shook his head. What a irresponsibble Chief Lee, Nana thought.

"Yang ssi, is it almost done?" Nana asked.

"Almost it just needed a little tweak on the head."

"Great," Nana smiled. Jooyeon was looking at them confused. 

Nana fell silent after, now that they knew that it was Minsoon. Something was confusing her and although that case was already closed. She needed to gather more. What does the she mean please stop? What does Kyungri wants to convey to me? Nana asked herself. The big case that they've working is solved. All she needed to do was to pull out Minsoon's soul in Lizzy's friend body. Please, stop. Stop. She heard it again, but this time the 'Dark and cold' weren't there anymore. She looked back down the river once more.

"Nana, let's go we need a rest at least." Chief Lee said.

"Yeah, coming."

So I just finished the freaking long chapter 9! I'll fix this later if it need a little revision of some parts of this chapter, but I won't chage the storyline here. One more thing I made a minor error, maybe it wasn't noticeable, I only noticed it when I was working on this chap hahaha. I changed the name one of the minor characters here, so it wouldn't confusing in the next future chapters. Hyeri was replaced by Kyungri and it should be Kyungri, I apologize. Yes, I'm updating like a mad man LOL! Because I've been away for so long. Wasn't it that long already? xD. Anyways, I hope you liked it and yes it has a lot of info than the last one, so bye bye for now. I'll update after I'm all done with my work in school xD. 

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Chapter 10: Love the story! Can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon, author-ssi :)
hepcathaze #2
Chapter 10: the storyline is very good! please update soon =)
TheLoneWolf #3
Chapter 10: author-ssi please update soon
author next chapter please..
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 10: cool ff i like your ff can't wait for next chapter hehehe
TheLoneWolf #6
you mind if i read your ff first after that i will comment?
Chapter 10: wowowow nana and lizzy dream of each other.i'm curious about that forest thingy
gekikarashi #8
Chapter 9: i love this story. like watching a drama series. keep up your good work. i will be waiting for your next update. :)
Hikashiper #9
Chapter 9: OMG I cant wait for the next chapter! Minsoon deserves to burn in hell, poor Kyungri and the other victims. And Nana seems really affected by her past what she said about her mother, so sad. Btw luv how Chief Lee and Seulong ship Naliz lol
Chapter 9: happy to hear you will update soon.. XD