Psychic Detective Im

Nana answered her phone and Lizzy only watched her turning her back on her. Lizzy chewed her bottom lip and how could she just agree so easily. Lizzy bit her bottom lip and sighed after.

"Ok, I'm going now, since my shift again will be tonight. I should get going." Lizzy stood while Nana just ended the call.

She grabbed the door knob and turned it. Lizzy was about to pull the door, but Nana stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. The brunette looked back and she shot her with a questionable look.

"What now?"

"Guess, that I'm coming with you." A long paused came after then Nana continued. "Well, not really." She saw her facial expression brightened up, but it turned into a scowl when she took her words back. Nana just smiled inwardly." I'm gonna passed by that riverbank anyways, so I'm gonna drop you off there." Nana said.

"Well, I thought you were gonna help me." Lizzy pouted.

"Well, don't hope too much Miss DJ. Your detective right in front of you has her own business to attend to. I was called regarding that investigation, and Chief would be there. I don't want to be scolded by my seniour, so let's go." Nana opened it instead and Lizzy followed at the back.

Well, I did hope and I hated her for killing it, she thought. Lizzy was sulking like a kid at the back as she followed the blonde. Nana was having fun pissing her off and she smirked at the thought of it.

Both of them arrived near to the riverbank. Nana walked her to the stairs until they set their foot on the grassy ground near to the flowing water.

"I'm warning you that river is deep, so don't ever fall over, because no hero will gonna save you. The workers at the floodgate are not always here to monitor this place, so be careful." Nana reminded her.

"Yah! I'm not putting myself into danger." Lizzy strutted off. Nana watched her and didn't utter anymore words. Geez, this girl is really short tempered, Nana thought while she scratched the back of her head with knitted eyebrows. "I can mana- Ah!!!"

Lizzy didn't finish off her sentence and twisted her ankle in the process since she was wearing those high heels as she walked with heavy footsteps. Nana's eyes got bigger which they always know that she had a minimal reaction to everyhing and Lizzy made her react so much this time. Lizzy fell on the river and she tried to pull herself up on the surface.

"H-He-" She sank and went back to the surface again. "Help!"

She threw her phone and shoes on the grass so hastily. Then Nana jumped on the river as she swam through her way to Lizzy's. The blonde mentally cursed and swam deeper when Lizzy sank when she never returned to the surface anymore. Lizzy was trying to grab something, but in her situation by doing that was so hopeless of her. Nana swam faster and grabbed her hand then she pulled Lizzy near her. She circled an arm around her waist and she swam back up. They finally reached the surface while both of them were breathing so hard. Nana brought them at the bank and the blonde sat as she  ran her fingers through her wet hair. Lizzy rested her body on the ground as her chest moved up and down; catching her breathe. The brunette placed her hand on her left and she felt her heart was beating so fast.

"Did-Didn't" She caught her breath. "I tell you." She let out a sigh. "That be careful, idiot!" Nana scolded her, but in a manner of calmness.

Lizzy felt embarrass and she owed her life once again for saving her for she couldn't remember how many times she saved her life. She positioned herself to sit.

"It was just an accident." Lizzy said with a lower voice.

"I have decided to do it myself and I'm afraid next time you will kill yourself completely." Lizzy held her hand and glared at her.

"No, I will do it!"

"No, I'm going to do it. I will come back tomorrow and wait for the floodgat-"

"I said I will." She said stubbornly and left the blonde at the bank, dumbfounded. What's wrong with her? The blonde asked herself.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back home to change my soaking clothes." Lizzy said and hailed a cab before leaving her there alone.


"Where's Nana?" Chief Lee asked, the coroner shrugged. "It's been thirty minutes and don't tell me the station and your house is pretty far? She has her car."

"Geez, your getting old and grumpy, just wait" They heard the door bell rang and he quickly opened it. "Offi- what happened?" He asked. Chief Lee looked back and he prepared to scold the young detective, but instead he frowned.

"What happened to you?  Did someone threw a drum of water on you?"

"Stop your , Chief. Na, just have saved someone's stupid life and I don't have any clothes to wear at the moment. I don't want to meet my uncle, now. Not now." The coroner handed him a towel and she started drying herself.

"Anyways, we have a new information about Minsoon." Chief Lee said.

"So you are the one handling this case?" Nana ask'd.

"It was handed to me! That new cop was really disorganized and the head Chief gave it to me." He rubbed his temples.

"Geez, why so grumpy? Getting old?" The coroner laughed.

"That's what I said not long time ago."

"You two stop ganging up on me." He glared at the them, the coroner laughed even harder while Nana giggled so softly.

"Yes,  Chief bear, we will stop now." Nana smirked.


"You look like a bear around the woods whenever you gothere. I remembered when we were investigating that dead body was left in the woods that night. When I saw your silhouette you were like those bears hunting their preys in the woods." The coroner covered his mouth letting his laugh to a muffle.

"Y-You," He pointed his finger at her.

"K, sorry, so where's that new infomation that you were talking about?"

"I'm still waiting fo-"

Suddenly the door opened in an instant and making them startled making a loud thud. A lady who looked around at Nana's age entered the place, fixing her thick black border glasses, and holding a big envelope in her arm.

"Can you come like a normal person this time and you're late." Chief Lee said.

"I'm sorry, Chief."

"Who's that?" Nana asked.

"You must be the famous Psychic detective Im? I'm Lee Jooyeon Chief's Lee new subordinate." Nana nodded.

Jooyeon walked closer to them, but she slipped and her back fell flatly on the floor. The coroner and Chief Lee shook their heads. Nana cocked an eyebrow at the sight of her on the floor.

"Guess, what? You're lucky, Chief." Nana grinned. Jooyeon, got on her feet and picked up the papers scattered on the floor.

"Got that right." He answered, sarcastically. "Stop, tripping every time, Jooyeon."

"Yes, sorry, sir!" She placed the envelope on the table and they started checking all the files inside.

"So, a student who was studying to be a lawyer sounded good." Chief Lee said. "Poor kid, he died really young and his family must be devasted."

"No, you're wrong." The coroner said. He raised his eyebrow at him.

"Yang ssi, is right. Oh yeah, I've talked to his sister and it surprises me and she's so indifferent to her brother. She said that she was happy that he was gone. He was just nothing to their family." Jooyeon explained.

"That's what you said to me, but Jooyeon ssi's last statement is an addition, Yang ssi." Nana said and the coroner nodded. 

"Why?" Chief Lee asked.

"He was so quiet and he always isolated himself from everyone after that incident. Then his father remarried again and she and her mother adopted Minsoon. She said when they were kids. She tried to be friend him, since his mother died, right in front of him, she began to try to talk to him, but he gave her a cold shoulder. She tried for several tries, but she said that it was getting irritating for being cold towards them. She said that he should've died along with his mother. He grabbed her neck and he almost killed her. He stopped when he realized what he was doing. I couldn't believe to meet a twisted person like her. She even laughed knowing that he was gone. "

"That's make sense now, but how horrible to have that kind of family. His life could be worse." Chief Lee said. "Did you ever try to ask whether he had any kinds of offense in the past?" Jooyeon took out her little notes and nodded.

"Well, as the cop said in the sub way where he always took his trip way to school. There was one middle schooler who reported him that he was peeking at the ladies bathroom and he quickly denied it. Exactly that middle schooler was above him and Minsoon was on his way on to step his foot, looking up just so exactly. The cop, of course didn't let it slide. He questioned him, but the middle schooler insisted that he was and she told him, 'liars must die.' The said cop told me that as soon as he heard it, his face turned dark and gloomy and almost he were possessed. Minsoon, attacked the middle schooler, so he stopped him. He wasn't arrested, but warned him instead. The cop added, the middle schooler didn't press charges against him nor he thought that she saw any kinds of erted acts. He told me that he believed that he was innocent. Since the girl saw him that day. Maybe she pulled a prank to Minsoon. It was an attempted assault if he'd let that act slide it could lead to somewhere else."

"What a sad story, if you have a record in the police, trying to be one re-enforcer of the law would never be a dream to get. Never. Even though he wasn't arrested and no one pressed charges, the incident became a hindrance to his career advancement. if he'd wanted to become a prosecutor or  judge, it'd no longer possible. One statement, and it destroyed his dream." Chief Lee shook his head.

"By the way, before I forget, his mom or mistress of his dad came back before officer Im and you, Lee came here." The coroner took two keys and a small bible in his shelf. " She told me that didn't belong to Minsoon."

"Keys?" Nana asked. "It didn't look like Minsoon's apartment, E3?" Nana was suspicious of the key with E3 carved in the metal, but the other one was sure it was his key's apartment. She knew she saw it before, that E3. Nana examined the bible too and a picture fell out of the bible. Nana's eyes widened a bit when she saw the photo. That's -, Nana thought.

"Wait!" Jooyeon exclaimed.

"What?" Chief Lee asked.

"I know her."

"A friend of yours?" He asked again.

"No, she was the first victim of the chain kidnapping and murder of those middle schoolers." 

"What?! Then why does he have this picture?" Nana narrowed her eyes.

"Kidnapping and murder?" Nana asked.

"Im sunbae, didn't you hear that this case shocked the community? Kyungri, was the first victim and found in the garbage. Then Sohyun was the second victim. Jihyun is still missing, currently." Jooyeon explained.

"I know, but this case wasn't given to me, so I don't know much of it." Chief Lee heard his phone ringing and answered it. He was nodding his head as he listened in the other line.

"Yes, okay. Jooyeon, let's go. We are called."

"Head Chief?" Jooyeon asked and he nodded. "Bet we will continue this tomorrow, Nana."

"Sure, so I won't see your bear face, again." She yawned and he only snorted. Nana grinned again before the two left and left the coroner's place after.


The sky was already dark and Lizzy wandered around the riverbank. She went straight there after her shift and held the phone strap in her hand. She wandered around and hoped to see someone that was working that night at the floodgate. She wandered for about half and hour at the riverbanks, but to her dismay she stopped. She squatted near to the water and sighed.

"Geez, can't she stop pissing me off? She's getting more annoying than before." She groaned. "Hoping after I got those information she needed. She would change her attitude towards me and hopefully, yes!" Lizzy murmured to herself.

"I don't believe in ghost, or should I? Taeyeon's situation is even beyond the knowledge of the doctors. Then what is that illness? I never heard any kind of sickness like that before. This goes to none other to paranormal related." She said, pouting. "Aish! Why do we have these kinds of things around us?!" She whined.

She stood and hoped again to see someone that night. All of a sudden, she heard a voice. She looked around and she didn't see anyone. Dark and Cold. Help me. No! Stop! Please stop! The girl's voice echeod somewhere. She spun around and she asked.

"Who's there?"

She felt fear at that moment. She averted her gaze to the water, she blinked again. Then she saw a school girl floating in the water. Her eyes got even wider and she felt a hand grab her down the cold water. She yelped, swallowed some river's water, and she struggled to get on the surface again, but she couldn't. The hand kept pulling her down deeper and deeper. She mentally called for Nana's name. She couldn't hold on for longer and she noticed someone's face before she closed her eyes. A hand grabbed her right back up.

So here's chapter 8! And I want to end this case on the next chapter and another surprise again on the upcoming chapter hehe. I kinda change the story here, but I decided to play around on it a little bit. Inserting my own little cases and some other stuff. Changing the storyline a little and it is suppose to be an adaptation of this manga/novel xD. Anyways, whatcha think about this new chapter? I'm writing a chapter whenever I have time, so I can make you happy, guys xD. And one more thing do you want a little romance? This fic is more actiony fic T^T, so if many people want to then I can insert somewhere in the chapter. Anyways, see you on the upcoming chapter, as usual.  

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Chapter 10: Love the story! Can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon, author-ssi :)
hepcathaze #2
Chapter 10: the storyline is very good! please update soon =)
TheLoneWolf #3
Chapter 10: author-ssi please update soon
author next chapter please..
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 10: cool ff i like your ff can't wait for next chapter hehehe
TheLoneWolf #6
you mind if i read your ff first after that i will comment?
Chapter 10: wowowow nana and lizzy dream of each other.i'm curious about that forest thingy
gekikarashi #8
Chapter 9: i love this story. like watching a drama series. keep up your good work. i will be waiting for your next update. :)
Hikashiper #9
Chapter 9: OMG I cant wait for the next chapter! Minsoon deserves to burn in hell, poor Kyungri and the other victims. And Nana seems really affected by her past what she said about her mother, so sad. Btw luv how Chief Lee and Seulong ship Naliz lol
Chapter 9: happy to hear you will update soon.. XD