Stranger With Some Memories

Two Steps Closer

*Now Playing: ABC by MOCCA feat the Peppertones*

Eunji drag me out of bed when she's awake. She was panicking the moment she woke up because the clock showed it's already 7:15 AM and we're supposed to leave for school at 8:00 AM since classes started at 9:00 AM. Actually distance between my houses to school is just half an hour trip but because we're taking the subway, we should pay attention to the train schedule. If we're late for the 8:00 AM train, the next train won't be coming until 8:45 AM and that means we can be late for school.

She already knew the mapping of my house, where I put my stuff and else. Reflect she toss my towel at my face while saying "I'm going to take bath in the bathroom in the living room, you can shower in your own room. And I'm going to tell aunt Misun (my maid) to pack up our breakfast so we can eat on the subway. Let's go go ssing~" as she walked out of the door.

When I think its safe and preparing to go back lying on my bed, the door suddenly open.

"MOVE YOUR OFF THAT BED OR I'M GONNA DRAG THE HOSE AND BATHE YOU HERE RIGHTAWAY!!!" That scary face appears, Eunji's eyes dilated, with high intimidating voice she shouted at me.

I better get ready right now. So I jumped out of my bed and goes to the bathroom to shower.

15 minutes later, both of us are ready. We grab our bags and doshirak (kind of bento or packed-rice) than say goodbye to aunt Misun. We still have a 10 minutes' walk to the subway station. This is my daily routine.

My parents business is one hotel outside this town in the beach. That's why my sister rarely come home, she's the one that take care of that business since my parents' car accident. Actually, we still have Dad's trustworthy man to do the business operational though every final decisions in our hands. But my sister is a real stone-head. She insists to take care of it herself. It was after she graduated High School, she followed Dad's step and lead the business. Good thing is my sister has good adaptability and smart so she quickly adapts the situation and be a pro at leading it.

Although my sister can buy me a car plus hire a driver, she thinks it's not necessary because the subway station is easily reached from home. Me, myself feel like its more comfortable this way. My sister also lived like this. To hire maid to do all the housework is enough for me. But I still ask for privileges to my sister that I can have my own credit-card. It's not for shopping unnecessary things but if you're living alone like me, you'll never know when you will need money urgently, good things my sister let that be.

True! I'm the high school girl that has one credit card with a big limit number. I always feel like laughing if I remember that.

"Hey, what are you daydreaming?" Ask Eunji.

"Ah! Nope. Nothing." I look at my watch. "Oops, we better hurry. It's 7:55 now, Eunji-ah."

Finally we're on the subway. We still catching our breathe while holding to the pole near the door when a guy from the back of us rashly walking and barging our standing spot. When I lifted my head, I recognize the blazer and uniform. He's from our school.

"Hey!" I said loudly. "Have manner, will you!"

He replied with raising his right hand and says "Sorry" coolly and left. Leaving me and Eunji with only his back view.

I'm going to remember that backpack with pin that says "my MUSIC won't stop". That guy with a blue headphone and black snapback. "I'm going to look for him as soon as we get to school", I said to Eunji.

"Hey calm yourself down, Hayoung-ah" Maybe he's in a hurry. "We also in wrong because we're standing blocking the exit door. But what else can we do, the train is full. No place left."
"Eunji-ah, you know how I really hate people with no manner. At least he can nod his head at us while saying sorry. Not just keep walking forward and give us his back. Geez." I grumbled.
Eunji just smiled at me. "Look at you! Fired up just because someone crashed you. Hahaha. How cute."
I pout at her statement. 
*Now Playing: BLUE by Big Bang*
There was some dark matter in front of my face. There just like 10 minutes until the subway stops and the minute we'll take to walk to the school. That bad feeling is creeping in. Like holding me to keep standing in the train. It seems like I can't control my expression. Eunji was paying attention of how restless I become the few minutes we are going to arrive.
Something warm touch me, the dark matter like smoke in front of my face gradually disappear. Eunji holding my hands.
"You're going to be fine. I'm not going anywhere." She give it a .
After we walk out the subway station, we only need to cross the street to get to school. Our school is just across the street. But this foot is so heavy like I need 5 adult men to help me pull it together. My body is reacting. It's aching. Like thousands tiny needles pierced into my skin. I only felt this if I were going to get flu; I'm going to feel somewhat like this as symptom. 
My footsteps are gradually becoming so heavy. Eunji never let go of my hand like her hand was supposed to be there, attached to my body. Not like my heavy steps, every time she felt that I want to leave, she step faster and dragging me, pulling me towards the school.
"I know this is going to be hard. There many memories in that school. But there always will be first step to everything, right? You should not be scared because nothing to be afraid of. I'm here." Eunji talk with a low voice.
"We just have to take a shot at it. If in the process you feel that too much, we can just go home right?" She encourages me.
"Hayoung-ah You cannot keep avoiding going to school because of him. Maybe it's because you're afraid of meeting him. Though there's nothing to be afraid of if I were there. And hey, you know." She stops her step just a few meters from the school gate. She is standing face to face with me while holding my shoulder.
"As long as both of you are alive. And you live under the same sky and stepping on earth. You can always meet each other. Nothing you can change even if you think of lots of possibility. If something happened, it just meant to be. Your encounter, your first date, your first kiss, your first lunch, every each one of your memories have piled up. You can run from reality, but you can't hide from your memories. They will always find you. And listened to me, our memories is the same as any kind of digital memory, we can always replace all that. You have to be strong and brave. That's the only way."
"But to be below the same sky even to be in the same area with him is just dangerous. I'm afraid I'm going to blow myself to pieces when I see him. Eh, the other students already know?" I tone down my question, afraid of the answer.
Eunji nodded, "you guys were somewhat famous. Two of you look cute together. Some people might be shipping you guys. And yes, someone heard Chanyeol words after night classes. I'm sorry I wasn't there." She regretfully said that and looking down at the floor.
"You don't have to be sorry. I know you really tired that day so you go home early. Our house destination is different though, so it's fine. Maybe just like you said, this has happened so it meant to be." I sighed deeply and face the gate. "Let's go in!"
*Now Playing: What Is Love by EXO-K"
I don't know is it my eyes playing tricks or the school really gone bluish in color and everything feels like movies. I know there was not many students that looking at me. Not like Eunji said that me and Chanyeol was the it-couple who is famous. Actually it's just Chanyeol who is famous for his looks and has a prankster reputation. He is the school jokester, people love that about him. And that also make me fall for him.
Chanyeol is really tall and thin, he has black shorts hair which is comb messily. He always "forgot" to wear his tie and leaving 2 ed in his shirt. He just that messy student who is nice to be looked at. Chanyeol has made lot of problem just by himself because he's such a prankster. Three students have reported after they took a nap in class, they woke up to find their face already being drawn by Chanyeol. When Chanyeol being reported, he just shrugs it off saying "It was in class, right? So student must be learning not sleeping. I'm just practicing my drawing ability, actually. I'm sorry if my face-painting is not appropriate to your styling." The teachers found Chanyeol reasoning is logical, but still he got one warning.
The second warning came when it was the school cleaning day and all student were cleaning together. He accidentally kick a water filled pail and the all the water spilled onto the corridor floor. Instead of cleaning and mopping it, he used it like it was snowy field. He skates on the wet floor. He slide from one spot to another and laugh about it, doesn't care about his white sneakers get dirty and wet, and then he asks few friends to join. And before anyone notice, the whole corridor was wet because of the "instant wet-rink". When one of the teachers came to check upon the student, she fell down on her because of the slippery floor. When she asked whose idea this is, all students in unison shout "PARK CHANYEOL" and all hands pointing at him who just fell sitting on the ground laughing. 
I was in charge of mopping the corridor in front of my class. And my class is right in front of his class. So I'm the first witness to testimony what really happened back then. I just told them what was happened. Chanyeol who was sitting beside me, keep glancing at me when I'm in questioned. I don't know whether his glance is somewhat of pleading me not to tell everything or something else.
After the second warning was given and we walked out of teacher's lounge. He stopped his step and faced me then said "I
didn't know there were you in that class. Like I just had seen you today. You're not transferred student right? You already studied here 2 years right?"
I answer his entire question just with nodded and shaking my head. 
"Why didn't I know there was a very beautiful lady in the class across mine?" He speaks to himself too loud I can hear him.
"And you're Oh Hayoung right?" He asked me directly while holding out his hand. "I'm Park Chanyeol".
"Uhm, Hayoung" I greet as I shook his hands. "I know you. You are already famous yourself."
"Hah? What? Really? It's an honor Miss Oh know such a filthy student like me." He grinned. 
"Your reputation speaks for itself." I slightly put smile on my face and I recognize he blushes his cheeks seeing that.
"Hahaha, don't be like that. I'm flattered that you know me." He scratched his head and made a mess out of his hair that was kind of long back then.
"I'm hoping to see more of beautiful-like-goddess Oh Hayoung in the future. Oh, I have a guitar class. Now I have to leave. No goodbye is needed; I'm going to meet you again after all." He smiles widely that I can see all this teeth. I can't help myself to smile back and slightly nodded when he left.
From that day on, Park Chanyeol was part of my day, every time he has free time, he always skulk in the corridor and peek through the window to my class. It's no problem for he's tall. I always get the seat by the window and it's easy for me to see the tip of his hair showing in the window glass frame. When he sees there's no teacher in my class, he will come and talk with me and Eunji who's sitting behind my desk. He and Eunji is clicking, the same witty and spontaneous personality made them get along well.
When things slowly getting intense with Chanyeol after several dates, Eunji said to me that she has no problem with Chanyeol being my boyfriend. I got a yes from her. I'm so happy because I trust in Eunji's assessment and I already fell for that handsome-tall-mischievous-guitar-player. 
All our dates went well. All of it was being playback by the back of my head. All of it was wonderful. Just taking a stroll in the park, eating spicy ddeokbokki, watching movies, and work on science project together, or just sitting in the track and field bench talking. He's someone nice to be with. 
One day, I see no Chanyeol at school. I also try to look to his class but he wasn't there. Weirdly, his bag was there at his desk. But where is the bag owner actually. No one knows.
I was having a night dance class. So I stay at school to attend that extracurricular class. It was Tuesday night. The weather is so nice, not too cold or hot. Just cool wind breezing and my hair after all that sweaty dance class. Eunji already say goodbye to me earlier, she said that she has special plan, she didn't tell me what that is. I'm kind of disappointed that she kept secret from me but she was already rushing to the door when I want to ask her more. Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll ask her I think.
I was coming back to my class to get the rest of my belonging when I hear a familiar melody. That steady guitar playing and that voice come out from the school field. When I put my head outside the window I notice that there is one guy standing holding his guitar inside a heart-shaped arrangement of candles. I saw that face. That grins.
"Park Chanyeol?" I ask to the person below. My class is on the second floor, so because there are  only candles that light up the dark, it's hard to see his actual face. But there was no respond. Just his white teeth that I recognize for I had seen this grin many times before. I have to make sure it's him and that event was for me before I get too excited for no reason.
He keeps playing the guitar melody when he suddenly sings, I knew that song. One of my favorite song. It was "What Is Love by EXO-K" he played chord by chord, string by string, note by note.
He started by shouting loudly "Miss Oh Hayoung, I don't know how I should explain all this feeling I felt since I met you. I only know how to play guitar, so I'm going to sing it for you."
“Making a day feel like a minute
With you, I’m the main character of a movie
As if I’m about to film an action scene to come see you,
as if I’ve become a hero
You’re perfect to me, I imagined
How would it be if we were together?
If only you say okay, everything is perfect, oh baby
I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow motion
Tell me, if this is love
Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you
Fighting, crying and hugging
Tell me, if this is love.”
I cannot hold back my emotions, I was smiling so widely that my cheeks hurt and at the same time my tears of joy flowing. It was mix between touched and joy. You know, like the feeling of so surprised because you have no idea that kind of event will be happening. Moreover you get that from that funny and naughty Park Chanyeol. Never knew he has that romanticist side in him. No one has ever done any thing near something like this. Not his singing pitch nor how great he played his guitar that matter, only the sincerity and his feeling that radiant that night, making all the stars and moon shines to his face. He continues singing to the bridge part.
“If you wish and wish earnestly
will it come true, like the fairytales?
A never-ending happy ending, happily ever after
I will trust you, protect you and comfort you
I will be on your side
I will never leave your side….

“If you wish and wish earnestly
will it come true, like the fairytales?
A never-ending happy ending, happily ever after
I will trust you, protect you and comfort you
I will be on your side
I will never leave your side….”

As he reached the part where he sings the high voice, I slightly heard another voice was singing with him along the song like humming or being a backing vocal. When the last part was sung, I notice that voice. That voice who always bugging me, calling my name while poking my shoulder ‘Youngie-yah~’. 

That’s the voice of Jung Eunji. But where is she? I am looking to every dark spots and corner where she should be hiding. But then suddenly, out of nowhere...
*the voice of burst flames*
Suddenly a something was burning on the field. It looks like hay mix with fire-wood which was dip in kerosene so it burns and create a bigger flame. When the flame has reached all parts of hay. It says
“I ‘heart’ U” 
I was really speechless as I close my mouth with my hands. And there I see that brat, Eunji standing at the top of “I” holding a kind of torch, grinning or smirking at me, I can’t see her face directly. But I surely knows that is Eunji, so she is not rushing home but quickly helping Chanyeol to prepare this event. 
“I didn’t know what else to say to you Hayoung-ah. It’s all I know. The burning hay is all I know when I think of you.” He shouted at me and continues said things loudly. “I remember you say you love anything that shines in the dark. I can only thought of this. I hope this can light up your night, uh, oh, I mean if I can light up your night?” he shyly changed his words and grin widely at the end of his sentence.
“Now, Oh Hayoung. Can you do me a favor? By lighting my day and night, 24/7, since tonight onwards by being my girlfriend?” Finally the question is out there. Floating in the air for few seconds. I didn’t know what else to do besides nodding. 
“Are you saying yes Oh Hayoung?” Chanyeol shouting to get convinced.
I again nodded while my hands making hearts shape above my hearts.
“YESSSSS!!! WE DID IT JUNG EUNJI! YES YES!” Chanyeol still standing in the same place hugging his guitar and hi-5-ing in the air with Eunji. 
“HAHAHA. YOU DID IT PARK CHANYEOL YOU SUCCEED GETTING HER HEART!” Eunji shout while giving me that how-lucky-you-are look. 
Then Chanyeol get his back straight again and continue the song.

“All the guys in the world are jealous of me
They must be jealous to death of me, for having you
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
I can tell, this is love
I will make you smile often like a child
I will make you feel the most comfortable, like a friend
My babe, baby babe, baby baby
Thank you baby, for being my love

I noticed he changed the lyric from “Tell me what is love” to his form of gratitude toward me who accept his feeling. 

That night was the first night he walks me home. He took the subway with me and drop me off in front of my house. He should be taking bus to his house because we lived in a different area, but he insists that he want to take me home. That night, my sister was home and peeking through the window when we still there standing in front of the house.
“I expect to see you tomorrow wearing this…” he pulled something in his jacket. A silver cube box is what he put in my hand. “Opened it” he said.
I opened it. An acrylic beautiful pink ribbon-shaped hairpin is there. 
“Don’t just stare at it. You should wear it like this” He took the hairpin from the box and put it in my hair gently. “Done. Look how beautiful you are wearing that.” Sincerely praising me.
My cheeks were blushing as I say “Thank you for walking me home. Now you should go home.”
“Even if I don’t want to?” He gives that annoying look.
“Yes. We should go to school tomorrow morning, Park Chanyeol.” 
He holds both of my hands. Our eyes met. He quickly pecked my right cheeks. My first kiss, on my cheek.  
“Good Night, Miss Oh. See you tomorrow. I’ll come to pick you up. Don’t forget this” he points at my hairpin. “Have a nice rest, Miss Oh. Bye~” Then he waved me goodbye while walking away.
When I enter the house, my sister was there, sitting in the corner of the living room couch.
“So, Hayoung-ah, is that your boyfriend?”
Trembling, I don’t know what to say to her. I’m nervous that she will be mad.
“Yes” so I nodded and look down. “Are you angry Eonnie?” I ask my sister.
Suddenly she gets up and hugs me. “Of course not, my dear. Wow, I forgot how much you’ve grown from baby-Youngie to this
Miss Oh creature.” She said as she playfully playing with my hair.
“You just have to pay attention. Don’t let a guy too close or he’ll do something bad to you. Got it?”
I nodded. And she hugged me again. 
“Finally Oh Hayoung has fallen in love. Hurray to the first love!” She lifted our hands to the air 
Then my sister words struck me. Oh right, Chanyeol is my first boyfriend. I have fallen in love back in Junior High School but it just adored that handsome senior, it was never deeper than this. After all, that senior has no idea I’m having crush at him. 
“Park Chanyeol. My First Love. My First Boyfriend. Mine. He’s Mine.” I keep repeating that words as if those were mantra to make me closer to him, until I was asleep that night.
*Now Playing: Disturbance by BoA*
But now I have to wake up. All that things was in the past. No more manner-Chanyeol who picks me up and goes with me to school, or that annoying smirk he has when he has done some jokes to his friends, or that tall figure to keep me in his shadow if the sun’s too bright, no more Park Chanyeol for me.
Since last year winter, Chanyeol gradually become colder to me. He rarely picks me up or spending time together like we used to. He once told me that he was casted by a management and going through trainee period. I know how much being an artist meant to him so I support with all I had. His image gradually disappears. When he cut his hair short, it’s like I already forgotten how he looks with his long hair. Even if I had chances to meet him it’s when its lunch break and we sit together in the same table. 
“Here. Eat this.” I try to feed him. He shook his head.
“I’m eating no greasy or spicy food now. I must take care of my throat.”  He coldly pushed my spoon.
“Ya! Park Chanyeol, wae geuroni? (Why are you being like this?)” Eunji speak up. “If you don’t want to, at least show her some respect by saying that while looking at her face.” She gave Chanyeol her scary glare.
“It’s okay Eunji-ah. For a trainee, his voice is his modal to debut.” I try to eased up Eunji.
This friend is the one that annoyed the most by Park Chanyeol’s changing behavior. She’s the one that always bring this topic up. Saying Chanyeol has changed and what else. Chanyeol changed from this lively, bright and noisy guy to cold and passive guy who doesn’t even respond to Eunji’s jokes anymore. I passively heard all her talk while agreeing to myself. I say nothing back to her. More than agreeing, I’m more in questioned by his attitude now. 
But I don’t know how to put that in delicate manner. I realize that our relationship stand on a very thin line. I don’t want to lose him; I’m going to hold onto the moment. I’m not going to ruin our relationship by asking him too much question. I’m just going to be that girlfriend who supports him all the way, understanding his condition. I am determined to do that, at least for now that’s all I can do.
Chanyeol suddenly stood up and taking his trays of food to the table across the cafeteria. Sitting there is all the famous kids: the rich, the pretty, the handsome, the jocks, and my Park Chanyeol. 
After the school ended, Chanyeol called me asking if I had time to come to the school backyard and I said yes. There below the tree, we stand. He keeps avoiding my eyes and seeing somewhere else. He starts talking.
*Now Playing: Be Warmed by DaViChi*
“It’s been almost 200 days we gone out together right?” 
“Yes. Is there any problem Chanyeol?” I ask slowly.
“Nothing was the problem actually. You’re a good girl.” 
…. …. …. That silent that killed us has come. The breeze of wind is just too noisy that time. Even I can feel that the leaves on the tree restrained themselves for being fall from the twig. It was too quiet that I’m afraid to even open my mouth.
“It’s just we already got too many differences now, Hayoung-ah.” Chanyeol continued
There the start of my nightmare starts. Right there. 
“What’s with differences, Yeol? Everything was fine. We never had any fights. Never. Since we started, we both know we’re not really similar to each other but we’re happy, right?” I stared deeply into his eyes, hoping there’ll be answer inside his big eyes.
“Yes I was happy. It’s just… It’s just that now we have grown to different direction. I don’t know what you will do for your future. But you know, I’m not the brightest student here. I might have not got accepted to university. And all that I can pursue is my music career. You know how much effort I put to this.”
“But…” I try to cut him but he continues.
“This chance is the only thing I have. If you graduated and you failed at university exam too, you can just run your family business. But how about me? I didn’t have any opportunity left. I’m sorry for this sudden conversation.”
My eyes felt like its burning but no tears come out, like it was already evaporated due to the heat on my face. Chanyeol touched my cheeks out of the blue.
“Am I lacking anything? Did I do something wrong? Is there anything in me that you hate and you’d hope me change it? Have I said not enough ‘I Love You’ or ‘Thank You’ to you?” I’m bursting my question, trying to be so strong I’m asking half-shouting. But my voice just trembling as I hold my fist tightly, trying to reduce the tremor.
“I’m sorry Miss Oh. I know it might be unfair to you. I hope you’ll understand. Thank you for all the good times you give me. I’ll never forget that. You are such an angel, only stupid boys who wouldn’t want you.”
YES YOU STUPID! PARK CHANYEOL IS STUPID. I shouted inside my heart and keep starring at his face blankly.
“We should stop seeing each other from now on. I am going to change my number right away and there’s no way I would disturb you from now on. You can continue your life as if no Park Chanyeol was existed. I understand you must be mad at me, it’s normal. But all I know that this decision is the best for all of us.”
Stop seeing you huh? How about when I come out of my class and I see you in the corridor, should we pretend we’re stranger? And then you change your number? Don’t you think to not seeing you hasn’t hurt me badly enough. Park Chanyeol was never existed? I hope it actually happened so I don’t have to handle this kind of pain. I hope I wasn’t Oh Hayoung then. 
He let go of my cheek and hold my hand just like the first night he walk me home.
“Good bye Oh Hayoung, see you in a future events. Have a happy life.”
Then he left me. Standing alone below the tree. It’s already dark. But not as dark as my heart. My heart felt so wronged and I have no energy left. Everything seems like it stopped. But the leaves that finally falling because of the wind made me realize, time keeps turning.
I know Eunji already got home by now. And no one was on the school backyard, everyone has already home. I have no one to ask some help. So I called a taxi in emergency. 
Still no tears fell from the moment with Chanyeol until in the taxi. I just keep myself in the dark silently. I only saying one sentence of my exact address to the taxi driver, except from that I guess my lips just lost its usage. 
Until I got home and change my uniform, no sound was made too. The silent-killer is there haunting me in vain. Searching holes and ways to make the tears fall but no use. My heart is numb.
I try to lighten up the TV and put comedy channel. But no matter how funny the casts and jokes were, no laugh come out. My face has become stone cold. 
I finally was lying on my bed. I ate nothing since lunch with Eunji and Chanyeol this afternoon. But I didn’t hear my stomach growling like usual. It was 11 o’clock when I finally bring myself to sleep.
And in the morning, after waking up I always check on phone first for any missed call or notifications. No notifications there that day. I tried something I shouldn’t do in the first place. You know that curiosity will only kill the dumb? This dumb Oh Hayoung tried to dial Chanyeol’s number in her cell phone and I heard “the number you’re calling is non-active….” . 
I throw my phone to the floor. Shouting with all my might and bury myself in my pillow. And that’s when the tears finally fall wetting my face and bed sheet.
Aunt Misun asking whether I’m okay from outside my room. She can’t come in because I often locked my room before I sleep. I didn’t answer her. I just growl to give hints that I’m still alive and I don’t want to be disturb.
“If you don’t want to go to school today, why don’t you get out first and have breakfast?”
“NOOOOO” I shouted. “I don’t want to. I just need to be alone.”
“You will be sick if you skip your meal, honey.”
“Okay if that’s what you want. Today I’m going to cook one of your favorite chicken dishes, you know.” Her last resort to make me come out is food. She knows it. But she doesn’t know the pain I’m handling is too bad that to move my own body is painful already.
It hurts. I’m badly hurt. My first love has gone. 
I’m digesting at all and hoping this is just the worst joke Park Chanyeol would make and he is then standing in front of my house, picking me up as he used to do. But this morning, I even don’t want to open my eyes. Enough with the fact that Park Chanyeol always kept his word and he did. He changed his number. He wants to be invisible to me.
While I’m struggling wanting to disappear in this dimension of reality. I wish someone would just come and take me away.
My breathe keep speeding up as I choke myself with the pillow. I lost my consciousness and drown to sleep. 
I might be someone who is timid but I never been that emotional girl who cry easily. The last time I remember crying in sadness is when my parents passed away. When I see Mom and Dad’s dead bodies I didn’t cry. But when I see my older sister crying like crazy and finally fainted, I burst into tears seeing her hurt like that. I didn’t even try to see my parents deceased bodies in the coffin. 
But now, like a big iceberg, my heart is melting, losing it’s coldness, flowing with the tears down my face. I realized I’m crying and howling more than that day when my parents left. Just as if I’m seeing my own body in the coffin. Frozen. Soulless. Dead.                                 
Author's Note: Please subscribe and I hope you'll leave comment for anything to be fix or if you have any suggestion to the flow of the story.
And MOST OF ALL for next chapter I'm going to write from Oh Sehun POV! So manhi manhi gidaryeotjyoo.. Please anticipate. :))


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Chapter 2: I just finished reading it. Oh my gosh (T_T) I can't stop crying like really.. I didnt even have my first boyfriend yet but I just can really relate.. oh my gosh youre pinching my heart (T___T) I dont even ship Chanyeol and Hayoung but I'm so hurt omaygosh ! I just realized theyre a beautiful ship too. !

Anyways this fic is just purely beautiful. I love everything here. Long chapter and and youre writing style is one of the best let me love you ❤️❤️❤️ !! Sehun come and heal our Hayoung's heart ! Goodluck ❤️❤️

Weirdly I keep on imagining Hayoungs sister as 4minute's Hyuna loooll..

Authors thanks for this ! fighting !! and Update soon ! ❤️❤️❤️
pairings are daebak ! omg
Pinkpandainspiritexo #3
Chapter 2: authornim love ur story and i hope that u can update soon!! ~~~ oh erm are ur pairings suho x eunji , sehun x hayoung, suho x hayoung or sehun x eunji??? haha i like all!!
chcvnchs #4
Chapter 2: unnie! i alrdy read ur fanfic and i do really love it!

but i personally, love eunji's character more than hayoung's in this chap hmmm maybe bcs this is still early chap? k k k k.

really looking forward to the next chap!
(sorry for my bad english lol)
chae_ssi #5
Sorry for the late update. I still havent wrote anything because of my schedule and paper work. I already got plot for chapter3 though i still havent got the chance to work on it. I hope it will be updated this week. And, though the Cover image that I made has Hayoung and Sehun as the main character, i still havent put my mind to make Oh maknae together. I can still make Suho-Hayoung or Sehun-Eunji happen right? Hahaha.
I want to make the story so the reader can feel the story. I'm hoping to get more feedback from you guys. Thank you ^^
Chapter 2: I was so happy reading the part where Chanyeol and Hayoung got closer and his confession, they're not my OTP but I quite like them and I feel like they're so happy... And when Chanyeol broke up with her... </3 They boy from this morning, that must be Oh Sehun? I hope they meet soon so Hayoung can move on :) Fighting!
hayounghawoon #7
Chapter 2: poor hayoung at first
love yr story plot so much<3
wait for yr update authornim:-):-)
Chapter 2: you story is really awesome xDD
waiting for sehun pov xDDDDD
update soon author-nim !!!
chae_ssi #9
I'm checking my typing. Read-proofing once and tonight I'll update :)) just wait.
Chapter 1: What happen to hayoung?.?.?
Curious to know...
Update soon...