
Yes or No

BADABOOM, 13elieves is back!

ahem, ignore me. ==;

Bright and colourful fairy-lights decorated the park, creating a magical and exciting atmosphere to those who were visiting. The scent of everything sweet and sugary danced in the frosty winter air as couples, hand in hand wandered around the park with content smiles on their faces. Giggles could be heard from each pair as they walked past her causing her heart to clench at the scene before her. She could only glance at each blissful couple and wish for the same thing to happen to her. Only the one person that she wanted was right beside her, and most probably, was thinking about winning the next game they head to.

Her shoulders dropped at the thought as a small wisp of her breath blew out from . She sighed again.

The sound of a familiar giggle broke her thoughts. She turned her attention to her best friend who was hugging her boyfriend’s arm as they made their way towards her. “He wants to take me somewhere before we head home.” Her friend smiled at her other half.

“Sure.” She simply replied with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes

But of course her love-struck friend wouldn’t have noticed. She watched them part, her boyfriend leaning down to her ear, probably whispering sweet things as the sound of her giggling grew softer.

She sighed again and turned her head to look up at the sky filled with bright yellow dots. If only he could be like that she mumbled to herself.

“Huh?” he snapped his head towards her with a confused expression.

She giggled at his dorky look and shook her head, “Nothing.”

Silence took over the atmosphere within seconds. She sighed once again. Is he going to do anything?  She wondered to herself.

As if on cue, he finally turns his attention from the floor to her, “Do you have anywhere you want to go before we leave?”

She glanced around the brightly lit up amusement park, not really… she thought, but it’d be a waste since it’s so pretty tonight. A light mist emitted from as her answer before she shook her head, “Nope.”

He grinned happily and grabbed her hand, dragging her to his destination. She gasped at the sudden skin-ship and looked up to see him smiling like there was no tomorrow. Instead of smiling like she was supposed to, since he finally initiated something other than a bet to win a game, she was at a loss for words and could only stare at him strangely.

“I know I’m good looking, but you don’t have to tell me that way.” he chuckled. At that moment, she felt his fingers interlace hers, giving it a light squeeze as a sign that he was only joking. Her heart beat accelerated at the speed of a lightning from the small gesture. A smile spread across her lips.


“Why is your hand so cold?” he suddenly asked and turned his body to face hers. He took hold of her other hand and rubbed his together to create heat. “Don’t you have gloves?” She shook her head, unable to find words to answer him. Aish, why am I like this? No, why is he acting like this?

He dropped her hands, immediately causing her to pout slightly. She wanted his hands around hers again. He chuckled at her cute expression as his heart rate sped up. Hastily, he pulled his right-hand glove off and slid it onto hers. She looked up at him, her eyebrows creased in the centre. As if he knew what she was asking he answered her, “You’ll see.”

He grabbed her other hand and slipped both his and hers inside he pocket and began walking again. She stumbled the first few steps before catching up with his speed. “Thanks.” She mumbled after a while.

“Are you scared of heights?” he asked out of nowhere

She shook her head, “Nope. Why?”

“Because we’re going to ride that.” He pointed out. She followed his finger and standing there before her was a Ferris wheel filled with couples in their little carriages. He tugged her arm, pulling her along with him. “Just the two of us.” He smiled to the middle-aged man at the entrance.

“You’re very lucky to have such a pretty girl with you young man.” The man smiled as he led them to a carriage that was making its way down.

“Oh, we-we’re not going out.” She stuttered cutely. Both men chuckled at her.

“Well then, the best of luck for you then young man.” The worker smiled and patted his back

She tilted her head to one side at the comment made by the worker. Luck?


As the carriage made its way to the top, she slowly got up from the seat and stood at side to look out into the enchanting night park below her. Her hands gripped onto the railings like she was holding on for dear life.

A chuckle was heard from behind her and she spun around just in time to see his face inches from hers.

“I thought you said you weren’t scared of heights.” He whispered to her, his breath tickling her ear.

“I-I’m not.”

“If you say so.” She nodded and slowly turned her back to him.


The carriage was nearing the top when suddenly she felt something slink around her waist. She gasped and looked down to see his arms wrapped tightly around it. But before she could say anything, he removed one of his arms off her waist and the feeling of her hair being lifted up caused her to flinch. He made sure that her long hair was draped over her other shoulder before placing his arm back where it once was and rested his chin on her bare shoulder.

He could feel her whole body tense up at the sudden intimate position and he chuckled at how cute she reacted to it.

“You know…” he began, swaying her from side to side, “…I’ve always wondered whether you’ve had your first kiss, or whether you’ve been in a relationship before, or, if you have feelings for anyone.”

And right after he finished the sentence, she felt something warm touch her jawline. The rapid beating of her heart echoed in her ear and apart from that, she could hear the slow breaths he was taking as he continued to sway their bodies.

She shook her head once again. “Is that a ‘no’ for all three?” he whispered and she nodded.

She continued to look out into the park, not really taking in the sight any longer when all she could feel apart from his strong arms around her waist and chest against her back, was that he was gazing at her from the reflection of the window.

“Wh-what about you?” she finally managed to whisper back.

“Hmm…” she could feel his chest vibrate against her back from his low hum. “Yes, yes and… yes.” He replied, giving her a kiss on her jawline after every ‘yes’ and a lingering one for the third.

Her heart was racing right at the moment, all the worries that she had beforehand seemed to have vanished into thin air the second he placed the fourth kiss upon her. “Are you going to confess to her.” She bravely asked in a whisper


“What are you going to tell her?”

There was a short pause before he rested his chin back on her shoulder. “I’d tell… her, that in a single day, all I think about is you. How you’re constantly on my mind, every hour, minute and second of the day. The urge to hold you in my arms every time I lay my eyes on you is ridiculously painful and it frustrates me that whenever you pout I can’t kiss those desirable lips of yours. And also, the urge to kiss you right here, right now is pretty high up the irresistible meter, if I must add.”

He spins her around, one hand on her waist and the other cupping her cheek drawing small circles upon them. With his mesmerising eyes staring into hers, he leans down, minimising the space between them as their foreheads touch. “And to persuade her, I’d do this.”

His lips glides slowly across hers, placing a small yet spark filling kiss just in the corner of her lips.

“Do you reckon she’d say yes?”

She nods without breaking the eye contact with him, “Ye-” But before she could finish saying that single word he wanted to hear so badly, he presses his lips upon hers.

Pulling back after the blissful moment, he presses his forehead and nose against hers with a loving smile, “Would you believe me if I said that I’ve always wanted you to play with my hair when we’re kissing?”

“Congratulations then.” she smiled as she in turn pressed her lips upon his.

what...the duck did i just write? O_O (it's not even edited!)

uhm anyway, comment, subscribe OR even better, UPVOTE! -.- or do whatever you want~! ^^

peace! im out!

jks, what even? 

i should really get some sleep. ha! what is sleep




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tyk1395 #1
Chapter 1: fluffy.. waaah <3 <3 <3
goziLay #2
Chapter 1: what a beautiful story!!! I love it!!!!
Chapter 1: This is so cute and wonderful!!! I love it!!!!!
tarararaaa #4
Chapter 1: this story is so blissful... it is too beautiful to imagine! i wanna cry ;w; anyway, keep a good work, Author-nim! ♥