I shut the door to my cars back seated as hard as the sound of the bangs could go by the echo of the hushed ambiance that afternoon when I parked my car at the backyard. Stomping my feet as if they’re heavy for me to carry on with my steps, the sound of me thumping my feet had cause my friends a little annoyed with it I’m aware that they’re asking to slow it down, but I just can’t. I can’t.


 “I could feel the ground was grumbling because of your stomps, stop it Yoona!”, Ignoring them by stomping it up harder.


“Grow up will you?”, Hyoyeon muttered directly at me as I walked passed her by the main door where she was standing with her hands crossing her body, chewing her bubble gum.


I ignored her too; she should know better why I’m behaving like this. In fact, she shouldn’t be telling me off like that. I can’t help to feel a little offended by that obvious question, because I have my reason why I’m like this.


“Argh! Stupid table.”, I pushed it away, hard. Because I was unconsciously walked over the sharp edge of the table that was located along the pathway to the upstairs and it hit right on my hip leaving harsh pain.


“I don’t think that table deserves a curse Yoo-“,


“Shut it Sooyoung!”, I slammed my door just as hard as I did before with the car door earlier, and it left quite loud bang in the house. “You don’t know anything…”,


“Gee. I wonder what triggered her?”, I heard her voice asking Hyoyeon when I laid on the back of my door.


“Just ignore her.”,


“But it’s so not like her to put up with such a drama, all of a sudden…”, Seohyun jumped into the conversion.


A drama? Yeah. You have no idea what flashes through my sight way early before this ‘drama’ I started with, or probably from what those little ‘birdies’ chirping through my ears like a few hours ago. Tell me, would you even expect something so expectable to be so true? I’m just speechless, really.




“Yoona, do you think this red looks fabulous on me?”, Yuri asked while swaying the long wonderful dress on her body sideways twice.


I raised both my thumbs up with a playful wink telling her the obvious answer that I’m sure even a six-year-old could comprehend easily.


We both laughed as we continued to do shop some more for a new closet since I’m getting rid of my old ones, Yuri was just here to barge in with me. We’d go section by section in the mall to go through until we came across a group of peoples, boys to be precise, in this one corner. It seemed like they were waiting for someone, because they were murmuring about that person they were waiting for.


“Pfft! If I were him, I wouldn’t go to her at the first place.”,


“I mean, come on dude! His girl was not that bad…”,


“But the other girl did look a little more cute though, just a little more…”,


I shook my head when I unintentionally over heard them talking about her, I started to feel sorry for that girl they mentioned in their conversation. I stopped by in one of the section next to where they were all standing and waiting. The moment I started to wish my boyfriend wasn’t him, the group started to get a lot noisier. I figured that they’ve waited enough for the last guy.


“Man! What’s keeping you so long?”,


“Yeah, I’m starving already!”,


“Alright fine, let’s go!”,


Hmm? Wait a minute… That voice sounded familiar.

“Are you alone?”,


“Yeah, unfortunately she’s busy…”,


“Your girl or the other girl?”,


“Both of them!”,


They all suddenly laughed at that simple state, leaving me curious and anxious at the same time.


“Yoona, isn’t that your guy right there?”, Yuri pointing at someone looking so similar to my heartthrob, or so was he?


“No, I don’t think so Yu-…”, I take it back as soon as he was turning to his left and I saw almost half of his face, making me sure a hundred percent that it was him, it was really him.


“Who are you kidding? It’s really him over there with… Bunch of guys I barely recognized.”, Yuri blabbered about.


Yes, you’re right. I just can’t confirmed you that at the moment. Can’t you see I’m in huge shock? I’m frozen on my spot while Yuri still staring at him as he went further away.


“What is he doing in here? Do you feel like checking him out?”,


If that was him those boys were talking about, and then who the hell they meant by this ‘girl’ and the ‘other girl’?


“Or you want to continue shopping?”,


Then again, if I’m the ‘girl’ who is the freaking ‘other girl’? Does that mean he has another girl? Or was there was a girl before me and I’m the ‘other girl’?


“Yoona! Helloooo? Are you there?”, Knocking my head a couple of times.


Either way, one thing I wanted to make sure of… I’m not even sure who I wished to be, the ‘pathetic girl’ or the ’cute other girl’?


“I’m here… And I think I’m going to stop and go home now.”,




I throw myself on my bed and bounced up and down, slowly. I sit up straight and grabbed a pillow and began to punch it again, and again, and again…


“You little… Why do you have another girl you… Idiot. Were you always like this? You stupid… two-timer jerk! You know how much I hate cheaters. And there you were talking about it like it’s a no big deal! OMG! You… Stupid soon to be ex-boyfriend! That’s it. We are sooo done when I see you coming to that door…  ”,


I continuously throw punches that are getting weaker, over and over again. As I’m getting tired, I stand on the bed and jumped on the pillow, stomping on it as hard as my energy still allows me to.


“Yoona, Myungsoo is here!”, Yuri shouted from the lawn of outside the house.


“Perfect timing…”, I whispered with my pillow in my grasp.


I get down from my bed in one high hop and landed on the floor dramatically. I opened the door slowly and dragged the pillow along with me downstairs. I lose all smiles on my face since this morning, so he can’t really expect me to greet him brightly as the usual. I see him getting off the car and waved at me with joy. I stepped out of the house and standing in the lawn bare feet with the pillow still in my hand.


“Are you alri-…”,


“Hold this!”,


I threw the pillow at him, causing him to choke a little due to the pressure. He was holding it whilst the pillow was covering his whole body. Without waiting any longer, I fire out a few punches and kicks. I feel so satisfied but I don’t want to stop. The others just look at us while clearing out the groceries from the car that he just bought for us.


“Had a fight with your guy, again?”,


Listening to that question making my heart boiled much more than it did before, and I even stepped on his foot, he had to swallow his squeal that his face turned red a bit. He nodded his head once or twice considering that his guess was correct and he had to hold his stand because I kept moving one step forward towards him.




“Why’d you stopped?”,


“People get tired too, you know…”,


I dropped down to my feet and panted hard because I’m having a hard time catching up with my breathing. He decided to have a rest and was sitting next to me. I snatched the pillow from him and relaxed my head on my knees while hugging the pillow. I feel bad for it even though I’ve been punching it several times now.


“So what happened?”,


“He has another girl.”, I just simply blurted it out.


“Are you sure? Did you see him with her?”,


“Well, not really.”,


“Okay. Did he perhaps tell you about her?”,


“Not exactly…”,


“Then could you possibly know about this?”,


“I overheard them talking… Through some of his friends…”,


“Wow! You’re this furious just because of an overheard conversation. Yoona, what the…?”, He burst into a little laughter but I glared at him making him shut his mouth immediately. “You’ve only ‘overheard’, I wonder what will happen if you really saw them together…”,


I slapped his face lightly, annoyed with his grin that slowly fades away, “Are you going to be like this all day?”, I’m hurt and yet he’s making fun of me.


“Why do you like jumping into conclusions? I thought you girls are supposed to be checking out the truth first, or at least confront him yourself…”,


“I don’t know…”, I mean, this is not the first time I’ve been hurt like this…


I guess I’m afraid of the truth. I’m afraid, if I might find out about the truth, or even been told of the truth. I’m afraid I’m not ready for it. That’s why I’ve come up with the worst scenarios in my head, so then I could expect and be prepared when it comes and hit me.


“Err, what are you doing?”, I was surprised when Myungsoo’s arms suddenly flying in front of me and behind me, like he was chasing bugs or flies away, but I don’t see any.


“You’re full with negative aura, you know that? I just chased it away and tell them to not go any near you again…”, He showed a smile and at that time I felt at ease, just for a while my mind relaxed after throwing a huge tantrum for no-exact-reason.


I suddenly feel so stupid, because he was right. I shouldn’t be like this…


“Get up.”, He pulled my hands up and also pulling me to stand up. “You can start punching again but this time I’ll allow you to hit me without any protection… And I mean by the fluffy pillow, seriously the pillow is so comfy… Where did you buy this? I want one.”, Holding tight the pillow in his arms.


Of course I’d be in huge laughter because of his sudden comment on my pillow. I snatched it back and shook my head towards him.


“Why not?”,


“Because you’re not him… I don’t want to hurt you with my fist. And why should I hurt you when he is the one supposed to be having all these punches, which is when I’m done confronting him later…”,


“What fist? That small hand? Oh don’t worry; the last place I’ll probably be is in my own bed sleeping all so cozy tonight without a single scratch…”,


I slapped his shoulder lightly. “Whatever.”,


“And… I’m glad to know that.” I glanced at him with confusion, until he explained further, “I’m glad that you could still have the thought that not everyone is like him, in fact, you may be thinking that I’m one of a kind right now.”,


“Urgh! You need to stop this self-flattering thing, before it becomes a habit.”,


“Come on, do you praise someone else as sincere and as genuine as you do to yourself?”,


We both cracked up into laughter once more before I heard my name being called by Hyoyeon from our back, telling me to do the car washing.


“Why me?”,


“I see your mood is up so there’s no harm in asking you for help. Besides, you have Myungsoo here to help you out…”, Hyoyeon winked at me and left inside with a naughty smile clinging on her face.


I already saw Myungsoo is up and patting the grass off of his pants, I just glared at him with disbelief. I asked him why he is agreeing to this.


“Why not? You should work out more; you’re getting lazy these days. Let’s get you in shape now.”, Pulling me up and slowly approaching the car that we’re about to wash together.


“I am in enough shape I can get already…”, I run a little fast towards the car and reached it first. I giggled to that knowing I’d be the first, while he just shook his head sideways.


“Do you have something else to do after we’re done with this?”, He asked me while we were in the middle of cleaning the car.


“Not really. But do you feel like collecting the leaves later on?”,


“Are you kidding me?”, He sprayed me with the water hose, good thing I dodged it.


“How about carve a pumpkin?”,


“It is not even Halloween yet…”,


“Then tell ghost stories around the bonfire?”,


“Can’t you see the sun is still shining bright in the sky, like you can’t feel the heat.”,


I giggled, chuckled, laughed, and grinned along the times we were washing the cars. And in that short time, he made me forgot about that jerk. He made me forgot my broken heart, he even lend me his body as my punch bag. But above all, he helped me cheered up and get back to my senses. Because he understands me, he gets me. I’m glad…


“Can we go for a bike to the forest?”,


“Do you even know how to ride a bike?”,


“Do you want to spend the entire day outdoors?”,


I laughed the moment I saw he frowned to that question, he looked so adorable especially when he crossed his arms, sulking and all like a kid, but he’s not kid no more. He’s a guy. “Stop it.”,


“Stop what?”,


That charm of yours…


Why can’t I fall for someone like him instead? I bet he would be the best guy I ever dated. I guess that wouldn’t be such a bad idea. But I’m way too comfortable with him now. I’m afraid I might change us, the way we are now, if I even have the guts to start something way off of our comfort zone. But if I don’t make a move, I think I’ll get jealous of the girl who gets to be with him in the future. What nonsense am I thinking right now? As if I have feelings for him. I mean, I just broke off with that jerk.


“What if we read tons of books?”,






“No.”, He giggled.


“Hmmfft! Then do you want to go star gazing tonight? You can’t say no to this one.”,


“ Hm, not bad… if your girls are up for it, I’ll call my boys, and we’ll all gather up for tonight.”,


“Already on my list…”,




This is not the first time I’ve been hurt, but why do I feel like I owe him this time? I want to tell him that I’m thankful, but I don’t want him to go all flattered again, so I just give him my most sincere smile. Oh Myungsoo… What would I do without him? Hahahaha…


Err, actually it upsets me to post this story when the 'rumors' about Myungsoo is still on peoples mind, well, some of them... So if there's any eLements or Inspirit even, I'm asking you to just SUPPORT MYUNGSOO and ignore the scandal thing. If you could do that, I'd be really thankful.

Also, I'd appreciate if you would leave any feedback on the story. Geheehee

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I'll post it in a few days... Hehehe


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immarktuans #1
Chapter 1: It's done? Just like that?? OMG NO. How do we know what happened about Yoona and her bf and if Myungsoo confessed to her at the star gazing or what??? AH!!!
But nice story and I'm glad my shop made a poster request for you cx
infinite_kenn #2
Chapter 1: I support myungsoo ♡