

“Oh My God! Where’s father?!” she crossed her hands and sighed “It’s already almost midnight”

“Don’t be so eager, Nessie” He made her hair messy and sticked out his tongue

“Come here you!!” She lost her temper and ran after him

An old lady came in with a strict expression

“John! Don’t joke with your solder sister! And Vanessa! Where are your manners? You’ll be 18 soon so don’t behave like a child!”

“Yes Grandma”

“Go to the living room, there are your mother and uncels” She said and went away

Vanessa was a tall and a beautiful girl with  long straight and voluminous red hair which allowed her making beautiful hairstyles.

On the other hand her younger brother Josh was only 13 years old. Outside he doesn’t look much different from the other boys but he is a genius with a really high intelligence although he doesn’t behave like one. He has pale skin like his sister but brown hair.

Everyone one was gathered and waiting in the living room. It was quiet because everyone wanted to keep their experiences, stories for last.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

“Welcome back our master”

The whole family heard the greeting of the maids and stood up for excitement.

“Hi!” He said

“Daddy!!  John jumped on him

The whole family went and embraced him

“How were you mom?”

“And how about you honey?”

“And my brothers-in-law!”

“Now can the whole Christopher family be finally together” The old lady said

“But wait, May I introduce you someone?” He said and turned back to the door

“Come in” he said

There were a boy and a girl staying right in front them. The whole family stayed quiet and didn’t know what was going on.

“Who are they?” John asked and pointed with his finger on them

The old lady smacked him on his finger

“Auu!!” He fondled his finger

“Oh My God what are they wearing for clothes??” Vanessa sarcastically

Krystal looked at her with a cold glare

“Be quiet” Grandmother said

“This is Krystal and This is-“ the man said

“Kai” Krystal said

“He doesn’t speak English” she said

The man lost his smile on his face. His expression turns slowly into a more serious expression.

“Ehm, you know, They are from South Korea,- from the modern times from the future. From the year 2013” the man said

“How-?” one of the brother in-laws asked

“I don’t know either, we have to solve it, it seems it might be also my fault”

“They will have to stay at our place for a time being. So just be nice to them” he said

“Is that so? So I’m Patrick White his brother-in-law”

“I’m his twin brother Peter White”

“I’m his wife Jeniffer Christopher, nice to meet you”

“I’m John :DD And this is my Daddy”

“Pff!” the blonde girl sighed

Her grandmother pushed her on the arm

“I’m Vanessa”

“I’m Katherine Christopher” the old lady said

“Hurry up and change clothes you can’t just run here with clothes of yours then come and we’re going to have dinner” Katherine said

“Vanessa you lend Krystal some clothes of yours”

“But grandma!”

“Are you really from the future?” John asked Kai

Kai had no idea what he said

“Yea I forgot you don’t speak our language, what a shame” He said

In the meantime Krystal went to Vanessa’s room

“I just don’t understand why I have to lend you my precious clothes” she said

“Because your Grandmother said that” Krystal said back

“Oh yea you can speak English, a pretty clear American accent”

“And uuh the clothes you’re wearing are so weird” Vanessa hissed

“Oh Phuu! Your dresses are so old fashioned” Krystal said back

“Gosh! Why me?!” Krystal sighed

“Why are you wearing pants and this on you head. OMG and the shoes are that actually called shoes?” She pointed at her things

“You know this is called the fashion of the 21st century. These shoes are called converse shoes , and this a sweatshirt AND this thing on my head is called a beanie hat. Just for your information Barbie” Krystal said and rolled her eyes

“What’s Barbie?” Vanessa asked

“Find a dictionary for yourself” said Krystal with an annoying expression

Vanessa took some clothes out of her wardrobe

“Here!” Vanessa threw the clothes on Krystal

“Omo! Daebak! You look so….” (in Korean) Kai laughed at Krystal

Everyone were just staring at Kai

“What is he saying” John asked

“You wanna die? Be happy that at least you have to were normal clothes.” (in Korean)  Krystal said

Kai wore a Shirt of linen, and neckties grown wider and were tied in a bow or looped into a loose knot and fastened with a stickpin. Heavy padded and fitted frock coats, now usually single-ed and knee length, that was worn for business occasions, over waistcoats and notched collars.

“Dinner time!” Jessica said

Everyone gathered in the dining room and sat down

“Please enjoy your meal” The man said

Krystal sat in front of Kai

“you know! That Hitler is going to be born in 29 years? Since we’re in 1860” Krystal informed Kai

“Who’s Hitler?” John asked

“Geurae, Hitler neun nugu?” (trans.: Right! Who’s Hitler?”)

“OMG, You really know nothing!” Krystal said in korean

“Nothing against you John” Krystal turned to John who was sitting right next to Kai and smiled

“How could Sulli just fall for ya?” She said (in korean)

“C’mon! Who’s Hitler?”John asked

They didn’t know that some members where staring at them including the old lady

“Please be quiet. During the dinner you must not speak. It’s not polite” The old lady said with a strict expression

WTF? Krystal thought for herself

“I’m sure it’s still uncomfortable and strange for you two but we have to wait until we find a solution to transport you back to your time” the Man said

“Tom….” His wife said

After the dinner they went to their rooms that Katherine showed and gave them.

“Wait! Kai! Could you give lend me for a bit your clock? I have to look at the watch and investigate for a bit. Though the clock was made by me.” The man said


“Could you lend him your watch?” Krystal translated with an annoying and tired face to Kai


Krystal went to Kai’s room for a bit.

“The rooms here are cool right?” Krystal asked

“Do you have your phone with? Kai asked

“Yea, I thought about taking some pictures since my phone still has full battery”

“LOL” Krystal laughed

“I like this dress, I’m really a big fan of vintage things” Krystal was laying on Kai’s bed

“I always wanted to come to England” Kai said

“This may be risking but it’s still funny and more interesting than in our time” Kai said

“You know? You can experience more things about the 19th century if you live in the time than just from reading from books and hearing from teachers “ Kai sighed

“I hope that that mister can help us ‘cause as he mentioned when he found us that the old watch was made from him” Krystal said

“I just feel like a newly awaken baby that doesn’t know anything because it doesn’t understand to a single word.” Kai said

“I wonder what are our families and friend doing right now. I wonder if they are worrying about us. If they are looking for us.” Krystal said

“Gonna sleep now” Krystal said and went to the door

“Then I’ll see you Morning” And went away to her room

My excuse

I changed this chapter just alittle :DD

But the story line didn't change I just added something to make it more interesting :DD

Enjoy my story!

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Chapter 2: awwww krystal so cuteeee :DDD
1024KJI #2
Chapter 2: Whoa whoaaa dude this is so awesome! I never read any fanfics with plot like this, go back to the past and definitely different than the modern time :O update soon pls!
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I wonder what time they will be transported into..
undermyuniverse #4
Chapter 1: WHAT HAPPENED!?!? HAHA! Rooting for you!