

Krystal still half asleep with closed eyes felt some cold wind on her back. She wanted to grab for her quilt but instead of her quilt she held leaves in her hand. She opened her eyes and lifted her body up and noticed that she isn’t in her bed room anymore but in a completely strange forest.

“So you already woke up”

She heard someone talking to her. She turned back and saw Kai lean on a tree watching her how she brushed her hair with her hand.

“Moment, Where’s my beanie hat?” she said in shock

She turned around and digs in the leaves with her hand.

“Puh! Here’s it. It was right next to me”

She turned back to Kai

“By the way Where am I? Did you probably kidnapped me?!”

She ran to him and started to hit him, kick him

“Why did you do that?!!” she yelled

“Stop!” He was defending himself

“I didn’t kidnap you or something in that way so stop!”

“And if I were a kidnapper why would I kidnap you?  You aren’t even half as beautiful as Lily Collins”

Krystal stopped

“Then where exactly am I?” she asked

“You meant where exactly are WE” Kai corrected her

“I think is has something with the watch that the old lady gave us” He said

Krystal took the watch she had up in her sleeve and carefully studied them. So did Kai with his watch.

It was a watch pendant painted with real gold. There were little crystals around the face of the watch.

“You know what’s strange on this watch?” Krystal looked at Kai

“That we can’t understand what time or whatever it is telling us”

“I don’t know where we are but we definitively aren’t in Korea anymore” Krystal was looking around the forest

“I think it’s better for us to stay together” Kai said

“pssst!” Krystal looked around

“I think I heard some men” she said

“I think we should firstly see what kind of guys they are and then ask for help” Kai said

“They are speaking in English and have an obvious English accent” Krystal said and looked behind Kai’s back

“But the strange thing is that they’re dressed up like warriors and riding horses”

“I don’t know you’re here the one who knows the most about the histories of the whites”

Kai said

“Hey there is someone!”

Krystal and Kai looked at each other and better stayed still behind the tree. It was big enough to cover all of them

One of the men shouted and directed his finger to the direction where the noise came

“Then go and see” the other man said

The men went slowly nearer to the tree when suddenly something jumped on his face. He yelled and took his wrist to throw out that thing away.

“calm down man, it was just a squirrel” The other guy laughed

“Shut up!” he shouted angrily

“C’mon we go back” the other man said

Meanwhile Krystal and Kai looked behind the tree if they were already gone. They were just 200 meters far away from them. 

“We should go” Kai stood up

“There wil surely be a village or a town near here”

“Those guys went that way so we should go to”

She got up, dusted off her clothes, compared to his hat and walked with him on the way. The road was a bit weird because they were at someplace that god knows where, and because they were together. Those two completely different people.

It was autumn. Piled upon the dew covered grass the crusty brown leaves whirled around in a circle like a small tornado sweeping the beautiful park, the mystifying colors of the sun shone onto the pile of leaves glistening brightly as the smell of the autumn’s breeze bitterly blew over Krystal’s shoulders and neck, which gave her that tingling sensation everyone gets at the beginning of autumn.

She noticed that the breeze was fresher than the usual fresh breeze that she feels at home.

Krystal was more the quiet, cool type of girl so she didn’t find it awkward to not talk but sometimes she can be nice, friendly and caring but usually people misunderstand her for a cold hearted girl because of her ice princess looks. The way was also quiet. Only the wind was heard and the leaves crunching under their feet.

“We’re almost wandering an hour. Are you sure we go this way?” Krystal started to be worried

“Nope” He answered back

“You like wearing beanie hats?” he asked to start a conversation


“And you’re from the States right? How was it there?”

“Different form Korea” she answered back

“Say, what happened……” 

before she could finish her sentence

“See there are market places” He said

“Wait!” she said

Looking at him

“OMG!”  she was in shock but not only her but so did Kai

“Where the hell are we?” Kai said

“Welcome in Great Britain in the 1860s” Krystal said

They were hiding behind a stand

Krystal looked at herself and then at Kai

Krystal wore her hair straight down. A sweatshirt underneath a T-shirt, blue jeans and converse shoes.

Kai actually wore the same things but in men form with another colors.

“We can’t go out to the public like this”

“Wait here for a moment” Krystal said

She went somewhere leaving Kai standing there confused

“Here wear this cape this should cover our clothes from top to shoes”

“where did you get this?” Kai asked

“from the stand in front us”

“Before we go we have to change our appearance” Krystal said

“ummmm. Your name is Kai ok? Not Jongin.”

“How do you know my name?” Kai was putting on him the cape

“If you’re friends with Sulli then you’ll know everything” she said

“And you’ll be mute because you know no English”

“Fine” He said

“But can you speak with the British accent?” he asked

“No? but I will try”

Looking around all that could be seen was a crowd of people pushing, shoving and shouting. People rushed by, Gathering up items as fast as they could, People often travelled in groups; parents and children or other family members and even friends; They were the ones causing the constant buzz of noises!

The stall owners either served queues of customers or shouted out a range of encouragements to passers-by to attract them with their items. The actions of the stall owners were almost automatic, smiling, picking up the item, packaging, giving it to the customer. The swap between the seller and buyer was extremely quick and hard to follow with the bare eye. The stalls looked on the verge of collapsing due to the weight of all the products.

“Whao! It’s all different from our modern time.”

“It’s better if we don’t look in people’s eyes” Kai informed

“I know”

“Oh Sorry!” (in english)

Krystal bumped into a strange person. She couldn’t see into the person’s face directly.


She lost Kai. She turned around and didn’t see him anywhere. She ran and was looking for him. Then someone touched her shoulder. She looked back her and was surprised by Kai with some breads.

“Were you looking for me?” Kai smiled

“Whao! You can really steal a lot of thing here without the person’s notice” Kai smirked

“We should find a place to hide and stay” he said

“You should eat up”

Everything was so different. The clothes, habits, behaving and other.

They stayed behind a cottage.

“This is so unbelievable . How could we just go back to this time?” Krystal said

“Everything is so strange here” She leaned her hand on her belly

“I brought also apples and also washed them” Kai said

“Cool” Krystal smiled

He set to work on the apples, carving them into meticulous eighths.

"Here, eat” he said, handing her a section,

"But hopefully it's better than nothing."

"I’m dying of hunger." She took a bite.

The apple tasted green and cool.

“Where did you get the knife?” Krystal wondered

“I’m always having a knife with me”

"Do you have any idea how we could survive? I mean to get out off of this time" Krystal eyed him

He was peeling the second apple, the skin coming away in long curling strips.

He took a thoughtful bite of apple and said. “If the warlock dudes would find us then we’re in no minute dead or they will show us to the king or whatever they do have here and then we’ll be dead. If not then in so 1 week we may already be half dead”

It was getting already dark and darker. There were no street lights like in the modern time.

“Seriously, why did I end up with a guy like you?”

Krystal leaned her head comfortably against Kai’s shoulder. Kai looked at her

“Although we aren’t siblings or dating, I still have to lay my head on something comfortable. “

“You don’t mind right?” Krystal said and fell asleep

At first Kai wanted to say no but then he liked it. Time flew and Kai still couldn’t fell asleep.

Suddenly he heard some noise as if someone came nearer and nearer to them.


Hey Guys! Here is finally chapter 2!!! 

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Chapter 2: awwww krystal so cuteeee :DDD
1024KJI #2
Chapter 2: Whoa whoaaa dude this is so awesome! I never read any fanfics with plot like this, go back to the past and definitely different than the modern time :O update soon pls!
Chapter 1: Hmm.. I wonder what time they will be transported into..
undermyuniverse #4
Chapter 1: WHAT HAPPENED!?!? HAHA! Rooting for you!