Where We Met

February the 30th


The morning sunlight filtered in through the flower-patterned curtains, illuminating my room with a soft pink glow.


I blinked. It took me a moment to realize where I was.


“Haneul honey, time to get out of bed!”


“Ueh-” I grumbled groggily and dragged myself up. I blinked a couple more times.


My new bedroom’s layout is so different.


My feet padded across the washroom’s cold tiled floors and I the tap, a steady stream of warm water beating down on my fingers. It took me a while to find my special Cinderella toothpaste and Winnie the Brush (I wanted Mulan or MuShu, but the “everything-store” says they didn’t have it), and I began the task of cleaning my teeth.


What was it that I had today…?


“Haneul? You need to hurry up sweetie!” Omma called up the stairs. “You have to go grocery shopping with daddy and me afterwards.”


Afterwards? Did I have something to do…


I suddenly paused mid-brush, pink toothpaste foam dribbling down my chin. I almost dropped Winnie.


O! I’m gonna visit my new school today!


All of a sudden, I was completely awake.

Hurry, hurry!

I grabbed my new fluffy Mulan towel from where it hung on the rack. I’ve always admired Mulan. And frantically splashed my face with water.


Towel, Soap, Water, more Water…ARGH! Why isn’t this soap coming off!


I was gonna visit my SCHOOL!


I dried my face and carefully setting Mulan back on the rack, I turned towards the door, only to run headfirst into the wall.

“Oo-mph!” That hurt. This “new house” thing will take me a long time to get used to.


“Sweetie? Are you alright? I thought I heard something!” Omma called.


“I’m okay!” Don’t cry Haneul, don’t cry. Think of how brave Mulan is.


I ran downstairs in my pajamas, and sitting down at the breakfast table, began spooning in mouthfuls of breakfast – even though it was oatmeal instead of Fruit Loops.

I wrinkled my nose at the bland taste of the evil goop.


I hate oatmeal. But Omma would never let me out the house without having some breakfast first.


“Omma Omma!” I pointed at the door. “Can we go to school now?”


She laughed from where she was drying dishes. “Honey, we’re going to visit your school. Real school starts in September, remember?”


 I nodded vigorously. “Then can we go visit our school now?”


“Just a minute Haneul.”


I watched as she placed a white porcelain plate carefully into the cupboard.

Pouting, I sat down in my favourite chair and occupied myself by swinging my feet back and forth. Back and Forth. Back and Forth…

“Omma. Can daddy come too?”


“Daddy has to work Haneul.”


“But it’s summer break! And people don’t need to work during breaks…” I reasoned.


Omma untied her apron and holding my hand, walked to the door. She smiled. “You’re right sweetie, people shouldn’t need to work so hard.” She paused as she bent down to help me tie my shoes. “But sometimes, we all need to work a little harder to help make the world a better place.”


“A better place?”


“A place where everyone is happy.”

“And where everyone can go to school?”

I love school. I get to talk and play with a lot of other people! And I get to learn how to draw flowers too – especially roses. Those ones are hard.


“Yes, where everyone can go to school,” Omma confirmed as she opened the door and led me outside. “Okay Hanuel, it’s time to go visit yours! Do you still remember how to get there?”


I nodded eagerly. “I remember!” And I ran on ahead.  




The sun laughed down upon the earth, flaunting its golden rays. A crisp September chill hung in the air.


I ignored the sting of the wind against my cheeks as I ran up the hill to where my small school stood. MY school, I happily reminded myself.


“Haneul! Slow down!”


“But Omma! I want the swings!”

 I love the swings! It makes me feel like I can fly right into the tree tops, just like the red bird who always visits our backyard.


My school isn’t big, it’s actually pretty small. But I love small schools. It makes me feel safe and cozy.

The only problem is…a small school means a small playground.


It only had one swing. I think it gets lonely sometimes – like me. So I decided to make it my special swing and named it “Mulan.” I pumped my short legs harder as I ran towards the swing set.


Only to find…

that someone already took it.

Aw no.


I squatted down to catch my breath for a few moments. Then lifted my eyes up at the stranger who stole the swings. My swing. It was a boy.


I looked up shyly from where I stood, both feet planted on the ground. I took a deep breath, “May I have the swings after you?”


He grinned.




Hey Everyone! :D

Here it is! Chapt 3, when Haneul and Minho frst meet each other :)

Sry for taking so long to come up with such a short chapt, I'll try my best to do better!

I'm not rly satisfied with this chapt, I hope it's not too disappointing ><

We'll be revisiting their childhood and "watch" them grow and change,

So i hope you'll bear with me for now before we leap into all the drama and action ;)

and once again thanks SO much for all the love and support! You guys are flipping AWESUM! Comments are very much appreciated, I luv reading them <3

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BananaNutt #1
awh, thats SO cute (:<br />
Minho is such a cute little kid :DD<br />
gah, i cant wait to see what happens next (:<br />
update sooon ?!
awwwww so cute^^.<br />
ah, the young minds all innocent. LOL
winterflowr #3
so cute!!<br />
<br />
But I wonder what you meant by waiting...is he no longer alive or just gone??<br />
<br />
Please update soon!
Emylie #4
Aw, cute!
Lol you finally updated even though I am completely over Minho. write about Jaejoong! Love you guys and update soon.
BananaNutt #6
Oh, I adore it :DDD Lol. <3<br />
I hope to see more soon, and again, i love your details ;DD<br />
Update >.<
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I lik this fic^^ <br />
please update sooooooooooooooooooon~
Awww it's so cute so far^^. *sigh* He is so gorgeous~
kakaibii #9
I think you're a GREAT writer! x3 LOLOL I love Mulan too! 8D Update soon!...Please? x)
nicely written xDD