Who You?

Into Your World

From the recess bell through the corridors, off to the cafeteria Ahyeon went. She was with Productions of Live Artists of Yesterday (PLAY). It was the usual people she'd hang out with, yet, she treats them almost like her bestfriend. They formed this group ever since her ex-bestfriend, Baekhyun, began dating Sulli. The group comprises of the twins, Dani and Pilsuk, Jimin (A/N: from Just Stay), Wonah and Daeun. Ahyeon was venting her anger for Sulli on them; most especially Wonah. But what they didn't now (excluding Jimin) was that Ahyeon was actually in love with Baekhyun. However, she couldn't get over the fact that Baekhyun chose Sulli over his own bestfriend. The twins and Wonah loathe the fact that their bestfriend, Sulli, had treated them like a rebound friend whenever Baekhyun or when her baseball team members are busy. She started hanging out with her team members ever since she's gained recognition as captain and she began dating Baekhyun. Dani was deeply hurt by the fact that she had lost her bestfriend.

"Hey Ahyeon, here comes Minseok," Daeun informed. In a blink of an eye, Ahyeon diverted her attention at Minseok who happened to be walking by with his group of friends--The Trio which consists of Kris, Minseok and of course, Yixing. Everyone kows that Ahyeon had a crush on Kris but news eventually broke out and now they all know that she's currently madly in love with Minseok. Jimin was the only one who knew that she harbours feelings for Baekhyun before Minseok came into her life and turned the tables.

"Tch, it's just Minseok. Up till now I don't see what's so good about him," Jimin scoffed. Not sure if he's holding a grudge on Ahyeon for rejecting him twice; one being in their first year and the other in the beginning of their second but obviously Ahyeon is oblivious to even realise that Jimin actually till has feelings for her. He doesn't have any intentions of giving up just yet. He believes that she'll change her mind. Even with constant reminders from his peers, he's too stubborn to accept the fact that she only view him as a friend.

Ahyeon continued to gaze at Minseok as he made his way to the drinks store before he was out of sight. She sighed in disappointment but the next to appear right before her eyes was somebody unpleasant to her   Sulli. Slowly making her way, she approached Ahyeon leaving the entire table in shock by her presence. Their worst nightmare was actually seen at her table. "Hey, Ahyeon-ssi. Have you been talking to Baekhyun lately?"

Ahyeon remained silent, neglecting her presence. She doesn't want to talk to her nor about her boyfriend. The name, Baekhyun, is dead to her. She never wanted to hear her name like how Voldemort is forbidden to be named in the Harry Potter universe. Like the name Adolf Hitler is banned to be named in Germany. She most definitely loathe hearing that name coming out from , "Ahyeon-ssi, you wouldn't believe me if I said this but I tried to get him to talk to you but he says that you're not talking to him. Don't you know how much you mean to him? I didn't mean to take him away from you but please, I really really hope that things are fine between you two."

How much I mean to him? Didn't mean to take him away from me? Lies. Ahyeon's subconscious were telling her that, she knew that they're right. She doesn't mean a thing to Baekhyun anymore. He tossed her aside every single time he gets a girlfriend and she's tired of that. "Well, I hope so too. But nothing can guarantee that things will go back to the way it used to. Change can't happen overnight, gradually yes," Ahyeon then brought back her attention to PLAY. Sulli left in annoyance. As much as she didn't like it, both of them were forced into getting along. All for Baekhyun's sake. Baekhyun, on the other hand, is well aware of Ahyeon's hatred towards Sulli. Yet he was too stubborn to even listen nor pay attention to her warning. Just then, Ahyeon's twin brother, Jongin, came by. Nothing good comes out of it when that happens. Once he had her hair in a total mess and she became a laughing stock for the rest of the week until the news became boring. The other time, he had his hand slimed and shook her hand. It was covered in grime! And she became the week's number 1 laughing stock for the 2nd time!

"Hey sissy! What's with your eyes and mouth? Gazing and drooling over oppa~ again?" Jongin teased. If the embarrassment plot wasn't enough, the teasing is her worst nightmare but Ahyeon seems to be unaffected by it cause she knows the only reason why her twin brother would do this is because she would always react to them. Jongin knows. She saw it coming even though Jongin's probably the last person to know about it. He knows. But who did he hear it from? Peter Pan. Teasing Ahyeon isn't in Jongin's plan. As a matter of fact, he had an ulterior motive. Jongin is never the one to know nor even care about his sister's love life. However, Ahyeon would know absolutely every single bit of detail about his love life. Not one of Jongin's flings was unknown to her, she knew every single one of them. Even the ones that absolutely nobody knows of. I guess in this relationship only Ahyeon has the ability to read Jongin's mind while he wouldn't even bother.


"Hey do you think Ahyeon would be interested in someone like me?" Peter Pan enquired.

"I don't know, man. I mean we're twins and all but I don't even know what she's thinking. I'm not even sure if there's a guy that she likes now." Jongin replied.

"Gosh! You're so clueless. She's in love with that Minseok guy from class 1. Sometimes you should pay a little more attention to your sister." Jongin was stunned to hear that for the first time. He never knew that his sister would even fall for a guy.

"Dude! Have you been stalking my sister?" Jongin asked, he was too shocked to even know what he is saying. Peter Pan sighed in frustration and disbelief that of all people how could her own brother be unaware of these things? He never knew that Jongin and Ahyeon always had communication breakdown. Jongin and Ahyeon never showed sibling love at all. It's sad knowing that a pair of twins can't get along very well. But aren't all twins like that? Not to Peter Pan that is. Jongin fussed over his hair and said in frustration, "What do you even see in her?"

"I don't know. She gives me that feeling that I've never felt before. She appears in my dreams every single night, gently unraveling me with her melting smile."



Ahyeon is an optimistic young lady. She would never let any negativity get to her even if Sulli would try to ruin things further for Baekhyun and her. It was evident that Sulli plots to have Ahyeon completely out of Baekhyun’s life. It is an unpleasant thing to do. Dani and Wonah knows all about it and Ahyeon is just giving her the satisfaction. She wants me out of his life?

Consider it done. Baekhyun never even looked at me the way he did to Sulli. If that’s not enough then what is? Bitter as she is, each time she has to talk about Baekhyun. All of them understood why. Just then her phone sent a notification from SNS,


[Kim Minseok likes your post]


She yelped in excitement over the sight of his name appearing. Her friends began to wonder what’s wrong with her until Daeun reminded them that it’s obviously about Minseok since that’s the only thing that would ever get her this excited. She would even exaggerate things. Yep, that’s Kim Ahyeon. A oblivious girl who’s madly in love with a man who has a secret. Something that nobody knows of.

“Whatcha look’n at?” a voice called out. Ahyeon jumped in shock and took a good look at possibly one of the prettiest boys in the school   Luhan. He grinned at her as he knew exactly what is she fangirling about. Luhan would constantly tease Ahyeon every day about Minseok, yet she wouldn’t mind anyway because Luhan’s cookies were delicious. Each time he organises a bake sale as part of the Student Council, he never fails to save some for Ahyeon to try. Luhan would come up with his own creation and it’s always given good reviews. At the same time, Ahyeon would cook Luhan her signature dish, kimchi fried rice, as a token of gratitude.


Ahyeon is crazy for his cookies whilst Luhan is crazy for her kimchi fried rice.


“I see. Minseok likes your post now huh? By the way, when are you gonna cook kimchi fried rice for me to eat again?” Ahyeon paused for a while to think about it.

“If you think a little longer, I might even change your partner for the workshop we’re going to hold next week~” Luhan threatened.

“Alright! Alright! I’ll cook you kimchi fried rice tomorrow okay? I’ll have it delivered to your table. IF! You could bake me those delicious cookies of yours.”

“Hmmm, what flavour should I make? Peanut butter?” he teased, Peanut butter is what Ahyeon dubbed as Minseok back when she hid the fact that she likes him. The moment when nobody has any knowledge about her even liking Minseok. Luhan’s team in the Student Council is holding a workshop for freshmen to familiarise themselves with the school and he had Minseok and Ahyeon assigned as partners. Luhan had something up his sleeve, he would stop at nothing to get what he wants and he means it.

School ended in a blink of an eye, Luhan noticed Ahyeon walking by the hallways alone. He was about to make his way towards her when he was locked in a head lock. It was none other than his childhood friend, Oh Sehun. He came by the school to visit Luhan. Headlocking was their way of greeting one another in surprise. So that neither would feel disappointed that the latter didn't inform their arrival beforehand. Luhan was shocked and elated to see his childhood friend coming by the school. Normally, he wouldn't be going to school but he had to since Sehun had special reasons why he came to Luhan's school.

Ahyeon was slowly making her way to the school cafeteria when Jongin blocked her way, preventing her from making another step. She scoffed, irritated and annoyed with his childish acts. She pushed him aside to get him out of her sight and continue walking. She wanted to prevent herself from being a laughing stock once again.

She halted. Someone was blocking her way again. Frustrated as she is, she looked up. Ready to scream at Jongin, "YA! Can y--"

Ahyeon paused. This time, it wasn't her twin brother who got in the way. It was none other than Jongdae. The latter was delighted to bump into her in the hallways. It was evident in his grin that he's happy to even be right in front of her right now. If Jongin is voted as the hottest guy in school, his twin sister is obviously targeted by men (everyone except Minseok though). He took her hand and caressed it, "Are your hands cold? Let me hold it for you."

Ahyeon knew what was he about to do when she shrugs her hand free from his grasp. PLAY saw everything and quickly made their way to her aid, standing behind her in order to back her up. Meanwhile, Jimin only put up a front. He's rather soft for a man. That could be one possible reason why Ahyeon rejected him. "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. And if you think using pick up lines would work on me then think again. I'm not that easy."

Jongdae is not one to give up so easily, "what do you want me to do? Shall I sing for you?" Ahyeon scoffed. She's disgusted by men who uses typical methods to get into her heart. She's not falling for the same trick again. She's been through that cold road once and she's not going through that again. She sighed as she made her way back to the library to get some studying done.

While on her way there, Ahyeon was busy reading her favorite book that she didn't noticed who was right in front of her. She accidentally bumped onto him, both of them had their books fell onto the ground. Clumsy as she is. Ahyeon apologised to him whilst Sehun looked at her, "nah its alright. But more importantly, are you alright?" He asked while getting his books and passed her hers in the process.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Little miss I-Love-Minseok needs to be a little more careful," Luhan teased.

"Yea, I'm fine. Thanks," Ahyeon ignored Luhan and professed her gratitude to Sehun for giving her her book before walking out of their sight.


"See? She didn't even acknowledge you that much which means she isn't interested. Trust me. I may not know much about my twin sister but there's one thing I know about her and love. Once she's set her eyes on someone, she won't give up. She's exactly like me. We don't give up on love that easily. You're going to have to try really hard to get her to be interested in you. Or you can just give up now--," Jongin advised.

"No Jongin. I can't give up at least not now. If you think you're the only one who won't give up on love when I haven't even started anything yet," Peter Pan declared.

"Seriously though, why do you even like my sister? There's nothing likeable about her."

"I don't know how or why. But Jongin, I just feel different when I look into her eyes. She mesmerises me. It's like I'm being hypnotised by them. Those pretty brown eyes of hers and her silky brown hair.



The next year, Ahyeon and Minseok were given more projects to work on together. Jimin was not particularly happy about the fact that they're always being paired up cause he thinks that Minseok might actually have bad intentions he might have in mind. Daeun, however, feels the exact opposite about it. "KYAAAA!!! You're being paired with Minseok for another project again? This must be destiny! The universe is sending you a sign! KYAAAA I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Ahyeon and Daeun were on a phone conversation but even Jongin whom is next to her could hear every single thing that they're talking about. Jongin couldn't help but to scoff the entire time as he can't watch his TV shows in peace.

"Hey, can you please quieten down? People are trying to watch here! Or you can do me a favour and go in your room. I have company coming over."

Ahyeon took the phone away from her ear and asked, "Who?"

"Yixing and I are going to run some dance routines for the school talent show. We want to get in first place so that we can build our portfolio for college so stay put in your room cause you'll only distract us."

Ahyeon scoffed and informed Daeun that she'll call her later before hanging up. She wasn't going in her room at all. She's actually going to cooperate with Jongin. Primarily, she wanted to watch her twin brother practise for the school talent show. As far as she knows, Minseok is also going to join the school talent show. She's imagining how cool Minseok would actually look on stage. He might even be comparable to her favourite idol group  2PM. Just then, Yixing arrived right on time, "Hey, it's just us today?"

"Yea cause--"

Just then, Ahyeon had an incoming call, "Hello? Oh, Baekhyun? What's wrong?" She headed the conversation continued in her room. Jongin was explaining, "--couldn't make it now though. He'll try his best to come later. Meanwhile we should start on our practise."

While in Ahyeon's room, she seems to be having a very serious conversation at the moment. She received the most shocking news, "What? Y-You and S-Sulli what?" They broke up. After a year of relationship, Sulli finally decides to call it quits. It's been going on for about 3 months now. However, Baekhyun had to break the news to Ahyeon today. He regrets. He regretted for not listening to Ahyeon. As much as she wanted to tell him that she told him so, she didn't. Instead she feels empathy for him. Baekhyun tossed her aside. Why did he go back to Ahyeon? Was it because now that he has nobody on his side? That's why he chose to be by her side now? Where did all those years passed?

Just when she's feeling rather devastated at the moment, she accidentally sent a text to Minseok about her misery. It wasn't intended for him to receive it but Ahyeon couldn't care less. Her bestfriend needs her while her feelings are mixed up. She's not sure of herself anymore. It seems that her feelings for Baekhyun are coming back. But Wonah once said that feelings that came back are feelings that were never gone. Maybe she is right. Ahyeon might not have gotten over her feelings. Or maybe it was the fact that Baekhyun is a manipulative person. Just then, Ahyeon's phone light up. Signalling that she received a new message, she viewed it,


"Hey, cheer up. If it makes you feel any better. We're meeting up tomorrow aren't we?"


Ahyeon blushed at the sight of that. Minseok is being Minseok. Constantly comforting Ahyeon whenever she needs to be comforted. How could she possibly not fall in love with this man? Her stomach growled, signalling that she needed to consume something. Just then she went into the kitchen, only to be shocked by the presence of Jongin's friend. She halted as she looked into his eyes. He gave her the cold vibe. She didn't like that feeling at all. Most especially guys that would give her the cold shoulder are no good at all.

She doesn't particularly like the fact that even if he's friends with her twin brother, shouldn't he at least greet her nicely? Ahyeon begins to wonder if Jongin makes good friends in school or not. He doesn't even know her friends except maybe Jimin because Ahyeon appears to hang out with him the most amongst PLAY.


"Oh hello. Shouldn't you be in the living room practising?" Ahyeon asked.

"Yea. Well came here for a drink. A man's gotta replenish his fuel too after hours of practise."

Jongin notices Peter Pan is in the kitchen. He charged towards him whilst Ahyeon scoffed, "YA! Why are you taking so long? We need to practise the routine until its like 90% perfect." and she left the scene, unaffected by their bromance. Jongin's right, they were supposed to be practising for their talent show but instead Peter Pan took a long break in the kitchen. Jongin understood why when he saw Ahyeon left.

"Oh now I see why you chose take some time here in the kitchen. You thought you can sweep her off her feet that easily but she just proved to you that she's not an easy target. If I were you, I'd just give up right now."

Peter Pan sighed and he looked at Ahyeon's back disappearing behind her bedroom door, "Love is a sickness, an addiction, overdose. It's harder to control as time goes by. I'm falling deeper into her."



Tok! Tok! As Ahyeon tapped onto her math book, trying her hardest to focus whilst waiting for Minseok to arrive. Her heart was accelerating. It was pumping harder with anxiety and excitement at the same time. She fumbled with her hair in frustration as she couldn't stop thinking that she would be alone with Minseok in the library. Just then, Minseok arrived but he informed her that there's been a change of plans.

They've decided to meet up by the nearest cafe to the school. Minseok chose to sit in the cafe known as Beanstro. He claims that they have the best coffee particularly cappuccino. On the other hand, Ahyeon isn't fond of coffee. The only type of 'coffee' she consumes is caramel frappe. But anyone would know that it contains almost no shot of coffee in it. However, since Minseok likes it she'll try her best to drink at least something, "Hey, it's on me. What would you like?"

"W-Well... Whatever you recommend.." She smiled at her crush, feeling butterflies settling in her tummy. She felt good and nervous at the same time. Never in her life has she ever experienced being with the man she loves, alone. Nor has she ever experienced going on a date; if date was even the proper word to describe their current situation. It may not be a date to them but it seems like it to her peers. They feel elated for her although there's absolutely nothing to be happy about. Their primary objective is to settle the administrative matters like Luhan had instructed them to do so. However, Minseok has a secret.

In the midst of waiting for Minseok, Ahyeon took her pen and paper out as she looks through a few documents needed. The both of them are a part of the welfare team for this workshop. And their task? To ensure that all the required documents are accurate enough for them to ensure 100% safety of the students that are attending this workshop. To Minseok, this just may be a drag but to Ahyeon? This is a huge matter to her as she cares for everyone's safety more than her own.

Just then, Minseok came back with two orders of cappuccino. Like a gentleman, he placed one next to his partner and sipped onto his own. Noticing the leftover foam on his upper lip, Ahyeon grinned and signaled to him that he's got something on his upper lip. The man whined as he felt really lazy to get it off. The latter instinctively took a napkin and wiped it off for him. She sighed, "okay, so... we need to look through this form template once again to ensure that we didn't miss out any important details... So what do you think?" The latter was silent causing the former to feel a little agitated, "If we can get this done quickly, we can go home as soon as possible. You’d want that, right?"

The latter's facial expression brightened as the both of them examined the documents closely, their faces were rather close to one another. But what they didn't realise was that they were being watched closely by two people. One of which is a really close friend of Jongin's; Kyungsoo.


Peter Pan sighed as he turned to his friend, "What am I going to do?"

"Dude, does Jongin even know about this?" His friend replied. Worried written all over his face. As the both of them continued to look at the interaction between Ahyeon and Minseok. Peter Pan is resilient. He didn't care even if his best bud told him to give up on his twin sister. Because to him, he would stop at nothing to make Ahyeon know that he is the one she deserves to love because Minseok appears to be hovering a secret and Peter Pan is determined to find out what is this litle man hiding from him or from everyone for that matter.

He sighed and whispered, "I want to open my eyes every morning just to read your text or hear your voice at the end of the day. I would do anything just to make you mine. Just please, give me a chance to be yours. You'll only be hurt by Minseok hyung."



The next day, Ahyeon had herself readied for school early without even thinking of waking her twin brother up. It's not like she didn't but her twin brother has a habit of tossing and turning. Whenever she tries to shake him off of bed, Jongin will sit up trying to pretend that he's awake until Ahyeon leaves the room. That's when he'd be back dozing off to wonderful. Ahyeon is so sick of this. She scowled as she groaned, "If you're late for school, don't blame it on me. I woke you up this morning but you refuse to get your off the bed."

As usual, she headed towards her usual hang out place with PLAY. They've always planned to meet up by the school garden to just talk about things. It seems like they're inseparable but hey, they loved each other so much that they would confront anyone who tries to hurt one of them. Just when she was halfway towards her destination, somebody cupped and dragged her to the back of one of the school blocks. The latter let go of her as she tried to tidy up her posture as the man had probably wrinkled her nicely ironed uniform. She groaned as she looks like a mess at that moment. She turned to look up at the culprit who took her away from PLAY, only to be amazed. Her heart beat unknowingly accelerated at the sight of this man she had secretly been loving since the start of high school, "B-B-Baekhyun! Why did you do that? And why are you here?"

"I-I just want to apologise to you for being a jerk. I should've listened to you but instead I stubbornly chose to believe Sulli and even got into a huge fight with you which I regret a lot. C-Cause without you, I'm all alone to fight this war. A-And there's no one who'd support me. You know what did that do after we broke up?" he scoffed, "She went around telling people that I wanted to her but it's obviously not true! Ahyeon! I-I would never do such thing! I'm not that kind of guy who would go to such extent to have with them!" Just then, Baekhyun plopped down to his knees as tears brimmed his eyes. Begging for his best friend's forgiveness for being such a selfish jerk. Believe it or not, Ahyeon was not surprised that this would happen to him. She feels infuriated. How could someone like her do such a thing? Has she got no respect to even go through such measures?

Ahyeon pitied the man as old feelings were rekindled at that moment. She looked down at him and slowly bend down to pull the man into a comforting hug. "O-Oppa, it's okay. It's okay. I'm here for you like I've always been. Don't worry. I'll never leave you again. Just let it all out. It's okay" She rubbed onto her best friend's head as she continued to comfort him. Totally forgetting the fact that she's supposed to be meeting PLAY. She shrug at the thought of meeting them as right now, Baekhyun could use a best friend right now.


"I can’t stop inside your body warmth. If you give me a chance, I won’t lose it. To the ends of your fingertips, I can still feel you." Peter Pan said. He sighed as he tried to keep his focus but he can't help it. Every day he tries to build up his courage to go out there and initiate a conversation with Ahyeon but to no avail, it all ends in vain. He could never build up such a courage. Each time he turns to Jongin for help, the latter would shrug as he didn't like the fact that his best bud is in love with his twin sister. He feels nauseous knowing that fact and would always strongly urged that he would find someone else. Jongin used to have such great respect for his best pal but now he feels like he's the dumbest person in the world for falling for such a girl.

Just then, Ahyeon made her way towards the two of them. She scowled at her twin brother and to her 'satisfaction', the feeling was mutual. She turned to look at Peter Pan and worriedly asked, "Hey, do you feel better? I saw you at Beanstro the other day and I wanted to say hi but I didn't get to cause Minseok was in a hurry to go off plus it would be embarrassing to say hi to you when I didn't even know your name. Also, you might shrug me off like what my idiotic brother here would normally do." She elbowed her twin brother on his side as the latter winced in pain.

"I'm Peter Pan. I won't tell you my name. At least not yet but you can call me Peter Pan." He grinned. This was the first conversation they've ever had together. Jongin still wincing in pain while the lady took her leave, bidding the happy man farewell.

"There, you happy now? She finally talked to you. Anything else that you want? Cause I'm pretty sure you've got her phone number. All you have to do is to dial those numbers. It's up to you how you want to woo her. Just don't use the typical methods. She hates that the most cause she's been through a lot lately so I reckon that you don't screw this up. Please. I love you but at least don't make a fool of yourself."

"Thanks bro for the weird and disgusting advice but I can handle it from here."




Soon, they were reaching towards the end of their year. It was the beginning of their final year examination. Unlike most intelligent student; Ahyeon decides to make her way to the library where she studies in peace. Grabbing onto her books as she softly grinned to herself. It may seem weird but Ahyeon enjoys studying especially when it came to her favourite subjects; particularly English, Math and Science. Though it seems impossible to study English, to Ahyeon she would take out some english novels in the library and begins reading them.

"Ahyeeeeeoooooon-aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Just then a loud voice burst through the halls. Ahyeon mentally facepalmed herself at the voice of the man that she's too embarrassed to be seen with. It was her childhood friend, Chanyeol. He can be really loud at times which is why she would avoid him most of the time. Ahyeon's pace quickened but only to halt when she felt his strong arm around her shoulder.

She squinted, "So where's the valedictorian, class of 2014 headed to?" He enquired. The man was curious as to where his childhood friend was headed and he will not cease this opportunity to be with her at this moment no matter how embarrassed she feels.

She sighed while trying to get his arm off her shoulder, "No I'm not the valedictorian as long as Minseok goes to this school. And I'm off to the library so if you have nothing else to do other than to disturb me then please exit to the left." As she successfully shrugged him off, she continues to make her way in the library at a faster speed. The taller pouted and entered the library trailing behind her unknowingly picking her speed.

She sighed in frustration as she is still aware of Chanyeol's presence. But the pout in his face faded into a grin when he saw her dearest twin. "JONGIN-AH!!!!!!! What are you doing here?"

The latter smirked when he saw Chanyeol with his twin and it appears that he's alone. Well... At least for that moment, "What does it look like I'm here for? Obviously to study since my dear twin sister would be hitting the books, why not venture into what she likes to do?" Ahyeon scowled as she knew that whatever her brother just said was a total lie. From her perspective that is, but the real reason why Jongin is in the library was because a friend of his pleaded him to study together in the library. Jongin then decided that his friend and him should sit at their table since there was enough spaces for them to fill. Also, so that Jongin can disturb his sister in the midst of her studies.

Ahyeon stood right up the moment Jongin sat next to her. She motioned her way to the book shelves taking one or two more novels to get her distracted from her brother's and Chanyeol's nuisance. Nothing good ever comes out when the two of them are together. They would always plan out something mischievous whether if it involves her or not; she doesn't wish to know what unfortunate events may come her way.

As she made her way back to her table with a new set of books, her hands began to turn weak and unintentionally dropped them to the floor. She was surprised at the sight she sees. “Oh? Peter Pan what are you doing here?” She enquired. He was delighted to see her bright face in school. Though he doesn’t see it all the time, it warmed his heart to see her smiling at him. To him, that was enough. He grinned and replied, “Well, to study of course. What about you?”

“To play.” She joked. He chuckled at her reply, “Seriously? To play? I don’t believe you. Kim Ahyeon is at the library to study. Even an idiot like your brother wouldn’t believe that.” He paused at he took a glance at what she’s holding, “That’s a really nice book you have there. I’ve read it. Though I don’t particularly like the ending. Since you got that I assume you haven’t read it yet?”

“Yea.. Not yet though. But I plan to! My english teacher feels annoyed by my tenses that she requested that I’d read more books. But ummm… If you need help in let’s say…” She took a glance at her notepad and chuckled, he was working on a history essay, “history or anything, I could help you out. I may not be great at it but I’ll do what I can to help you out.”

It was a comfortable atmosphere for them. Ahyeon had totally forgotten the fact that her twin brother was even in the library but who cares? It was just between the two of them now. The people around them were staring. If they were from the upperclass or freshmen, they would most probably think that the pair are dating but the sophomores know that it’s unlikely unless Peter Pan does decide to court her and she eventually does get over Minseok. However, from a distance, somebody seems to be observing the situation carefully. ‘I guess you’re finally making progress. I shall not disrupt your moment with my twin sister. If all goes well, you’d better get me something nice.’ He walks away with a grin in his face. Glad that his best friend actually got out of the comfort zone to even spend time with his twin sister even if it seems so weird for his best friend and sister to date but love means no boundaries. But it’s also because he secretly cares so much for the both of them and wishes her happiness.

Just then, Yixing had approached the two. He greeted Peter Pan but his smile faded the moment he turned to the girl seated next to him, “Oh. What are you doing here here with--”

“Ya, ya, ya! Hyung!” He vented out. Turning to the lady next to him, “Sorry Ahyeon. I’ll, uh, talk to you some other time.” He packed his things and just before he was about to leave.

“W-Wait!” He halted and turned back to meet her eyes, “C-Can I at least get your number or something? To, you know, so that we could like, talk? Cause I don’t really know where to find you and such.” Peter Pan smiled inwardly at the sound of that. He was beyond elated. “Is it real or am I dreaming? My heart is beating faster. There’s no way around it, I can’t hide my heart. You’re so beautiful…”



Sorry for delaying the first chapter!
This is a twoshot story. Don't worry!
I'm not gonna end it like this. Still
drafting on the final chapter. Been
really busy lately with college and all.
With the assignments and tests. It's
really no joke especially if you took up
a course based on healthcare. But I'll
be posting up stories when I'm on my
holiday. Stay tuned for the final chapter! 
What'll happen between Peter Pan and
Ahyeon? But more importantly, what 
about Minseok? 
Yours Truly,
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Chapter 2: can i ask you is it true that microsoft can correct the grammar not spelling ? you're using what microsoft ? pm me please ? thank you ^^