
Into Your World

"See? She didn't even acknowledge you that much which means she isn't interested. Trust me. I may not know much about my twin sister but there's one thing I know about her and love. Once she's set her eyes on someone, she won't give up. She's exactly like me. We don't give up on love that easily. You're going to have to try really hard to get her to be interested in you. Or you can just give up now--," Jongin advised.

"No Jongin. I can't give up at least not now. If you think you're the only one who won't give up on love when I haven't even started anything yet," Peter Pan declared.

"Seriously though, why do you even like my sister? There's nothing likeable about her."

"I don't know how or why. But Jongin, I just feel different when I look into her eyes. She mesmerises me. It's like I'm being hypnotised by them. Those pretty brown eyes of hers and her silky brown hair.

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Chapter 2: can i ask you is it true that microsoft can correct the grammar not spelling ? you're using what microsoft ? pm me please ? thank you ^^