Part 7


Kyuhyun was tired but satisfied; he felt a heavy piece got lifted at how Siwon had comforted him. He was glad to see him even if it was a short while; he never really had the chance to be with him for the past few months after things got busy with the company.


His mind didn’t drift off much with what Siwon told him. He wondered sometimes how he and Hyuk really got along with each other, but he could never tell. Hyuk was kind and thoughtful but maybe after things got intimate between him and Donghae he had really changed so he would never really know.


Hyuk was a close friend of Siwon’s and they always talk about their stressful work and personal problems so there’s no doubt that Hyuk pours out his inner thoughts to him at his grief. “He just doesn’t want anyone take Donghae away from him…” he reminded himself. He didn’t want to think Hyuk as a narrow minded sibling of Hae’s but if other people were to take a look at the situation that’ll be probably be the truth.


I’m not the one to judge a person’s own convictions he thought to himself, things would go out of hand if Hyuk were to step into the scene now that Henry knows about us.


He was half worried half anxious. He really didn’t know what to do in order to get things back to where it’s supposed to be but all he knows that his goal was to get Donghae back no matter what. He got to his unit and went straight to his bedroom. He didn’t bother to change, he just took out his coat and threw it somewhere at the floor and loosened his tie then crashed right down the bed limbs wide spread.


He took one deep breath and stared at the ceiling, “Donghae… I still felt your love when I kissed you… I’ll win you back, I promise” his mind was filling with happy thought that was for a change. His thoughts of him and Donghae, those thoughts of the two of them happy, and the two of them living a great life inside a warm and loving home that they bought for each other, things would be complete once again.


It gave him a peace of mind; a tranquil moment wherein nothing has to be brought against their relationship. It made him feel that his past was still alive.


At sunrise, Donghae got up and saw that Henry wasn’t at the bed. He looked around before he stood up and padded towards the bathroom. He looked at himself at the reflection with a questioning look, “I… never thought we’d meet like that” he whispered to the mirror.


A flash of what happened at the rest room surged in his head, the words Kyu spoke of, the way he touched him and the way their lips met once more. He was thrilled at the feeling but somehow ashamed that he’d hurt Henry, things are going a lot more complicated if Kyuhyun would still pursue him but, he could never deny that he wanted it. That he wanted to Kyu to sweep him off his feet and pull him away from it all and~ “No… that’s not going to happen. I’ll… never come back to that kind of relationship again. I’ll never let that happen” he clenched his fist and felt weary as the blood raced inside of him.


He wasn’t mad or he was happy. He was still unsure to what the outcome may be especially now that he’s living with Henry, now that he thinks about it. He loves him; it wasn’t a lie and everything that had happened between them for the past 2 years were all real. He never lied to him but he never opened up with his past to him.


He knows that even an understanding person would feel insecure to see an enthusiastic meet between ex-lovers. Hae shook his head, “This isn’t going to be peachy” he rubbed his temple before he washed his face and brushed his teeth.


He got dressed before he went to the living room, he still didn’t see Henry. He was starting to get worried that he was still pissed so much that he didn’t want to see him. He figured it’ll be better that he’d let him cool down, he didn’t want to make things more of a problem as it is already.



He then lay at the chair and gave a deep thought on how to lighten things up between them; he wouldn’t want Henry to continue with his avoidance, especially now that he needs someone to cling onto. He needed someone to stand firm along with him, he needed someone to hold him and get things going right. He didn’t want to fall to the past; he didn’t want to go back to Kyu.



That was his mind was dictating, but somewhere within his heart he was longing for him. He was willing to get things back to the way they were, he wants Kyuhyun back in his life before he’s swallowed by this anxiousness he felt when he saw him again. “It hurts so much…” he wallowed to himself.


Not long enough, a knock was heard from the door. He turned his attention to the door knowing that if it was Henry he would’ve gone inside without a sound, “Who’s there” he called out and got up. “It’s me” a familiar voice answered.


Hae didn’t hesitate on approaching the door to accommodate the person, once he opened the door; he was greeted by the loving smile. “Hey, heard you were in the city” Hae couldn’t help but to smile back, “Yeah… It’s been a while” he moved over to let his guest enter.


When the person got inside, he closed the door and turned “How’re you by the way?” the person immediately asked. Hae took a moment to answer “Been… great” he gave a forced smile “Yeah, and the world’s about to turn into a giant swimming pool because of global warming…” the guy sighed, “Donghae, come clear with me. I know you, so don’t act like there’s no problem going on in your life…”


The man approached and placed a hand on Hae’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “I’m here to listen to you and knowing that you and Kyuhyun broke up for the past years, I’m… here to help” he offered but Hae held a conflict within his subconscious mind, he didn’t want to come back to the usual and the other was get every help from him so he could have Kyuhyun back in his arms.


He was a total mess that’s for sure. After making up what he was going to say, he gave a half smile “I’d appreciate that you want to help me but… I have a boyfriend right now, so… I don’t want to hurt him” the guy blinked to take in what he had just said before answering, “Is… that so? Did… Kyuhyun lost his place inside your heart?”


The question was like a bomb that got dropped on him; he didn’t need to question that in himself because he knows Kyu still held a special spot inside of him. “I’m so pathetic” he felt to himself. “As I can see, he still does. Wouldn’t you come true to yourself? You still love him and doing something like this would only hurt you and~” he didn’t continue when he saw Donghae shook his head in disagreement.


“I’ll be hurting a lot more if I’d come back to him, yeah… I have to admit, I love him… I still do after this 2 long and painful years I’ve been away from him” tears were forming at the corner of his eyes. “I would give the world to have him back again… that’s the truth” the guy was puzzled as he saw a grit of pain lingering in his eyes, “If that’s so then why let yourself suffer like this!” he took hold of Hae’s shoulders in his hands and clutch them tight.


“Because, he’s bored of me… he wouldn’t have done something like that if he was loyal to me. If he was truly faithful in our relationship he wouldn’t have treated me like a fool into thinking that I was the only guy he was with! I can handle him getting laid with women… it’s insignificant to worry about them but… with other guys, I feel like I’m losing my grip on him” tears fell but Hae was strong and still standing straight.


“If you only knew how much I was grieving over the fact that he’s keeping a man secret from him. It tore me into pieces that I didn’t know what else to do…” the guy’s sympathy overflowed but he wanted him to finish. “I’ve later found out ‘bout Sungmin. They were going out at clubs and some bars, obviously Kyuhyun got more than just drinks and some conversations. Hell… I would kill myself if he’d told me that he didn’t get laid with the guy!”


Hae wiped the tears from his eyes and composed himself, “Then after yesterday… our God damned meet after 2 years… it was more than I would ever expect. He and Sungmin were in a relationship, nothing more said. He deliberately wanted to play some more with me because to tell you something. He told me that he still ing loves me… that he never lost the passion and that worth I had in his life! that, if that’s true, then why are they in a relationship? Why are they together? WHY THE HELL DO I BELIEVE THAT HE STILL LOVES ME!”


Donghae broke into a strong outburst of emotions, everything that he held deep within him finally got out. All the frustrations, anger, jealousy, pain and anxiety got out. It was something he needed for quite a while. The guy was about to comfort Hae from the sobbing he had now turn to but they were both didn’t heard that Henry had already gotten inside.


Hae looked behind him when he saw the guy looking straight at the door. A crying Henry stood there, Hae wasn’t sure if he was hurt on the fact that he might have heard him say that he still loved Kyuhyun or if he’d pitied him of what had happened. He wasn’t sure of anything at that point because at the sight of Henry crying like that was heart breaking.


Hae wanted to enclose him inside a embrace to comfort him or at least ease the pain that he was feeling but Henry took a step back and shook his head, “Henry… listen…” he turned away and ran out. Hae wanted to follow but the guy took hold of his wrist, “Let him get over what he heard. It’s better that you would” he advised.


Hae was having second thoughts about it, “Teuk … I know your more in favour with me and Kyu but I can’t abandon Henry… I don’t want him to suffer” he insisted, “I know that, but have more faith in him. He needs to get through this on his own and if not then he wouldn’t be able to last” as much to Hae dismay, what he said was right.


Hae calmed himself down and hoped for the best with Henry, he didn’t had to hear those things, he didn’t deserve to hear them. He felt guilty on pulling out his frustrations all of a sudden, “This isn’t what I hoped things would be when we stepped foot back here” his regret dangling at the corner of his thoughts.


Teuk wanted to talk for some more so he asked Hae to sit and continue with what should be done. Teuk had always adored the both of them and he had always supported them at times that they’d fight, but since their breakup occurred when he was out of the country and when he did came back Hae had already left. He wanted so much to fix the broken bond between them but at this type of situation, only the two of them can really fix things.


Even that was the only option, Teuk was still eager to lend his aid for them and he knows Hae would be easier to persuade in this kind of stuff rather than Kyu’s rational thinking which will only create more conflict since Henry’s also at the line. He wouldn’t want they guy to get all shattered with the things Kyu may think off.


Teuk watched Hae’s silence long enough, “You admitted that you still love him right?” Hae didn’t look at him but having no answer meant that it was a yes. “Do you want me to really help patch things up between you? Of course that would mean that Henry… would be hurt along with the process” that last part was already underway.


“I… don’t know how to answer that… you know that I wouldn’t let anyone else be harmed. There’s no way for me and Kyuhyun to come back together. We were meant to be separated and that’s~” Teuk contradicted. “That’s a lie if that’s what you keep on thinking” Hae’s eyes averted to Teuk’s.


“If there’s a will there’s a way, if you’re willing to really set things straight with you guys then even heaven and hell could intervene between the two of you. You’re scared, not because of hurting Henry but because you don’t have the courage to stand up for the guy you’ve swore to love until the end!” he preached in an invoking way.


“Did you think that things would end up like this if fate hadn’t tampered your so called meant to be separated? Hae, I’ve known you and Kyuhyun. The both of you would die madly in love with each other so why waste the opportunity laid for the both of you again?” Hae hated the fact that Teuk would give wise words for things he thinks was right.


“You’re not stupid on still being in love with him even though you got hurt, it’s natural. You’re not selfish in leaving him after the pain he’d caused you it was a given but this… this? This moment isn’t something you’d waste. He’s here, you’re here, all that’s left is get the both of you talk in a meaningful way and not just scolding and badmouthing one another” Teuk stood and sat beside him.


He clung an arm over him and pulled him, “I also don’t want to let that guy suffer in placement of this but, life always brings hardships to people so they could be stronger and wiser for all that I know. He’ll be able to get through this, I know he would… so don’t avert your thoughts to him, just help him out if he needs a helping hand but remember to set you goals straight”


“I really hate it when you tell me what to do…” Hae kid and only smiled so they’d lighten up the conversation, “I’ll do my best but, like I’ve said, Henry’s my boyfriend and I wasn’t only in a relationship with him to fill the void but I also grew to love the guy. I wouldn’t be this concerned if I didn’t care about him” Teuk nodded in acknowledgement.


“I guess so, you’re a person would could look deep inside a person’s heart. I wouldn’t question you in that” he smiled back.


Though the whole conversation was indeed helpful in what he’s bound to do and prioritize, he also wants to consider Henry’s safety in this. Although the facts shows that Kyuhyun weighs more in him, he wouldn’t be selfish or insensitive with the guy who had supported him and loved him without expectance.


Henry drove aimlessly; he didn’t know much of the places in Seoul. He hadn’t been there much so he just kept driving around to pass time, to pass his tears away and to think of everything he’d heard.


It was a stake pierced in his heart to hear Donghae say that he still loves his ex; he felt his whole world crumble into pieces that would never be rebuilt, but he knows in himself that he’ll never surrender. No matter what happens he’s willing to keep things the ways they were and no Cho Kyuhyun would keep his happiness at bay.


He pressed the speed dial in his phone and plugged his head phones. “We need to talk, I know this short notice but can you book your flight here at Seoul and meet me at the Seoul Tower once you’re here?” he immediately said, “That’s something, this means a little challenge’s happening right there. Sure, I wouldn’t let some fun pass by without me around wouldn’t I?” the person chuckled.


“What time would you want me to be there?” he asked since the lack of response from Henry’s side. “Whatever time you get here tomorrow, I need you here pronto!” he ordered. “Oh… someone’s in a bad mood, no worries, I’ll be right there. Expect my arrival first thing in the morning, I’ll give you a call once I’ve landed there” the person assured and the line went dead.


“This fight won’t be over just because Hae’s still in love with you… no… this will be far from over. This is only the start of crippling you down so you’d know who you’ve crossed with” his grip on the wheels were clutching so much that his fist went pale, “Donghae doesn’t deserve a worthless like you… if I can’t stop neither of you for still loving each other then I’ll make sure there won’t be any LOVE in between the two of you… he was made for me… and only me”


His eyes raged fury but still showed weakness and grief as tears ran like a river. For him Donghae is his only rock and he’ll never give up on what he has in him, no, he’d never break his promise to relieve Donghae of his accursed past and pain for what Kyuhyun had caused. “He’ll pay dearly for everything you’ve faced… I’ll show him true pain with matching interest in all those time you’ve been haunted. I’ll make sure of it… I will if it’s the last thing I’ll do!” he swore to himself.


Within Henry’s heart stirred a slumbering rage, a suppressed anger he had held ever since he had seen Donghae blank and devastated. He had kept it restrained but now, now that he knows who exactly that person was he will stand as Hae’s avenger, he had prepared himself for what was bound to happen and nothing’s going to get in his way.

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butterflyqueen_1 #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon : )
sa43hae #2
Chapter 5: hi new reader here ^^
wooow i really love this story....
i'll wait for the next chap ^^b
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhh~ Need more! This was so great! Loved it!
Can't wait for the next part~ Wonder how things will turn out~
I'm quite flatterred with your enthusiasm for my works, thank you so much and always do your best at collage!
thanks for waiting for this... XD
kyuloveshae #6
Chapter 4: Part 5 please come are sooo greattt author-nim^^
kyuloveshae #7
Chapter 2: Noo..why so angst??? Huhuhuhu..please please please dont make it long..i need them to be together soon..huhuhu..