When Yesung ‘accidentally’ lost all the bunnies and Hyeon had to ‘catch’ them.

—ROMANTIC && IDOLS (Request Open, Scenario Shop)


Name; Choi Hyeon
Partner; Yesung (SuJu)
Genre; Fluff


“Excuse me!” Hyeon snapped out of her daze when an angry customer slapped her cheeks. Her cheeks became swollen red, her slap stings! And another thing; she dozed off again.
“You didn’t have to slap me!” Hyeon rubbed her cheeks, the customer just rolled her eyes. Who in the world accepted this lady to work here?
“I said, how much is this?!” The customer (an old one) said as she pointed to the toy truck she was holding.
The old woman has been asking to her for the whole five minutes about the price of the toy, but then, Hyeon kept on dozing off again and again. Not to mention, a little kid was trailing behind her; probably the one who wanted the toy, and not the old lady.
“Why don't you ask the other workers?!! Geez!” Hyeon hissed, the lady left with the little boy, and Hyeon swore, she heard the lady curse under her breath. Shucks for her.
“Choi Hyeon!” She heard a voice, she sighed, not him again. “One more strike and you’re fired!” The voice yelled.
“Stupid manager.” She mumbled, “Just fire me right now.”
She stood along the aisles of the Toy store ‘doing’ her job. When suddenly, her eyes landed on a guy who was playing with the bunnies in the end of the hallway. She couldn’t really see his front view profile since he was facing her with his back. All she knows is that this guy has blonde hair. 
Somehow, this guy caught her attention.
He saw the guy carrying three of the bunnies in his hands; she can assume that he was going to buy them. He walked to the cashier and she watched him until his figure was gone. Hyeon sighed, she hated her job and life at that moment but she’s working for her parents—the money she earns isn’t for her but for them, they’re sick and they don’t have the money to buy medicine. Hyeon, being the eldest, worked for them.
“Yah! Yah! Yah!” She heard a guy yell, she turned her head to the direction and saw him.
Yes him, the guy that caught her attention. The guy felt someone staring at him so he turned his head and they immediately had eye contact. Hyeon didn’t recognize him but she has to admit, his stare was killing her. But then, screams we’re also heard from the other direction. She became nervous, what was going on? 
Just then, she saw a bunny running (you can say hopping) the opposite direction. She cursed under her breath. It was those bunnies that the guy held! That guy lost all the bunnies, that stupid idiot. 
“What are you waiting for?!! Go after it!!” He demanded.
Hyeon couldn’t help but follow. His voice was so loud that it pierced her ears, it hurts. That jerk! it’s not my fault his stupid bunnies escaped. She started to run everywhere in the Toy store, every time she would make a silent noises, trying to catch the bunnies’ attention. At times she would clap her hands or she would often click her tongue. At times she’d say “Here bunny, bunny!” She even hops like one.
She looked like a weirdo and that’s no doubt.
She did it for an hour already. She became much more tired (if that was still possible), she sat down on a random aisle, panting. After a second she sat down, the whole Toy store bursted out laughing for some reason. Then she felt someone sit beside her, giving her a video tape; a video tape on how she fell for the ‘Chase those bunnies, now!’ Prank.
She wanted to kill herself at that moment; but she knew who did it. 
Yesung, who was already hiding, laughed his head off. That’s payback, Hyeon.

A/N; Hope ya like it~

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Chapter 2: haha. you naughty Yesung. this is so cute :D
Chapter 3: Dont't worry about the wait!
It was still amazing~
Ugh, but now Hyeon has to owe Daesung something, that ><
Chapter 2: Omg you're done so quickly~
You're so fast at writing and this scenario was cute and really amazing!
Oh, I might request again from you^^
Really this is so cute with Hyeon trying to get back the bunnies, clicking her tongue, but this was all a prank. Dammit Yesung!
I love it <3
kkaebsongg- #5
Chapter 1: Wow! You're done?! That was so fast author-nim!
Baekhyun is so rude on the outside here! "Move." With no emotion, how rude.
But aww, he actually likes Kyu Jin too :3
And lol, I saw that kind of bodyguard already—wearing black and glasses xD
I demand a sequel ! /slapped