how this story went..

If I Could Recreate Your Heaven

Hi guys... this was my inspiration for the story..

it's a really nice and haunting video.

I really didnt want to add an explanation to this story but when I asked my friend, I think she also didnt quite get what I wanted to portray hence this added chapter...


I want to clarify that Lay is dead as well.. his last time waking up as a human was back in the hospital. When he fell asleep that time, he died. I initially wanted to add "long beep" somewhere there or something similar to signal that he died but I thought it would be too cliche. ORZ  but yes, Lay died at the hospital after hearing what happened. He was not well then because he needed all those machines near him but nobody was able to reach his family so he couldnt be placed in a private ward or ICU by himself...


the orbs contains a portion of their memories so everytime Lay touches it, a memory would flash back to him....

so the whole time Lay was waking up in the isle was because he was already in heaven and from what he said before to Luhan,  his heaven is that of memories of him and Luhan.. So Luhan was able to grant his wish.. 


it sounds so cheesy when I explain it lol.. But I hope everything is clear now.. But I think the video explains it all so I wish you could watch it. It's a nice song too.. :D


Thanks for reading everyone! I hope next time when I write my stories I could clearly put it all in the story without an explanation chapter. ORZ

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lullaegyo #1
Chapter 1: No...Luhan ;___; This is so beautiful...yet it had to end that way.
Chapter 1: Nice story,but I don't really understand the last part.can you explain a bit to me?