
One Chance at Forever
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"You're worthless," they told her.

Eunsu was the daughter of the multi-millionaire Lee Junsu, owner of L&S Corp., the second largest business in Korea. The company manufactured electronics, sponsored events ranging from concerts to charity fundraisers, constructed schools, and owned supermarkets. In short, Lee Junsu was filthy rich. But that didn't mean Eunsu was, also. His first and only wife's maiden name was Song Jooyoung.

Yet Eunsu's family name was Woo. Because her mother was not Song Jooyoung. Her beloved mother's name was Woo Eunhye.

"You have no father," they criticized.

Those words should have made her lower her head in shame, but Eunsu held her chin up and walked confidently past the judging population. She didn't mind at all. Her mother told her about her father, and, honestly, Eunsu would had been happier if her mother had not told her. She would not hate her biological father. But Eunsu did not loathe her that man for not recognizing her existence. She bore such feelings of hatred for him because he refused to recognize his relationship with her mother and did not stand up for her mother before his critical, upper class family.

Woo Eunhye came from the lower class - almost the lowest of the lowest. Her family's economic status resided a couple of dollars above the poverty line. Junsu came from a well respected and socially recognized family - the highest of the highest. Eunhye knew they could not be. But Junsu insisted that his family will accept her if their relationship stayed strong. Completely persuaded and emotionally-touched, she gave her first time to him. It was a night full of love, lust, relief, and promises.

The following year, she gave birth to her prized treasure while he married Song Jooyoung, allowing their familial companies to merge into the ever so powerful and influential L&S Corp.

The Lee family supported her during her pregnancy, in hopes of getting a grandson. They planned to take custody of the son, and dismiss her with a large sum of money. Junsu knew of this condition, yet he did nothing. On the other hand, Eunhye had no knowledge of this proposition.

But that all turned to ashes of broken promises the minute they all discovered that Eunhye was bearing a baby girl. She was beyond elated when she found out,  because this was her chance to spoil her beloved daughter with every accessory and outfit the daughter's little beating heart desired. But that burned into another broken hope when she was greeted with packed suitcases, Junsu's fiancé of five months, and a manila envelope containing an injunction, prohibiting her from entering within a one mile radius of any member of the Lee or Song families. She was also not to disclose any information pertaining to her and Junsu's past "fling."

Thus, she left the Lee manor with her pearl, seven months old, in her burgeoning belly and the manila envelope in one hand. She left without any personal belongings, because they were all purchases made with the filthy bills and unlimited credit cards of the Lee family. Eunhye believed that she also left her shattered heart and soul behind, but she proved herself wrong when her weak heart began pulsing again with the arrival of her treasure. She went back to Busan, her hometown, and settled in a filthy, cheap apartment.

She still loved Junsu, despite everything that happened. She forgave him for everything - even for lying to her and never actually loving her truly - because she had too altruistic of a heart to hate anyone.

"Your mother is a ," they chanted.

That assaulting phrase began and Eunhye was labeled as a ever since the day she took a boy named Jiho under her care. He was wailing miserably in a park when she came across his five year-old petite body after picking up the three year-old Eunsu from daycare. Jiho's parents abandoned him in the park without a word of farewell. Being the good-hearted member of society and mother that she was, Eunhye adopted him since her heart could not bear sending him to a random orphanage that will ultimately neglect him.

Eunsu could ignore every criticism outsiders shot her way - every single one of them, except those directed at her mother. When the critics were her classmates and back-stabbing friends, she challenged them to duels and fights - and lost every one of them. After school, she would visit an abandoned boxing studio and practice by herself. But, of course, all her techniques were wrong and not destructive. Then, the previous owner of the studio came across her whining in pain resulting from a faulty punch and offered to teach her martial arts after hearing about her story.

Soon enough, Jiho noticed changes in his beloved sister and stalked her after school since they attended the same high school. She was a freshman and he was a junior when she told him all her secrets and troubles and they began training together. They became the best of friends and the closest of siblings as they defended their family and their mother with words - and with their skilled fists when words failed. Little did they both know that their emotions toward each other developed into something beyond the level of friends and siblings.

Their mother was the one who brought in the only income of the family by working as a cashier in a supermarket. There, she received the harshest of words and the most hurtful of insults. Recognizing Eunhye's deteriorating physical and emotional health, Jiho forced her to reduce her working hours and dropped out of high school during senior year, taking on part time jobs and soon intertwining himself in matters of the black side of society. All seemed to go well despite the fact that Jiho was now part of a gang. Of course, Eunhye and Eunsu were worried about his safety and well being, but what could they do? They were a lower class family and money from his illegal activities was the only income that kept the family alive and above the degrading poverty line.

All seemed well until Eunhye fell victim to heart disease. She was the only one who knew about her health condition. She never told her precious children because their was simply no chance of recovery. The only solution was heart surgery, but they could not afford it - not in a million years. She rather sacrifice her own life than to have her kids blame society or Junsu for their own personal troubles. Moreover, she could not possibly imagine what Jiho would do, or rather, what crimes he would commit to gather the necessary sum of money.

Therefore, she left Eunsu and Jiho in the dark about the truth until the day they both received a phone call from a local hospital, apologizing for their loss and claiming that they tried their best but failed and hoping that all goes well afterwards.

How could all still be well?

Both children were incredibly close with their deceased family member. But Jiho tried. He tried to keep his emotions in check and remain in tact for Eunsu's sake. On the other hand, Eunsu did not even try. After Eunhye's death, nothing went well for her. Rumors and gossips increases. She began involving herself in more and more fights. Every night, she would come home to Jiho with newly formed bruises and cuts. Jiho's heart broke at that sight and guilt buried him because he could not go back to school to be her guardian angel.

Following her brother's footsteps, Eunsu dropped out kf high school the following year and involved herself in every rebellious act she could find. She didn't even know what she was rebelling against. It wasn't her parents, because her only actual one just passed away without a word left behind and her consciousness murdered the other one

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Chapter 1: That was heartbreaking. I now name you a murderer that kills people by writing stories. I literally cried.. Thank you for writing this, author-nim.
Chapter 1:! How do I start? It's so heartbreaking that I'm surprised I'm capable of writing right now. It's different from your other stories, but still amazing and still has your intense and artistic style. Keep writing amazing stories. P.S. How can you Yongguk the bad guy :(