Fated Petals


Fated Petals

EXO's Chanyeol and You


Is it true, does fate really exist? Will flower petals be the reason for two people to fall in love?

Eunice has never met him  but feels like she's in love. Only hoping and wishing to meet him was all she could do, until one day. This was her chance, she was finally going to Seoul. The place where she'd finally get the chance to see her "Oppa". As she makes her way exploring Seoul she leaves behind flower petals. Flower petals with messages only to her one and only Chanyeol Oppa. Would he find them?

Being an idol, a very famous idol, Chanyeol doesn't really have time for love due to his busy schedule. But whenever he saw a couple hand in hand that was all he would long for. It was his dream, his dream to call one girl "Jagiya", and be proud to call her his one and only "Jagiya". But is his dream really a dream? Chanyeol starts having these dreams where a girl is walking but leaves flower petals behind. And no, not just ordinary petals they were petals with messages. Now would his dream really come true?

Would these "fated petals" really be fated? Would it be strong enough for him to find them and to bring two people together and fall in love? Or is it just going to be a dream that is forgotten the next day?


HI guys :) the first few chapters are short sorry :( I originally posted this fanfic on instagram and it seemed longer there so mianhae for it being really short and follow me on ig too ^_^ @waheenayeda

Okay, I know it's been a few months since I last updated. I'm currently writing chapter 18. I promise to upload it by Friday.


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yomamaiscool #1
Chapter 2: Whaaaaaat u write fanfics. I never knew that wahinyaaa. (Hint hint) . Ur good at writing and although fanfics aren't my fav, I'll read it.
Chapter 17: Pleaseee update this story, I love it ♥