She wasn't here


“So, who is it the one you kiss last night?”

I step inside the kitchen area so I can talk to Haeri. I just really can’t take it anymore, I just don’t know why she do something like that behind Youngjae.

“Whoa.. You really scared me.” Haeri still do the dish when she said that.

I don’t know why, but I really need a good explaination from her. If she don’t answer me with a good one, I can guarantee there’s will be my first time make girl cry.

“Just answer my question!” I said to her with a high tone and calm one as I could.

“What are you talking about Daehyun?

I can’t take it, really, I had at my limit now.

“Last night, I saw you with a guy in the car park, kissing, and I know it wasn’t Youngjae, because he can’t come out at night!! So tell me who is he??”

“Who are you to me? Why I should answer you? Just mind your own business!”

“Haeri!! I will remind you, if you ever make Youngjae cry!! You will pay me double if that ever happened!!”

“Hey hey.. calm down.. what’s happening in here?”

I saw Taewon-sshi coming toward us with a confuse look on his face. I saw my hyung for a while and look at Haeri with my most annoyed eyes, then I walk away from them to the front café.


“What’s happened with you and Haeri just now in the kitchen?”

Hyung approach me and pat my shoulder. I don’t know when I should start the story, I just answer it with a short explanation. Just about Haeri betray my bestfriend. Taewon-sshi understands my feeling, so he patted my shoulder again and he said to be calm and see what will happen next. I reply it with a nod and continue my work.



Isn’t that Haeri voice?

I search where that’s voice come from and it’s in the car park.

“I still in love with you Haeri. Please give me one last chance, and I won’t betray you again. Please Haeri”

That’s the guy from last night. They look like having a fight.

“What’s your prove?”

Haeri’s was crying in there as I can see. Because it was so far away from the place I hide.

“I will delete all my contact number in my phone and I will go out with you only. Also I will hear all the thing you want even if it will take my collage time. So please Haeri, let me be with you again.”

Now he hugged Haeri. That’s girl, she really can’t take my word seriously. What the hell she doing over there?

“Ok then, but don’t betray me again. Please promise me.”

“You had my word dear”

Haeri!! Tomorrow you will need to explain it all or I will make you feel sorry about it!!!


“Welcome home young master”

“I’m home Jiyoung-nim, you are still awake? It’s should around 11 PM now?”

I just arrive my house and greet by my butler.

“Well, I prepare for tomorrow things first and after that I will head to my bedroom. So don’t worry about me young master”

“Don’t too hard on your self Jiyoung-nim. And I had told you, just called me by my name, you didn’t need to be that formal”

“Please don’t said that young master. It’s my own self pleasure to called you that. And you too master, don’t work your body so hard. I afraid at your health too.”

I can see by the way Jiyoung-nim face. I know he care for my health even more then myself. I just nod and give him a warm smile.

“Good night Jiyoung-nim”

“Good night young master”

I headed to my bedroom and took a quick shower.

I took my phone out to check the message that’s come when I was on my shower room. It’s from Youngjae.

Daehyun aa, what’s the thing I do that wrong?


I’m so tired now, I want to leave this world as soon as possible.

I read it again, and I see who the one send this message to me and now I’m afraid for the something. I called Youngjae and he didn’t answer my call. I was even more afraid and I called again but still didn’t have any respond from the other side. What should I do? Should I drive my car to his house? But I don’t know where he lived.

I walk from my bedroom door and sit at my bed and then walk near my bed sofa after that go to sit at my desk chair. I reply it for about 15 minutes and then I stop when I heard my phone was ringing.

“What is it Daehyun?” I heard Youngjae sour voice. It’s look like he just wake up from his sleep.

“Are you ok Youngjae? You didn’t do some silly things right? What’s happened? Why you send that message to me? Is there something the matter? Is something happened? Tell me Youngjae??”

“Daehyun, please calm down. You ask me so many questions you know. I’m alright, it’s just that Haeri want to broke up with me, *sobs, and she don’t want to tell me the reason. She just said that she didn’t love me at all from all that time we were together. I just can’t believe her at all, *sobs, and she told me to forgot about her and don’t called her again.”

“Youngjae, to tell you the truth, I don’t like her at all. It’s because she was betraying you, you know that?”

“Daehyun, please make it clear. You’re my best friend and I don’t want to hate you.”

“I don’t lie to you. It’s the truth. You won’t choose her over me right? I’m your friend Youngjae, and I won’t lie to you!”

“Are you sure about that? Is she really betray me?”

Youngjae was sounds like about to cried again and I just can’t help about it. It’s makes my heart broke a little.

“I swear to the God Youngjae. It’s all the truth that she betray you and I saw it with my own eyes. So please don’t cried yourself out over something like that for her. You still have me in here right?”

“Daehyun, thanks for your comfort. It’s late now, I was so tired. Good night.”

“Night Youngjae”

*Beep beep beep

I hope Youngjae could make it up. I really don’t like him to be like that. I like the way he smile and laugh.



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I know you all have read this story until end. . but let me correct some mess I have made. . youngjae are taking the Harvard University now. . Sorry


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It was a beautiful story ☺
Henrehhh #2
Chapter 60: Even though this fic's done, I still subscribed ^____^ IT WAS REALLY GOOD, AUTHOR-NIM :DD
Chapter 56: Wait a minute... Oxford is situated in England, not in the United States!
Chapter 60: ahhh this story =] THIS STORY... =] it was sooo cute =]
Chapter 34: ahhh I can't stop reading this =] it's so cute
It's Zelo.....
Chapter 4: OoooOoOo Youngjae likes someone ooOooo
Chapter 3: Daehyun is so kind and considerate :) ahhhh love it!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhh Youngjae is here :)