It's not in there


We have arrived at the Busan. First we need to take the bus to the beach first.

“Let me see, which bus we should take?”

I look at the small paper my father gift me. Because,  normally we will asked someone to get us there. But I don’t want to surprise Youngjae. The bus we have waited about 5 minute has arrived, and we get on the bus. I let Youngjae have the sit inside, and I sit at his besides.

“I was so tired. How long the road we need to take until we arrive there?”

“Maybe about 1 hour if there’s no traffic jam.”

“I want to sleep first. Wake me up if we are about to reach there.”

I nodded as Youngjae was about to sleep now. He was look so tired, and exhausted. This is must be his first time going for this long road. When the bus began to go, I lend my shoulder for Youngjae head. I pull the curtain to close the window, because I afraid it will bother Youngjae sleep.


For a hour we have taken the bus. I had see the sea out there, so I bet it’s time to wake Youngjae up.


He still didn’t respond at all. I had use all the way to wake him up. Like shake him, pitch his nose, play with his fluffy cheek, and pull his cloth. He still didn’t want to wake up. I want to wet my hands with water for waking him up, but I afraid he will get mad at me. The last thing I do was, I whisper near his ear.

“We have arrived now Youngjae.”


At least, he moves his head position now. But he still didn’t want to open his eyes.

“If you don’t wake up, I don’t know what I will do to you Youngjae.”

Youngjae eyes just pop up and he immediately wake up. Youngjae stare at me with a confusing look and look outside. The bus was about to stop.

“Did you do something weird to me while I was sleeping??”

Youngjae become blush a little as he asked me that question. I just shake my head and get all the things we bought before get down from the bus. Youngjae become more blush now, he regrets his weird question just now.

“We need to walk a bit before going to my grandparent house. Are you alright for walking a bit?”

I asked Youngjae like that, because he just wakes up and looked like he still at his sleeping state. Youngjae was shakes his head means he is fine with walking.

“Alright then, let me help with your belonging. You just need to walk Youngjae. I don’t want you to faint while we are walking.”

Youngjae is glaring at me while handing his belonging. We walked at the small road with full of tree that’s his leaf falling from it. It was so beautiful because that’s road didn’t had anyone pass by, so we walking while looking around the scene.

“Do you want to take a rest Youngjae?”

“No, I’m fine. Just a little bit more, right?”

“Yes, maybe around 5 minutes walked and we will arrive at my grandparent house.”

We walked again and see around. Their people walking and some pass by us. They smiled at us and we replied it back too. Now we have arrive my grandparent house. It was at the left side from the road we walked. I talked to the security to open the gate for us.

“Are you sure this is your grandparent house?”

“Yes, this is my home town, so I was 100% sure this is the place.”

The security has know me, and he open the gate for us. He asked if I need a car for taking me to the grand house, I said no, I want to take a walk for a bit. Youngjae still look a bit confuse, so I pull his hand and we walk to the grand house that’s in the middle one. When I had arrive there, the maids and my grandparent butler greet us. I hand our belonging to the maids and ask the butler to take it to the beach house behind this grand house. He nodded and walked away with the maids. It’s been so long, and I really miss this house.


>_< Do you all know?? Do you want to know?? Really want to know it?? or just want to know only?? 
Which one?? xDD I will tell you all in the next chapter >_< <3


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I know you all have read this story until end. . but let me correct some mess I have made. . youngjae are taking the Harvard University now. . Sorry


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It was a beautiful story ☺
Henrehhh #2
Chapter 60: Even though this fic's done, I still subscribed ^____^ IT WAS REALLY GOOD, AUTHOR-NIM :DD
Chapter 56: Wait a minute... Oxford is situated in England, not in the United States!
Chapter 60: ahhh this story =] THIS STORY... =] it was sooo cute =]
Chapter 34: ahhh I can't stop reading this =] it's so cute
It's Zelo.....
Chapter 4: OoooOoOo Youngjae likes someone ooOooo
Chapter 3: Daehyun is so kind and considerate :) ahhhh love it!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhh Youngjae is here :)