Chapter Seven

I'm Not Yours!

"Saying that you made me like I was your Cinderella!"

"Krystal, shut up."

"Luna, you can't stop me from singing my jam."

The two girls were walking through the halls of the school in the morning, with Soojung annoyingly singing a song that she got obessed with over the weekends and Luna having to deal with it because that was the burden of being a good friend.

When they stopped in front of Luna's locker, Soojung stopped singing and lazily leaned on the locker next to Luna's as she opened her locker and grabbed some of her books. "History, math, biology..."

"You have all the bad subjects today don't you?" Soojung asked.

Not even bothering to look at her, Luna gave a curt nod.

"That makes two of us," Soojung said once more, and tapped her feet impatiently as she waited for Luna to get all of her books. Once she had, the two walked down the halls again, enjoying the quiet-ness of the morning.

"How was your weekend?" Luna asked, turning to face Soojung with a small smile.

Soojung shrugged. "It was uneventful."

However, Luna didn't seem to buy it one bit. "You call a dinner with KAI unevenftful? I have eyes everywhere, you know!" 

A pair of shocked eyes met Luna. "I'm not even going to ask how you knew about that, it's like you were stalking us or something. But I didn't have that much fun, so I guess it's alright to still call it uneventful," She shrugged again.

Luna sighed as she shook her head in a 'oh you poor child' way. "Soojung, this is Kai we're talking about. K A I. Any other girl at school would kill to be in your shoes!"

"In that case, I'll gladly prepare myself a funeral," Soojung grumbled.

The school bell rang, signaling that it was time for the first period, which in Soojung's case was Biology.

She took a seat in the back of the class, knowing that nobody really ever wanted to sit at the back. It was dark, and the teacher would rarely notice anyone there - which was also the perfect reason for Soojung to sit there.

It's not like she wasn't smart, because Soojung was one of the kids who would always get signed up for olympics and stuff by the teachers. But she always hated answering questions for the teacher, and she did like seeing the gobsmacked faces of her teachers whenever they found out that she had aced her examinations.

"Morning," The teacher walked in with a small smile on his wrinkly face. Immediately, the class president stood up and signaled for the others to stand up with him.

"Good morning seongsaengnim," Everyone chorused before they sat back down. Soojung looked around the class for something interesting. Girls gossiping, guys playing with their cellphones under the table, someone sleeping, Kai...

Wait what, Kai?

Soojung blinked a few times, trying to make sure that it really was Kai in the classroom. Although she was pretty sure it was him. His droopy eyes and his tan skin was easy enough to stand him out from the others. Well, that and the fact that all the girls around him were giggling and blushing at him although he was only sleeping.

'That's weird, I never noticed we were in the same class before,' She thought, but then shrugged it off. Oh well.

"Today I am going to split you into groups for an assignment," The teacher, Mr. Lee, announced with a small smile. The students in the class groaned and complained, but the teacher kept ignoring them anyways. "Your assignment will be to create a song about our current material and then perform it next week! Now, everyone come up and take a piece of paper!"

The class made a beeline for the teacher's desk, and seeing as she was at the back, Soojung waited and waited until the line was getting shorter until she lined up. In the corner of her eyes, she could see some of the girls whispering about who they wanted to be partners with, and who they didn't. 'Why am I not surprised that they all want to be in the same group as Kai?' 

Once she made it to the front of the line, Soojung chose the last piece of paper before strolling back to her desk. Then, she unrolled the paper to see who she got. "12?" She mused to herself.

"Now!" Mr. Lee clapped his hands together. "When I announce the numbers, the ones who got that number will have to stand up so I can write down the pairs in my book. After this, you'll have to switch to sit with your partners too so you can discuss what you'll do next week. Understood?" The whole class nodded. "Let's get started! One?"

It went on like that for a while, at least until it reached... 


Lazily, Soojung stood up and looked around the class for her partner. 

Her eyes widened when she saw who also got number 12, and slowly wished that this was not happening. 'Oh dear god please tell me that this is a nightmare.'

The other person who got 12 was the one and only Kai.

"This must be fate," Jongin smirked at Soojung, who rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Yeah, whatever. So basically, we're supposed to sing about animals and their organs. I have no idea how that freaking works," Soojung stabbed her pencil into her notebook until Jongin chuckled. Realizing how childish she must've looked, Soojung felt her face burn slightly. 

"If you want, I could make the melody and you could create the lyrics?" Jongin offered with a small shrug, and Soojung found herself liking the offer.

"Sure, why not?" She answered with a small (almost not visible) smile. "Should we meet up soon then?"

And then, Soojung realized how awkward it must've sounded and immediately tried to correct herself. "Not like a date! More like you know, to discuss about the assignment - "

"I'm not dumb," Jongin looked at her with a deadpanned look and Soojung looked at him sheepishly.

"Where should we meet up?" She asked again, trying to cover up her slip a few moments ago.

"How about your house?" Jongin answered, but Soojung immediately shook her head. 'I've never even let anyone come into my house ever since puberty! Not even my ex back in the States!'

"No!" Was her immediate response. "I mean, I don't think my parents are going to allow it so.. um... How about we meet at a cafe instead?" She suggested lamely.

Jongin raised an eyebrow at her, before a small smirk tugged on his lips. "Are you sure your parents don't allow that, or is it because you're just nervous?" Soojung glared at him. "Sure, I guess," He yawned.

"I'll text you the address of the cafe later then," Soojung said. 

But then she realized that she didn't have Jongin's number. Apparently, the male next to her sensed that as he started to chuckle.

"Here's my number. Text me," Jongin said as he scribbled down his number on Soojung's notebook, and Soojung was too busy mentally hitting herself for all the wrong reactions earlier to even care about his number.

On Sunday, Soojung sat on the old seat where she and Jongin used to sit all the time when they were younger. They were at one of her favorite cafe's - it was one of her favorites because of how many memories it contained. Wherever she turned, there would always be an old scene of her and Jongin replaying in her head. 'I wonder where he is... I mean, I still see his parents around town sometimes.' Oh, Soojung.

She was paying attention on the game on her phone where the usual 'costumer' bell rung, signaling that someone had just arrived. Soojung looked up and saw that it was Jongin. She closed the game and then took out her notebook, which contained the lyrics that she'd made for the song a few days ago.

"Nice place you chose," Jongin said with a small smirk after looking around. 

"I know it is," Was her curt answer. "Anyways, here are the lyrics!" She passed the notebook over to Jongin, who inspected it. After a few minutes, which caused Soojung to bite her lips because she was afraid that the critical reception that she'd get would be too harsh, Jongin put down the notebook and smiled.

"It's good."

'It's good'? Just two words? Somehow, Soojung felt slight disappointment at that. 'What did I expect him to say anyway? OH MY GOD THIS IS SO AMAZING ASLKFJSLDKFJo. Maybe I was expecting too much.' "How about you? Can I hear the melody?"

Jongin gave a small grin and then took out the guitar from the case that he'd brought. "Tell me what you think!" He started to play the song, and Soojung listened closely. She could definitely feel that he was good at playing the guitar, and the more he played, the more she started to think of how great the song was. It sounded like a K-Indie song more than anything.

Once he'd finished, Soojung clapped excitedly with a small smile. "It's amazing! Where did you learn how to play?"

"My dad taught me," Jongin smiled. "So, I guess we're good to go?"

"Of course not," Soojung rolled her eyes. "We haven't tested out the lyrics WITH the melody."

"Oh. Right," He chuckled, and then looked at her with a pointed gaze. "You're the one singing it right?" He gave a nod from Soojung to confirm his thoughts. "Alright, we can try it then."

He started to play the guitar again, and Soojung sang the lyrics. They didn't know if it was coincidence or fate, but the melody and the lyrics matched perfectly. Once the song ended, they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Wow, that was amazing! We are so going to blow the other ones out of the water," Soojung grinned, and Jongin high-fived her. "Where did you get inspiration for the melody?" She asked curiously.

"Memories," Jongin's reply was short, but behind that one word, it seemed like it held many words that he wanted to say. But somehow he couldn't. 

'I feel you bro,' Soojung thought, looking around the cafe again. "So..."

"I'm probably not going to go home until a while, so I guess we can just.. talk?" Soojung suggested weakly. Hey, even though Jongin annoyed her and it made her angry that he seemed to claim her as his, company was company. And she was still a civilized human being.

"You're the princess of awkwardness," Jongin said after a few moments. "Scratch that. My Princess of awkwardness," He then smirked at her and Soojung pretended to gag.

And as they continued to talk, their chatter and laughter filled the (almost) empty cafe.


Finally, an update! ^^ I hope you guys liked it. Sorry for not updating in a while :( I'll try my best to update faster. There will be LOTS of action in the next chapter, so I definitely do hope that you guys will wait for it. I feel so bad because I made you guys wait and updated with a horrible chapter :-( Oh well. 

Please comment and do subscribe! <3

- mondegreen.

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Emi_changiraffe #1
Chapter 12: Omg please update
soojungie94 #2
Chapter 12: Please update
DoubleChoi36 #3
Chapter 12: update soon pls. ur story is nice:)
Eririn #4
Will you be updating? This story is really good.
anahitatabrizi #5
Chapter 12: Omg finally someone from EXO know who she is !!!
Chapter 12: omg omg omg let there be sestal to make jongin jealous
maeg25 #7
Chapter 12: Please update..really like ur story..:)
fairy_angel #8
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD!!! this is interesting :D please update soon
Chapter 12: And also is Sehun gonna be the second lead?
/dramatic gasp/
It's gonna be so adorable
My ultimate otp is Kaistal but Sestal is like a side ship cos I think they are actually really good friends in reality cos they had a lot of moments (unlike Kaistal who are all shy and stuff and DEPRIVE US SHIPPERS OF FEELS BUT WE LOVE THEM ANYWAY)
I have mixed feelings about Kailli cos I love Sulli but not with Kai. SeSul is cool though.
AND OMG CHANYEOL AND JESSICA, totally saw that coming but still adorable
Sorry for my spam comments but I just really love and appreciate this treasure chest of FEELS
I was counting on Sehun being a genius and actually ask Krystal if she really is Jung Soojung instead of just thinking it like Jongin OTL YESSSS XD
The feels are alive
Thank youuu~